Registering Poor Voters Is ‘Un-American’

I'd be happy if they could just point out where they live on a map of North America before voting.
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Next thing you know conservatives will be endorsing poll-taxes or literacy tests. WAIT!!! ..... they already did that :rolleyes: :
Voting Rights Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From 1890 to 1908, 10 Southern states wrote new constitutions with provisions that included literacy tests, poll taxes, and grandfather clauses that permitted otherwise disqualified voters whose grandfathers voted (thus allowing some white illiterates to vote), some with the aim and effect of re-imposing racially motivated restrictions on the voting process that disfranchised blacks.

Wow.. you're still pissed about something that happened over 100 years ago?
Supreme Court Weighs Voter ID Requirements

by Nina Totenberg

"We found that although there is fraud in the system, it doesn't take place at the polling place," Wang says.

Royal Masset, a consultant who by his own estimate has been involved in some 5,000 Republican campaigns in Texas, agrees.

"My experience is that in-person voter fraud is nonexistent," he says. "It doesn't happen, and if you really analyze it, it makes no sense because who's going to take the risk of going to jail on something so blatant that maybe changes one vote?"

Voter fraud does exist, say the experts, but in more systematic ways, through ballot box stuffing, voter machine manipulation, registration list manipulation and absentee balloting.

More: Supreme Court Weighs Voter ID Requirements : NPR

NOTE: The above article is dated January 9, 2008.
Next thing you know conservatives will be endorsing poll-taxes or literacy tests. WAIT!!! ..... they already did that :rolleyes: :
Voting Rights Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From 1890 to 1908, 10 Southern states wrote new constitutions with provisions that included literacy tests, poll taxes, and grandfather clauses that permitted otherwise disqualified voters whose grandfathers voted (thus allowing some white illiterates to vote), some with the aim and effect of re-imposing racially motivated restrictions on the voting process that disfranchised blacks.

Wow.. you're still pissed about something that happened over 100 years ago?

Reading that article posted on WND LOL, it looks as if conservatives want to re-impose voting barriers.
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So what's your plan? More spending on poor people? We already borrow 40% of everything we spend and that's resulted in $14.6 trillion in debt...$131,000 for each and every taxpayer? You have the kind of scratch? Do you really think we should to that debt?

"A government which robs Peter to pay Paul, can always count on the support of Paul." – George Bernard Shaw

No, Sparky, my plan is to allow all American citizens of voting age to VOTE - per the U.S. Constitution.

And I agree with you. All Americans of legal voting age should be allowed to vote. And anyone who is not a legal American citizen should not be allowed to vote.

Government issued photo ID is the only way we can separate the legal voters from those who should never be allowed to cast a vote in the first place.

Not true. We can simply ask them when they come to the polls if they are who they say they are and if they have the legal right to vote. Surely, no one would lie about such a thing! :eusa_eh:

Next thing you know conservatives will be endorsing poll-taxes or literacy tests. WAIT!!! ..... they already did that :rolleyes: :
Voting Rights Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From 1890 to 1908, 10 Southern states wrote new constitutions with provisions that included literacy tests, poll taxes, and grandfather clauses that permitted otherwise disqualified voters whose grandfathers voted (thus allowing some white illiterates to vote), some with the aim and effect of re-imposing racially motivated restrictions on the voting process that disfranchised blacks.

Wow.. you're still pissed about something that happened over 100 years ago?

Go down into the Bible Belt & start talking about how you're so glad the Union crushed the Rebels in the War of Southern Rebellion and see what kind of response you get ;D
Supreme Court Weighs Voter ID Requirements

by Nina Totenberg

"We found that although there is fraud in the system, it doesn't take place at the polling place," Wang says.

Royal Masset, a consultant who by his own estimate has been involved in some 5,000 Republican campaigns in Texas, agrees.

"My experience is that in-person voter fraud is nonexistent," he says. "It doesn't happen, and if you really analyze it, it makes no sense because who's going to take the risk of going to jail on something so blatant that maybe changes one vote?"

Voter fraud does exist, say the experts, but in more systematic ways, through ballot box stuffing, voter machine manipulation, registration list manipulation and absentee balloting.

More: Supreme Court Weighs Voter ID Requirements : NPR

NOTE: The above article is dated January 9, 2008.

Which is the whole point of going out registering a bunch of people you know probably won't actually vote themselves. Now you can stuff the ballot box, make them fake absentee voters and manipulate the outcome.
Next thing you know conservatives will be endorsing poll-taxes or literacy tests. WAIT!!! ..... they already did that :rolleyes: :
Voting Rights Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow.. you're still pissed about something that happened over 100 years ago?

Go down into the Bible Belt & start talking about how you're so glad the Union crushed the Rebels in the War of Southern Rebellion and see what kind of response you get ;D

Hate and intolerance AGAIN?
You dupes SERIOUSLY ought to start believing me. I'm always right and never lie. Eat SHYTTE and die. tyvm Hoping for your recovery...

PPP Poll: Majority of GOP voters think ACORN stole election ...
More than half of surveyed Republican voters believe Barack Obama owes his 2008 presidential victory to ACORN, according to a new poll. A close look at the cross tabs in ...
"ACORN Facts" Craze Set Off By Poll That Found Most ...
A new Public Policy Polling survey finds that 52% of all Republicans believe that the group ACORN stole the 2008 election for Obama, with another 21% saying they are ...
Poll: Majority Of Republicans Think Obama Didn't Actually Win ...
Update at bottom: Owens' lead over Hoffman widens; reports of computer virus in voting machines Poll: More than half of Republicans believe ACORN stole '08 election The ...


