Released POW was 'ashamed to be an American.

I wonder if some people think that it may be more intelligent and wait for more concrete facts to come out before making a judgment. This soldier may have some good intelligence for us, I wonder if that's another reason that we made this trade. I suspect we are tracking those 'Gitmo Five' in some way and hoping that they will lead us higher up the food chain.

That is all fine and good. We are dealing with what we know. Not what we do not know.

Here is a Tweet from his father.


Do you believe the father that the reason he read in Arabic because he feared his son did not understand English?

These are what we know. ALong with the disparaging things he has said about the country.

That is what we are commenting on.

LOL what Bullshit. As if someone who spoke English would forget after speaking it for 22 years. Not to mention this kid seems pretty smart, he learned French and several other languages in the years before joining the ARMY. He said he was going to desert BEFORE he ever arrived in Afghanistan.
I wonder if some people think that it may be more intelligent and wait for more concrete facts to come out before making a judgment. This soldier may have some good intelligence for us, I wonder if that's another reason that we made this trade. I suspect we are tracking those 'Gitmo Five' in some way and hoping that they will lead us higher up the food chain.

The only reason no doubt, and yes, we may have "changed" the minds of those we release, or own them in any case. The US can not only torture as was allowed under Bush Ii, we have the best brainwashing techniques, much more subtle than pain, or violence.

Are you serious? The US tortures under Obama, some pretend the torture did not exist before Bush. Obama just renders them to other countries to physically torture them. Psssstt the same Bush was doing.

Post Politics: Breaking Politics News, Political Analysis & More - The Washington Post

Alfred W. McCoy: Impunity at Home, Rendition Abroad

Contrary to Obama's promises, the US military still permits torture | Jeffrey Kaye | Comment is free |

Renditions continue under Obama, despite due-process concerns - The Washington Post

Six Reasons the “Dark Side” Still Exists Under Obama | Criminal Justice | FRONTLINE | PBS

A Gitmo Prisoner Alleges He Has Been Tortured Under Obama - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

And not a word is said...
You can really tell that the RWrs don't know how to handle this...their vitrole is all over the place. :D

It's not vitriol from my perspective, it's just reality.

Obama is a bloody disaster. His administration is shockingly lame. He released 5 of the top Taliban scum, for a deserter?

And why did Jay Carney over a year ago state that the administration wouldn't let prisoners go from GTMO without notifying the Congress?
I wonder if some people think that it may be more intelligent and wait for more concrete facts to come out before making a judgment. This soldier may have some good intelligence for us, I wonder if that's another reason that we made this trade. I suspect we are tracking those 'Gitmo Five' in some way and hoping that they will lead us higher up the food chain.

Like we "tracked the guns" in fast n furious? Pahlezzzz

LOL, that's cool we are all entitled to our opinions. :)

Opinions aside I don't see ANY circumstances where you trade some of the worst killers back into a theater of war for ONE soldier who is at worst a traitor or at best a fucking nut.

I see bad things on the horizon from this. Not to mention that Obama clearly broke the law.

Wtf people
Like we "tracked the guns" in fast n furious? Pahlezzzz

LOL, that's cool we are all entitled to our opinions. :)

Opinions aside I don't see ANY circumstances where you trade some of the worst killers back into a theater of war for ONE soldier who is at worst a traitor or at best a fucking nut.

I see bad things on the horizon from this. Not to mention that Obama clearly broke the law.

Wtf people
Obama clearly broke the LAW...
What I have find surprising is the attitude so many have about the five we gave back so many seem to have this idea that these five were innocent people who ended up in gitmo because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time or that they have learned their lesson and won't go back to the fight. After ten plus years of fighting Al-Qaeda and Taliban types we don't seem to understand their mindset and motivations any better now than we did before 9-11.
The bizarre tale of America?s last known POW | New York Post

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the last known American POW, was freed after five years in captivity — an ordeal that began and ended in Afghanistan under a shroud of mystery.

The Taliban turned over Bergdahl Saturday morning to US special forces in exchange for five notorious Islamic militants who had been held at Guantanamo Bay and will be sent to Qatar, where they will stay for a year under the terms of the trade.

At least one of the prisoners, ranking Taliban leader Khairullah Khairkhwa, had direct ties to Osama bin Laden.

Bergdahl was picked up by helicopter in western Afghanistan, near the Pakistan border.
After climbing aboard, the 28-year-old Idahoan, trying to communicate with his rescuers over the roar of the rotors, scrawled “SF?” on a paper plate — asking his rescuers whether they were special forces.

“Yes,” one of the men shouted. “We’ve been looking for you for a long time.”
The Army infantryman — himself nicknamed “SF” by his comrades for his gung-ho interest in special-forces tactics — began to weep.

