Released POW was 'ashamed to be an American.

I am betting the deserter will become a lifelong D pol. No doubt he can get elected easily in any blue state...and sort of follow the career path of John Kerry...

All you have to say is your a good enough American hater and despise republicans enough and it is an easy office to run for if they are a democrat. Especially if he admits he was a deserter and blames American soldiers.

Look at where it got John Kerry, regardless of what the fellow swift boat veterans said about him.
Alas, the bounds of the law mean nothing to our President. Why won't anyone stand up to him and make him stop?

Supposedly, no one can find specific legal grounds....:dunno:

Here's some.

Black Republican organization call for Obama’s impeachment
A national organization of black Republicans is calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama.

The National Black Republican Association (NBRA) originally filed articles of impeachment against the president earlier this week, citing Obama’s “attack on liberty and commission of egregious acts of despotism that constitute high crimes and misdemeanors.”

The group invoked the Declaration of Independence against the president, accusing him of a “long train of abuses and usurpations.”

“We must fight back against tyranny or we will lose our precious freedoms and we will find ourselves living in a socialist nation under the rule of despots like in Russia, China, North Korea and Cuba,” NBRA chair Frances Rice told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Rice’s organization says that the IRS’ scrutiny of tea party and conservative non-profits is a reason for impeachment. The NBRA’s articles also state the president “has covered up, delayed, impeded and obstructed the investigation of the Benghazi Battle.”

“Brave Americans were left to die without any rescue effort taken whatsoever.” As a military veteran herself, Rice felt strongly about the creed “never leave a soldier behind,” Rice said to TheDCNF.

The National Security Agency’s surveillance program is another reason the black Republican group thinks the president should be removed.

Rice acknowledges that impeachment “is not quite possible at the moment.” She told TheDCNF this is partly because “the liberal media is a propaganda arm for the Democratic Party and they will demonize anyone who tries to hold the president accountable by calling them racist.”

Rice politely disagreed with former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, who described attempts to impeach Obama as “asinine.”

“Every American has the right to his or her own opinion,” she said. “I would not refute anyone for expressing their own opinion just like I do not want anyone refuting me for expressing my own opinion. We have a freedom of speech under the U.S. Constitution.”

The president’s fate, Rice concluded, “is in the hands of the American people.”

Follow Breanna on Twitter

Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected].

Black Republican organization call for Obama's impeachment | The Daily Caller
Wonder how long it will be before the guys who were released are linked to
an attack on our troops.

If they do attack our troops, the establishment media will likely refuse to report most Americans will never know.
Wonder how long it will be before the guys who were released are linked to
an attack on our troops.

If they do attack our troops, the establishment media will likely refuse to report most Americans will never know.

Cool. If you believe that, you get to pretend that an attack will happen, is happening and has happened. What fun it must be to be a nutter!
Like we "tracked the guns" in fast n furious? Pahlezzzz

LOL, that's cool we are all entitled to our opinions. :)

Opinions aside I don't see ANY circumstances where you trade some of the worst killers back into a theater of war for ONE soldier who is at worst a traitor or at best a fucking nut.

I see bad things on the horizon from this. Not to mention that Obama clearly broke the law.

Wtf people

Do you honestly think that we are not tracking them? Do you think we just said "Hey dudes you are free to go." or do you think that there may be a higher purpose for all of this? What happened to the "love for our military" from many of the conservatives and republicans? Don't you want to try to give this guy the benefit of the doubt before you try to condemn him? According to news reports, he wrote on a paper plate "SF?" and when they confirmed it, he broke down. Didn't some of the Taliban claim that "he fought like a boxer."?
Do some people really want to portray themselves as bitter, paranoid, assholes? Is that what they want to run on in 2014? :)
If the guy was a deserter and it's adjudicated as such, I'm all for it. I think that his father publicly acting that was a ploy to try to get his son freed. In my opinion, it's kind of funny that he has a problem with English when he had to translate Pashtun into English in order to communicate. I also wasn't held captive and totally submersed into a language for five years either............
LOL, that's cool we are all entitled to our opinions. :)

Opinions aside I don't see ANY circumstances where you trade some of the worst killers back into a theater of war for ONE soldier who is at worst a traitor or at best a fucking nut.

