Religion To Disappear By 2041

Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.

His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.
There is hope for society

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), a strong and passionate belief in a deity or higher power, to the point where it impairs one’s ability to make conscientious decisions about common sense matters, will now be classified as a mental illness.

American Psychological Association To Classify Belief in God As a Mental Illness
I wonder what will ultimately happen to the $600 billion worth of churches, temples etc. which never pay a penny of tax to the U S government. Why should any of my money go to support something which I literally despise?

Unless you donate to a church, your money isn't going to support something you despise. The government does not support churches. There is this thing called separation between church and state.

There is only the illusion of a separation between church and state.

By giving churches of any sort tax free status and by not prosecuting what amounts to physical emotional and psychological abuse of children, crimes legally protected under the guise of freedom of religious expression, the state is intimately involved in supporting 'the Church' probably because religion in general churns out confused and traumatized automatons by the millions that are easily subjugated and further victimized by the state.

Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.

His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.
There is hope for society

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), a strong and passionate belief in a deity or higher power, to the point where it impairs one’s ability to make conscientious decisions about common sense matters, will now be classified as a mental illness.

American Psychological Association To Classify Belief in God As a Mental Illness

I wonder what will ultimately happen to the $600 billion worth of churches, temples etc. which never pay a penny of tax to the U S government. Why should any of my money go to support something which I literally despise?

Churches get money from you? Or the government? It's not YOUR money, fool

By god my money is what runs the government....or didn't you know?

It's the Church's money, not yours or the government's....or didn't you know? Perhaps PP and all the other tax free organizations should start ponying up? How bout dat? :)

You're nuts. By the time a piece of property is acquired and developed governmental agencies are involved at every turn.

You're a greedy asshole wanting the gummit to nanny you.

I'm 82 years old. I've been paying taxes to the government since 1950. Being retired didn't change anything. We pay about 14% on income of just under $80,000.
Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.

His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.
There is hope for society

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), a strong and passionate belief in a deity or higher power, to the point where it impairs one’s ability to make conscientious decisions about common sense matters, will now be classified as a mental illness.

American Psychological Association To Classify Belief in God As a Mental Illness

I've had them classified that way for most of my 82 years.
Churches get money from you? Or the government? It's not YOUR money, fool

By god my money is what runs the government....or didn't you know?

It's the Church's money, not yours or the government's....or didn't you know? Perhaps PP and all the other tax free organizations should start ponying up? How bout dat? :)

You're nuts. By the time a piece of property is acquired and developed governmental agencies are involved at every turn.

You're a greedy asshole wanting the gummit to nanny you.

I'm 82 years old. I've been paying taxes to the government since 1950. Being retired didn't change anything. We pay about 14% on income of just under $80,000.

The point is you're not entitled to the money. It was never YOUR money, it's not the government's money and you have no right to any of it. Start taxing churches and see how many people that depend on those churches to meet their needs suffer....we're feeding and clothing nearly 125 a week just in our Outreach alone. This is a leftists such as yourself never think through on your grand schemes. You want to tax, tax, tax and it's not the answer
By god my money is what runs the government....or didn't you know?

It's the Church's money, not yours or the government's....or didn't you know? Perhaps PP and all the other tax free organizations should start ponying up? How bout dat? :)

You're nuts. By the time a piece of property is acquired and developed governmental agencies are involved at every turn.

You're a greedy asshole wanting the gummit to nanny you.

I'm 82 years old. I've been paying taxes to the government since 1950. Being retired didn't change anything. We pay about 14% on income of just under $80,000.

The point is you're not entitled to the money. It was never YOUR money, it's not the government's money and you have no right to any of it. Start taxing churches and see how many people that depend on those churches to meet their needs suffer....we're feeding and clothing nearly 125 a week just in our Outreach alone. This is a leftists such as yourself never think through on your grand schemes. You want to tax, tax, tax and it's not the answer
You mean to tell me that you don't drug test your welfare recipients?
Religious institutions own $600 billion in property, none of which is taxed.

22 percent of Americans have no religious affiliation. Among young people, the number is even higher; 35 percent of millennials do not identify with a religion.

"Almost a quarter of us are being forced to subsidize a myth that we're not buying into. Why am I subsidizing their Sunday morning hobby? the taxpayer has to make up for this lost revenue

Now’s the Time To End Tax Exemptions for Religious Institutions

Defenders of tax exemptions and deductions argue that if we got rid of them charitable giving would drop. It surely would, although how much, we can’t say. But of course government revenue would go up, and that money could be used to, say, house the homeless and feed the hungry. We’d have fewer church soup kitchens — but countries that truly care about poverty don’t rely on churches to run soup kitchens.

Pope Francis Calls for Ending Tax-Exempt Status of Churches That Don’t Help the Needy

Pope Francis Calls for Ending Tax-Exempt Status of Churches That Don't Help the Needy

some places are finally getting fed up with supporting superstitious nonsense

Ordinance Will Limit Tax-exempt Property

Ordinance Will Limit Tax-exempt Property

Non-Profit organizations that are exempted by the IRS from income tax, are also exempt from property tax. This includes private schools, hospitals, charities not affiliated with religion, etc. Are you in favor of taxing all non-profit groups, or are you of the mind that only churches should not be able to declare non-profit status?

