Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

It's a majority power grab.
The Dens who support abortion rights are going to regret this move whenever the Repubs get the majority in the Senate.
When they voted for Nuclear option that is pretty much that who ever is in charge in the senate has all say. I cant wait until the REP take over and they are shitting their pants in 2014..

Republicans need to play the same game dimocrap scum play.

Only harder and meaner. It's way overdue.

That's why this is happening.
The deems will be morning this in two years time.

Short term gain leads to long term pain on this one

What judicial appointments will Republicans be making in two years?

Can't wait for morning

What judicial appointments will Obama make in 2 years' time, is the real question. The answer is none. Blocked by an angry GOP majority.


They are blocking them already....what would change?
It's a majority power grab.
The Dens who support abortion rights are going to regret this move whenever the Repubs get the majority in the Senate.

We've heard this argument many times. If Rs wouldn't have abused the filibuster, this wouldn't have happened.
Republicans were abusing the filibuster so they had their toy taken away from them

You mean they were abusing it the same exact way the democrats "abused" it in the 108th congress? Yeah, just like that.

The difference? LOLberals are like little children. They want what they want adn they want it right now. They will lie, cheat, steal and even murer to obtain it.

Congrats on your special "evolution", LOLberals. You have "evolved" on yet another issue.
You didn't want the rules change when Bush was president, but now you do so Obama can appoint his people without the fillibusters democrats used previously.

Integrity; LOLberals have none. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

You have still failed to produce any evidence that the Democrats in the 108th used Filibuster more than Republicans in the 110th and 112th

I will wait

"more than" is of absolutely no relevance. They used the fillibuster to block 10 appointments. Not to mentiont he 20 some that were stalled and sent back until Bush gave up trying to make an appointment.

You guys have no integrity. None. Zip. Zilch. Zero. No principles either.

You will lie, you will cheat, you will steal, you will murder to get your way. When faced with being a complete hypocrite, you simply try to marginalie it. "Mommy, he hit me seven times, so I hit him eight and thats fair!"

When they voted for Nuclear option that is pretty much that who ever is in charge in the senate has all say. I cant wait until the REP take over and they are shitting their pants in 2014..

Republicans need to play the same game dimocrap scum play.

Only harder and meaner. It's way overdue.

That's why this is happening.

No it isnt. It is happening because the Democrats dont want to play by the same rules they were griping about 4 years ago. They want total and complete power, not democracy. Not representation for all Americans. But power for themselves and their factions.
The GOP did absolutely nothing that the Dems had not done previously.
Republicans need to play the same game dimocrap scum play.

Only harder and meaner. It's way overdue.

That's why this is happening.

No it isnt. It is happening because the Democrats dont want to play by the same rules they were griping about 4 years ago. They want total and complete power, not democracy. Not representation for all Americans. But power for themselves and their factions.
The GOP did absolutely nothing that the Dems had not done previously.

That's the point. The GOP did nothing.
can anyone really blame him for the "party of no" (hint- the party that couldn't win the Presidency or the senate :redface: ) simply blocking anything that moves for the past 4+ yrs? Sen. Reid is a statesman & a scholar

Reid threatens to go nuclear on filibuster reform | MSNBC

"I am also aware that the Founding Fathers established the filibuster as a means of protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority -- and that protection, with some changes, has been in place for over 200 years."

who said that in 2005?

Senator Ted Kennedy
nope try again
hint he is still alive
What I've recognized as maybe the MORE important reason the Dems and Obama want to change the rules eliminating the tradition of the Filibuster is because those Alinsky-ites saw that their control over the mainstream media was neutralized by Cruz's filibuster to "FUND the Government but DEFUND Obamacare." He was able to guarantee himself a clear channel to deliver his anti ACA message to the American people without any effective Liberal or Governmental censorship.

Reid wants to prevent any GOP or Tea Party or Conservative ever being able to evade their media censorship.

That's a very important loss. They will cunningly steal from the citizens of the United States, the STOP button on our legislative process.

If all else goes wrong and the mob democracy is about to win the day, the filibuster can stop the momentum of a matter long enough to give us a chance to all take note and voice our opinions.

Rush points out that anyone the Dems want to nominate for judgeships can be approved with fewer votes and that means we could have almost any clown the majority wants to nominate can sail right through the process now.
In other words:

Legislative terrorism.
Seems to me that it is the republicans who are the terrorists.
After all, in the last Congress the republicans filibustered so many times that their total of filibusters was approx. equal to 1/2 of all the filibusters in the previous 237 years.

But then again, you are a wing nut and don't believe in democracy. You believe the minority should control the majority. How tp of you.
There never should have to be a super majority in the first place. The democrats are just following the constitution, something the GOP hates with a passion.

Evidently you have never actually read the Constitution, because you seem to have no freaking idea what your talking about. If you can't figure out why I say that all by your little self, ask and I'll explain it to you. Although I seriously doubt your smart enough to do either.
The changes made today would allow a president’s nominees, except to the Supreme Court, to be confirmed by a simple majority, rather than 60 votes.

Hardly a dictatorship.
Republicans need to play the same game dimocrap scum play.

Only harder and meaner. It's way overdue.

That's why this is happening.

No it isnt. It is happening because the Democrats dont want to play by the same rules they were griping about 4 years ago. They want total and complete power, not democracy. Not representation for all Americans. But power for themselves and their factions.
The GOP did absolutely nothing that the Dems had not done previously.

Try again, the democrats are trying to honor the constitution and the american people. The GOP have been acting like a bunch of crybaby 2 year old abusing the filibuster like never before seen in history. The democrats hold the majority in the senate, they run the show, not the GOP.
Democrat Domestic terrorists pulling the government down around Obama Ears. Period

They will drag the country down with Obama
can anyone really blame him for the "party of no" (hint- the party that couldn't win the Presidency or the senate :redface: ) simply blocking anything that moves for the past 4+ yrs? Sen. Reid is a statesman & a scholar

Reid threatens to go nuclear on filibuster reform | MSNBC
“I’m considering looking at the rules,” the Nevada Democrat told reporters on Tuesday. “The American people are sick of this. In the name of simple fairness, any president, not just President Obama, Democrat or Republican, needs to be able to have the team that he wants in place,” Reid added.

Reid’s threat comes as Senate Republicans blocked – for the third time in three weeks—Obama’s pick, Robert Wilkins, to be a judge on the powerful D.C. Court of Appeals. Reid had a solid majority, but due to GOP’s exploitation of the Senate’s arcane rules, Democrats still fell six votes short of ending debate on Wilkins’ nomination.
What the Fuck are you talking about?

The party of NO has been the Democrats in the Senate for the past 4 years.

You feeling okay? Did you have a stroke? Do you need someone to call 911?

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