Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

You realize that if the Framers wanted to require a supermajority for appointments, they could have just written that in the Constitution, right? It's not like the idea of supermajority requirements were foreign to them (see: amendments, treaties).

Well you get a star for actually being familiar with the constitution, now how about you explaining that each house of congress is charged by the constitution for the establishment of their respective rules and last I read the senate rules, changes were to be made at the beginning of each congress and not midterm. But when do the commies ever really care about rules, or laws for that matter, unless they can be twisted to their advantage.

The Constitution only states that the chambers set the rules for their own proceedings. There is nothing in the Constitution that requires the chamber to keep those rules for the entirety of a session.

You are correct, it was part of the senate rules, in the end none of it really matters, the commies will do what they will do regardless of what they said when republicans were considering a similar thing. Hypocrites will be hypocrites, there should be a law.

The only procedure Senate rules provide for overcoming filibusters is cloture, which cannot be voted until two days after it is proposed in a petition signed by 16 senators. Cloture requires the support of three-fifths of senators (normally 60), except on proposals to change the rules, when cloture requires two-thirds of senators voting. If the Senate invokes cloture on a bill, amendment, or other matter, its further consideration is limited to 30 additional hours, including time consumed by votes and quorum calls, during which each senator may speak for no more than one hour.

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Legislative Process > Senate Legislative Process

I believe Reid just changed that 200 year old precedent.

Now, from what I understand, cloture can be achieved through a simple majority vote
Well you get a star for actually being familiar with the constitution, now how about you explaining that each house of congress is charged by the constitution for the establishment of their respective rules and last I read the senate rules, changes were to be made at the beginning of each congress and not midterm. But when do the commies ever really care about rules, or laws for that matter, unless they can be twisted to their advantage.

The Constitution only states that the chambers set the rules for their own proceedings. There is nothing in the Constitution that requires the chamber to keep those rules for the entirety of a session.

You are correct, it was part of the senate rules, in the end none of it really matters, the commies will do what they will do regardless of what they said when republicans were considering a similar thing. Hypocrites will be hypocrites, there should be a law.

That's where you get into something that's a legal question: can the Senate voluntary surrender their power to enforce their own rules (even temporarily)? I think the correct answer to that question is no.

Attacking the Democrats as "commies" for taking this action, however, it pretty nonsensical in light of Republican threats to do the same thing (which they only backed down from after the Democrats basically gave them everything they wanted).

The only procedure Senate rules provide for overcoming filibusters is cloture, which cannot be voted until two days after it is proposed in a petition signed by 16 senators. Cloture requires the support of three-fifths of senators (normally 60), except on proposals to change the rules, when cloture requires two-thirds of senators voting. If the Senate invokes cloture on a bill, amendment, or other matter, its further consideration is limited to 30 additional hours, including time consumed by votes and quorum calls, during which each senator may speak for no more than one hour.

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Legislative Process > Senate Legislative Process

I believe Reid just changed that 200 year old precedent.

Now, from what I understand, cloture can be achieved through a simple majority vote

Good. I hope you anti-science and common sense bastards lose big time.
I Wonder if the supporters of the rules change ( not performed legally either by the way) don't require a civics lesson and some serious electroshock .....or a nanny:rolleyes:

hey folks; just because you agree with this, notwithstanding whether your "facts" are correct or not on the whys and where fores that Reid said lead to this, means exactly; zero, zip, squat, nada, bupkis...we all think we are "right" when we pull the trigger...hello...

See, this is why there is LAW to begin with.

so squabbles over who thinks they are more right, and should as opposed to can have their way, don't result in MIGHT makes RIGHT and chaos……...see how that works?

You want to pat yourself on the back for rolling over the minority? Sounds like one hand clapping to me, like this was some big extraordinary accomplishment…

You’ll rue the day this went down….…and let me add- this will not end here, it will roll over to everything, all senate decisions on candidates for whatever offices or positions…..*shrugs*
Republicans gridlocking the Senate with 45 votes is a travesty

Filibuster is an archaic tradition meant for exceptional circumstances. Requiring 60 votes for Congress to do its job does not work. Republicans have abused their filibuster privledges....time to take them away

Republicans gridlocking the Senate is a God send


If we don't get to make the rules....then nobody can
Projection again, Sewerboy?

The only procedure Senate rules provide for overcoming filibusters is cloture, which cannot be voted until two days after it is proposed in a petition signed by 16 senators. Cloture requires the support of three-fifths of senators (normally 60), except on proposals to change the rules, when cloture requires two-thirds of senators voting. If the Senate invokes cloture on a bill, amendment, or other matter, its further consideration is limited to 30 additional hours, including time consumed by votes and quorum calls, during which each senator may speak for no more than one hour.

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Legislative Process > Senate Legislative Process

I believe Reid just changed that 200 year old precedent.

