Registered Republicans: are there any GOP candidates you WOULD NOT vote for in the general election?


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
I am not a registered Republican, I'm third party. So I have a question, out of the remaining GOP candidates, if they win the nomination, which ones would you not vote for in the general election?

For me, if your party gives us:

Jeb Bush
John Kasich
Chris Christie

Then no way, no how I vote Republican.

Unfortunately, the best GOP candidate, Rand Paul, has no chance of getting the nomination.
At this point in time, I'd take any of the GOP candidates over any of the Democrats.

hiLIARy is a criminal who belongs in prison. How anyone could vote for that woman is beyond my comprehension. She sickens me.
Sanders is a socialist crackpot who should be deported to Venezuela for a first hand lesson in Socialism. His entire life is a failure. He's a tired old loser.
The other clown is an irrelevant pussy who apologized for saying "all lives matter". He's a man-kunt of the highest order. He should be ashamed of his own pussifcation.

Trump is the front runner with all the energy, charisma, and talent. His campaign has been nothing short of brilliant.
Cruz has a shot. But he is not well liked by anyone.There is no doubt that he is very smart...but we'll see what happens.
I like Rand Paul a great deal and I agree with him on almost every issue. But his campaign never got off the ground. He'd be a great VP choice.
La Raza Rubio is a war mongering neo-con who is soft on immigration and he's too young.
Christie is another war hungry tough talker. Too fat and too slippery. Put down the fork!
Kasich is a nice guy, but he is as dull as dishwater. His karate chop hands and jaw tick are hard to take,,,I couldn't stand 4 years of that.
Carson is a genuinely nice person. For that reason, he has no chance.
Bush was a good governor in FLA, he's just a lousy candidate that puts me to sleep. and did I mention he's another BUSH? No thanks.

The rest are irrelevant and should drop the fuck out.
I am not a registered Republican, I'm third party. So I have a question, out of the remaining GOP candidates, if they win the nomination, which ones would you not vote for in the general election?

For me, if your party gives us:

Jeb Bush
John Kasich
Chris Christie

Then no way, no how I vote Republican.

Unfortunately, the best GOP candidate, Rand Paul, has no chance of getting the nomination.

I agree with your list.
I am not a registered Republican, I'm third party. So I have a question, out of the remaining GOP candidates, if they win the nomination, which ones would you not vote for in the general election?

For me, if your party gives us:

Jeb Bush
John Kasich
Chris Christie

Then no way, no how I vote Republican.

Unfortunately, the best GOP candidate, Rand Paul, has no chance of getting the nomination.

May I ask why Kasich makes your list?

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