Registering Poor Voters Is ‘Un-American’

Amy who admitted conspiracy to commit voter fraud, is Obama's right hand man in Project Vote.

Which uses the same offices, equipment, staff and $$ that Acorn does.

This sort of criminal fraud is Obama's specialty.
The fact that once ACORN was NOT GUILTY is indeed news, given the number of times they have been found GUILTY GUILTY AND FUCKING GUILTY over the years.

Please cite all the cases where ACORN, the organization, was found guilty of anything. Were there employees of the organization that committed fraudulent acts? Absolutely...and I certainly hope they were prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but how does that make ACORN, the organization, guilty of anything?

Do you know how many members of the US military rape and kill every year? Do the acts of these individuals mean that the military is guilty of their crimes?

Actually, ACORN is guilty of the same thing many of these registration organizations are guilty of...paying by the number of registrations, not by the hour. If you want to pay people for the registrations they submit, they should get paid ONLY for qualified submissions.

Quantity over quality seldom works well...

You guys are fucking idiots.

In Miami, seven former ACORN voter registration canvassers were convicted of "false swearing-in an election," and sentenced to probation and community service and banned from participating in future political campaigns, according to court documents.
In Pennsylvania, six of seven former ACORN workers who were charged in an investigation were convicted of unsworn falsification and interference with election officials. Four have reached a plea agreement on reduced charges and will serve two years of probation. Cases against two others who entered pleas to reduced charges are pending.
Charges against the seventh, Eric Jordan, are not being prosecuted because Jordan has pleaded guilty to much more serious charges, including aggravated assault, resisting arrest and carrying firearms without a license.
In Milwaukee, three former ACORN workers have been convicted of election fraud.
Last week, Kevin Clancy was sentenced to 10 months in prison for his role in submitting falsified voter registration forms before the 2008 election. Clancy will start his sentence once he finishes another sentence he is currently serving for armed robbery.
Clancy's co-worker, Maria Miles, who pleaded guilty to election fraud in August, will be sentenced on Dec. 6.
In September, Frank Walton pleaded guilty to submitting 54 fake voter registrations during the 2008 presidential campaign. He faces up to 42 months in prison and a $10,000 fine when he's sentenced Dec. 6.
In Washington state, Kendra Lynn Thill was convicted in March of voter registration fraud in the 2006 midterm election. In Nevada, a former ACORN supervisor pleaded the equivalent of a no-contest in a case alleging that canvassers were illegally paid to register voters during the 2008 campaign. But while Amy Busefink's plea acknowledges the state had evidence for a conviction at trial, her lawyer said she still plans to challenge the constitutionality of the state law prohibiting paying canvassers based on the number of voter registration forms they turn in.

Read more: 18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted Or Admitted Guilt In Election Fraud |

Employees of the organization...just like I said. So should the Army be disbanded for this:

Ex-Soldier Convicted Twice of Eastburn Triple Murder Appeals Again

Military man charged in deaths of two women

Army Private Ordered to Stand Trial in Rape of Half-Sister
The fact that once ACORN was NOT GUILTY is indeed news, given the number of times they have been found GUILTY GUILTY AND FUCKING GUILTY over the years.

Please cite all the cases where ACORN, the organization, was found guilty of anything. Were there employees of the organization that committed fraudulent acts? Absolutely...and I certainly hope they were prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but how does that make ACORN, the organization, guilty of anything?

Do you know how many members of the US military rape and kill every year? Do the acts of these individuals mean that the military is guilty of their crimes?

Actually, ACORN is guilty of the same thing many of these registration organizations are guilty of...paying by the number of registrations, not by the hour. If you want to pay people for the registrations they submit, they should get paid ONLY for qualified submissions.

Quantity over quality seldom works well...

You guys are fucking idiots.

