Religious Conscience and Freedom Division

HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga
Of course.

Just more bigoted idiocy from the right, a ridiculous non-issue.
In real terms what would this look like ?
The left would force their morality on the rest of us. That is usually what bigoted idiocy from the likes of jones looks like.
Are medical staff being asked to break the law ?
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga
Of course.

Just more bigoted idiocy from the right, a ridiculous non-issue.
In real terms what would this look like ?
The left would force their morality on the rest of us. That is usually what bigoted idiocy from the likes of jones looks like.
Are medical staff being asked to break the law ?
That is not what the creation of this division is about.

They are being asked to violate their own conscious. Freedom allows us to adhere to those values we cherish. That is the price of freedom as opposed to the government giving you your values.
but i don't think that the Hippocratic Oath has anything to do with FORCING a Doctor to violate their Religious Beliefs , at least in the USA Tomi .
You can only serve one master. It is dishonest to train as a Doctor or Nurse if you want to be selective in who you treat. My wife has been a Nurse for over 30 years and treats people who need help. That is the only criterion.
-------------------------------------- TRAINING for Doctor or Nurse only requires money for school , intelligence and thats about it . Course nowadays you 'brits' are probably importing 'muslim' doctors from the 'muslim School of Doktoring and Plumbing ' Tomi .
but i don't think that the Hippocratic Oath has anything to do with FORCING a Doctor to violate their Religious Beliefs , at least in the USA Tomi .
You can only serve one master. It is dishonest to train as a Doctor or Nurse if you want to be selective in who you treat. My wife has been a Nurse for over 30 years and treats people who need help. That is the only criterion.
------------------------------------------- according to YOU Tomi .
And the rest of civilisation. Give me an exception to this.
--------------------------------------------------------------- i think that maybe the USA MAY be the exception Tomi .
remember , we Americans left 'europe' and 'england' because we don't want to be like you guys Tomi .
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga
Read your own link.

“The Conscience and Religious Freedom Division has been established to restore federal enforcement of our nation’s laws that protect the fundamental and unalienable rights of conscience and religious freedom. OCR is the law enforcement agency within HHS that enforces federal laws protecting civil rights and conscience in health and human services, and the security and privacy of people’s health information. The creation of the new division will provide HHS with the focus it needs to more vigorously and effectively enforce existing laws protecting the rights of conscience and religious freedom, the first freedom protected in the Bill of Rights.”
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga
Of course.

Just more bigoted idiocy from the right, a ridiculous non-issue.
In real terms what would this look like ?
The left would force their morality on the rest of us. That is usually what bigoted idiocy from the likes of jones looks like.
Are medical staff being asked to break the law ?
That is not what the creation of this division is about.

They are being asked to violate their own conscious. Freedom allows us to adhere to those values we cherish. That is the price of freedom as opposed to the government giving you your values.
The values are those of the profession not the government. You sign an oath and that does not mention religious beliefs. If people dont want to treat mankind why do they want o be doctors and nurses.
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga
Of course.

Just more bigoted idiocy from the right, a ridiculous non-issue.
In real terms what would this look like ?
The left would force their morality on the rest of us. That is usually what bigoted idiocy from the likes of jones looks like.
Are medical staff being asked to break the law ?
---------------------------------------------------- the way i understand things is that there is no law ordering anything at all . This new 'division' just protects an individual Doctor or Nurse and allows them to follow their conscience and beliefs Tomi .
Of course.

Just more bigoted idiocy from the right, a ridiculous non-issue.
In real terms what would this look like ?
The left would force their morality on the rest of us. That is usually what bigoted idiocy from the likes of jones looks like.
Are medical staff being asked to break the law ?
That is not what the creation of this division is about.

They are being asked to violate their own conscious. Freedom allows us to adhere to those values we cherish. That is the price of freedom as opposed to the government giving you your values.
The values are those of the profession not the government. You sign an oath and that does not mention religious beliefs. If people dont want to treat mankind why do they want o be doctors and nurses.
Religious beliefs are not put to the side simply because the person managed to get licensed.

