Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

So when Republicans take the Senate in 2014 they can overturn Obamacare with 51 votes?... Thank you, Democrats.
You will regret this power grab

They would have done that anyway. Also, most of the stuff they want to do is budget related (which cannot be filibustered in the first place if included in reconciliation instructions).
This particular group of Republicans in the House and Senate are simply not cooperative until their backs are against the wall.

This needed to happen. Now, Rs in the Senate are standing around complaining instead of working. They need to move along.
There never should have to be a super majority in the first place. The democrats are just following the constitution, something the GOP hates with a passion.

Evidently you have never actually read the Constitution, because you seem to have no freaking idea what your talking about. If you can't figure out why I say that all by your little self, ask and I'll explain it to you. Although I seriously doubt your smart enough to do either.

You realize that if the Framers wanted to require a supermajority for appointments, they could have just written that in the Constitution, right? It's not like the idea of supermajority requirements were foreign to them (see: amendments, treaties).

Well you get a star for actually being familiar with the constitution, now how about you explaining that each house of congress is charged by the constitution for the establishment of their respective rules and last I read the senate rules, changes were to be made at the beginning of each congress and not midterm. But when do the commies ever really care about rules, or laws for that matter, unless they can be twisted to their advantage.
" The American people sent us here to be their voice. They understand that those voices can at times become loud and argumentative, but they also hope that we can disagree without being disagreeable. […]

What they don't expect is for one party - be it Republican or Democrat - to change the rules in the middle of the game so that they can make all the decisions while the other party is told to sit down and keep quiet. […]" Senator Barrack Obama
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"I am also aware that the Founding Fathers established the filibuster as a means of protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority -- and that protection, with some changes, has been in place for over 200 years."

who said that in 2005?
But they DID NOT establish the filibuster so that one party could use it as a weapon to shut down the country because they were unhappy with a black president. What we have here is tyranny of the minority. What we have here is a disfunctional republican/tea party that is willing to use the filibuster to shut down the government so they can have their way. Their failure to compromise and work together for a better America was an invitation for Reid to invoke the nuclear option. He had little option if anything is to be done to solve our problems.

the idea that Obama has put forward is not for a better America. wouldn't you do what you could to stop failure before it happens? that is what the republicans are doing by opposing Obama is to stop failure before it happens.
Just because you think an "idea" is not good for the country DOES NOT mean you are right. Be that as it may, no, that is not what the republicans are doing. What the republicans are doing is stopping virtually all the Democratic legislation without offering an alternative. What the republicans are doing is trying to shut down the government so Obama and the Democratic Party will have zero accomplished. And what is wrong with this is that this country has serious problems that need attention. DOING NOTHING IS NOT A WAY TO ADDRESS THE PROBLEMS THIS NATION FACES.
Our country and our country's success is based on the people in our government being willing to compromise and work together. But that is not what is happening. Whenever a republican shows some common sense and a willingness to compromise they are immediately labeled a RINO and thrown under the bus. Meanwhile the tp is rounding up another block head to run in the primary against him/her.

Just one step closer to the civil war. Cue the filmclip of Neville Chamberlain holding a piece of white paper in his right hand pivoting 45 degrees to each side so all could see "Peace in our time". "Peace in our time" Harry Reid obviously isn't concerned about getting a suppository shaped bill allowing Drilling In Anwar or making abortion illegal wrapped in razor wire shoved up his ass sometime in the future when the White House and the Senate changes hands. Mebbe Comrade Commisar Barack told Reid that he was going to make the House and Senate obsolete by 2016 and he wasn't going anywhere as president. Well, maybe if Iran wanted to proclaim Barack the Mahdi, he might consider a change.
I have always thought the way filibustering was done the last ten years was certainly unethical if not illegal.

Good for Reid, and good for the Pubs when we take back the Senate.
Anyone who says "Cruz did not engage in a filibuster" is malignantly motivated or mentally feeble or both.

Cruz stood on the floor and talked for a long time, but he technically did not engage in a filibuster.

