Regarding Finding Dirt On Biden.Really?Don't Democrats Know It's On You Tube?,We Are All Dumb?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh: Really? dems are accusing Trump of asking the Ukraine to find dirt on Biden?
This is as laughable as Trump asking the Russians to find dirt on Hillary.
All we have to do is head for u-tube or the net and just plug in any of Bidens compilations.
How old is Biden? 79? 80? wouldnt the Dem's know that by now that we all know of Biden history and that we all know of his dirt and gaffes?
Unbelievable,,,and they wanna impeach Trump of doing this?
:huh1: :stupid:
The problem is that most Democrats don't care about corruption if is done by someone on their team. How else could they nominate the Clintons?

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