Refugees crossing into Hungary seek to avoid filing for asylum there


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I can't remember reading in the past if the refugees from World War II were allowed to choose in which country they wanted to settle,. I have met two families in the past, one of which had to go to Argentina and the other to Mexico. After several years there, they applied to come to the U.S. At the time they had to prove that they had $40,000 in order to come here.

Refugees crossing into Hungary seek to avoid filing for asylum there

Migrants breach a fence to cross into Hungary from Serbia. Many refugees do not wish to stay in either country.

(Dan Kitwood / Getty Images)
Just inside the Hungarian border, a Syrian man named Mohamed stood on the railroad tracks he had followed from Serbia. His white sweater was dirty and worn, and his face haggard. As hundreds of people trudged past him into Hungary, he looked warily at the police awaiting them.

He, his father and his cousins hoped to make it to Northern Europe. They knew that, under European Union rules, if they walked into the camp set up by border police, they probably would have to lodge their asylum claims in Hungary instead.

Europe's Migrant Crisis

"Did we escape from death in Syria to be stopped in Hungary?" said Mohamed, shaking his head. He declined to give his last name for fear of complicating his asylum claim.

"No to fingerprints," he said. "We will escape somehow. We escaped from [the government of Bashar] Assad, we can escape these police."

A quickly rising river of refugees and migrants is flowing into Hungary, reaching thousands per day and overwhelming the police. Conditions in the temporary detention camps on the border are miserable. And most of the new arrivals are desperate to not be registered in Hungary and are attempting to avoid police or escape from detention.

Under EU rules, once someone is registered in a member country, they might not be able to claim asylum in other nations, and few migrants want to stay in Hungary.

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Refugees crossing into Hungary seek to avoid filing for asylum there

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