Technically? Really. It was called a filibuster, Rush called it such and praised it, as did most far right Insannitty types on the radio.
Uh huh and when the Democrats are the minority will they want to change the rules back? Reid and the Democrats would be wise to remember you don't remain the majority forever.

Dems are going to love the new-fangled Republican rules when they win back the House.

Just think..Senate/House/Presidency after 2014.

No minority opposition.

It's going to be like Texas for the whole nation!
So basically you want one party rule the majority to have all the power and say and the minority none I seem to recall some brave men declaring independence and 13 colonies fighting a war to get away from that very thing.
Just one step closer to the civil war. Cue the filmclip of Neville Chamberlain holding a piece of white paper in his right hand pivoting 45 degrees to each side so all could see "Peace in our time". "Peace in our time" Harry Reid obviously isn't concerned about getting a suppository shaped bill allowing Drilling In Anwar or making abortion illegal wrapped in razor wire shoved up his ass sometime in the future when the White House and the Senate changes hands. Mebbe Comrade Commisar Barack told Reid that he was going to make the House and Senate obsolete by 2016 and he wasn't going anywhere as president. Well, maybe if Iran wanted to proclaim Barack the Mahdi, he might consider a change.

Any "civil war" will lead to the uttering crushing of the "rebels" unto the third generation.

There will be no survivors.
But they DID NOT establish the filibuster so that one party could use it as a weapon to shut down the country because they were unhappy with a black president. What we have here is tyranny of the minority. What we have here is a disfunctional republican/tea party that is willing to use the filibuster to shut down the government so they can have their way. Their failure to compromise and work together for a better America was an invitation for Reid to invoke the nuclear option. He had little option if anything is to be done to solve our problems.

the idea that Obama has put forward is not for a better America. wouldn't you do what you could to stop failure before it happens? that is what the republicans are doing by opposing Obama is to stop failure before it happens.
Just because you think an "idea" is not good for the country DOES NOT mean you are right. Be that as it may, no, that is not what the republicans are doing. What the republicans are doing is stopping virtually all the Democratic legislation without offering an alternative. What the republicans are doing is trying to shut down the government so Obama and the Democratic Party will have zero accomplished. And what is wrong with this is that this country has serious problems that need attention. DOING NOTHING IS NOT A WAY TO ADDRESS THE PROBLEMS THIS NATION FACES.
Our country and our country's success is based on the people in our government being willing to compromise and work together. But that is not what is happening. Whenever a republican shows some common sense and a willingness to compromise they are immediately labeled a RINO and thrown under the bus. Meanwhile the tp is rounding up another block head to run in the primary against him/her.

and they have offered dozens upon dozens and Harry just throws them in file 13 and refuses for them to even come up for a vote. do you know the republicans had an alternative to Obama care when that bill was being debated that Reid refused to allow a vote on

so keep believing the false narrative that MSNBC and Huff n Puff post keeps feeding you they are treating you like a mushroom they feed you shit and keep you in the dark

remember Reid just gave supreme power to the majority party and I cant wait for 2014 so republicans will use that supreme power to make democrats not relevant they might as well not even go to Washington after 2014 they should just sit their ass at home because they will be a non entity
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More BS from the King of Fools. At a time when Obama needs to have both sides work towards budget, he alienates them.

Good luck getting any cooperation now. Time to shut her down boys.

"YOUR PARTY HAS LOST SIGHT OF WHAT A DEMOCRACY IS AND HOW IT IS SUPPOSED TO RUN" is an excellent description of the TPM in action.

Elections have consequences, and if we keep letting the TPM shit in the corner the GOP is going to lose again.
Uh huh and when the Democrats are the minority will they want to change the rules back? Reid and the Democrats would be wise to remember you don't remain the majority forever.

Dems are going to love the new-fangled Republican rules when they win back the House.

Just think..Senate/House/Presidency after 2014.

No minority opposition.

It's going to be like Texas for the whole nation!
So basically you want one party rule the majority to have all the power and say and the minority none I seem to recall some brave men declaring independence and 13 colonies fighting a war to get away from that very thing.

Tell it to the voters

Why would you want minority rule?

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