Reid 2002: Iraq refused to destroy WMDs in breach of the 1991 armistice"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"We stopped the fighting [in 1991] on an agreement that Iraq would take steps to assure the world that it would not engage in further aggression
and that it would destroy its weapons of mass destruction. It has refused to take those steps.
That refusal constitutes a breach of the armistice which renders it void and justifies resumption of the armed conflict."

Senator Harry Reid (Democrat, Nevada) Addressing the US Senate October 9, 2002 Congressional Record, p. S10145
Freedom Agenda - Quotes and Facts on Iraq

How then was Bush breaking any laws when Harry Reid says Iraq/Saddam breached the 1991 CEASE FIRE??
I am waiting! Was Harry Reid wrong???

Where are all you Bush Bashers that keep blaming Bush for following what Harry Reid said was right?
They were both wrong, both idiots. We never should have gone to Iraq regardless of what any republican OR democrat said. It was the worst foreign policy mistake in US history.

There, happy now.
They were both wrong, both idiots. We never should have gone to Iraq regardless of what any republican OR democrat said. It was the worst foreign policy mistake in US history.

There, happy now.

So when Saddam kept starving 100,000 children a year and if he hadn't been removed over 3 million would be dead by
now THAT"S OK with YOU?
So when Saddam a murderer of 50,000 kurds, who destroyed Mesopotamia displacing 500,000 people his sons using drills on tongues.. and
Saddam's son Uday employed :

Ahmad was Uday's chief executioner. Last week, as Iraqis celebrated the death of his former boss and his equally savage younger brother Qusay, he nervously revealed a hideous story. His instructions that day in 1999 were to arrest the two 19-year-olds on the campus of Baghdad's Academy of Fine Arts and deliver them at Radwaniyah. On arrival at the sprawling compound, he was directed to a farm where he found a large cage. Inside, two lions waited. They belonged to Uday. Guards took the two young men from the car and opened the cage door. One of the victims collapsed in terror as they were dragged, screaming and shouting, to meet their fate. Ahmad watched as the students frantically looked for a way of escape. There was none. The lions pounced. 'I saw the head of the first student literally come off his body with the first bite and then had to stand and watch the animals devour the two young men. By the time they were finished there was little left but for the bones and bits and pieces of unwanted flesh,' he recalled last week."
-- Sunday Times, London, July 27, 2003

"Ali would then draw out a pair of pliers and a sharp knife. Gripping the tongue with pliers, he would slice it up with the knife, tossing severed pieces into the street. "'Those punished were too terrified to move, even though they knew I was about to chop off their tongue,' said Ali in his matter-of-fact voice. 'They would just stand there, often praying and calling out for Saddam and Allah to spare them. By then it was too late.

"'I would read them out the verdict and cut off their tongue without any form of anaesthetic. There was always a lot of blood. Some offenders passed out. Others screamed in pain. They would then be given basic medical assistance in an ambulance which would always come with us on such punishment runs. Then they would be thrown in jail.'"

-- Fedayeen Saddam member interviewed in The Sunday Times (London), April 20, 2003
Saddam has reduced his people to abject poverty.
He wiped out families, villages, cities and cultures, and drove four million people into exile.
He killed between 100,000 and 200,000 Kurds. He killed as many as 300,000 Shiites in the uprising after the Persian Gulf war. He killed or displaced 200,000 of the 250,000 marsh Arabs who had created a unique, centuries-old culture in the south. He drained the marshes, an environmental treasure, and turned them into a desert.

YOU obviously either were too stupid or dumb to know about Saddam's tortures OR YOU AGREE with him and mourn his loss!
HOW sick are people like you that would want this person to still be in power.
REMEMBER CLINTON told us Long before Bush...
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." Ex-President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998
"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." Ex-President Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998

And you WANTED this animal to be able to continue to do these things?
Between 1983 and 1988 alone, he murdered more than 30,000 Iraqi citizens with mustard gas and nerve agents. Several international organizations claim that he killed more than 60,000 Iraqi citizens with chemicals, including large numbers of women and children. During his two-year Anfal campaign against the Kurdish population, Saddam Hussein used these chemical weapons against more than 40 villages.
Iraq: A Population Silenced

That was OK with YOU?
YOU are very very disturbed if YOU WANTED the above tortures and treatment of people like this to continue!

