Related To The School Shooting....

Fact is, that cog-in-the-wheel view is necessary for military victory.

6. OK....but what if we are not in a war? What is the basis for decision-making by individuals in a civilized society?

How does religion get to be the arbiter?

"The Bible is the wisdom of the West. It is from the precepts of the Bible that the legal systems of the West have been developed- systems, worked out over millennia, for dealing with inequality, with injustice, with greed, reducible to that which Christians call the Golden Rule, and the Jews had propounded as “That which is hateful to you, don not do to your neighbor.”

It is these rules and laws which form a framework which allows the individual foreknowledge of that which is permitted and that which is forbidden."
David Mamet, "The Secret Knowledge."

By driving religion out of our schools, the Left has made room for a very different perspective.

Is this just a long winded way of repeating that "Since we kicked God out of schools, He can't protect the children" nonsense?

Why would you doubt it?

Traditional faith and Liberalism couldn't be more different.....and mass shooting represent one more of the disastrous fruits of the latter.

Because I was taught my faith at home. As were most people I know. It went with us to school, whether there was a school-led prayer or not.

The idea that God was "removed from school" is laughable.

"The idea that God was "removed from school" is laughable."

That 'laughing' is of the sort that Lord Byron referred to...“And if I laugh at any mortal thing, 'Tis that I may not weep.

"High School Quarterback Penalized For Thanking God

And that is stupid. If all he did was point to the sky, it should never have been penalized.

But after every school shooting there are claims that God could not help the school children because he was not allowed in the school. That is equally (if not more) ridiculous and stupid.

The perq of being a Liberal is that you can formulate your own morality....Charles Murray writes about it:

'One change in societal attitude has been the “ecumenical niceness”…don’t fight, share toys, take turns….and never, ever be judgmental. As a result, the upper cultural class, which has stabilized by returning to more traditional ways, survives, yet these individuals will not criticize the behaviors which are destroying the lower cultural class.'

The opposite is this:
" This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.

The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience.

The Bible is the wisdom of the West. It is from the precepts of the Bible that the legal systems of the West have been developed- systems, worked out over millennia, for dealing with inequality, with injustice, with greed, reducible t that which Christians call the Golden Rule, and the Jews had propounded as “That which is hateful to you, don not do to your neighbor.”

It is these rules and laws which form a framework which allows the individual foreknowledge of that which is permitted and that which is forbidden."
David Mamet

Or.....perhaps..... to Evil.

While there is overwhelming evidence that the psychiatric drugs prescribed by school counselors and psychologists is a major cause of the ideation needed for these mass shootings, evil is a necessary component, as well.

Not all individuals are susceptible to hypnosis...., perhaps the same is true for committing evil acts. there ever an excuse for same?

1. In fact....that is the aim of 'evil,' to cause good folks to do evil. Whether one attributes that to the personification of evil, Lucifer/Satan, or simply call it a force, like gravity, that influences all of us at one time or exists.
Problem is, much of the time...maybe all of the time....when people do evil things, they- and those attempting to explain the act- have the capacity to rationalize them as a mistake, an error, or no other choice.

Fact: the human mind cannot be relied on to be objective: we find a way to justify doing what we want to do, or what redounds to our benefit.

2. Some acts are so evil that there is no way to pretend otherwise.
But....for the majority of evil actions, we are often able to find some way to excuse the act, so it will not to weigh heavily on our conscience.
Such as this: "Guns cause mass shootings."

No they don't.
The lack of morality, of the sort of standards built into the Judeo-Christian faith at the heart of this nation's founding causes evil acts.
And there is one party, one perspective, that abhors religion, advances some subjective view of morality, that should be held responsible.

3. “I was a rifleman toward the end of the war, and my squad was moving out in advance of the American lines–in a no-man’s-land. We came to a small river, and we captured eight Germans there. They were little more than kids, 16 or 17 years old. We had a dilemma. We were very far from our lines. We couldn’t take them prisoner and bring them back to our own people. The country was too dangerous, and we had our assignment. And we could not let them go.

We made them turn their back and face the river. Then we went down the row and shot each of them in the back of the head… Funny, they were so obedient. Germans! They just stood there in the line and waited their turn to be shot.”
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation," p. 74-75

Assume arguendo, that the soldier was a decent to get past that act of execution?

" doesn’t really bother me. We had seen so much. Our friends had died, we’d seen them blown up, dying in all sorts of horrible ways. This was something we had to do and we did it.”

4. In the film "The Fury," almost the same scene:

What was the choice? Was there an alternative? Is this one of those times when evil has to be excused?

Or.....what would you do?

Ya, that's it! THE DEVIL MADE HIM DO IT!!! :lmao:

Or.....perhaps..... to Evil.

While there is overwhelming evidence that the psychiatric drugs prescribed by school counselors and psychologists is a major cause of the ideation needed for these mass shootings, evil is a necessary component, as well.

Not all individuals are susceptible to hypnosis...., perhaps the same is true for committing evil acts. there ever an excuse for same?

