Reid Laughs at Prospect of Bringing GOP Bills Up for Votes in Senate


Nov 13, 2012
Reid Laughs at Prospect of Bringing GOP Bills Up for Votes in Senate

By: Matt Cover
December 13, 2012

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) complained that House Republicans are refusing to bring some Senate-passed legislation to the floor—but dismissed the question of when he might bring many House-passed measures up for a Senate vote.

“I can give you a long list of things we haven’t done,” Reid said at his weekly press conference when asked if he would ever bring languished GOP bills up for a vote. …

Reid, as majority leader in the Senate, controls the floor schedule—deciding which bills will come to the floor and when.

When asked again if he might bring any of the House-passed bills to the floor, Reid chuckled and said “some time is a long time, I guess.” …


Read more at:
Reid Laughs at Prospect of Bringing GOP Bills Up for Votes in Senate | CNS News

So a Republican Congress gets the bum rap while Harry Reid is the main reason Bipartisan issues cannot be settled. We plainly see that Reid has no intention of working with Congress.
By refusing to engage the Senate and meet his Constitutional obligation to do things such as pass a budget resolution, Reid does his part to insure Obama continues to be an Imperial President and TinPot Dictator.

The public does not get it, and the media does not care.
Reid complained during his opening remarks that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) had refused to take action on several Senate-passed bills, including a bill that would extend current tax rates for everyone making under $250,000 per year, allowing rates to rise only on those making more.

Speaker Boehner knows or should know that the middle class tax help that we have to pass would sail through the House of Representatives. Democrats would overwhelmingly vote for it. I would doubt that there would be any Democrat that would vote against it,” Reid said.

Democrats passed the bill in July, in an attempt to demonstrate that the Senate could muster the votes necessary to raise taxes on those making $250,000 per year or more.

The House has taken no action on the bill as Republicans strongly oppose the idea of raising taxes on anyone.

Reid said the Senate had “nothing to do” until the House takes action on the Senate-passed legislation.

“We have nothing to do until they do something,” he said. “We’ve been waiting for them to do something that will help the middle class
As has the rest of the Nation.
Harry Reid Won't Bring the House-Passed 30+ Jobs Bills to Senate ...

16 Jul 2012 ... The Obstructionist in Congress is DEMOCRAT HARRY REID in the ... The “stand
by your ad” provision would have required the CEO or ... Chuck Schumer (D.,
N.Y.) said as much when promoting the bill at a 2010 press conference. ... Reid
Uses Procedural Maneuver to Block Vote on Obama's Jobs Bill.
Harry Reid Won’t Bring the House-Passed 30+ Jobs Bills to Senate Floor, but Will Go Full Boogie to Get Bill to Protect Unions on Floor without Discussion « Romanticpoet's Weblog

15 Real Jobs Bills Stalled in the Senate | FreedomWorks
1 Nov 2011 ... President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) have
continuously blamed Republicans for blocking jobs bills. But this is ...
15 Real Jobs Bills Stalled in the Senate | FreedomWorks

Analysis: Where are the jobs bills? -
6 Jul 2012... each other Friday for blocking legislation that would help create new jobs and
spark ... Both parties have a number of proposals on the table, but with the
campaign ... Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, ripped the ... In April,
for example, legislators passed the Jumpstart Our Business Startups ...
Analysis: Where are the jobs bills? -

Tyranny in the United States Senate
4 Jun 2012 ... Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has regularly used a procedural tactic called “
filling the amendment tree” to restrict Senators' right to debate ...
Tyranny in the United States Senate -
If you looked at the bs propaganda "laws" that Pubs in the house have given him, you'd understand, dupes...
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This nation is DEAD.

Dems killed it.

Reid has ass-fucked the ability of Congress to provide check and balance to the Executive branch.

Yep, but if the house had the balls they would just shut the whole damn thing down and tell Maobama if he wants a redo it would be under their terms. Constitutionally the house is an equal to the senate and controls the purse. Like Nancy Reagan said, JUST SAY NO! Maobama is trying to make congress insignificant and so far they have let him get away with it. It's past time to draw a line and say no more.
Thank you Harry, for finally publicly admitting that you are nothing but an obstructionist boar.

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