In Miami, seven former ACORN voter registration canvassers were convicted of "false swearing-in an election," and sentenced to probation and community service and banned from participating in future political campaigns, according to court documents.
In Pennsylvania, six of seven former ACORN workers who were charged in an investigation were convicted of unsworn falsification and interference with election officials. Four have reached a plea agreement on reduced charges and will serve two years of probation. Cases against two others who entered pleas to reduced charges are pending.
Charges against the seventh, Eric Jordan, are not being prosecuted because Jordan has pleaded guilty to much more serious charges, including aggravated assault, resisting arrest and carrying firearms without a license.
In Milwaukee, three former ACORN workers have been convicted of election fraud.
Last week, Kevin Clancy was sentenced to 10 months in prison for his role in submitting falsified voter registration forms before the 2008 election. Clancy will start his sentence once he finishes another sentence he is currently serving for armed robbery.
Clancy's co-worker, Maria Miles, who pleaded guilty to election fraud in August, will be sentenced on Dec. 6.
In September, Frank Walton pleaded guilty to submitting 54 fake voter registrations during the 2008 presidential campaign. He faces up to 42 months in prison and a $10,000 fine when he's sentenced Dec. 6.
In Washington state, Kendra Lynn Thill was convicted in March of voter registration fraud in the 2006 midterm election. In Nevada, a former ACORN supervisor pleaded the equivalent of a no-contest in a case alleging that canvassers were illegally paid to register voters during the 2008 campaign. But while Amy Busefink's plea acknowledges the state had evidence for a conviction at trial, her lawyer said she still plans to challenge the constitutionality of the state law prohibiting paying canvassers based on the number of voter registration forms they turn in.

Read more: 18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted Or Admitted Guilt In Election Fraud |

Yes temp workers who ACORN turned into the authorities for defrauding ACORN by producing false voter reg cards to get PAID by ACORN.

Are you aware that if you registar people tpo vote you HAVE TO TURN IN ALL FILLED OUT CARDS ?

If this was not the law entities could throw away people registrations.


ACORN would flag the ones they felt were questionable.

They flagged them themselves GET IT!

These employees are temp workers hired and get paid by the number of regs they bring in.

The victim in these crimes is ACORN, they got cheated by these employees.

NO election was effected, no false VOTES cast.

ACORN got cheated and was the victim.

You just lap up the lies of the right.
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Juries lap it up, too, apparently, since they were CONVICTED.

Thugs, criminals all...from the very bottom to the top of that cesspool. Of course you love them. Anything to oppress Americans!
Voting is not about poor or rich, even though left wants to make it like that. Every adult citizen has the right to vote and it's up to them to exercise that right. Calling people to vote is a good thing, except if you offering them to vote in exchange for something.

You wanna make people to register and to vote, then don't just say it's a citizens right, make it a citizens duty, make it mandatory to show up at the poll on election day, and if you don't show, you pay the fine. Some would cry that is infringement of liberty, but if you want every vote to count, lets then make everyone to vote.
I am so sick of this bull, I grew up dirt poor but my parents found a way to vote. This is just the left trying to get to think we hold them down but its not they hold their self down. What is the saying . If there is a will there is a way

Your "dirt poor" parents weren't required to provide photo ID at the polls. Republicans have been passing and trying to pass some of the most restrictive voter ID laws in our history.

Here are some actual studies of these voter ID laws:

Study Links Voter ID Rules to Non-Voting

Policy Brief on Voter Identification

and for the "fiscally conservative"...

Voter ID laws carry hefty price tag for cash-strapped states

And for what?

In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud

Bullshit they didn't.

The first time I voted, I lived in Eugene Oregon and had to not only provide ID, it had to be current, have my current address on it, and if it didn't I had to provide something that had my current address on it. I had to take my ID AND my light bill.

I don't think she was talking about today. She was trying one of the "I used to walk miles in the snow to school" stories about how her dirt poor parents managed to vote despite being poor (I'm guessing in response to actual STUDIES that show how these super restrictive voter ID laws disenfranchise the poor and students). When her dirt poor parents managed to vote, despite being poor (although, obviously not black), states did NOT have these restrictive ID laws in this one:

One of the most restrictive laws requiring voter IDs was passed in South Carolina. To obtain the free state ID now required to vote, the 178,000 South Carolinians who currently lack one must pay for a passport or a birth certificate.

Look for many, many court challenges to these voter ID laws...especially since the SCOTUS left the door open with it's ruling on Indiana's law. As justice Stevens noted:

the new identification requirement may have imposed a special burden on their right to vote.

