Registering Poor Voters Is ‘Un-American’

This is all part of the radical right agenda to disenfranchise poor voters who mostly vote Democrat.

So what's your plan? More spending on poor people? We already borrow 40% of everything we spend and that's resulted in $14.6 trillion in debt...$131,000 for each and every taxpayer? You have the kind of scratch? Do you really think we should to that debt?

"A government which robs Peter to pay Paul, can always count on the support of Paul." – George Bernard Shaw

No, Sparky, my plan is to allow all American citizens of voting age to VOTE - per the U.S. Constitution.

No, you want recipients to vote and we all damn well know you'd prefer Conservatives and Libertarians to not vote. That is crystal clear. Your plan stands in direct contradiction to the idea of not adding to our Shaw stated so well. So, it appears that you are in favor of adding to the debt and if so, how go you propose we pay this back without hyperinflation? $131k...will you be writing a check or paying in cash?
The Right Way to Hold a Voter Registration Drive

by Joe Garecht

Voter registration can be risky – there is no way for the campaign to know what candidate the voter will ultimately support . Each new voter that the campaign brings in could, in theory, become an extra vote for the campaign’s opponent. In order to increase the chances that the new voters will be inclined to vote for your candidate, only conduct registration drives in areas where your candidate has a high level of support. For example, if your demographics and polling tell you that the candidate is very popular (or could be very popular) with the citizens in Precinct E, then this precinct would be a good place to conduct a voter registration drive. The campaign must not conduct voter registration efforts in areas where the opposition enjoys high levels of support.

More: The Right Way to Hold a Voter Registration Drive

FREE cookouts in strategic areas make a lot of sense - and probably legal if free to all.
So post count equates to intelligence? I can't help but note you have far more than me. My guess is your just embarassed with the truth.

God I hope not.. What is TM's post count???

We're still trying to figure that out. We don't know what is the ratio of her posts vs. when she lets her puppy post.

Current best guesses are 18%/82% TM/puppy.

I'm thinking it's the other way around 18% puppy and 82% TDNM. Occasionally there is a relatively intelligent post from her account. I'm betting it's the puppy.
Next thing you know conservatives will be endorsing poll-taxes or literacy tests. WAIT!!! ..... they already did that :rolleyes: :
Voting Rights Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow.. you're still pissed about something that happened over 100 years ago?

Go down into the Bible Belt & start talking about how you're so glad the Union crushed the Rebels in the War of Southern Rebellion and see what kind of response you get ;D
I live in Alabama. Were I to say that, I'd get looked at like I was crazy, but you? You'd probably get your ass kicked. We dislike self righteous idiots here.
The Right Way to Hold a Voter Registration Drive

by Joe Garecht

Voter registration can be risky – there is no way for the campaign to know what candidate the voter will ultimately support . Each new voter that the campaign brings in could, in theory, become an extra vote for the campaign’s opponent. In order to increase the chances that the new voters will be inclined to vote for your candidate, only conduct registration drives in areas where your candidate has a high level of support. For example, if your demographics and polling tell you that the candidate is very popular (or could be very popular) with the citizens in Precinct E, then this precinct would be a good place to conduct a voter registration drive. The campaign must not conduct voter registration efforts in areas where the opposition enjoys high levels of support.

More: The Right Way to Hold a Voter Registration Drive

FREE cookouts in strategic areas make a lot of sense - and probably legal if free to all.

This explains why liberals are afraid of voter registration. They know that if more people are registered, they can't control where, or what party they vote for. Since they can't control it, they are against it.
Supreme Court Weighs Voter ID Requirements

by Nina Totenberg

"We found that although there is fraud in the system, it doesn't take place at the polling place," Wang says.

Royal Masset, a consultant who by his own estimate has been involved in some 5,000 Republican campaigns in Texas, agrees.

"My experience is that in-person voter fraud is nonexistent," he says. "It doesn't happen, and if you really analyze it, it makes no sense because who's going to take the risk of going to jail on something so blatant that maybe changes one vote?"

Voter fraud does exist, say the experts, but in more systematic ways, through ballot box stuffing, voter machine manipulation, registration list manipulation and absentee balloting.

More: Supreme Court Weighs Voter ID Requirements : NPR

NOTE: The above article is dated January 9, 2008.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that states can require voters to produce photo identification without violating their constitutional rights, validating Republican-inspired voter ID laws.