Torture Methods in Iraq
  • Medical experimentation
  • Beatings
  • Crucifixion
  • Hammering nails into the fingers and hands
  • Amputating the penis or breasts with an electric carving knife
  • Spraying insecticides into a victim’s eyes
  • Branding with a hot iron
  • Committing rape while the victim’s spouse is forced to watch
  • Pouring boiling water into a rectum
  • Nailing the tongue to a wooden board
  • Extracting teeth with pliers
  • Using bees and scorpions to sting naked children in front of their parents
And now that we removed Saddam from power ISIS is slaughtering people all over the country and Iran is threatening to destroy Israel. Yay us!
How then was Bush breaking any laws when Harry Reid says Iraq/Saddam breached the 1991 CEASE FIRE??

One, he did not say it was causus belli.

Two, it was five or six months before the illegal invasion.

Three, while both Bush and Reid were wrong, Bush was the principal bad actor because he must assume the responsibility because the decision was his alone.
"We stopped the fighting [in 1991] on an agreement that Iraq would take steps to assure the world that it would not engage in further aggression
and that it would destroy its weapons of mass destruction. It has refused to take those steps.
That refusal constitutes a breach of the armistice which renders it void and justifies resumption of the armed conflict."

Senator Harry Reid (Democrat, Nevada) Addressing the US Senate October 9, 2002 Congressional Record, p. S10145
Freedom Agenda - Quotes and Facts on Iraq

How then was Bush breaking any laws when Harry Reid says Iraq/Saddam breached the 1991 CEASE FIRE??
First off, it wasn't Bush's call to make and second, invading Iraq is in violation to Article 51 of the UN Charter.

Have you ever heard of the Nuremburg Principles?

Do you not know that a war of aggression is the highest crime a nation can commit?
The far left is going to do all it can to distract from the fact that Obama is a failure and that what is happening in Iraq now is because of his failed leadership.
Indeed, that was exactly what the Iraqi invasion entailed: a major war crime.
Oh come on George Buuuuuuuuuuuuush used his Jedi mind tricks on Hairy Reid, Bug eyes Pelosi, Bitch Clinton, etc.....even went back to 1998 and made Bill and Al make it "US Policy" to remove Saddam from power.
George Booooooooosh caused Hurricane Katrina, remember? That "idiotic cowboy" sure has a lot of power for being such a dumbass doesn't he?? LOL
The far left is going to do all it can to distract from the fact that Obama is a failure and that what is happening in Iraq now is because of his failed leadership.
What is happening in Iraq right now, is a direct result of the Shiite death squads we help trained in 2003, that have been going around killing Sunni citizens with impunity.
Asswipe....ISIS is Sunni muslims.

Back on your meds.

Oh, Sadr's goons were attacking us, shitbag.

The far left is going to do all it can to distract from the fact that Obama is a failure and that what is happening in Iraq now is because of his failed leadership.
What is happening in Iraq right now, is a direct result of the Shiite death squads we help trained in 2003, that have been going around killing Sunni citizens with impunity.
Someone remind me in 7 years to blame Odumbo for gas prices, inflation, any war.. take your pick..
Bush is blamed for the things he did, not the things you made up that he did.

I'm no fan of Bush, never have been.. Can't stand him to be honest but this is ridiculous and soooo fucking obvious to everyone.. Liberals are running around with their arseholes on fire freaking out because your golden boy fucked up.. He's a walking clusterfuck and the polls show it. His unfavorables are even worse than Dumbyas.. that's pretty pathetic.
Still a war crime and that's why the Bushies don't travel to western Europe or Oregon: they would be arrested.
Anybody who thinks that Bush is excused for Obama's stupidities or that Obama is excused because of Bush's war crimes, is stupid.
I'm no fan of Bush, never have been.. Can't stand him to be honest but this is ridiculous and soooo fucking obvious to everyone.. Liberals are running around with their arseholes on fire freaking out because your golden boy fucked up.. He's a walking clusterfuck and the polls show it. His unfavorables are even worse than Dumbyas.. that's pretty pathetic.
I agree Obama's a clusterfuck.

I don't agree he's a liberal President.

I withdrew my support of his policies almost 6 years ago.

Obama is center-right.
I'm no fan of Bush, never have been.. Can't stand him to be honest but this is ridiculous and soooo fucking obvious to everyone.. Liberals are running around with their arseholes on fire freaking out because your golden boy fucked up.. He's a walking clusterfuck and the polls show it. His unfavorables are even worse than Dumbyas.. that's pretty pathetic.
I agree Obama's a clusterfuck.

I don't agree he's a liberal President.

I withdrew my support of his policies almost 6 years ago.

Obama is center-right.

I get where you're coming from Billo, you're a true liberal.. so some of his crap doesn't sit well with you..

You're cool with me.. You've got great taste in music ;-)

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