Now, from what I understand, cloture can be achieved through a simple majority vote

Incorrect. Cloture remains in place for everything except executive branch appointments and non-SCOTUS judicial nominees.
Republicans gridlocking the Senate with 45 votes is a travesty

Filibuster is an archaic tradition meant for exceptional circumstances. Requiring 60 votes for Congress to do its job does not work. Republicans have abused their filibuster privledges....time to take them away

The purpose of some rules is to keep one party from running roughshod over the other. When assholes like Reid are in control, the rules are necessary to that end. When sensible legislation is to be considered, the rules are not needed to bridle the majority side.

Reid is an asshole personified!
Alright, democrats. You asked for this one. Now that you have effectively ended the filibuster in the Senate, you have opened yourselves up to the same abuses of power you are now exercising at this very moment. Mark my words. You will regret this day down the road.
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Why it's time for Filibuster reform:


So we are going to do the unprincipled b/c people are making a stand based on their principles.


3 cheers for tyrannic spoiled babies.
Republicans gridlocking the Senate with 45 votes is a travesty

Filibuster is an archaic tradition meant for exceptional circumstances. Requiring 60 votes for Congress to do its job does not work. Republicans have abused their filibuster privledges....time to take them away

The purpose of some rules is to keep one party from running roughshod over the other. When assholes like Reid are in control, the rules are necessary to that end. When sensible legislation is to be considered, the rules are not needed to bridle the majority side.

Reid is an asshole personified!
Democrats torpedo tradition again. Anything for power. Did you note how giddy Obama was about it?
Alright, democrats. You asked for this one. Now that you have effectively ended the filibuster in the Senate, you have opened yourselves up to the same abuses of power you are now exercising now. Mark my words. You will regret this day down the road.

I don't believe the filibuster should exist in the first place.
This is the Fundamental Transformation of America into Banana republic government of the deceitful Cult of personality Obama regime

The only procedure Senate rules provide for overcoming filibusters is cloture, which cannot be voted until two days after it is proposed in a petition signed by 16 senators. Cloture requires the support of three-fifths of senators (normally 60), except on proposals to change the rules, when cloture requires two-thirds of senators voting. If the Senate invokes cloture on a bill, amendment, or other matter, its further consideration is limited to 30 additional hours, including time consumed by votes and quorum calls, during which each senator may speak for no more than one hour.

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Legislative Process > Senate Legislative Process

I believe Reid just changed that 200 year old precedent.

Now, from what I understand, cloture can be achieved through a simple majority vote

Incorrect. Cloture remains in place for everything except executive branch appointments and non-SCOTUS judicial nominees.

I knew that. I should have spelled it out.
Republicans used to be useless, that was fine, now they are hopeless. Their history is in my signature and consider how long ago Truman perfectly summed them up? Nothing has changed.

"Well, I have been studying the Republican Party for over 12 years at close hand in the Capital of the United States. And by this time, I have discovered where the Republicans stand on most of the major issues. Truman Library - Public Papers of the Presidents: Harry S. Truman

Since they won't tell you themselves, I am going to tell you.

They approve of the American farmer-but they are willing to help him go broke.

They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing.

They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights.

They favor a minimum wage--the smaller the minimum the better.

They indorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools.

They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them.

They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people.

They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement.

They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.

They consider electric power a great blessing-but only when the private power companies get their rake-off.

They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again.

They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down.

They think the American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people.

And they admire the Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it.

Now, my friends, that is the Wall Street Republican way of life. But there is another way--there is another way--the Democratic way, the way of the Democratic Party.

Of course, the Democratic Party is not perfect. Nobody ever said it was. But the Democratic Party believes in the people. It believes in freedom and progress, and it is fighting for its beliefs right now.

In the Democratic Party, you won't find the kind of unity where everybody thinks what the boss tells him to think, and nothing else."

Truman Library - Public Papers of the Presidents: Harry S. Truman
Republicans gridlocking the Senate with 45 votes is a travesty

Filibuster is an archaic tradition meant for exceptional circumstances. Requiring 60 votes for Congress to do its job does not work. Republicans have abused their filibuster privledges....time to take them away

The purpose of some rules is to keep one party from running roughshod over the other. When assholes like Reid are in control, the rules are necessary to that end. When sensible legislation is to be considered, the rules are not needed to bridle the majority side.

Reid is an asshole personified! took him just 10 short years and nearly 500 republican lead filibusters to make the snap and rash decision!

Alright, democrats. You asked for this one. Now that you have effectively ended the filibuster in the Senate, you have opened yourselves up to the same abuses of power you are now exercising now. Mark my words. You will regret this day down the road.

I don't believe the filibuster should exist in the first place.
No, just tyranny. Got it.
Alright, democrats. You asked for this one. Now that you have effectively ended the filibuster in the Senate, you have opened yourselves up to the same abuses of power you are now exercising now. Mark my words. You will regret this day down the road.

I'll get you, my pretty....


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