Religion of Peace at it again...No the News hasnt identified the killer yet, but I know who did it by the M.O.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da

An attacker beheaded one person and killed two others at a church in the French city of Nice on Thursday, French police and officials said, as the country was on high alert for extremist violence amid tensions over caricatures of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad published by satirical French magazine, Charlie Hebdo. There have been two other recent attacks in France with links to the cartoons.
During Thursday's attack, the assailant reportedly cried out "Allahu Akbar," and French anti-terrorism prosecutors have opened an investigation.

I wonder if our British Tommy believes that these attacks were justified because those women were insulting Allah?

Is it somehow more noble to kill in the name of the dollar?
People are not being killed because of showing pictures, they are being killed because of practicing freedom of expression. Murderers are shouting "Allah is greater", not "'God' is great". We play into the hands of these terrorists by allowing them to control language.
is there any difference between whichever desert religion fills in the blank for the above episode - their books are corrupt until they are made true those religions will always remain in the grasp of terrorism.

An attacker beheaded one person and killed two others at a church in the French city of Nice on Thursday, French police and officials said, as the country was on high alert for extremist violence amid tensions over caricatures of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad published by satirical French magazine, Charlie Hebdo. There have been two other recent attacks in France with links to the cartoons.
During Thursday's attack, the assailant reportedly cried out "Allahu Akbar," and French anti-terrorism prosecutors have opened an investigation.

I wonder if our British Tommy believes that these attacks were justified because those women were insulting Allah?

View attachment 408203

Where are the leftists when the Islamist push Homosexuals off cliffs and buildings or brutalize women?

* crickets *

They are much more obsessed with Trump's Finance Structure.

Sad really.
Is it somehow more noble to kill in the name of the dollar?

Ask the people on Flight 93 honey.

Or the people in the hospital we bombed?
This hospital???

That Awkward Moment When One Nobel Peace Prize Winner Bombs Another

US/NATO planes bombed a hospital operated by Doctors Without Borders in Afghanistan on Saturday. The attack lasted an hour, and continued even after medics frantically phoned NATO and Washingtonto tell them what they were bombing.
It was no use. The attackers already knew full well what their target was. Doctors Without Borders had long ago provided them with the GPS coordinates of their facilities. And the US-installed Afghan government, which had raided that very same hospital in July of this year, had requested the strike, claiming the hospital was being used by insurgents.

The attack killed 22 people, including 12 medical workers and 10 patients. Three of the patients were children. The first bombardment targeted the Intensive Care Unit, where an eyewitness nurse said,“Patients were burning in their beds.” And a hospital caretaker said that he could hear women and children, “screaming for help inside the hospital while it was set ablaze by the bombing.”

Doctors Without Borders won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. President Obama was awarded his in 2009. As Commander-in-Chief of the military that bombed the Doctors Without Borders hospital, this makes Obama perhaps the first Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb another Nobel Peace Prize winner.
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Is it somehow more noble to kill in the name of the dollar?

Ask the people on Flight 93 honey.

Or the people in the hospital we bombed?
This hospital???

That Awkward Moment When One Nobel Peace Prize Winner Bombs Another

US/NATO planes bombed a hospital operated by Doctors Without Borders in Afghanistan on Saturday. The attack lasted an hour, and continued even after medics frantically phoned NATO and Washingtonto tell them what they were bombing.
It was no use. The attackers already knew full well what their target was. Doctors Without Borders had long ago provided them with the GPS coordinates of their facilities. And the US-installed Afghan government, which had raided that very same hospital in July of this year, had requested the strike, claiming the hospital was being used by insurgents.

The attack killed 22 people, including 12 medical workers and 10 patients. Three of the patients were children. The first bombardment targeted the Intensive Care Unit, where an eyewitness nurse said,“Patients were burning in their beds.” And a hospital caretaker said that he could hear women and children, “screaming for help inside the hospital while it was set ablaze by the bombing.”

Doctors Without Borders won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. President Obama was awarded his in 2009. As Commander-in-Chief of the military that bombed the Doctors Without Borders hospital, this makes Obama perhaps the first Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb another Nobel Peace Prize winner.

War Happy Obammy.

Is it somehow more noble to kill in the name of the dollar?

Ask the people on Flight 93 honey.

Or the people in the hospital we bombed?
This hospital???

That Awkward Moment When One Nobel Peace Prize Winner Bombs Another

US/NATO planes bombed a hospital operated by Doctors Without Borders in Afghanistan on Saturday. The attack lasted an hour, and continued even after medics frantically phoned NATO and Washingtonto tell them what they were bombing.
It was no use. The attackers already knew full well what their target was. Doctors Without Borders had long ago provided them with the GPS coordinates of their facilities. And the US-installed Afghan government, which had raided that very same hospital in July of this year, had requested the strike, claiming the hospital was being used by insurgents.