Georgia Supreme Court upholds state voter ID law
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A hell of lot more than will be willing to admit it.

If you pay taxes, then you should vote. However, about half of Americans don't pay any federal tax. Instead, they benefit from the Democrats redistributional themes.

The main reason half of households don't pay any federal income taxes are tax policies signed into law by GOP presidents, or passed by GOP Congresses.

So I guess the conservative scheme is, lower taxes on low income Americans, and then claim they don't deserve to vote because their taxes are too low.

Holy shit did a Liberal Just Admit that the Poor have Republicans to thank for their low Tax Rates? Here I thought Republicans only gave tax cuts to the Rich.
In Texas thew register you to vote when you apply for social services.

Foodstamps and TANF are federal programs and thus have federal regs....

one of which is that applicants are afforded the opportunity to register. Voter registration materials must be in the lobbies, and all applicants must be offered the opportunity to register at intake, and the state is obliged to pay for postage and deliver their application to the courthouse....

Yes indeed.


Just because the ever-so-non-partisan Jerry Brown did not find them guilty of breaking the law in California doesn't mean that what many ACORN employees said in several states wasn't disgusting and immoral.

Just because one ACORN employee did the right thing and called the police doesn't excuse the SEVERAL other employees that were ready and willing to help them scam taxpayers and overlook child prostitution.

Nobody got the impression that EVERY ACORN employee was evil and fucked up as Rachel implied but the fact remains several ACORN employees clearly committed fraud, abused taxpayer funds, and overlooked child prostitution. That's enough to damn the organization.

Rachel didn't show all the other clearly damning statements by other ACORN employees did she? Only the few that were edited. All those other obscene statements...not a peep from Rachel or old Moonbeam. Those statements were so blatantly obscene that no editing in the world could have made a difference, which is why she conveniently overlooked them. You're just pissed that the mindset of your liberal bureaucracies were exposed for what they are.

Again, FAIL.
In Texas thew register you to vote when you apply for social services.

Foodstamps and TANF are federal programs and thus have federal regs....

one of which is that applicants are afforded the opportunity to register. Voter registration materials must be in the lobbies, and all applicants must be offered the opportunity to register at intake, and the state is obliged to pay for postage and deliver their application to the courthouse....

Yes indeed.

Wonder if they need ID to get the benefits?

Identification such as a driver’s license, state ID, birth certificate or alien card;
Proof of income such as pay stubs, Social Security, SSI or a pension for each member of your household;
Proof of how much you spend for child care;
Rent receipts or proof of your mortgage payments;
Records of your utility costs; and
Medical bills for those members of your household age 60 or older, and for those who receive government payments such as Social Security or SSI because they are disabled.

Not only would I, but so would my family members. Wow, This would solve the problem being discussed in another thread.
In Texas thew register you to vote when you apply for social services.

Foodstamps and TANF are federal programs and thus have federal regs....

one of which is that applicants are afforded the opportunity to register. Voter registration materials must be in the lobbies, and all applicants must be offered the opportunity to register at intake, and the state is obliged to pay for postage and deliver their application to the courthouse....

Yes indeed.

Wonder if they need ID to get the benefits?

Identification such as a driver’s license, state ID, birth certificate or alien card;
Proof of income such as pay stubs, Social Security, SSI or a pension for each member of your household;
Proof of how much you spend for child care;
Rent receipts or proof of your mortgage payments;
Records of your utility costs; and
Medical bills for those members of your household age 60 or older, and for those who receive government payments such as Social Security or SSI because they are disabled.

Not only would I, but so would my family members. Wow, This would solve the problem being discussed in another thread.

Food Stamp Facts

yes, you have to produce some sort of ID to get foodstamps.
For tanf, you also have to verify citizenship.

UNLESS there are extenuating circumstances, such as DV, where you can't access those docs (but there's no reason to doubt they exist).
Records of utility bills if the amount being claimed is in question
Medical bills for elderly/disabled who want to get a deduction for what they pay out of pocket for insurance/medication/co-pays etc
child care statements if there is a question about the amount they claim (seldom because the state pays for this, and it's a flat rate based on the hours worked and the income received by the household)
I can find no credible proof that any ACORN activities illegally affected the outcome of any elections.

those would be the elections where Acorn didn't get CAUGHT.


So do you like all thugs and criminals, or are you partial to those who focus their attentions on thwarting lawful voters of their right to vote and be heard?

Fraud Map :: Rotten Acorn ::

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