Chiefs' Kicker Butker Slams Abortion, LBGT, and Biden's fake Catholicism in Commencement Address

Didn't God create the science that made IVF possible? There are four more souls on earth, thanks to my daughter-in-law.

From the website:

Yes. While the Church encourages certain fertility treatments for couples struggling to have children, the use of IVF is contrary to Catholic teachings.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (No. 2377) states that IVF is “morally unacceptable” because it separates the marriage act from procreation and establishes “the domination of technology” over human life.

What is the Catholic Church’s position on IVF?

Ironically their issue is removing sex from the equation.
I take it back. Listening to whole speech I don't hear what he is being accused of. Not really a good graduation speech, more of a general churchy speech.
I couldn't give a shit one way or another what some dumb-assed athlete or celebrity thinks. He's entitled to his opinion, especially when he's giving a speech to a receptive and mostly captive audience.

It isn't national news. Nobody of consequence gives a shit.
Of course it's national news. Derp.
That just tells you that most American Catholics aren’t Christians. They see being Catholic as just a tradition. I recall having a discussion many years ago with a professed Catholic about creationism vs evolution where he was arguing for the latter. Very suspect dichotomy there.
Practicing Catholics oppose abortion, and of course, are Christian.
Right or wrong, this was not the place for him to rant.

Students and parents are there to celebrate a milestone of graduation. Not to be a captive audience for political showboating.
What's more important that the way one conducts his life? It's far more important than a degree. Butker is a devout Catholic motivating a Catholic student body. 100% appropriate. That's why he was invited.
"Standing up for what he believes"?
Butker wasn't asked.

Harrison should have said something inspirational, smiled and got the hell out of there.
Of course he was asked. He was asked to speak there. They knew what he would say.
Biden has been a Catholic longer than Butker has been ALIVE! :auiqs.jpg:
And Butker is responsible for kicking an oblong ball between two posts, not responsible for running a country will millions of people, half of whom left the loony farm when a certain orange turd showed up. :)
Biden isn't a practicing Catholic. Butker is. Biden hasn't run the country. His handlers have, and they're bend on destroying it. Butker has done far more good for humanity than Biden.
I take it back. Listening to whole speech I don't hear what he is being accused of. Not really a good graduation speech, more of a general churchy speech.
It was a great and memorable graduation speech. The students will definitely remember it.

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