Bergdahl’s parents, who had lobbied continuously for his *release, had not seen him by Saturday night, but intimated that he faces an arduous recovery from his ordeal.

Bergdahl is speaking in what appears to be Pashto, said his dad, Bob Bergdahl. It was not clear whether his son can still even speak English, Bob said.

When the father spoke to his son — for the first time in five worried years — it was to say both in Pashto and English, “I am your father, Bowe.”

“We will continue to stay strong for Bowe while he recovers,” said his mom, Jani.

The search for Bergdahl began soon after he went missing on June 30, 2009, in the same rugged wilds of southeastern Afghanistan where NFL player-turned-Army Ranger Pat Tillman was killed.

Bergdahl’s mysterious disappearance from the small military outpost there and the subsequent revelation that he was in enemy hands prompted questions that still linger.

Soon after the capture, Taliban commander Mulvi Sangeen claimed a drunken Bergdahl was snatched while he stumbled to his car in the Yousaf Khel district of Paktika.

The US military called that a lie, and in one of the videos taken during his captivity, Bergdahl himself said he was captured while lagging behind a patrol.

But in the weeks before his capture, Bergdahl had made murky statements that suggested he was gravitating away from the soldiers in his unit and toward *desertion, a member of his platoon told Rolling Stone.

“He spent more time with the Afghans than he did with his platoon,” former Spc. Jason Fry told the magazine in 2012.

As a teen, the home-schooled son of Calvinists took up ballet — recruited to be a “lifter” by “a beautiful local girl,” Rolling Stone reported, “the guy who holds the girl aloft in a ballet sequence.” The strategy worked: Bergdahl — who also began dabbling in Budd*hism and tarot card reading — soon moved in with the woman.

Even as a teen, he could fire a .22-caliber rifle with precision.
At age 20, he traveled to Paris and started learning French in hopes of joining the French Foreign Legion.

His application was rejected, and he was devastated, the magazine reported.

Bergdahl would drift for years, working mainly at a coffee shop near home. He briefly considered moving to Uganda to help villagers being terrorized by militias before deciding on a different *adventure.

I am sorry for everything here,” he wrote. “These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid.”

Bergdahl also complained about fellow soldiers. The battalion commander was a
“conceited old fool,” he said, and the only “decent” sergeants, planning to leave the platoon
“as soon as they can,” told the privates — Bergdahl then among them — “to do the same.”

“I am ashamed to be an American. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools,” he concluded. “I am sorry for everything. The horror that is America is disgusting.”

Why Bergdahl was captured in the first place remained a mystery by the time high-level US government talks began in 2012 regarding a trade for his release.

“Frankly, we don’t give a s–t why he left,” one White House official said at the time. “He’s an American soldier. We want to bring him home.”

There was fierce debate over exchanging him for the five Taliban combatants. Sen. John McCain, himself a former POW, once described the five as “the five biggest murderers in world history,” according to Rolling Stone.


Something is obviously suspicious about this, but then again this is the Obama administration.

He has shown clear disdain for America. There is still mystery as to how he was captured. Now, he was exchanged for terrorists.

Of course, like the administration has said, they do not care how he was captured.

Really John? You forget about someone named Hitler?

Godwin's Law!
I wonder if some people think that it may be more intelligent and wait for more concrete facts to come out before making a judgment. This soldier may have some good intelligence for us, I wonder if that's another reason that we made this trade. I suspect we are tracking those 'Gitmo Five' in some way and hoping that they will lead us higher up the food chain.

I'm pretty sure that was what the Obama Administration and liberals with them said in regards to Benghazi, or the IRS, or... well you get the idea.
Like we "tracked the guns" in fast n furious? Pahlezzzz

LOL, that's cool we are all entitled to our opinions. :)

Opinions aside I don't see ANY circumstances where you trade some of the worst killers back into a theater of war for ONE soldier who is at worst a traitor or at best a fucking nut.

I see bad things on the horizon from this. Not to mention that Obama clearly broke the law.

Wtf people

Sunday Susan talk show girl said this guy served with honor and distinction?

Why do they keep sending her out there?
I am betting the deserter will become a lifelong D pol. No doubt he can get elected easily in any blue state...and sort of follow the career path of John Kerry...
I am betting the deserter will become a lifelong D pol. No doubt he can get elected easily in any blue state...and sort of follow the career path of John Kerry...

I don't think so. This isn't the 60's or 70's when it was cool to diss on the military. If this jackass converted he best stay the fuck out of the states. Most people are not kind to traitors
Looks like this guy just left his unit and took a walk...
If true is that serving with distinction?

Susan Rice thinks so.
And I guess that's cool with the Obama administration.

And what of the men who did the honorable thing and tried to find him
and died doing so?
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