Registering Poor Voters Is ‘Un-American’

Interesting that in every case of a right, we allow the person to choose on exercising the right or not. Yet some will track down a person, envade their privacy and pressure them into using a right to vote. The government PAYS for this right to be used.
Franken Scores: More Ballots Found In Democratic Stronghold

Days after it was reported that 133 ballots were missing in the Minneapolis portion of the Minnesota Senate recount, local officials in the city said they had discovered a misplaced stack of ballots. Democratic sources in the state, meanwhile, say that this group of votes were not counted on the day of the election, meaning they will have a larger effect on the outcome of the recount.

By mid-day Friday a spokesperson for the city, Matt Laible, said that the envelope contained about 10 absentee ballots -- a small number compared to the total number of votes casts in the state, but potentially very significant. An hour or so later, Marc Elias, Franken's lawyer, declared that with all precincts recounted the campaign's internal numbers had them ahead by a mere four votes.

"We are moving on to the next stage of the process," said Elias. "We are not declaring victory."

As such, the findings of the missing absentee ballots -- which Laible said would not be tallied immediately -- are being cheered by Al Franken's campaign not merely because they come from a deeply Democratic area of the city and promise to bolster the vote total of the Democratic challenger. But over the past few weeks, the Franken team has been arguing that the recount process must be more comprehensive and thorough. Indeed, on a conference call with reporters, Elias announced that the campaign was sending a letter to officials in the state's 87 counties, urging them to redouble their efforts to look into missing ballots, including improperly rejected absentee ballots.

Earlier in the week, election officials discovered more than 170 ballots in Ramsey County that, once counted, added 37 votes to Franken's total. The disappearance of 133 ballots from Minneapolis, however, has thrust both campaigns into full-on political hysteria. During a conference call on Thursday, aides to Franken argued that the disappearance of these votes would effectively throw the election to Sen. Norm Coleman.

The Coleman camp's response, meanwhile, was a bit more confused. The Senator's lawyer, Fritz Knaak, declared on Thursday that they did "not know that there are any ballots missing, and it is premature and simply irresponsible to suggest that they are."

At the same time, the local press was reporting that instead of accidentally counting 133 ballots twice on Election Day (the alternative explanation for why those votes had gone missing) local officials had determined a single envelope of ballots was in fact missing.

This was the second time Knaak had misstated a recount-related issue. Four days after the election, he declared that a Minneapolis elections director had ridden around the city with 32 ballots in her car -- raising questions of her integrity -- when she discovered them after the election. It turned out, however, that the ballots had been transported properly back to Minneapolis City Hall from a precinct, before briefly being misplaced.


UPDATE: Talking Points Memo quotes a local election official saying that, if the state can't find the 133 ballots that are missing in Minneapolis, they may simply include the Election Night total for the precinct in place of a recount total. This would be a big victory for Franken as well, as he would "avoid losing a net 46 votes if [the ballots] were disregarded."

Voter fraud at it's finest!!! Nyet???


dear are you aware of the republican WINS by vertue on "DISCOVERED BAGS OF VOTES"?

dear are you aware of the republican WINS by vertue on "DISCOVERED BAGS OF VOTES"?

Obviously not, but would sure love to see a few links from the past decade.
Thanks in advance, pookie ;)
Excellent attempt, and I thank you for that!
This is an op-ed piece and links to actual news stories are 404.

"Republican Finds Magical Bag of Uncounted Votes in Connecticut
If election day is Democracy's Christmas, then discovering a big bag of uncounted votes is like finding a sweet flatscreen HD television under your tree. Connecticut Republican gubernatorial candidate, Tom Foley, claims a bag of uncounted ballots just turned up!

The bag of votes was discovered in Bridgeport, CT, which was plagued by a bunch of near-slapstick-level voting snafus on Tuesday. Most egregiously, they ran out of official ballots and had to use photocopies instead. The bag of votes appears to be full of those photocopied ballots, so an elections official might want to check the surveillance footage of local Kinkos to make sure Foley wasn't up all night printing hundreds of pre-checked ballots and stuffing them into a sack"

I do give you points for trying though! Oh and Tom Foley was not a precinct captain, nor a poll watcher.
The BRAD BLOG : Danaher/Shouptronic

Clay County, KY, Election Officials Sentenced to 156 Years in Election Rigging Case; ALSO: Voting Machines Impounded in Perry County, KY

It is now officially impossible to know whether thousands of paper ballots being counted in the state of Wisconsin's Supreme Court election "recount" are the same ones actually cast on Election Day. It didn't have to be that way, unlike in Kentucky, where the voters never had a chance, and where high-ranking election officials have now been sentenced to more than 150 years in federal jail following "decades" of manipulated elections.
I still remember how impulsively and unfairly Congress moved to kill ACORN - which was later vindicated.