You seem to be confused about what is going on here. The patient is not being abandoned, they are simply not being treated by people who object to them.

I know of no oath that says you must abandon your values and principles when you get a medical degree.
remember , we Americans left 'europe' and 'england' because we don't want to be like you guys Tomi .
And your
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga
Of course.

Just more bigoted idiocy from the right, a ridiculous non-issue.
In real terms what would this look like ?
The left would force their morality on the rest of us. That is usually what bigoted idiocy from the likes of jones looks like.
Are medical staff being asked to break the law ?
---------------------------------------------------- the way i understand things is that there is no law ordering anything at all . This new 'division' just protects an individual Doctor or Nurse and allows them to follow their conscience and beliefs Tomi .
So what would that look like ? Who would not get treatment ?
Is it alleged that "gay folk" have trouble getting medical help in the greatest Country on the face of the earth? Such absurd claims seem to originate mostly from the foreign posters on the forum.
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga

No, it's to re-assert the 1st Amendment right to free exercise of religion
But Drs sign another oath and that should be the end of it. Doctors should not be able to pick and choose who they treat.

There is no oath to commit murder required by the medical profession.

"Primum nil nocere ..."
remember , we Americans left 'europe' and 'england' because we don't want to be like you guys Tomi .
And your
Of course.

Just more bigoted idiocy from the right, a ridiculous non-issue.
In real terms what would this look like ?
The left would force their morality on the rest of us. That is usually what bigoted idiocy from the likes of jones looks like.
Are medical staff being asked to break the law ?
---------------------------------------------------- the way i understand things is that there is no law ordering anything at all . This new 'division' just protects an individual Doctor or Nurse and allows them to follow their conscience and beliefs Tomi .
So what would that look like ? Who would not get treatment ?
Everyone would get treatment.

The difference is that those who refuse to participate would not be subjected to ridicule or have their professional life put in jeopardy for political correctness.
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga

No, it's to re-assert the 1st Amendment right to free exercise of religion
But Drs sign another oath and that should be the end of it. Doctors should not be able to pick and choose who they treat.

There is no oath to commit murder required by the medical profession.

"Primum nil nocere ..."
Which doctors are asked to commit murder ?
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga

No, it's to re-assert the 1st Amendment right to free exercise of religion
But Drs sign another oath and that should be the end of it. Doctors should not be able to pick and choose who they treat.

There is no oath to commit murder required by the medical profession.

"Primum nil nocere ..."
Which doctors are asked to commit murder ?

You are not that dense.
remember , we Americans left 'europe' and 'england' because we don't want to be like you guys Tomi .
And your
Of course.

Just more bigoted idiocy from the right, a ridiculous non-issue.
In real terms what would this look like ?
The left would force their morality on the rest of us. That is usually what bigoted idiocy from the likes of jones looks like.
Are medical staff being asked to break the law ?
---------------------------------------------------- the way i understand things is that there is no law ordering anything at all . This new 'division' just protects an individual Doctor or Nurse and allows them to follow their conscience and beliefs Tomi .
So what would that look like ? Who would not get treatment ?
------------------------------------------ see post number 32 and remember that the USA is not 'blighty' Tomi .
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga

No, it's to re-assert the 1st Amendment right to free exercise of religion
But Drs sign another oath and that should be the end of it. Doctors should not be able to pick and choose who they treat.
UK Drs can conciencously object to assisting with or performing abortions, for example. This has been the case for decades. Why such an interest in the US when the UK does it too?
Oh yeah despise America.
My wife has just told me about having to care for a convicted murderer who came into the hospital hand cuffed to two screws. But she,and her colleagues just got on and did their jobs.Religion should have no part of it.
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga

No, it's to re-assert the 1st Amendment right to free exercise of religion
But Drs sign another oath and that should be the end of it. Doctors should not be able to pick and choose who they treat.
UK Drs can conciencously object to assisting with or performing abortions, for example. This has been the case for decades. Why such an interest in the US when the UK does it too?
Oh yeah despise America.
But abortions are done in abortion clinics and its fair to say that you would not work there if you have a problem with it. So your point is um pointless.

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