You are disenfranchising more voters than you are combating actual voter fraud. You are more likely to be struck by lightening than to encounter actual voter fraud.
From post # one:

"It is profoundly antisocial and un-American to empower the nonproductive segments of the population

What about veterans who served their country in time or war, and who are now mentally disabled due to injury or emotional trauma? Should they be denied the right to vote as well?
I have never voted when I did not have to provide ID. Not once in the last 40 years voting in six different states!

This is one of those manufacutred complaints that is mostly based on hysteria-smoke-and-mirrors
Juries lap it up, too, apparently, since they were CONVICTED.

Thugs, criminals all...from the very bottom to the top of that cesspool. Of course you love them. Anything to oppress Americans!

No juries convicted the GUILTY.

YOU are convicting the Victim of the crime
I have never voted when I did not have to provide ID. Not once in the last 40 years voting in six different states!

This is one of those manufacutred complaints that is mostly based on hysteria-smoke-and-mirrors

I only ever showed my voter card.

These laws will have a negative effect on voter turn out and end no voting crime while costing milllions of tax payer dollars.
From post # one:

"It is profoundly antisocial and un-American to empower the nonproductive segments of the population

What about veterans who served their country in time or war, and who are now mentally disabled due to injury or emotional trauma? Should they be denied the right to vote as well?

That is the plan.

historically republicans win elections when fewer people vote.
From post # one:

"It is profoundly antisocial and un-American to empower the nonproductive segments of the population

What about veterans who served their country in time or war, and who are now mentally disabled due to injury or emotional trauma? Should they be denied the right to vote as well?

That is the plan.

historically republicans win elections when fewer people vote.

Post a link in which it says the vote will be denied to disabled veterans.
Please cite all the cases where ACORN, the organization, was found guilty of anything. Were there employees of the organization that committed fraudulent acts? Absolutely...and I certainly hope they were prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but how does that make ACORN, the organization, guilty of anything?

Do you know how many members of the US military rape and kill every year? Do the acts of these individuals mean that the military is guilty of their crimes?

Actually, ACORN is guilty of the same thing many of these registration organizations are guilty of...paying by the number of registrations, not by the hour. If you want to pay people for the registrations they submit, they should get paid ONLY for qualified submissions.

Quantity over quality seldom works well...

You guys are fucking idiots.

In Miami, seven former ACORN voter registration canvassers were convicted of "false swearing-in an election," and sentenced to probation and community service and banned from participating in future political campaigns, according to court documents.
In Pennsylvania, six of seven former ACORN workers who were charged in an investigation were convicted of unsworn falsification and interference with election officials. Four have reached a plea agreement on reduced charges and will serve two years of probation. Cases against two others who entered pleas to reduced charges are pending.
Charges against the seventh, Eric Jordan, are not being prosecuted because Jordan has pleaded guilty to much more serious charges, including aggravated assault, resisting arrest and carrying firearms without a license.
In Milwaukee, three former ACORN workers have been convicted of election fraud.
Last week, Kevin Clancy was sentenced to 10 months in prison for his role in submitting falsified voter registration forms before the 2008 election. Clancy will start his sentence once he finishes another sentence he is currently serving for armed robbery.
Clancy's co-worker, Maria Miles, who pleaded guilty to election fraud in August, will be sentenced on Dec. 6.
In September, Frank Walton pleaded guilty to submitting 54 fake voter registrations during the 2008 presidential campaign. He faces up to 42 months in prison and a $10,000 fine when he's sentenced Dec. 6.
In Washington state, Kendra Lynn Thill was convicted in March of voter registration fraud in the 2006 midterm election. In Nevada, a former ACORN supervisor pleaded the equivalent of a no-contest in a case alleging that canvassers were illegally paid to register voters during the 2008 campaign. But while Amy Busefink's plea acknowledges the state had evidence for a conviction at trial, her lawyer said she still plans to challenge the constitutionality of the state law prohibiting paying canvassers based on the number of voter registration forms they turn in.

Read more: 18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted Or Admitted Guilt In Election Fraud |

Yes temp workers who ACORN turned into the authorities for defrauding ACORN by producing false voter reg cards to get PAID by ACORN.

Are you aware that if you registar people tpo vote you HAVE TO TURN IN ALL FILLED OUT CARDS ?

If this was not the law entities could throw away people registrations.


ACORN would flag the ones they felt were questionable.