I see bad things on the horizon from this. Not to mention that Obama clearly broke the law.

Wtf people
Obama clearly broke the LAW...

What LAW was that and does that LAW provide for any mitigating circumstances?
I wonder if some people think that it may be more intelligent and wait for more concrete facts to come out before making a judgment. This soldier may have some good intelligence for us, I wonder if that's another reason that we made this trade. I suspect we are tracking those 'Gitmo Five' in some way and hoping that they will lead us higher up the food chain.

I'm pretty sure that was what the Obama Administration and liberals with them said in regards to Benghazi, or the IRS, or... well you get the idea.

LOL, I guess that means that you disagree that " it may be more intelligent and wait for more concrete facts to come out before making a judgment."? Does that mean that you would rather be irrational and go off half cocked on less than concrete information instead of giving it a few day or weeks for more facts to come to light?
America has committed some pretty horrific war crimes and human rights violations the centuries after it's founding, from brutality towards prisoners of war to supporting dictatorships and overthrowing democratically elected governments. But that said, if he felt there was something not acceptable he should have told his commander and resigned his commission, not have become a deserter - a lot of soldiers have resigned their commission in disgust against US foreign policy, without attacking their fellow soldiers and their sacrifice.
Give me one example of some resigning their "commission" you fucking SOB.

You don't even know what you are talking about......go to hell.

America has committed some pretty horrific war crimes and human rights violations the centuries after it's founding, from brutality towards prisoners of war to supporting dictatorships and overthrowing democratically elected governments. But that said, if he felt there was something not acceptable he should have told his commander and resigned his commission, not have become a deserter - a lot of soldiers have resigned their commission in disgust against US foreign policy, without attacking their fellow soldiers and their sacrifice.
I am betting the deserter will become a lifelong D pol. No doubt he can get elected easily in any blue state...and sort of follow the career path of John Kerry...

I don't think so. This isn't the 60's or 70's when it was cool to diss on the military. If this jackass converted he best stay the fuck out of the states. Most people are not kind to traitors

"Converted" to what?
Give me one example of some resigning their "commission" you fucking SOB.

You don't even know what you are talking about......go to hell.

America has committed some pretty horrific war crimes and human rights violations the centuries after it's founding, from brutality towards prisoners of war to supporting dictatorships and overthrowing democratically elected governments. But that said, if he felt there was something not acceptable he should have told his commander and resigned his commission, not have become a deserter - a lot of soldiers have resigned their commission in disgust against US foreign policy, without attacking their fellow soldiers and their sacrifice.
After you. :popcorn:
Alas, the bounds of the law mean nothing to our President. Why won't anyone stand up to him and make him stop?

Supposedly, no one can find specific legal grounds....:dunno:

Here's some.

Black Republican organization call for Obama’s impeachment
A national organization of black Republicans is calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama.

The National Black Republican Association (NBRA) originally filed articles of impeachment against the president earlier this week, citing Obama’s “attack on liberty and commission of egregious acts of despotism that constitute high crimes and misdemeanors.”

The group invoked the Declaration of Independence against the president, accusing him of a “long train of abuses and usurpations.”

“We must fight back against tyranny or we will lose our precious freedoms and we will find ourselves living in a socialist nation under the rule of despots like in Russia, China, North Korea and Cuba,” NBRA chair Frances Rice told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Rice’s organization says that the IRS’ scrutiny of tea party and conservative non-profits is a reason for impeachment. The NBRA’s articles also state the president “has covered up, delayed, impeded and obstructed the investigation of the Benghazi Battle.”