ACORN "Not Guilty" | TPMCafe

John Atlas: ACORN Vindicated of Wrongdoing by the Congressional Watchdog Office

The fact that once ACORN was NOT GUILTY is indeed news, given the number of times they have been found GUILTY GUILTY AND FUCKING GUILTY over the years.

Please cite all the cases where ACORN, the organization, was found guilty of anything. Were there employees of the organization that committed fraudulent acts? Absolutely...and I certainly hope they were prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but how does that make ACORN, the organization, guilty of anything?

Do you know how many members of the US military rape and kill every year? Do the acts of these individuals mean that the military is guilty of their crimes?

Actually, ACORN is guilty of the same thing many of these registration organizations are guilty of...paying by the number of registrations, not by the hour. If you want to pay people for the registrations they submit, they should get paid ONLY for qualified submissions.

Quantity over quality seldom works well...
Why do you constantly ignore the facts given you?

Because facts conflict with conservative dogma.


Given the fact that incidents of fraud investigations are statistically zero, there can be only two motives as to laws addressing ‘voter fraud.’

1. Ignorance of the facts.

2. An awareness of the facts but also an understanding that ‘anti-fraud’ measures may have a chilling effect on poor and minority voters, perceived to be mostly ‘democratic voters,’ discouraging them from going to the polls.

Let’s concede the republican motive isn’t predicated on race, merely an effort to exploit every possible advantage, such as keeping likely democratic voters from voting.

But laws must be enacted in good faith, based on facts and what’s best for the community as a whole. Laws concerning ‘voter fraud’ clearly don’t meet this standard.
I am so sick of this bull, I grew up dirt poor but my parents found a way to vote. This is just the left trying to get to think we hold them down but its not they hold their self down. What is the saying . If there is a will there is a way

Your "dirt poor" parents weren't required to provide photo ID at the polls. Republicans have been passing and trying to pass some of the most restrictive voter ID laws in our history.

Here are some actual studies of these voter ID laws:

Study Links Voter ID Rules to Non-Voting

Policy Brief on Voter Identification

and for the "fiscally conservative"...

Voter ID laws carry hefty price tag for cash-strapped states

And for what?

In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud

Bullshit they didn't.

The first time I voted, I lived in Eugene Oregon and had to not only provide ID, it had to be current, have my current address on it, and if it didn't I had to provide something that had my current address on it. I had to take my ID AND my light bill.

Fraud Map :: Rotten Acorn ::

The Employment Policies Institute is a crock of wingnut crap. Not exactly a reliable source.

" Larry Lomax, the registrar of voters in Las Vegas, says he believes 48% of Acorn's forms "are clearly fraudulent." On Thursday, prosecutors in Pittsburgh, Pa., also charged seven Acorn employees with filing hundreds of fraudulent voter registrations before last year's general election."

More Acorn Voter Fraud Comes to Light -

So far 2010 has been a banner year for ACORN voter fraud prosecutions.
In Milwaukee, former ACORN worker Maria L. Miles, who worked with Clancy, pleaded guilty to “falsely procuring voter registration.” She will be sentenced next month.
Also in Milwaukee, Frank Edmund Walton was convicted of “falsely procuring voter registration.” According to Van Hollen, Walton solicited voter registrations while working for a group called the Community Voter Project. Court documents indicate that after committing the crime he became an ACORN employee. Walton will be sentenced in December.
In Washington state, ex-ACORN canvasser Kendra Lynn Thill was convicted of voter registration fraud and given a 12-month deferred sentence.
In Miami, Florida, former ACORN voter registration canvassers Maurice Childress, Kashawn John, Liltovia Rhodes, Carlos Torres, Evangeline Williams, Lilkevia Williams, and Richard Williams, were all convicted of “false swearing in an election.” All were sentenced to probation, community service, and forbidden to participate in political campaigns, according to the office of Katherine Fernandez Rundle, State Attorney for Miami-Dade County. In addition, Childress and Richard Williams were ordered to serve 72 days and 125 days in jail, respectively.
Arrest warrants were issued for three other former ACORN canvassers in the Miami area who are apparently still at large.