Dude, your links don't work. One is 'not found', the other does not direct to the topic at hand.
No, Sparky, my plan is to allow all American citizens of voting age to VOTE - per the U.S. Constitution.

And I agree with you. All Americans of legal voting age should be allowed to vote. And anyone who is not a legal American citizen should not be allowed to vote.

Government issued photo ID is the only way we can separate the legal voters from those who should never be allowed to cast a vote in the first place.

Not true. We can simply ask them when they come to the polls if they are who they say they are and if they have the legal right to vote. Surely, no one would lie about such a thing! :eusa_eh:


Perhaps you're right. Maybe truthnevermatters is on the right track. Everyone who looks older than 18 should be able to cast a vote whenever and wherever they want.

Could you imagine how historic it would be if 108,792,318 voters cast a ballot for the mayor of Chicago?

Or 6,145,397,213 voters for President?

And the Dems could get those totals without raising one single voter from the dead. :lol:
I don't think the poor should not be allowed to vote..

The ignorant however, is another matter.

The only problem with disenfranchising the ignorant is you would do away with about 75% of the GoP base and about 30% of the Dem base...

You must mean this part:

There are some prominent “liberal” Democrats who are backing voter ID cards. In an op-ed piece in The New York Times (February 3, 2008), former Democratic President James Carter and Republican strategist James baker argued for the laws by calling for a five-year phase-in.

Their argument is based on the claim that only 1.2% of registered voters lack a photo ID.

It might work better if you tried to find something that was just a tad less biased.

A really good source is one that is generally against what you are trying to say, but in a particular instance comes out in support of your position. A really poor source is one such as yours that brags about being a socialist organization when you are defending Democratic views. You see, Democrats are already seen as being socialists. You don't want to provide evidence to that fact, at least not here in America.

Solidarity Founding Statement | Solidarity


Nearly two decades ago, United States and world capitalism entered the first phase of a protracted, system-wide crisis. This still unfolding crisis has demonstrated the classic features well-known to Marxist crisis theories, but also new ones. Since the early 1970s we have witnessed the reassertion of boom-and-bust cycles, of intensified national economic rivalries evidenced by protectionism and other measures; and a visible expression of the falling rate of profit.

I mean, if you are trying to win an argument about the negative affects of Voter ID laws in the land of the free and the home of the brave, you don't want to use a socialistic website for your talking points. You only strengthen the other side.

Personally, as a Conservative, I advocate Each Citizen that qualifies, to be Registered to vote, and to Vote, in a single location, and only once per Election, as in accordance with the Law. I support Picture ID, to verify who you are, I support Deployed Military Votes actually being counted, even giving them precedence over the rest. I think any competent person should be able to Register on their own, without the Government Paying off Billions meaninglessly.

Not quite sure why you advocate military votes getting the precedence, but the rest of that is dead on.


I believe Intense' comment stems from overseas military absentee votes not being counted.
Some Military Votes May Not Be Counted : NPR
Military absentee ballots not counted in Virginia (
The author makes a point that when Dems go out to register poor people to vote they promise them redistributional benefits. It is unAmerican to vote for someone who promises benefits at the expense of someone else.

If it's there expense(If they put there own money) and they wanted to have a big fucking cook out(free food) A mile from the voting booth, would it still be illegal.

Ummm, in one word, YES!

It is illegal for any one who is conducting a voters registration drive, to influence, or 'tell' the registrant which party to align with.
I post from experience.
At least twice a year, if not more, I spearhead voter registration drives.
Although it may sound very simple, the rules are quite clear.
The most they get from me is a sticker that says "I registered to vote".
The GOP War on Voting


In a campaign supported by the Koch brothers, Republicans are working to prevent millions of Democrats from voting next year.

As the nation gears up for the 2012 presidential election, Republican officials have launched an unprecedented, centrally coordinated campaign to suppress the elements of the Democratic vote that elected Barack Obama in 2008. Just as Dixiecrats once used poll taxes and literacy tests to bar black Southerners from voting, a new crop of GOP governors and state legislators has passed a series of seemingly disconnected measures that could prevent millions of students, minorities, immigrants, ex-convicts and the elderly from casting ballots. "What has happened this year is the most significant setback to voting rights in this country in a century," says Judith Browne-Dianis, who monitors barriers to voting as co-director of the Advancement Project, a civil rights organization based in Washington, D.C.

More: The GOP War on Voting | Rolling Stone Politics

Bunch of hooey!

Would be very intelligent to have actual links to actual articles that back up this assertion, from a neutral, rather than a slanted, op-ed piece.

From the MJ link:

'All told, a dozen states have approved new obstacles *no bias here, nope!* to voting. Kansas and Alabama now require would-be voters to provide proof of citizenship before registering. Florida and Texas made it harder for groups like the League of Women Voters to register new voters. *link pls* Maine repealed Election Day voter registration, which had been on the books since 1973* link pls*. Five states – Florida, Georgia, Ohio, Tennessee and West Virginia – cut short their early voting periods. *So?* Florida and Iowa barred all ex-felons from the polls, disenfranchising thousands of previously eligible voters.*What kind of felons? I certainly don't want axe murderers being able to have the 'right' to vote, once their 'right' was lost because of their felonious behavior* And six states controlled by Republican governors and legislatures – *no bias here, nope* Alabama, Kansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin – will require voters to produce a government-issued ID before casting ballots. More than 10 percent of U.S. citizens lack such identification, and the numbers are even higher among constituencies that traditionally lean Democratic – including 18 percent of young voters and 25 percent of African-Americans'
What is extremely curious is how ANY person can get along in this country without some form of state/federal ID.

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