Registering Poor Voters Is ‘Un-American’

Just because an ACORN employee registered Mickey Mouse to vote - it doesn't mean shit in the outcome unless Mickey Mouse tries to vote and is allowed. Did Mickey Mouse vote?
Justice Department Report Shows Very Few Prosecutions For Illegally Casting Ballots. According to a report by the Public Integrity Section of the Justice Department, from October 2002 through September 2005, the Justice Department charged 95 people with "election fraud" and convicted 55. Among those, however, just 17 individuals were convicted for casting fraudulent ballots; cases against three other individuals accused of casting fraudulent votes were pending at the time of the report. In addition, the Justice Department convicted one election official of submitting fraudulent ballots and convicted five individuals of registration fraud, with cases against 12 individuals pending at the time of the report. Thirty-two individuals were convicted of other "election fraud" issues, including Republicans convicted of offenses arising from "a scheme to block the phone lines used by two Manchester [New Hampshire] organizations to arrange drives to the polls during the 2002 general election." In other words, many of these convictions were connected to voter suppression efforts, not voter fraud. Several other people listed in the report were convicted of vote-buying. [Department of Justice, accessed 4/7/11]

More: Media Matters for America
Although a sizable share of the population believes that vote fraud
commonly or occasionally occurs, there is little or no relationship between
beliefs about the frequency of fraud and electoral participation
(reported, validated, or intended). Nor does it appear to be the case
that universal voter identification requirements will raise levels of trust
in the electoral process. Such fears appear unaffected by stricter voter
ID laws, given that individuals asked to produce ID seem to have the
same beliefs about the frequency of fraud as those not asked for ID.


Fraud Map :: Rotten Acorn ::

The Employment Policies Institute is a crock of wingnut crap. Not exactly a reliable source.
I am so sick of this bull, I grew up dirt poor but my parents found a way to vote. This is just the left trying to get to think we hold them down but its not they hold their self down. What is the saying . If there is a will there is a way
Voter registration scares the bejesus out of folks who basically HATE democracy.
I am so sick of this bull, I grew up dirt poor but my parents found a way to vote. This is just the left trying to get to think we hold them down but its not they hold their self down. What is the saying . If there is a will there is a way

Your "dirt poor" parents weren't required to provide photo ID at the polls. Republicans have been passing and trying to pass some of the most restrictive voter ID laws in our history.

Here are some actual studies of these voter ID laws:

Study Links Voter ID Rules to Non-Voting

Policy Brief on Voter Identification

and for the "fiscally conservative"...

Voter ID laws carry hefty price tag for cash-strapped states

And for what?

In 5-Year Effort, Scant Evidence of Voter Fraud
Your "dirt poor" parents weren't required to provide photo ID at the polls. Republicans have been passing and trying to pass some of the most restrictive voter ID laws in our history.

Yeah, requiring a government issued ID sure is heinous! It's so "restrictive" that it makes it difficult for illegal aliens to vote.

What an outrage!
We don't live in a Democracy. Its a Republic. Know why the Framers wanted it that way, besides the problems of time and distance? They wanted an intelligent voter. Yes, its true. Any learned person would know that we don't vote for President. We vote for electors. People who then vote for President. Guess what? In many cases they can vote for whoever they want, even though the people who voted for them picked someone else. The Electorial College is a safety against stupid voters.
I am so sick of this bull, I grew up dirt poor but my parents found a way to vote. This is just the left trying to get to think we hold them down but its not they hold their self down. What is the saying . If there is a will there is a way

Your sick of people voting while poor?

your sick of people giving you facts?

Why do you constantly ignore the facts given you?

You give NOT ONE SHRED of reliable information to prove your stance on this and refuse all of the cold hard evidence which proves that the republican party has worked for decades to keep poor and black voters from voting.

Then you pout that your sick of having to listen to the facts given you.

I bet your a nice person in real life but here all you ever do is deny the facts given you and keep your brain solidly frozen is the world of MY SIDE GOOD, YOUR SIDE BAD.



quit pretending they dont exsist.
Franken Scores: More Ballots Found In Democratic Stronghold

Days after it was reported that 133 ballots were missing in the Minneapolis portion of the Minnesota Senate recount, local officials in the city said they had discovered a misplaced stack of ballots. Democratic sources in the state, meanwhile, say that this group of votes were not counted on the day of the election, meaning they will have a larger effect on the outcome of the recount.

By mid-day Friday a spokesperson for the city, Matt Laible, said that the envelope contained about 10 absentee ballots -- a small number compared to the total number of votes casts in the state, but potentially very significant. An hour or so later, Marc Elias, Franken's lawyer, declared that with all precincts recounted the campaign's internal numbers had them ahead by a mere four votes.

"We are moving on to the next stage of the process," said Elias. "We are not declaring victory."

As such, the findings of the missing absentee ballots -- which Laible said would not be tallied immediately -- are being cheered by Al Franken's campaign not merely because they come from a deeply Democratic area of the city and promise to bolster the vote total of the Democratic challenger. But over the past few weeks, the Franken team has been arguing that the recount process must be more comprehensive and thorough. Indeed, on a conference call with reporters, Elias announced that the campaign was sending a letter to officials in the state's 87 counties, urging them to redouble their efforts to look into missing ballots, including improperly rejected absentee ballots.

Earlier in the week, election officials discovered more than 170 ballots in Ramsey County that, once counted, added 37 votes to Franken's total. The disappearance of 133 ballots from Minneapolis, however, has thrust both campaigns into full-on political hysteria. During a conference call on Thursday, aides to Franken argued that the disappearance of these votes would effectively throw the election to Sen. Norm Coleman.

The Coleman camp's response, meanwhile, was a bit more confused. The Senator's lawyer, Fritz Knaak, declared on Thursday that they did "not know that there are any ballots missing, and it is premature and simply irresponsible to suggest that they are."

At the same time, the local press was reporting that instead of accidentally counting 133 ballots twice on Election Day (the alternative explanation for why those votes had gone missing) local officials had determined a single envelope of ballots was in fact missing.

This was the second time Knaak had misstated a recount-related issue. Four days after the election, he declared that a Minneapolis elections director had ridden around the city with 32 ballots in her car -- raising questions of her integrity -- when she discovered them after the election. It turned out, however, that the ballots had been transported properly back to Minneapolis City Hall from a precinct, before briefly being misplaced.


UPDATE: Talking Points Memo quotes a local election official saying that, if the state can't find the 133 ballots that are missing in Minneapolis, they may simply include the Election Night total for the precinct in place of a recount total. This would be a big victory for Franken as well, as he would "avoid losing a net 46 votes if [the ballots] were disregarded."

Voter fraud at it's finest!!! Nyet???
We don't live in a Democracy. Its a Republic. Know why the Framers wanted it that way, besides the problems of time and distance? They wanted an intelligent voter. Yes, its true. Any learned person would know that we don't vote for President. We vote for electors. People who then vote for President. Guess what? In many cases they can vote for whoever they want, even though the people who voted for them picked someone else. The Electorial College is a safety against stupid voters.

Your fight is not with me its with EVERY Dictionary and Encylopedia in the world.

The United States is a Democracy and a republic because a republic IS a type of democracy.

We are both.

Why do you seek to redefine words and terms that have been in exsistance for 100s of years?

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