Refugees Suing Because They Didn't Get School They "Deserved"


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
They came with an entitlement mentality. Must be a lot of promises made to them before they set foot here. Where do they get off coming in with a long list of demands and who is encouraging them to sue to get their way? I doubt they would have had a clue about our legal system considering where many came from. Suddenly, they are in America and think the world owes them. The idiots who are suing the school had been moved to a school for under achievers, which is probably where they belong since the schools they left are said to be substandard, hence the reason Obama is bringing them here. The U.N. stated that most are not refugees running from war and are seeking better education. They are suing because they aren't attending the school they wanted. Too fucking bad. Maybe they can blame the shitholes they came from for not having higher standards in education. That means that they are behind and belong in remedial classes. It's something they have to deal with and suing isn't going to make them smarter.

"Six refugees are suing a Pennsylvania school district, claiming they were dumped in a disciplinary school and are being denied access to a quality education.

The students, who range in age from 17 to 21, are from Somalia, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burma.

They had hoped to enter McCaskey High School in Lancaster, Pa., but were sent to Phoenix Academy, an alternative high school for "underachieving" students in the district.

The refugee students, who are being represented by the Pennsylvania branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, also claim to have been "traumatized" by security measures at Phoenix Academy, including pat-downs and property searches.

"[The] Plaintiffs are refugees who have fled war, violence, and persecution from their native countries," the lawsuit says. "Having finally escaped their turbulent environment to resettle in America, these young immigrants yearn to learn English and get an education so they can make a life for themselves."

"Our clients have already experienced much trauma and loss before arriving in this country," Reggie Shuford, executive director of the ACLU of Pennsylvania, said in a statement. "Rather than helping them make the difficult adjustment by providing educational resources required by law, the school district has denied them an education completely or forced them into an alternative school, where they are often bullied and don’t learn."

Somali refugee Qasim Hassan told the court through an interpreter, "I did not find the school that I deserved," PennLive reported."
Tell them "you win". Then send them back where they came from. And make them pay for their ticket.
Several thousands documents here but I came across some concerning the support that should be demanded for these refugees in Europe and here. Soros unleashed
The ambitions of the charities started by open society proponents.
They came with an entitlement mentality. Must be a lot of promises made to them before they set foot here. Where do they get off coming in with a long list of demands and who is encouraging them to sue to get their way? I doubt they would have had a clue about our legal system considering where many came from. Suddenly, they are in America and think the world owes them. The idiots who are suing the school had been moved to a school for under achievers, which is probably where they belong since the schools they left are said to be substandard, hence the reason Obama is bringing them here. The U.N. stated that most are not refugees running from war and are seeking better education. They are suing because they aren't attending the school they wanted. Too fucking bad. Maybe they can blame the shitholes they came from for not having higher standards in education. That means that they are behind and belong in remedial classes. It's something they have to deal with and suing isn't going to make them smarter.

"Six refugees are suing a Pennsylvania school district, claiming they were dumped in a disciplinary school and are being denied access to a quality education.

The students, who range in age from 17 to 21, are from Somalia, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burma.

They had hoped to enter McCaskey High School in Lancaster, Pa., but were sent to Phoenix Academy, an alternative high school for "underachieving" students in the district.

The refugee students, who are being represented by the Pennsylvania branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, also claim to have been "traumatized" by security measures at Phoenix Academy, including pat-downs and property searches.

"[The] Plaintiffs are refugees who have fled war, violence, and persecution from their native countries," the lawsuit says. "Having finally escaped their turbulent environment to resettle in America, these young immigrants yearn to learn English and get an education so they can make a life for themselves."

"Our clients have already experienced much trauma and loss before arriving in this country," Reggie Shuford, executive director of the ACLU of Pennsylvania, said in a statement. "Rather than helping them make the difficult adjustment by providing educational resources required by law, the school district has denied them an education completely or forced them into an alternative school, where they are often bullied and don’t learn."

Somali refugee Qasim Hassan told the court through an interpreter, "I did not find the school that I deserved," PennLive reported."

If they don't like the way things are done here, let them go back to Burma, Congo, Sudan, and Somalia and attend the fine educational institutions they have there.

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