The attack killed 22 people, including 12 medical workers and 10 patients. Three of the patients were children. The first bombardment targeted the Intensive Care Unit, where an eyewitness nurse said,“Patients were burning in their beds.” And a hospital caretaker said that he could hear women and children, “screaming for help inside the hospital while it was set ablaze by the bombing.”

Doctors Without Borders won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. President Obama was awarded his in 2009. As Commander-in-Chief of the military that bombed the Doctors Without Borders hospital, this makes Obama perhaps the first Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb another Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Is it somehow more noble to kill in the name of the dollar?

Ask the people on Flight 93 honey.

Or the people in the hospital we bombed?

What hospital?

And who is "we" darling.

Are you conflating me with you? Pligger Nease!!!

War Happy Obammy.
and you're not ...
View attachment 409081
typical mmyilitary fanatic ...

Sadly both the "left" and "right" defended Obama's war mongering and the "left" painted themselves into a corner which now doesn't allow them to condemn Trump's.
Is it somehow more noble to kill in the name of the dollar?

Ask the people on Flight 93 honey.

Or the people in the hospital we bombed?

What hospital?

And who is "we" darling.

Are you conflating me with you? Pligger Nease!!!

War Happy Obammy.
and you're not ...
View attachment 409081
typical mmyilitary fanatic ...

Sadly both the "left" and "right" defended Obama's war mongering and the "left" painted themselves into a corner which now doesn't allow them to condemn Trump's.
Sadly both the "left" and "right" defended Obama's war mongering and the "left" painted themselves into a corner which now doesn't allow them to condemn Trump's.
oh, and just what war mongering was that - supported by both the right and the left ... trump begs for condemnation as an insatiable goal.
Is it somehow more noble to kill in the name of the dollar?

Ask the people on Flight 93 honey.

Or the people in the hospital we bombed?

What hospital?

And who is "we" darling.

Are you conflating me with you? Pligger Nease!!!

War Happy Obammy.
and you're not ...
View attachment 409081
typical mmyilitary fanatic ...

Sadly both the "left" and "right" defended Obama's war mongering and the "left" painted themselves into a corner which now doesn't allow them to condemn Trump's.
Sadly both the "left" and "right" defended Obama's war mongering and the "left" painted themselves into a corner which now doesn't allow them to condemn Trump's.
oh, and just what war mongering was that - supported by both the right and the left ... trump begs for condemnation as an insatiable goal.

Eight years of it. But you know that. Why do so many people ask questions they already know the answer to?
Is it somehow more noble to kill in the name of the dollar?

Ask the people on Flight 93 honey.

Or the people in the hospital we bombed?

What hospital?

And who is "we" darling.

Are you conflating me with you? Pligger Nease!!!

War Happy Obammy.
and you're not ...
View attachment 409081
typical mmyilitary fanatic ...

Nice pic! A plane that hasn't been in the US inventory since Bill Clinton was President, dropping bombs designed for low-level ground attacks at high altitude! (BTW, those X-shaped fins slow the bomb down so it doesn't go off right below the aircraft, but allows it to clear the area before impact.)
Is it somehow more noble to kill in the name of the dollar?

Ask the people on Flight 93 honey.

Or the people in the hospital we bombed?
This hospital???

That Awkward Moment When One Nobel Peace Prize Winner Bombs Another

US/NATO planes bombed a hospital operated by Doctors Without Borders in Afghanistan on Saturday. The attack lasted an hour, and continued even after medics frantically phoned NATO and Washingtonto tell them what they were bombing.
It was no use. The attackers already knew full well what their target was. Doctors Without Borders had long ago provided them with the GPS coordinates of their facilities. And the US-installed Afghan government, which had raided that very same hospital in July of this year, had requested the strike, claiming the hospital was being used by insurgents.

The attack killed 22 people, including 12 medical workers and 10 patients. Three of the patients were children. The first bombardment targeted the Intensive Care Unit, where an eyewitness nurse said,“Patients were burning in their beds.” And a hospital caretaker said that he could hear women and children, “screaming for help inside the hospital while it was set ablaze by the bombing.”

Doctors Without Borders won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. President Obama was awarded his in 2009. As Commander-in-Chief of the military that bombed the Doctors Without Borders hospital, this makes Obama perhaps the first Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb another Nobel Peace Prize winner.


Turn over the War Criminal who was our leader to The Hague for sentencing?
Is it somehow more noble to kill in the name of the dollar?

Ask the people on Flight 93 honey.

Or the people in the hospital we bombed?

What hospital?

And who is "we" darling.

Are you conflating me with you? Pligger Nease!!!

War Happy Obammy.
and you're not ...
View attachment 409081
typical mmyilitary fanatic ...

Stay scared sweetheart.

Who bombed the hospital again cupcakes?

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