who holds the moral highground : Israel, or Muslims?

Your question doesn't make any sense whether we know what you mean or we don't. Actually, knowing what you mean makes your question doubly insane because your verdict at the end of it is outrageous. So ....... do you want to rephrase your question and walk straight into a trap 🪤 or just let it go and hope we won't hold a grudge?
is that a threat?

and eh, to any ordinary viewer of these messages, you're the insane one, for refusing to see the very real basis of that generalization i used in this thread.
what you both are doing is nothing less than reducing a serious discussion and poll to a dictionary game.
in fact, it shines you in the face so brightly, how the Israelis are opposed to groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, all funded and motivated by other people, often most intensely by Muslim fundamentalists and extremists, that i refuse to repeat explaining the basics of Israelis vs the Muslims to you and any of your buddies.
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is that a threat?

and eh, to any ordinary viewer of these messages, you're the insane one, for refusing to see the very real basis of that generalization i used in this thread.
what you both are doing is nothing less than reducing a serious discussion and poll to a dictionary game.
in fact, it shines you in the face so brightly, how the Israelis are opposed to groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, all funded and motivated by other people, often most intensely by Muslim fundamentalists and extremists, that i refuse to repeat explaining the basics of Israelis vs the Muslims to you and any of your buddies.
You support a genocide while claiming you’re a peace fan. Now, who’s insane again?

There are no civilians in Gaza. In 1947, the Arab migration to Israel was for one reason, to oppose the upcoming new state. Their children are indoctrinated to hate and slay Israelis.

Am Yisrael chai, Baruch haba b'shem Adonai!
Your question doesn't make any sense whether we know what you mean or we don't. Actually, knowing what you mean makes your question doubly insane because your verdict at the end of it is outrageous. So ....... do you want to rephrase your question and walk straight into a trap 🪤 or just let it go and hope we won't hold a grudge?
is that a threat?
Are you melting in the sun?
and eh, to any ordinary viewer of these messages, you're the insane one,
Oh, I see. Only the extraordinary do not consider me "insane", huh? I often wondered how that works. Now I know! :eusa_shifty:
... what you both are doing is nothing less than reducing a serious discussion and poll to a dictionary game.
That's interesting.
... in fact, it shines you in the face so brightly, how the Israelis are opposed to groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, all funded and motivated by other people, often most intensely by Muslim fundamentalists and extremists,
I see. So, the virtue of "standing your ground" only applies to Zionists, is that it?
... that i refuse to repeat explaining the basics of Israelis vs the Muslims to you and any of your buddies.
I'm glad we got that out of the way! What a relief! But, you know [just between the two of us :eusa_shhh:] I can tell you that I don't actually believe you.
Are you melting in the sun?
i'm getting to the root of the "problem" between us, bro.
allow me :
Oh, I see. Only the extraordinary do not consider me "insane", huh? I often wondered how that works. Now I know! :eusa_shifty:
only powerhungry (middle-)eastern warriors and keyboard warriors do not ;)

That's interesting.
yeah, so : whenever you can't understand definitions that people are using, ask politely about them. don't start verbal fights online, and go and imply physical-world consequences to scare people. that's as lame as it is insane, and not just a little bit in this case.
I see. So, the virtue of "standing your ground" only applies to Zionists, is that it?
standing your ground is not always the best option.
retreat should be considered too.
as should the virtue of being good neighbors (the essence of my lesson towards Muslims)
I'm glad we got that out of the way! What a relief! But, you know [just between the two of us :eusa_shhh:] I can tell you that I don't actually believe you.
jee, lemme try that bait you throw in the pond here.
why don't you want to believe me? because you're indoctrinated with BRICS and possibly Russian nationalist military superiority bs perhaps?
The only reason you assume land grabbed by Arab imperialists
who can't even pronounce it, as "their land" -

is because you assume the opposite,
if those who took the land were
Islamists with a bigger army.


Arabs have been in Palestine since long before Islam. Muslim is a religion not a race. It's nothing like Jewish Nationalism.

Why do you think they hated the Samaritans? They were half breed Arabs.
Arabs have been in Palestine since long before Islam. Muslim is a religion not a race. It's nothing like Jewish Nationalism.

Why do you think they hated the Samaritans? They were half breed Arabs.
The arabs were not muslims way back when, but the Pals inhabiting Gaza today are 100% muslim
What was Operation Cast Lead?
i dunno. wikipedia for that page contains no clues as to the cause of that battle.

but it's part of an Israeli tendency to opt for asymetrical force, which can only be interpreted as an attempt to hand out valuable life lessons.
i dunno. wikipedia for that page contains no clues as to the cause of that battle.

but it's part of an Israeli tendency to opt for asymetrical force, which can only be interpreted as an attempt to hand out valuable life lessons.

They killed 1400 Palestinians including 300 children.
i'm getting to the root of the "problem" between us, bro. Only powerhungry (middle-)eastern warriors and keyboard warriors do not
yeah, so : whenever you can't understand definitions that people are using, don't start verbal fights online, and go and imply physical-world consequences to scare people. that's as lame as it is insane, standing your ground is not always the best option. retreat should be considered too. as should
the virtue of being good neighbor (the essence of my lesson towards Muslims)
So many words consisting of so little content. Israel is not a neighbour of Palestine. It is the confiscator of Palestine. But this below is the best part: ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Why don't you want to believe me? because you're indoctrinated with BRICS and possibly Russian nationalist military superiority bs perhaps?
Here is some advice:

Whenever you can't understand definitions ....... don't start verbal fights online, and go and imply physical-world consequences to scare people. that's as lame as it is insane, and not just a little bit in this case.
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The arabs were not muslims way back when, but the Pals inhabiting Gaza today are 100% muslim

Most are refugees from East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Gaza is like the Warsaw Ghetto ... very crowded.
So, what you're saying is, "I'm rubber and you're glue". Nice come-back. :auiqs.jpg:
don't get crypticly nationalistic in your choice of proverbs online either.
you might be talking to allies or (fr)enemies close by (same city) or far away.
and they won't always be able to understand the cryptic ones.
plus, it's you keeping this discussion at a dictionary game level, not me.
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They killed 1400 Palestinians including 300 children.
they killed 300 kids because Hamas is a death cult with military wing, as collateral damage and because Hamas advertises death in combat to them, with promises of continued life in the 7th and best Heaven of Allah.
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Most are refugees from East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Gaza is like the Warsaw Ghetto ... very crowded.
Its not as crowded as a city-state like Singapore

The difference is that Singapore spends its energy on peace and prosperity whereas the arabs focus on war

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