Reforming Islam

I'm with this guy:

Can Islam be Reformed?
April 26, 2015
A real reformation of the Islamic religion would require a repudiation of large parts of Muhammad's legacy, which is akin to reforming Christianity by repudiating Christ.

William Kilpatrick
Can Islam be Reformed? | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

Not gonna happen.
Oh, give it time. Liberalism and capitalism pretty much made Christianity a token religion.
Christianity began its reformation before liberalism existed as any kind of force. Duuhhhhh.

the reformation of Luther was not all that "LIBERAL"
Quite :)
Probably thinking of banishing demons from a person into some pigs near by.
Pigs aren't required for said process. He was just showing off, and killing innocent animals.

the pigs killed each other. The demons asked to be pigs. Mark 5:12
One, didn't know that Jesus took direct from demons, two, since they then rushed to their deaths that was a very poor choice. Pigs are not required to banish demons.

Seems you don't know the bible as well as you thought.
Demons did not order Jesus, they requested
And, he obeyed. Pretty odd actually but he was, as I said, showing off.
Big deal.
What else you got?
I'm with this guy:

Can Islam be Reformed?
April 26, 2015
A real reformation of the Islamic religion would require a repudiation of large parts of Muhammad's legacy, which is akin to reforming Christianity by repudiating Christ.

William Kilpatrick
Can Islam be Reformed? | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

Not gonna happen.
Oh, give it time. Liberalism and capitalism pretty much made Christianity a token religion.
Christianity began its reformation before liberalism existed as any kind of force. Duuhhhhh.
It was asleep again but that hardly matters eh? It did the job, nicely, after Luther got the ball rolling against the power of the Catholics.
Pigs aren't required for said process. He was just showing off, and killing innocent animals.

the pigs killed each other. The demons asked to be pigs. Mark 5:12
One, didn't know that Jesus took direct from demons, two, since they then rushed to their deaths that was a very poor choice. Pigs are not required to banish demons.

Seems you don't know the bible as well as you thought.
Demons did not order Jesus, they requested
And, he obeyed. Pretty odd actually but he was, as I said, showing off.
Big deal.
What else you got?
Nothing else is needed.
the pigs killed each other. The demons asked to be pigs. Mark 5:12
One, didn't know that Jesus took direct from demons, two, since they then rushed to their deaths that was a very poor choice. Pigs are not required to banish demons.

Seems you don't know the bible as well as you thought.
Demons did not order Jesus, they requested
And, he obeyed. Pretty odd actually but he was, as I said, showing off.
Big deal.
What else you got?
Nothing else is needed.
Why? What have you achieved?
One, didn't know that Jesus took direct from demons, two, since they then rushed to their deaths that was a very poor choice. Pigs are not required to banish demons.

Seems you don't know the bible as well as you thought.
Demons did not order Jesus, they requested
And, he obeyed. Pretty odd actually but he was, as I said, showing off.
Big deal.
What else you got?
Nothing else is needed.
Why? What have you achieved?
Showing that Jesus was no more perfect than any other man, who shits in the woods.
Seems you don't know the bible as well as you thought.
Demons did not order Jesus, they requested
And, he obeyed. Pretty odd actually but he was, as I said, showing off.
Big deal.
What else you got?
Nothing else is needed.
Why? What have you achieved?
Showing that Jesus was no more perfect than any other man, who shits in the woods.
What a waste of your time. He never claimed to be perfect. Lol.
Another unworkable idea fro Hirsi Ali:

Hirsi Ali’s solution to the difficulty is to divide Muhammad’s life into two periods: Mecca and Medina. After twelve years of trying to peacefully persuade his fellow Meccans that he was the messenger of God, Muhammad migrated with his followers to Medina, and began to use more forceful means of persuasion—raiding, looting, assassination, and warfare. The portion of the Koran that was composed during the years in Medina reflects this more militaristic mindset. Accordingly Hirsi Ali (and others), recommends that Muslims retain the more spiritual, religious form of Islam that developed in Mecca, and reject the supremacist and intolerant form that developed in Medina.

But, again, it won’t be easy. For starters, the Koran is not neatly divided into the Meccan period and the Medina period. Unlike the Bible, which is roughly chronological and which clearly separates the New Testament from the Old Testament, the Koran has no chronology. It contains 114 suras or chapters, but they are arranged arbitrarily by length with the largest suras coming first and the shortest, last. Thus, the early chapters may be from the Meccan period or maybe not. Scholars have been able to figure out which passages belong to which period, but ordinary people would be at a loss. To further complicate matters, some of the revelations received in Medina are included in some of the chapters begun in Mecca.

What makes Hirsi Ali’s suggestion even more problematic is that the Muslim calendar is dated not from 610 AD when Muhammad supposedly received his first revelation in Mecca, but from 622 AD when he migrated to Medina and commenced his warrior career. Muslim tradition, then, puts much more emphasis on the part of Muhammad’s life that Ali wants Muslims to repudiate—namely, “those parts of Muhammad’s legacy that summon Muslims to intolerance and war.”

Moreover, although the Meccan verses are more peaceful than the Medina verses, the intolerance was there from the start. Muhammad divided the world into believers (in Islam) and unbelievers, and he had very little use for the unbelievers. It’s difficult to find any chapters that don’t remind the reader of the wickedness and vileness of unbelievers. And there are few chapters from any period in Muhammad’s life that fail to describe in detail the well-deserved fate that awaits the unbeliever in hell.

Can Islam be Reformed? | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views
Muslim's will never allow Islam to be deformed like the west has done to Christianity. ..... :cool:
Time will tell on that one.
Muslims see how so called reforming of Christianity has turned the religion into marginalized and neutered shell of its former self.

We refuse to let that happen to Islam. ....... :cool:

I'm OK with peaceful Islam but you all need to call out the radicals....and mean it from the heart. I'm not seeing that

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