Religious Conscience and Freedom Division

HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga

No, it's to re-assert the 1st Amendment right to free exercise of religion
But Drs sign another oath and that should be the end of it. Doctors should not be able to pick and choose who they treat.

There is no oath to commit murder required by the medical profession.

"Primum nil nocere ..."
Which doctors are asked to commit murder ?

You are not that dense.
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga

No, it's to re-assert the 1st Amendment right to free exercise of religion
But Drs sign another oath and that should be the end of it. Doctors should not be able to pick and choose who they treat.
UK Drs can conciencously object to assisting with or performing abortions, for example. This has been the case for decades. Why such an interest in the US when the UK does it too?
Oh yeah despise America.
But abortions are done in abortion clinics and its fair to say that you would not work there if you have a problem with it. So your point is um pointless.
Abortions are done in hospitals too.
i don't know , i have never heard of a 'RELIGIOUS' objection to working on a murderer . And as pointed out to you many times , no one is going to be denied medical care and left to die for any reason Tomi .
My wife has just told me about having to care for a convicted murderer who came into the hospital hand cuffed to two screws. But she,and her colleagues just got on and did their jobs.Religion should have no part of it.
Good. But others have their own beliefs - just like many drs and nurses don’t feel they should willfully kill healthy babies. There’s always someone who will do it though, just like in your example.
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga

No, it's to re-assert the 1st Amendment right to free exercise of religion
But Drs sign another oath and that should be the end of it. Doctors should not be able to pick and choose who they treat.
UK Drs can conciencously object to assisting with or performing abortions, for example. This has been the case for decades. Why such an interest in the US when the UK does it too?
Oh yeah despise America.
But abortions are done in abortion clinics and its fair to say that you would not work there if you have a problem with it. So your point is um pointless.
------------------------------------ abortion clinics as specific places of murder can be easly avoided by any Doctor that want to avoid them Tomi .
My wife has just told me about having to care for a convicted murderer who came into the hospital hand cuffed to two screws. But she,and her colleagues just got on and did their jobs.Religion should have no part of it.
Good. But others have their own beliefs - just like many drs and nurses don’t feel they should willfully kill healthy babies. There’s always someone who will do it though, just like in your example.
No healthy babies are murdered.
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga

No, it's to re-assert the 1st Amendment right to free exercise of religion
But Drs sign another oath and that should be the end of it. Doctors should not be able to pick and choose who they treat.
UK Drs can conciencously object to assisting with or performing abortions, for example. This has been the case for decades. Why such an interest in the US when the UK does it too?
Oh yeah despise America.
But abortions are done in abortion clinics and its fair to say that you would not work there if you have a problem with it. So your point is um pointless.
------------------------------------ abortion clinics as specific places of murder can be easly avoided by any Doctor that want to avoid them Tomi .
Well they arent places of murder but that being the case where is the need for this initiative ?
HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

Is this to prevent Gay folk getting medical help ? #maga

No, it's to re-assert the 1st Amendment right to free exercise of religion
But Drs sign another oath and that should be the end of it. Doctors should not be able to pick and choose who they treat.
UK Drs can conciencously object to assisting with or performing abortions, for example. This has been the case for decades. Why such an interest in the US when the UK does it too?
Oh yeah despise America.
But abortions are done in abortion clinics and its fair to say that you would not work there if you have a problem with it. So your point is um pointless.
Abortions are done in hospitals too.
And nobody is required to work in those units. So what is your point ?
No, it's to re-assert the 1st Amendment right to free exercise of religion
But Drs sign another oath and that should be the end of it. Doctors should not be able to pick and choose who they treat.
UK Drs can conciencously object to assisting with or performing abortions, for example. This has been the case for decades. Why such an interest in the US when the UK does it too?
Oh yeah despise America.
But abortions are done in abortion clinics and its fair to say that you would not work there if you have a problem with it. So your point is um pointless.
Abortions are done in hospitals too.
And nobody is required to work in those units. So what is your point ?
----------------------------------------------- i think that it was YOU that brought up the 'murder' , butcher and abortion shops Tomi . And i think that you are correct , only murderers that want to provide abortion will work there so this new legal division will not affect them Tomi .
No, it's to re-assert the 1st Amendment right to free exercise of religion
But Drs sign another oath and that should be the end of it. Doctors should not be able to pick and choose who they treat.
UK Drs can conciencously object to assisting with or performing abortions, for example. This has been the case for decades. Why such an interest in the US when the UK does it too?
Oh yeah despise America.
But abortions are done in abortion clinics and its fair to say that you would not work there if you have a problem with it. So your point is um pointless.
Abortions are done in hospitals too.
And nobody is required to work in those units. So what is your point ?
There are many fantastic obstetricians and midwives who are devoted to bringing life into this world and doing no harm. They shouldn’t be prevented form doing what they love and are good at simply because they do not want to terminate life, to murder healthy babies. Most docs don’t have such qualms so it’s not such a great imposition to allow the few to exercise their conscience, as they are legally allowed to do:

2.1.8 Conscientious objection Legal scope

Section 4 of the Abortion Act 1967 is a conscientious objection clause which permits doctors to refuse to participate in terminations, but which obliges them to provide treatment necessary to save the life or to prevent grave permanent injury to a pregnant woman

Despite a doctor’s right to conscientiously object, patients are entitled to receive objective and non-judgmental medical advice and treatment. Paragraph 52 of the General Medical Council’s (GMC) Good Medical Practice states that:

You must explain to patients if you have a conscientious objection to a particular procedure. You must tell them about their right to see another doctor and
make sure they have enough information to exercise that right. In providing this information you must not imply or express disapproval of the patient’s lifestyle, choices or beliefs. If it is not practical for a patient to arrange to see another doctor, you must make sure that arrangements are made for another suitably quali ed colleague to take over your role.”

The BMA believes that a doctor’s conscientious objection must be made clear to the patient as soon as possible, and patients must be able to see another doctor as appropriate. Referral in these circumstances need not always be a formal procedure. However, it is not su cient to simply tell the patient to seek a view elsewhere. Doctors should not impose their views on others, but may explain their views to a patient if invited to do so.

Seems fair.
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My wife has just told me about having to care for a convicted murderer who came into the hospital hand cuffed to two screws. But she,and her colleagues just got on and did their jobs.Religion should have no part of it.

Did the convicted murderer want an abortion?
Is it possible that a mod could clean up this thread and kick off the kids ?

You can only serve one master. It is dishonest to train as a Doctor or Nurse if you want to be selective in who you treat. My wife has been a Nurse for over 30 years and treats people who need help. That is the only criterion.
------------------------------------------- according to YOU , and you are a 'brit subject' with no RIGHTS Tomi .

And, as always, a vivid reminder of why it is that we Americans kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago.

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