Read more: The voter fraud hall of shame: Milwaukee voter fraud conviction makes ACORN
"Government watchdogs are blasting the Obama campaign’s decision to name its 2012 voter-registration initiative “Project Vote” — the same name as a group closely linked to the discredited ACORN organization.

Members of ACORN were caught on undercover video giving two supposed clients detailed instructions on how to commit fraud, and ACORN faced a number of voter-registration fraud cases following the 2008 election.

Use of the Project Vote name by the Obama campaign is “truly astonishing,” Tom Fitton, president of the conservative Judicial Watch good-government group, tells Newsmax. “We knew President Obama was the president from ACORN. And if this isn’t an indication of it, we don’t know what is.”

ACORN-linked Project Vote is a Washington, D.C.-based 501c3 nonprofit organization that supports voter-registration drives in “historically underrepresented communities.”

But there is “no wall of separation” between Project Vote and the well-known ACORN organization, according to Matthew Vadum, the Capital Research Center editor who wrote “Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts Are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers.”

He calls Project Vote “the branch of ACORN that’s most notorious for voter fraud.”

Read more on Outrage as Obama Names New Voter Initiative After ACORN

The woman he's chosen to head up "Project Vote" has actually pled no contest to unethical behavior in the past.
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"As an example he cites Project Vote’s field director, listed on its website as Amy Busefink. In November, she pled no contest to two counts of conspiracy to commit the crime in Nevada of compensation for registration of voters. In January, she received a year of probation and a $4,000 fine. Vadum calls that incident “a major ACORN-approved voter fraud conspiracy.”

Read more on Outrage as Obama Names New Voter Initiative After ACORN
I still remember how impulsively and unfairly Congress moved to kill ACORN - which was later vindicated.

ACORN "Not Guilty" | TPMCafe

John Atlas: ACORN Vindicated of Wrongdoing by the Congressional Watchdog Office

The fact that once ACORN was NOT GUILTY is indeed news, given the number of times they have been found GUILTY GUILTY AND FUCKING GUILTY over the years.

Please cite all the cases where ACORN, the organization, was found guilty of anything. Were there employees of the organization that committed fraudulent acts? Absolutely...and I certainly hope they were prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but how does that make ACORN, the organization, guilty of anything?

Do you know how many members of the US military rape and kill every year? Do the acts of these individuals mean that the military is guilty of their crimes?

Actually, ACORN is guilty of the same thing many of these registration organizations are guilty of...paying by the number of registrations, not by the hour. If you want to pay people for the registrations they submit, they should get paid ONLY for qualified submissions.

Quantity over quality seldom works well...

You guys are fucking idiots.

In Miami, seven former ACORN voter registration canvassers were convicted of "false swearing-in an election," and sentenced to probation and community service and banned from participating in future political campaigns, according to court documents.
In Pennsylvania, six of seven former ACORN workers who were charged in an investigation were convicted of unsworn falsification and interference with election officials. Four have reached a plea agreement on reduced charges and will serve two years of probation. Cases against two others who entered pleas to reduced charges are pending.
Charges against the seventh, Eric Jordan, are not being prosecuted because Jordan has pleaded guilty to much more serious charges, including aggravated assault, resisting arrest and carrying firearms without a license.
In Milwaukee, three former ACORN workers have been convicted of election fraud.
Last week, Kevin Clancy was sentenced to 10 months in prison for his role in submitting falsified voter registration forms before the 2008 election. Clancy will start his sentence once he finishes another sentence he is currently serving for armed robbery.
Clancy's co-worker, Maria Miles, who pleaded guilty to election fraud in August, will be sentenced on Dec. 6.
In September, Frank Walton pleaded guilty to submitting 54 fake voter registrations during the 2008 presidential campaign. He faces up to 42 months in prison and a $10,000 fine when he's sentenced Dec. 6.
In Washington state, Kendra Lynn Thill was convicted in March of voter registration fraud in the 2006 midterm election. In Nevada, a former ACORN supervisor pleaded the equivalent of a no-contest in a case alleging that canvassers were illegally paid to register voters during the 2008 campaign. But while Amy Busefink's plea acknowledges the state had evidence for a conviction at trial, her lawyer said she still plans to challenge the constitutionality of the state law prohibiting paying canvassers based on the number of voter registration forms they turn in.

Read more: 18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted Or Admitted Guilt In Election Fraud |

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