Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

In other words:

Legislative terrorism.
Seems to me that it is the republicans who are the terrorists.
After all, in the last Congress the republicans filibustered so many times that their total of filibusters was approx. equal to 1/2 of all the filibusters in the previous 237 years.

But then again, you are a wing nut and don't believe in democracy. You believe the minority should control the majority. How tp of you.

That's a lie. But again, LOLberals are not known for their honesty, intergrity or principles. They are known for being liars, cheats and thieves though,
It's a majority power grab.
The Dens who support abortion rights are going to regret this move whenever the Repubs get the majority in the Senate.

Oh so the Hastert Rule and House Resolution 368 meant to "protect" the minority in the House?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I will ask again because no one has gotten it right

"I am also aware that the Founding Fathers established the filibuster as a means of protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority -- and that protection, with some changes, has been in place for over 200 years."

Who said this in 2005?
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Great, now Democrats are holding a gun the the American people's heads. Fucking terrorists!

Now they will be nominating fascists to the "courts" unopposed. But that does not make a difference . The reason that we have a gargantuan federal government is because BOTH parties nominate fascist scumbags.

Look at Roberts approving Obama Hellcare.

I will ask again because no one has gotten it right

"I am also aware that the Founding Fathers established the filibuster as a means of protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority -- and that protection, with some changes, has been in place for over 200 years."

Who said this in 2005?

Who gives a shit? it looks like it was cherrypicked so who even knows what context it is being said in. Just tell us already or STFU about it. No one cares.
Don't worry. The "nuclear option" is only temporary.

When Democrats get voted out of the majority in the Senate (i.e. in Nov. 2014), they will hastily rescind this Senate rule between the election and the date the next Congress is seated.
While Democrats filibustered their share of judicial nominees when they were in the minority under President George W. Bush, including people named to the powerful District of Columbia appeals court, what Republicans say they intend to accomplish goes beyond simply blocking a vote. Their goal is to reshape the nation’s most powerful appeals court by shrinking it to just eight full-time judges. By law it has 11 judges who regularly hear cases.
I will ask again because no one has gotten it right

"I am also aware that the Founding Fathers established the filibuster as a means of protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority -- and that protection, with some changes, has been in place for over 200 years."

Who said this in 2005?

Pathetic pleas
Don't worry. The "nuclear option" is only temporary.

When Democrats get voted out of the majority in the Senate (i.e. in Nov. 2014), they will hastily rescind this Senate rule between the election and the date the next Congress is seated.

There ya go. Keep your chin up, little acorn. :cuckoo:
Don't worry. The "nuclear option" is only temporary.

When Democrats get voted out of the majority in the Senate (i.e. in Nov. 2014), they will hastily rescind this Senate rule between the election and the date the next Congress is seated.

This is probably true.
I will ask again because no one has gotten it right

"I am also aware that the Founding Fathers established the filibuster as a means of protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority -- and that protection, with some changes, has been in place for over 200 years."

Who said this in 2005?

Who gives a shit? it looks like it was cherrypicked so who even knows what context it is being said in. Just tell us already or STFU about it. No one cares.

you don't want to know because it just proves the left is nothing but blatant unadulterated hypocrites and liars and the polls are beginning to show it
Republicans gridlocking the Senate with 45 votes is a travesty

Filibuster is an archaic tradition meant for exceptional circumstances. Requiring 60 votes for Congress to do its job does not work. Republicans have abused their filibuster privledges....time to take them away


Just remember that you were for this rule change when we take back ALL of Washington.

And we will.

OBTW, most of the appointments the Stuttering Clusterfuck is trying to make have been open since the dimocraps filibustered George Bush's nominations

True dat


To a dimocrap, that's a compliment

Go for it

I have no doubt that Republicans would change Filibuster Rules the minute they take the Senate

End it once and for all and live with a majority vote in the Senate

but they didn't....did they? :rolleyes:

all the BS you and the rest of you spew, what a bunch of classless hypocrites.
I will ask again because no one has gotten it right

"I am also aware that the Founding Fathers established the filibuster as a means of protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority -- and that protection, with some changes, has been in place for over 200 years."

Who said this in 2005?

Who gives a shit? it looks like it was cherrypicked so who even knows what context it is being said in. Just tell us already or STFU about it. No one cares.

you don't want to know because it just proves the left is nothing but blatant unadulterated hypocrites and liars and the polls are beginning to show it

Stop drinking so early, spanky. I'm not a LOLberal. Do you read any posts ina thread besides your own?
In other words:

Legislative terrorism.

In this case, I have to agree with you.