1. In fact....that is the aim of 'evil,' to cause good folks to do evil. Whether one attributes that to the personification of evil, Lucifer/Satan, or simply call it a force, like gravity, that influences all of us at one time or exists.
Problem is, much of the time...maybe all of the time....when people do evil things, they- and those attempting to explain the act- have the capacity to rationalize them as a mistake, an error, or no other choice.

Fact: the human mind cannot be relied on to be objective: we find a way to justify doing what we want to do, or what redounds to our benefit.

2. Some acts are so evil that there is no way to pretend otherwise.
But....for the majority of evil actions, we are often able to find some way to excuse the act, so it will not to weigh heavily on our conscience.
Such as this: "Guns cause mass shootings."

No they don't.
The lack of morality, of the sort of standards built into the Judeo-Christian faith at the heart of this nation's founding causes evil acts.
And there is one party, one perspective, that abhors religion, advances some subjective view of morality, that should be held responsible.

3. “I was a rifleman toward the end of the war, and my squad was moving out in advance of the American lines–in a no-man’s-land. We came to a small river, and we captured eight Germans there. They were little more than kids, 16 or 17 years old. We had a dilemma. We were very far from our lines. We couldn’t take them prisoner and bring them back to our own people. The country was too dangerous, and we had our assignment. And we could not let them go.

We made them turn their back and face the river. Then we went down the row and shot each of them in the back of the head… Funny, they were so obedient. Germans! They just stood there in the line and waited their turn to be shot.”
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation," p. 74-75

Assume arguendo, that the soldier was a decent to get past that act of execution?

" doesn’t really bother me. We had seen so much. Our friends had died, we’d seen them blown up, dying in all sorts of horrible ways. This was something we had to do and we did it.”

4. In the film "The Fury," almost the same scene:

What was the choice? Was there an alternative? Is this one of those times when evil has to be excused?

Or.....what would you do?

Ya, that's it! THE DEVIL MADE HIM DO IT!!! :lmao:

Just between embarrassed are you at how easily I destroyed your posts?

Ya' know....that nonsense about socialism in the Bible, and any starvation in America....

Learned your lesson?

Or.....perhaps..... to Evil.

While there is overwhelming evidence that the psychiatric drugs prescribed by school counselors and psychologists is a major cause of the ideation needed for these mass shootings, evil is a necessary component, as well.

Not all individuals are susceptible to hypnosis...., perhaps the same is true for committing evil acts. there ever an excuse for same?

1. In fact....that is the aim of 'evil,' to cause good folks to do evil. Whether one attributes that to the personification of evil, Lucifer/Satan, or simply call it a force, like gravity, that influences all of us at one time or exists.
Problem is, much of the time...maybe all of the time....when people do evil things, they- and those attempting to explain the act- have the capacity to rationalize them as a mistake, an error, or no other choice.

Fact: the human mind cannot be relied on to be objective: we find a way to justify doing what we want to do, or what redounds to our benefit.

2. Some acts are so evil that there is no way to pretend otherwise.
But....for the majority of evil actions, we are often able to find some way to excuse the act, so it will not to weigh heavily on our conscience.
Such as this: "Guns cause mass shootings."

No they don't.
The lack of morality, of the sort of standards built into the Judeo-Christian faith at the heart of this nation's founding causes evil acts.
And there is one party, one perspective, that abhors religion, advances some subjective view of morality, that should be held responsible.

3. “I was a rifleman toward the end of the war, and my squad was moving out in advance of the American lines–in a no-man’s-land. We came to a small river, and we captured eight Germans there. They were little more than kids, 16 or 17 years old. We had a dilemma. We were very far from our lines. We couldn’t take them prisoner and bring them back to our own people. The country was too dangerous, and we had our assignment. And we could not let them go.

We made them turn their back and face the river. Then we went down the row and shot each of them in the back of the head… Funny, they were so obedient. Germans! They just stood there in the line and waited their turn to be shot.”
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation," p. 74-75

Assume arguendo, that the soldier was a decent to get past that act of execution?

" doesn’t really bother me. We had seen so much. Our friends had died, we’d seen them blown up, dying in all sorts of horrible ways. This was something we had to do and we did it.”

4. In the film "The Fury," almost the same scene:

What was the choice? Was there an alternative? Is this one of those times when evil has to be excused?

Or.....what would you do?

Ya, that's it! THE DEVIL MADE HIM DO IT!!! :lmao:

Just between embarrassed are you at how easily I destroyed your posts?

Ya' know....that nonsense about socialism in the Bible, and any starvation in America....

Learned your lesson?

You never disagreed with the fact that you' d let poor people die of starvation. Just a bunch of copy&paste nonsense.

Now the devil made him do it?

Or.....perhaps..... to Evil.

While there is overwhelming evidence that the psychiatric drugs prescribed by school counselors and psychologists is a major cause of the ideation needed for these mass shootings, evil is a necessary component, as well.

