Regarding "Beto".Now,Doesn't The Left Perceive White Males As Already Guilty Of A Particular Sin?

:right: :smoke: :cul2: Remember what the left accused Kavanaugh of? And especially over these last few years of hearing how the left claims that all white men are rapists? they were just born this way. And those few historic cases where a white male/or a group of white men were accused of raping a black/or white female. The MSM didn't waste time reporting these stories, and in the end they were all proved false, right?
Well now we have this boring Beta dude of whom may run for President. So what are we to make him out to be? Or is it only white men who voted for Trump all rapists?
Ya gotta stop listening to faux kid. Nobody but rwnjs ever said all white men are guilty of anything. It's made up bullshit.

And you swallowed it whole.


Yeah, whites only need to "shut up", according to democrats.
Democrats do not say that. Republican talking heads say that we say it, but they are lying to you as always.
It must have been the Progressive Socialist Senators making accusations that fooled us all during the Kavanaugh nomination hearings. He may still be a middle of the road plant. So don't worry even if you should not. Maizie of Hawaii spouted that "white men should shut Up" I spout that I would watch her family exterminated. I would give Hawaii to the Chinese. The Hawaiian natives do not like Americans anyway. Keep a small island and build military bases there and move on.
Ya gotta stop listening to faux kid. Nobody but rwnjs ever said all white men are guilty of anything. It's made up bullshit.

And you swallowed it whole.


Yeah, whites only need to "shut up", according to democrats.
Democrats do not say that. Republican talking heads say that we say it, but they are lying to you as always.

Actually they say literally just that, and every single self-hating leftist like yourself cheers.

I wonder if her name is originally brown or if it was changed to be that so that she could pay for her white sin.

Context old son, context is everything.

She said what she said, it's you that lied, not the republicans.

Leftists hate whites that's a given. And it's no wonder given that they are 100% dependent on white male tax dollars and yet white males in particular do not vote for them.

Lol, she never said anything about hating whites.

Come on man, listen to what's actually being said instead if what you've been told she said.
:right: :smoke: :cul2: Remember what the left accused Kavanaugh of? And especially over these last few years of hearing how the left claims that all white men are rapists? they were just born this way. And those few historic cases where a white male/or a group of white men were accused of raping a black/or white female. The MSM didn't waste time reporting these stories, and in the end they were all proved false, right?
Well now we have this boring Beta dude of whom may run for President. So what are we to make him out to be? Or is it only white men who voted for Trump all rapists?
You should tell us more about what the Left believes.
Beto is just another poor mexican........right?
Goggle who he is married to.
She comes from a family of BILLIONAIRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what about Hillary? many Americans see her as a "Regular White Guy"
:right: :smoke: :cul2: Remember what the left accused Kavanaugh of? And especially over these last few years of hearing how the left claims that all white men are rapists? they were just born this way. And those few historic cases where a white male/or a group of white men were accused of raping a black/or white female. The MSM didn't waste time reporting these stories, and in the end they were all proved false, right?
Well now we have this boring Beta dude of whom may run for President. So what are we to make him out to be? Or is it only white men who voted for Trump all rapists?
Ya gotta stop listening to faux kid. Nobody but rwnjs ever said all white men are guilty of anything. It's made up bullshit.

And you swallowed it whole.


Your lies continue getting less and less truthful as you are inserting your own head deeper and deeper in your own ass.

No white hatred to be found here:
37 Things White People Need To Stop Ruining In 2018
White Gay Men Are Hindering Our Progress as a Queer Community
White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it

This is the consensus opinion of whites among the leftists:


And no wonder, here is what their professors tell them:


Some people do need to shut up though, especially the self hating leftists like the above commenter.
No I don't to your OP, and of course MS Warren is a woman.

Be careful....none of us are anything...we are what we identify as...right?
Isn’t that what some wacko in a pink Britney Spears half-shirt, with an adams apple, a penis and a dress programmed you people to believe?
what about Rachael Dolezal? till this day, i have no idea if she is a white male/white female/black male/black female...etc etc
:right: :smoke: :cul2: Remember what the left accused Kavanaugh of? And especially over these last few years of hearing how the left claims that all white men are rapists? they were just born this way. And those few historic cases where a white male/or a group of white men were accused of raping a black/or white female. The MSM didn't waste time reporting these stories, and in the end they were all proved false, right?
Well now we have this boring Beta dude of whom may run for President. So what are we to make him out to be? Or is it only white men who voted for Trump all rapists?
Ya gotta stop listening to faux kid. Nobody but rwnjs ever said all white men are guilty of anything. It's made up bullshit.

And you swallowed it whole.


Your lies continue getting less and less truthful as you are inserting your own head deeper and deeper in your own ass.

No white hatred to be found here:
37 Things White People Need To Stop Ruining In 2018
White Gay Men Are Hindering Our Progress as a Queer Community
White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it

This is the consensus opinion of whites among the leftists:


And no wonder, here is what their professors tell them:


Some people do need to shut up though, especially the self hating leftists like the above commenter.
No, it's not. That's some far left extremists, not the mainstream party line. If you want to call that "all on the left" then you get to be David Duke's bitch. How would you like that Mr KKK?
:right: :smoke: :cul2: Remember what the left accused Kavanaugh of? And especially over these last few years of hearing how the left claims that all white men are rapists? they were just born this way. And those few historic cases where a white male/or a group of white men were accused of raping a black/or white female. The MSM didn't waste time reporting these stories, and in the end they were all proved false, right?
Well now we have this boring Beta dude of whom may run for President. So what are we to make him out to be? Or is it only white men who voted for Trump all rapists?
Ya gotta stop listening to faux kid. Nobody but rwnjs ever said all white men are guilty of anything. It's made up bullshit.

And you swallowed it whole.


Your lies continue getting less and less truthful as you are inserting your own head deeper and deeper in your own ass.

No white hatred to be found here:
37 Things White People Need To Stop Ruining In 2018
White Gay Men Are Hindering Our Progress as a Queer Community
White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it

This is the consensus opinion of whites among the leftists:


And no wonder, here is what their professors tell them:


Some people do need to shut up though, especially the self hating leftists like the above commenter.
No, it's not. That's some far left extremists, not the mainstream party line. If you want to call that "all on the left" then you get to be David Duke's bitch. How would you like that Mr KKK?

Your exact words were "Nobody but rwnjs ever". Are you lying again?
so many Beto threads!

well here's what i think of him: though he is young & intoxicated with the victory of doing well in the Texas race, he is a wise man!

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