However, I think it would have been better if Reid and McConnell could have come together and said, "On midnight 1/1/2020, the rules become __________________" not knowing which party would be benefitted by getting rid of this idiotic filibuster.

This move by Reid is simply wrong.
That's why this is happening.

No it isnt. It is happening because the Democrats dont want to play by the same rules they were griping about 4 years ago. They want total and complete power, not democracy. Not representation for all Americans. But power for themselves and their factions.
The GOP did absolutely nothing that the Dems had not done previously.

Try again, the democrats are trying to honor the constitution and the american people. The GOP have been acting like a bunch of crybaby 2 year old abusing the filibuster like never before seen in history. The democrats hold the majority in the senate, they run the show, not the GOP.

Keep spinning shit, you no rep hack.

Just remember that you were for this rule change when we take back ALL of Washington.

And we will.

OBTW, most of the appointments the Stuttering Clusterfuck is trying to make have been open since the dimocraps filibustered George Bush's nominations

True dat


To a dimocrap, that's a compliment

Go for it

I have no doubt that Republicans would change Filibuster Rules the minute they take the Senate

End it once and for all and live with a majority vote in the Senate

but they didn't....did they? :rolleyes:

all the BS you and the rest of you spew, what a bunch of classless hypocrites.

Gotta love the "Its OK when we do it, because we are doing it" logic.
You mean they were abusing it the same exact way the democrats "abused" it in the 108th congress? Yeah, just like that.

The difference? LOLberals are like little children. They want what they want adn they want it right now. They will lie, cheat, steal and even murer to obtain it.

Congrats on your special "evolution", LOLberals. You have "evolved" on yet another issue.
You didn't want the rules change when Bush was president, but now you do so Obama can appoint his people without the fillibusters democrats used previously.

Integrity; LOLberals have none. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

You have still failed to produce any evidence that the Democrats in the 108th used Filibuster more than Republicans in the 110th and 112th

I will wait

"more than" is of absolutely no relevance. They used the fillibuster to block 10 appointments. Not to mentiont he 20 some that were stalled and sent back until Bush gave up trying to make an appointment.

You guys have no integrity. None. Zip. Zilch. Zero. No principles either.

You will lie, you will cheat, you will steal, you will murder to get your way. When faced with being a complete hypocrite, you simply try to marginalie it. "Mommy, he hit me seven times, so I hit him eight and thats fair!"


Every Congress has filibustered, judicial nominations have been blocked

None has come near the levels of Republicans in the 210th and 212th Congress

That is the point
can anyone really blame him for the "party of no" (hint- the party that couldn't win the Presidency or the senate :redface: ) simply blocking anything that moves for the past 4+ yrs? Sen. Reid is a statesman & a scholar

Reid threatens to go nuclear on filibuster reform | MSNBC
“I’m considering looking at the rules,” the Nevada Democrat told reporters on Tuesday. “The American people are sick of this. In the name of simple fairness, any president, not just President Obama, Democrat or Republican, needs to be able to have the team that he wants in place,” Reid added.

Reid’s threat comes as Senate Republicans blocked – for the third time in three weeks—Obama’s pick, Robert Wilkins, to be a judge on the powerful D.C. Court of Appeals. Reid had a solid majority, but due to GOP’s exploitation of the Senate’s arcane rules, Democrats still fell six votes short of ending debate on Wilkins’ nomination.

"I am also aware that the Founding Fathers established the filibuster as a means of protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority -- and that protection, with some changes, has been in place for over 200 years."

who said that in 2005?
But they DID NOT establish the filibuster so that one party could use it as a weapon to shut down the country because they were unhappy with a black president. What we have here is tyranny of the minority. What we have here is a disfunctional republican/tea party that is willing to use the filibuster to shut down the government so they can have their way. Their failure to compromise and work together for a better America was an invitation for Reid to invoke the nuclear option. He had little option if anything is to be done to solve our problems.
In other words:

Legislative terrorism.

In this case, I have to agree with you.

However, I think it would have been better if Reid and McConnell could have come together and said, "On midnight 1/1/2020, the rules become __________________" not knowing which party would be benefitted by getting rid of this idiotic filibuster.

This move by Reid is simply wrong.

The only way any party would get behind this is if they were assuming they'd be in power from here on. And if they're making that kind of assumption we'd never want to let them get away with it.
Who gives a shit? it looks like it was cherrypicked so who even knows what context it is being said in. Just tell us already or STFU about it. No one cares.

you don't want to know because it just proves the left is nothing but blatant unadulterated hypocrites and liars and the polls are beginning to show it

Stop drinking so early, spanky. I'm not a LOLberal. Do you read any posts ina thread besides your own?

then if you don't give a shit then why are you wasting your time responding to it

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