They flagged them themselves GET IT!

These employees are temp workers hired and get paid by the number of regs they bring in.

The victim in these crimes is ACORN, they got cheated by these employees.

NO election was effected, no false VOTES cast.

ACORN got cheated and was the victim.

You just lap up the lies of the right.

If they have flagged them all as you say it would have been a non issue. Yet court records prove your contention FULL OF SHIT!!!
From post # one:

"It is profoundly antisocial and un-American to empower the nonproductive segments of the population

What about veterans who served their country in time or war, and who are now mentally disabled due to injury or emotional trauma? Should they be denied the right to vote as well?

That is the plan.

historically republicans win elections when fewer people vote.

Yes, because those are LEGAL ELECTIONS that actually reflect the will of living, breathing, REAL humans.

Dems historically win elections when voter fraud is committed.
From post # one:

What about veterans who served their country in time or war, and who are now mentally disabled due to injury or emotional trauma? Should they be denied the right to vote as well?

That is the plan.

historically republicans win elections when fewer people vote.

Yes, because those are LEGAL ELECTIONS that actually reflect the will of living, breathing, REAL humans.

Dems historically win elections when voter fraud is committed.

That is a flat our LIE.

go get your documentation or admitt you are lying.
You guys are fucking idiots.

In Miami, seven former ACORN voter registration canvassers were convicted of "false swearing-in an election," and sentenced to probation and community service and banned from participating in future political campaigns, according to court documents.
In Pennsylvania, six of seven former ACORN workers who were charged in an investigation were convicted of unsworn falsification and interference with election officials. Four have reached a plea agreement on reduced charges and will serve two years of probation. Cases against two others who entered pleas to reduced charges are pending.
Charges against the seventh, Eric Jordan, are not being prosecuted because Jordan has pleaded guilty to much more serious charges, including aggravated assault, resisting arrest and carrying firearms without a license.
In Milwaukee, three former ACORN workers have been convicted of election fraud.
Last week, Kevin Clancy was sentenced to 10 months in prison for his role in submitting falsified voter registration forms before the 2008 election. Clancy will start his sentence once he finishes another sentence he is currently serving for armed robbery.
Clancy's co-worker, Maria Miles, who pleaded guilty to election fraud in August, will be sentenced on Dec. 6.
In September, Frank Walton pleaded guilty to submitting 54 fake voter registrations during the 2008 presidential campaign. He faces up to 42 months in prison and a $10,000 fine when he's sentenced Dec. 6.
In Washington state, Kendra Lynn Thill was convicted in March of voter registration fraud in the 2006 midterm election. In Nevada, a former ACORN supervisor pleaded the equivalent of a no-contest in a case alleging that canvassers were illegally paid to register voters during the 2008 campaign. But while Amy Busefink's plea acknowledges the state had evidence for a conviction at trial, her lawyer said she still plans to challenge the constitutionality of the state law prohibiting paying canvassers based on the number of voter registration forms they turn in.

Read more: 18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted Or Admitted Guilt In Election Fraud |

Yes temp workers who ACORN turned into the authorities for defrauding ACORN by producing false voter reg cards to get PAID by ACORN.

Are you aware that if you registar people tpo vote you HAVE TO TURN IN ALL FILLED OUT CARDS ?

If this was not the law entities could throw away people registrations.


ACORN would flag the ones they felt were questionable.

They flagged them themselves GET IT!

These employees are temp workers hired and get paid by the number of regs they bring in.

The victim in these crimes is ACORN, they got cheated by these employees.

NO election was effected, no false VOTES cast.

ACORN got cheated and was the victim.

You just lap up the lies of the right.

If they have flagged them all as you say it would have been a non issue. Yet court records prove your contention FULL OF SHIT!!! is in flagging them that they were brought to the attention of the authorities. It was ACORN, the organization, that turned in the employees of ACORN that were committing the registration fraud. It's not voting fraud if nobody actually votes.

Organizations that collect forms are required by law to turn in ALL forms they collect. It is up to the Registrar to determine the validity of the form submitted. ACORN (who did not have to do this I might add), flagged the suspect forms for the registrars. (I wish more organizations would do that :( )

While "Mickey Mouse" may have submitted a form, the form is not put into the registration system and Mickey doesn't ever vote.