Not all individuals are susceptible to hypnosis...., perhaps the same is true for committing evil acts. there ever an excuse for same?

1. In fact....that is the aim of 'evil,' to cause good folks to do evil. Whether one attributes that to the personification of evil, Lucifer/Satan, or simply call it a force, like gravity, that influences all of us at one time or exists.
Problem is, much of the time...maybe all of the time....when people do evil things, they- and those attempting to explain the act- have the capacity to rationalize them as a mistake, an error, or no other choice.

Fact: the human mind cannot be relied on to be objective: we find a way to justify doing what we want to do, or what redounds to our benefit.

2. Some acts are so evil that there is no way to pretend otherwise.
But....for the majority of evil actions, we are often able to find some way to excuse the act, so it will not to weigh heavily on our conscience.
Such as this: "Guns cause mass shootings."

No they don't.
The lack of morality, of the sort of standards built into the Judeo-Christian faith at the heart of this nation's founding causes evil acts.
And there is one party, one perspective, that abhors religion, advances some subjective view of morality, that should be held responsible.

3. “I was a rifleman toward the end of the war, and my squad was moving out in advance of the American lines–in a no-man’s-land. We came to a small river, and we captured eight Germans there. They were little more than kids, 16 or 17 years old. We had a dilemma. We were very far from our lines. We couldn’t take them prisoner and bring them back to our own people. The country was too dangerous, and we had our assignment. And we could not let them go.

We made them turn their back and face the river. Then we went down the row and shot each of them in the back of the head… Funny, they were so obedient. Germans! They just stood there in the line and waited their turn to be shot.”
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation," p. 74-75

Assume arguendo, that the soldier was a decent to get past that act of execution?

" doesn’t really bother me. We had seen so much. Our friends had died, we’d seen them blown up, dying in all sorts of horrible ways. This was something we had to do and we did it.”

4. In the film "The Fury," almost the same scene:

What was the choice? Was there an alternative? Is this one of those times when evil has to be excused?

Or.....what would you do?

Ya, that's it! THE DEVIL MADE HIM DO IT!!! :lmao:

Just between embarrassed are you at how easily I destroyed your posts?

Ya' know....that nonsense about socialism in the Bible, and any starvation in America....

Learned your lesson?

You never disagreed with the fact that you' d let poor people die of starvation. Just a bunch of copy&paste nonsense.

Now the devil made him do it?

Let readers decide.....then everyone will know you're a liar.
2 Timothy 3 : People will turn away from God in the last days
v1 Understand this! During the last days (before Christ returns to earth), there will be times of great trouble. v2 People will love only themselves. They will want lots of money. They will think that they are much more important than other people. And they will talk about how great they are. They will say bad things about other people. They will not obey their parents. They will not thank anyone. They will not think that other people, or God, are important. They will not do what is proper to other people. v3People will not even love their own families. They will refuse to agree with other people. They will say wrong things about other people, things that are not true. They will be unable to rule themselves properly. They will be cruel like wild animals. They will be enemies of everything that is good. v4People will turn against their friends. They will not think carefully before they do things. They will be completely sure that they are very, very important. They will not love God, but instead they will want very much to enjoy themselves. v5 Those people will seem to *worship God. But really, they will refuse to let God work in them. You must stay away from people like that.

v6 Among those people, there are some men who get into people’s homes. They get power over silly women. These women have done many wrong things. They cannot stop themselves. They let themselves do wrong things because they want all kinds of things so much. v7 These women are always trying to learn new things. But they can never really understand God’s true message. v8Jannes and Jambres tried to stop Moses because they were his enemies. In the same way, these men are enemies of God’s true message. Their minds have become confused and bad. They have failed to believe what is true
Yes people do evil things, but there is no reason we need to have assault weapons, people only need to have pistols to defend oneself , so if you want to shoot an assault weapon join the military.

Also ask yourself why so many military vets have PTSD, they have done things and seen things that haunt them, those who go in wanting to fight, its like a high they get, re-enlist. So we have many different types of mass shooters, but they are usually white males that are citizens.
Again for the slow and stupid. An assault weapon has either burst capability or rapid fire, NONE of the weapons you claim are assault weapons actually are they are semi automatic with single shot not burst or rapid fire.
Yes, Baudrillard does use the Ayatollah as an example in his book. Image of god, drunk on power, is the trip in the egoist-shooter's head.
A headline that tells you all you need to know about Liberals:

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"

According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows
You tell them PoliticalChic getting rid of the gun is not the solution
A headline that tells you all you need to know about Liberals:

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"

According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows
You tell them PoliticalChic getting rid of the gun is not the solution

Here's another statistic that you can ignore, numbskull...

Permit holders, licensed gun owners, are the most law abiding people in the nation.

Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas

Do the math, you imbecile....that means infractions by gun owners amounts to a rate of .00086%

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
A headline that tells you all you need to know about Liberals:

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"

According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows
You tell them PoliticalChic getting rid of the gun is not the solution

I apologize....I took your post for sarcasm.

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