It is one thing for a person to favor making the tax base as wide as possible, and that hospitals, schools, and every other non-profit organization must be taxed--and yet another thing to target churches alone.

One person wants the government to gather up all the revenue it can; the other person wants to get rid of churches/religion. Motive matters, and it matters a lot.
Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.

His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.
More education = less statue bowing and cross humping
Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.

His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.
More education = less statue bowing and cross humping
View attachment 71866

It takes all kinds:

Mark 16:

17"These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.

His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.

In my opinion, the number one thing atheists just don't get is that religion is based, not on poverty, not on fear of death, etc., but on the fact that people of every culture, and down through the ages, have religious/spiritual experiences of God. They see how faith, and following the teachings of God makes a huge difference in their lives and how they live life. The Word of God proves true.

christ insanity is but a shadow of itself in educated countries, the Catholics are having to close down churches here in America, the church has to go and sell their crap in other lower educated countries

It's All About Church Closings': Catholic Parishes Shrink In Northeast, Midwest

'It's All About Church Closings': Catholic Parishes Shrink In Northeast, Midwest
Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.

His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.
There is hope for society

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), a strong and passionate belief in a deity or higher power, to the point where it impairs one’s ability to make conscientious decisions about common sense matters, will now be classified as a mental illness.

American Psychological Association To Classify Belief in God As a Mental Illness

So says the imbecile that bows to statues and gobbles crackers you think turn into a god man
Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.

His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041.
There is hope for society

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), a strong and passionate belief in a deity or higher power, to the point where it impairs one’s ability to make conscientious decisions about common sense matters, will now be classified as a mental illness.

American Psychological Association To Classify Belief in God As a Mental Illness

So says the imbecile that bows to statues and gobbles crackers you think turn into a god man

If that's the best you got, it isn't enough.
Catholic Church Closings in New York Bring Sadness and Anger :bye1:

Massive overhaul slated for Chicago Archdiocese :bye1:


Massive overhaul slated for Chicago Archdiocese

Our Lady of revenue: NYC churches on the market

The Latest US and World News -

Five Bayonne Catholic parishes to be consolidated into two, says Archdiocese of Newark

Five Bayonne Catholic parishes to be consolidated into two, says Archdiocese of Newark

they should keep at least one open as a museum of
christ insanity is but a shadow of itself in educated countries, the Catholics are having to close down churches here in America, the church has to go and sell their crap in other lower educated countries

It's All About Church Closings': Catholic Parishes Shrink In Northeast, Midwest

'It's All About Church Closings': Catholic Parishes Shrink In Northeast, Midwest

Did you read the entire article? It said the Church is growing in the South and the West.

Guno, this is what I don't understand. If you are Jewish, and Jews don't want converts into their religion, then what is it you do want?
christ insanity is but a shadow of itself in educated countries, the Catholics are having to close down churches here in America, the church has to go and sell their crap in other lower educated countries

It's All About Church Closings': Catholic Parishes Shrink In Northeast, Midwest

'It's All About Church Closings': Catholic Parishes Shrink In Northeast, Midwest

Did you read the entire article? It said the Church is growing in the South and the West.

Guno, this is what I don't understand. If you are Jewish, and Jews don't want converts into their religion, then what is it you do want?

The newest church must be the biggest lie. Where are those golden plates? What did Joseph Smith do with them?

The newest church must be the biggest lie. Where are those golden plates? What did Joseph Smith do with them?

I have grave doubts about Joseph Smith, especially since he seems to have been a bit of a con artist. Still, take a good look at the name of the Church: The Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints. I have no doubts about Jesus Christ, or that this Church also follows the Bible. Most of the fruits I see from my Mormon friends and acquaintance (and students) are good fruit. We may disagree about Joseph Smith, but we do not disagree about Christ.

I pray for those who have passed away. Mormons take this one step further and baptize into the LDS faith those who have passed away. I abhor this practice. One year after her death, they baptized my life-long Catholic grandmother into the Mormon faith. I think this is the most insulting thing someone can do to someone who cannot speak for herself. Mormon's say the dead can refuse the baptism in the afterlife, and that seems even worse--to regard baptism (which many believe to be a holy rite) as a throwaway. That's not how we should treat that which is holy.

As you see, I have one very vehement disagreement with a fellow Christian denomination. But that does not blind me to their love of Christ and the good that they do. While I detest and am greatly angered by their baptism of the dead into the Mormon faith (especially of the dead who lived a lifetime in another faith) , I can at least appreciate their concern for those who have passed on.
Mormons are the perfect test and example that the Christians (by way of other sects denouncing them) Do Not REALLY believe their own stories & expectations of a resurrecting, returning Jesus or any possibility of receiving a message.

Mormons also help destroy the trinity claims since Jesus was fallaciously claimed once to rise where they didn't recognize his new form that makes 4, mormons visitation in Americas 5, expected new person(new body) new name according to NT would make 6.
Trinity logic fails.
Mormons help you notice these things if you stop demonizing them long enough to get the lesson through your reactions to them (mirror of how your other sects sound to the rest of the world when telling similar scammer tainted stories.
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