Released: a list of 2,913 Palestinian children murdered in Gaza massacre (so far)

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
The 212-page document lists 6,747 people it says were killed between October 7 and October 26. It includes their names, ages and identification numbers.

A further 281 Palestinians, including 248 children, are described as “unidentified”, bringing the total to 7,028, including 2,913 children.

It said that the list of victims does not include people who are missing or anyone not registered in hospitals, suggesting that the actual death toll is much higher.

It comes after US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that he had “no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using”.

This war is going to take much longer than a couple of months to resolve is my guess, regardless of tue real number of dead citizens. Innocent deaths will continue to climb as will death of soldiers on both sides. Pray for peace and minimal casualties of the innocent
View attachment 849141
It said that the list of victims does not include people who are missing or anyone not registered in hospitals, suggesting that the actual death toll is much higher.

It comes after US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that he had “no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using”.

They still have their heads attached....

If, in fact, there have been 2,913 children killed -- there haven't -- then those can be added to the babies and civilians that Hamas has murdered.
It comes after US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that he had “no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using”.
Nearly every civilian death is due to Hamas hiding behind them so that Israel cannot strike the cowards. They misjudged this time. After 10/7, there is a NEW paradigm. Screw any country that demands Israel stop this time. IOW, your "dead baby strategy" is off the table. RAZE GAZA...
We are talking about "people" savage enough to bring those same babies up to be suicide bombers. These are "people" who would kill their own kids so that they could be used in propaganda stories of "Israeli Atrocities" for all anyone knows. These same "people" who empower hamas, piss and moan about the suffering they endure living with hamas, then turn their guns on the jews?

These people are fugitives of natural selection being protected by the collectivist global elite for whatever reason, but it's time for nature to take it's course and the palestinian story to come to an end.

If the rest of the moose limb world wants to come fuck and find out then so be it.
Nearly every civilian death is due to Hamas hiding behind them so that Israel cannot strike the cowards. They misjudged this time. After 10/7, there is a NEW paradigm. Screw any country that demands Israel stop this time. IOW, your "dead baby strategy" is off the table. RAZE GAZA...

When you are in a firefight, if you grab a baby and hold it in front of you while the bullets wiz by, that baby's death is on you, not who is shooting at you.
Nearly every civilian death is due to Hamas hiding behind them so that Israel cannot strike the cowards. They misjudged this time. After 10/7, there is a NEW paradigm. Screw any country that demands Israel stop this time. IOW, your "dead baby strategy" is off the table. RAZE GAZA...
The real story for 70 years:



But you could be brainwashed or simply one of the "digital army" employees or lovers.
Jewish Professor Norman Finkelstein:
"There is alot of evidence that Israel engages in human shields and they deliberately target Hospitals and Ambulances"
View attachment 849141
It said that the list of victims does not include people who are missing or anyone not registered in hospitals, suggesting that the actual death toll is much higher.

It comes after US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that he had “no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using”.

It is a WAR CRIME for Hamas to intentionally place civilians in harms way

Take your grievance up with Hsmas
View attachment 849141
It said that the list of victims does not include people who are missing or anyone not registered in hospitals, suggesting that the actual death toll is much higher.

It comes after US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that he had “no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using”.

Actions have consequences, especially in war. Hamas murdered women children and babies. There are those that whine that Israel's response should have been proportional. Proportional in this case would have been barging into Gaza unanounced and "butchering" unarmed women and children in various grotesque ways.
Israel's response was to fly in leaflets and make announcements warning Palestinian civilians to move south and vacate the area.
Hamas, being the terrorist organization it is, keeps many civilians there, to ensure civilian casualties for the naive newscasters.
As for my solution to the problem, I'd drop several Neutron Bombs on Gaza without warning, thus making it uninhabitable for many generations. If any Hamas survived, they'd have to move about in Hazmat suits or die of radiation poisoning. As for "unarmed civilians," they chose Hamas to lead them, so good riddance.

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