(I will tell you that Mickey often get's votes, but he doesn't vote. I personally counted a half dozen for Mickey in one election)
That is the plan.

historically republicans win elections when fewer people vote.

Yes, because those are LEGAL ELECTIONS that actually reflect the will of living, breathing, REAL humans.

Dems historically win elections when voter fraud is committed.

That is a flat our LIE.

go get your documentation or admitt you are lying.

You can ask for documentation after you provide one first. Sunshine asked you to provide link that says the vote will be denied to disabled veterans and you ignored it.
That is the plan.

historically republicans win elections when fewer people vote.

Yes, because those are LEGAL ELECTIONS that actually reflect the will of living, breathing, REAL humans.

Dems historically win elections when voter fraud is committed.

That is a flat our LIE.

go get your documentation or admitt you are lying.

No it isnt. Democrats have quite a rich history of voter fraud.
Ame®icano;4096467 said:
Yes, because those are LEGAL ELECTIONS that actually reflect the will of living, breathing, REAL humans.

Dems historically win elections when voter fraud is committed.

That is a flat our LIE.

go get your documentation or admitt you are lying.

You can ask for documentation after you provide one first. Sunshine asked you to provide link that says the vote will be denied to disabled veterans and you ignored it.

TM is a whack job. if it was not written by a lefty he wont even read it.
Please cite all the cases where ACORN, the organization, was found guilty of anything. Were there employees of the organization that committed fraudulent acts? Absolutely...and I certainly hope they were prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but how does that make ACORN, the organization, guilty of anything?

Do you know how many members of the US military rape and kill every year? Do the acts of these individuals mean that the military is guilty of their crimes?

Actually, ACORN is guilty of the same thing many of these registration organizations are guilty of...paying by the number of registrations, not by the hour. If you want to pay people for the registrations they submit, they should get paid ONLY for qualified submissions.

Quantity over quality seldom works well...

You guys are fucking idiots.

In Miami, seven former ACORN voter registration canvassers were convicted of "false swearing-in an election," and sentenced to probation and community service and banned from participating in future political campaigns, according to court documents.
In Pennsylvania, six of seven former ACORN workers who were charged in an investigation were convicted of unsworn falsification and interference with election officials. Four have reached a plea agreement on reduced charges and will serve two years of probation. Cases against two others who entered pleas to reduced charges are pending.
Charges against the seventh, Eric Jordan, are not being prosecuted because Jordan has pleaded guilty to much more serious charges, including aggravated assault, resisting arrest and carrying firearms without a license.
In Milwaukee, three former ACORN workers have been convicted of election fraud.
Last week, Kevin Clancy was sentenced to 10 months in prison for his role in submitting falsified voter registration forms before the 2008 election. Clancy will start his sentence once he finishes another sentence he is currently serving for armed robbery.
Clancy's co-worker, Maria Miles, who pleaded guilty to election fraud in August, will be sentenced on Dec. 6.
In September, Frank Walton pleaded guilty to submitting 54 fake voter registrations during the 2008 presidential campaign. He faces up to 42 months in prison and a $10,000 fine when he's sentenced Dec. 6.
In Washington state, Kendra Lynn Thill was convicted in March of voter registration fraud in the 2006 midterm election. In Nevada, a former ACORN supervisor pleaded the equivalent of a no-contest in a case alleging that canvassers were illegally paid to register voters during the 2008 campaign. But while Amy Busefink's plea acknowledges the state had evidence for a conviction at trial, her lawyer said she still plans to challenge the constitutionality of the state law prohibiting paying canvassers based on the number of voter registration forms they turn in.

Employees of the organization...just like I said. So should the Army be disbanded for this:

Ex-Soldier Convicted Twice of Eastburn Triple Murder Appeals Again

Military man charged in deaths of two women

Army Private Ordered to Stand Trial in Rape of Half-Sister

Not exactly.

This is systemic abuse of the system that is fostered by Acorn.

The person heading up Project Vote pled NO CONTEST to conspiracy to commit voter fraud...and she's Obama's right hand go-to person for votes. If that's not an endorsement of voter fraud I don't know what is.

That's not exactly crime among the ranks, moron.

Also, the Army prosecutes its criminals.

Acorn gives them promotions and pays their fines.
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