Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

For judicial and excutive appts, sure.

I thought Bush should have had the opportunity for up and down votes on these appts.

I gather SCOTUS is still subject to the old rules.

You gather right.

And Bush got almost everyone he wanted, in..

Harriet Myers and John Bolton being the exceptions.

Many more than Myers and Bolton were held up or not ratified.

Majority procedure rules in the Senate, not far lefties or far righties.

Even more reason to do this now, knowing that when the Pubs take over the Senate, they will do the same.

We have seen both parties abuse the filibuster for twelve or more years.

The shit stops now.
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What I've recognized as maybe the MORE important reason the Dems and Obama want to change the rules eliminating the tradition of the Filibuster is because those Alinsky-ites saw that their control over the mainstream media was neutralized by Cruz's filibuster to "FUND the Government but DEFUND Obamacare." He was able to guarantee himself a clear channel to deliver his anti ACA message to the American people without any effective Liberal or Governmental censorship.

Reid wants to prevent any GOP or Tea Party or Conservative ever being able to evade their media censorship.

That's a very important loss. They will cunningly steal from the citizens of the United States, the STOP button on our legislative process.

If all else goes wrong and the mob democracy is about to win the day, the filibuster can stop the momentum of a matter long enough to give us a chance to all take note and voice our opinions.

Rush points out that anyone the Dems want to nominate for judgeships can be approved with fewer votes and that means we could have almost any clown the majority wants to nominate can sail right through the process now.

Cruz did not engage in a filibuster.
As for hypocrisy charges: yes, both parties are huge hypocrites on this issue.
Every Congress has filibustered, judicial nominations have been blocked

None has come near the levels of Republicans in the 210th and 212th Congress

That is the point

Lies, and you know it. But we expect no less.

Boy, will I ever be embarrassed when you prove me wrong........

Go ahead, I'll wait

You'll be waiting a long time. Because every LOLberal site I encounter on this treats cloture motions as fillibusters. Just more, typical dishonesty of LOLberals.

I'm not doing the work for you. Unless you back it up, it's a lie.
If Republicans feel that strongly that it should only take 40 votes to block a Judicial Appointment, they can change it back when they take the Senate
You have still failed to produce any evidence that the Democrats in the 108th used Filibuster more than Republicans in the 110th and 112th

I will wait

"more than" is of absolutely no relevance. They used the fillibuster to block 10 appointments. Not to mentiont he 20 some that were stalled and sent back until Bush gave up trying to make an appointment.

You guys have no integrity. None. Zip. Zilch. Zero. No principles either.

You will lie, you will cheat, you will steal, you will murder to get your way. When faced with being a complete hypocrite, you simply try to marginalie it. "Mommy, he hit me seven times, so I hit him eight and thats fair!"


Every Congress has filibustered, judicial nominations have been blocked

None has come near the levels of Republicans in the 210th and 212th Congress

That is the point
If I am not mistaken approximately 1/2 of all the filibusters in our 237 years have occurred during the Obama presidency.
In other words:

Legislative terrorism.

In this case, I have to agree with you.

However, I think it would have been better if Reid and McConnell could have come together and said, "On midnight 1/1/2020, the rules become __________________" not knowing which party would be benefitted by getting rid of this idiotic filibuster.

This move by Reid is simply wrong.

I agree with you about both parties setting the change for some day in the future, but disagree that the action was "simply wrong". If Paul/Rubio/Cruz/Whoever wins in 2016 and the Republicans control the Senate, they would have made the same changes even without the level of provocation.
What I've recognized as maybe the MORE important reason the Dems and Obama want to change the rules eliminating the tradition of the Filibuster is because those Alinsky-ites saw that their control over the mainstream media was neutralized by Cruz's filibuster to "FUND the Government but DEFUND Obamacare." He was able to guarantee himself a clear channel to deliver his anti ACA message to the American people without any effective Liberal or Governmental censorship.

Reid wants to prevent any GOP or Tea Party or Conservative ever being able to evade their media censorship.

That's a very important loss. They will cunningly steal from the citizens of the United States, the STOP button on our legislative process.

If all else goes wrong and the mob democracy is about to win the day, the filibuster can stop the momentum of a matter long enough to give us a chance to all take note and voice our opinions.

Rush points out that anyone the Dems want to nominate for judgeships can be approved with fewer votes and that means we could have almost any clown the majority wants to nominate can sail right through the process now.

Cruz did not engage in a filibuster.

Mojo doesn't realize the limited scope of the change in the Senate rules.......:eusa_whistle:
In other words:

Legislative terrorism.

In this case, I have to agree with you.

However, I think it would have been better if Reid and McConnell could have come together and said, "On midnight 1/1/2020, the rules become __________________" not knowing which party would be benefitted by getting rid of this idiotic filibuster.

This move by Reid is simply wrong.

I agree with you about both parties setting the change for some day in the future, but disagree that the action was "simply wrong". If Paul/Rubio/Cruz/Whoever wins in 2016 and the Republicans control the Senate, they would have made the same changes even without the level of provocation.

How would they do something in the future?

So when Republicans take the Senate in 2014 they can overturn Obamacare with 51 votes?... Thank you, Democrats.
You will regret this power grab
Anyone who says "Cruz did not engage in a filibuster" is malignantly motivated or mentally feeble or both.
If Republicans feel that strongly that it should only take 40 votes to block a Judicial Appointment, they can change it back when they take the Senate

LOLberals will change it back before 2014 when it becomes apparent, even for their occupying never-neverland, that they are fucked and will lose the senate.
If Republicans feel that strongly that it should only take 40 votes to block a Judicial Appointment, they can change it back when they take the Senate

why should they? the democrats just screwed up the opened the barn door so all filibuster can be stopped on any legislation. the majority now has supreme rule and they should use it to repeal Obama care when the get the senate in 2014 an allow no filibuster on the subject
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In this case, I have to agree with you.

However, I think it would have been better if Reid and McConnell could have come together and said, "On midnight 1/1/2020, the rules become __________________" not knowing which party would be benefitted by getting rid of this idiotic filibuster.

This move by Reid is simply wrong.

I agree with you about both parties setting the change for some day in the future, but disagree that the action was "simply wrong". If Paul/Rubio/Cruz/Whoever wins in 2016 and the Republicans control the Senate, they would have made the same changes even without the level of provocation.

How would they do something in the future?


Typical LOLberal logical fallacy.
"more than" is of absolutely no relevance. They used the fillibuster to block 10 appointments. Not to mentiont he 20 some that were stalled and sent back until Bush gave up trying to make an appointment.

You guys have no integrity. None. Zip. Zilch. Zero. No principles either.

You will lie, you will cheat, you will steal, you will murder to get your way. When faced with being a complete hypocrite, you simply try to marginalie it. "Mommy, he hit me seven times, so I hit him eight and thats fair!"


Every Congress has filibustered, judicial nominations have been blocked

None has come near the levels of Republicans in the 210th and 212th Congress

That is the point
If I am not mistaken approximately 1/2 of all the filibusters in our 237 years have occurred during the Obama presidency.

You are mistaken
So when Republicans take the Senate in 2014 they can overturn Obamacare with 51 votes?... Thank you, Democrats.
You will regret this power grab

Ever hear of a Presidential veto?

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