“Brave Americans were left to die without any rescue effort taken whatsoever.” As a military veteran herself, Rice felt strongly about the creed “never leave a soldier behind,” Rice said to TheDCNF.

The National Security Agency’s surveillance program is another reason the black Republican group thinks the president should be removed.

Rice acknowledges that impeachment “is not quite possible at the moment.” She told TheDCNF this is partly because “the liberal media is a propaganda arm for the Democratic Party and they will demonize anyone who tries to hold the president accountable by calling them racist.”

Rice politely disagreed with former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, who described attempts to impeach Obama as “asinine.”

“Every American has the right to his or her own opinion,” she said. “I would not refute anyone for expressing their own opinion just like I do not want anyone refuting me for expressing my own opinion. We have a freedom of speech under the U.S. Constitution.”

The president’s fate, Rice concluded, “is in the hands of the American people.”

Follow Breanna on Twitter

Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected].

Black Republican organization call for Obama's impeachment | The Daily Caller

How come the White Republicans aren't doing this yet? They do control the House, do you guys think that White Republican controlled House, will try to impeach Obama for making it possible to free this Soldier? :lol:
Opinions aside I don't see ANY circumstances where you trade some of the worst killers back into a theater of war for ONE soldier who is at worst a traitor or at best a fucking nut.

I see bad things on the horizon from this. Not to mention that Obama clearly broke the law.

Wtf people
Obama clearly broke the LAW...

What LAW was that and does that LAW provide for any mitigating circumstances?

The LAW of informing Congress 30 days BEFORE taking action. THAT law.
Supposedly, no one can find specific legal grounds....:dunno:

Here's some.

Black Republican organization call for Obama’s impeachment
A national organization of black Republicans is calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama.

The National Black Republican Association (NBRA) originally filed articles of impeachment against the president earlier this week, citing Obama’s “attack on liberty and commission of egregious acts of despotism that constitute high crimes and misdemeanors.”

The group invoked the Declaration of Independence against the president, accusing him of a “long train of abuses and usurpations.”

“We must fight back against tyranny or we will lose our precious freedoms and we will find ourselves living in a socialist nation under the rule of despots like in Russia, China, North Korea and Cuba,” NBRA chair Frances Rice told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Rice’s organization says that the IRS’ scrutiny of tea party and conservative non-profits is a reason for impeachment. The NBRA’s articles also state the president “has covered up, delayed, impeded and obstructed the investigation of the Benghazi Battle.”

“Brave Americans were left to die without any rescue effort taken whatsoever.” As a military veteran herself, Rice felt strongly about the creed “never leave a soldier behind,” Rice said to TheDCNF.

The National Security Agency’s surveillance program is another reason the black Republican group thinks the president should be removed.

Rice acknowledges that impeachment “is not quite possible at the moment.” She told TheDCNF this is partly because “the liberal media is a propaganda arm for the Democratic Party and they will demonize anyone who tries to hold the president accountable by calling them racist.”

Rice politely disagreed with former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, who described attempts to impeach Obama as “asinine.”

“Every American has the right to his or her own opinion,” she said. “I would not refute anyone for expressing their own opinion just like I do not want anyone refuting me for expressing my own opinion. We have a freedom of speech under the U.S. Constitution.”

The president’s fate, Rice concluded, “is in the hands of the American people.”

Follow Breanna on Twitter

Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected].

Black Republican organization call for Obama's impeachment | The Daily Caller

How come the White Republicans aren't doing this yet? They do control the House, do you guys think that White Republican controlled House, will try to impeach Obama for making it possible to free this Soldier? :lol:

The NBRA is absolutely correct and I applaud them for being at the forefront of this.

Personally, I believe that Barry the half-breed should stand for impeachment. He has circumvented the Congress one two many times here. He has released the five most dangerous Taliban members that we held (according to James Clapper Senior National Security Advisor to Obama) and now, suddenly they are just "Good old boys with beards" like they are ZZ Top.

Obama is a liar in a cheap suit and needs to go to prison.

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