Religious persecution in US military


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Airman denied reenlistment for refusing to say 'so help me God'

Group Airman denied reenlistment for refusing to say so help me God Air Force Times

"An atheist airman at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada was denied reenlistment last month for refusing to take an oath containing “so help me God,” the American Humanist Association said Thursday.

And in a Sept. 2 letter to the inspectors general for the Air Force and Creech, Monica Miller, an attorney with the AHA’s Apignani Humanist Legal Center, said the airman should be allowed to reenlist without having to swear to a deity, and instead given a secular oath. Miller said the AHA is prepared to sue if the airman is not allowed to reenlist."

rest at link.

Not an isolated case either it seems. For some times religion has been pushed in the US military. Even in my time we were all pushed to attend the same religious service every Sunday at RTC Orlando in 1991 (Navy basic training.) And when enlisting, I wanted my ID tags to say atheist but they explained they didn't offer that option and had to accept 'No Religious Preference' norelpref instead. And that's what they say to this day.
Like saying "so help me God" was going to make his dick fall off, right?

Sounds like someone leads a real vapid life to me. "Oh, I'm an atheist. I have to make a social statement. Yes, yes, that's what I'll do! I'll make a social statement and that'll give my otherwise meaningless existence 15 seconds of fame. ..and...and...that'll prove there is no God too!"
Combined with a previous report how military arms like rifles had Biblical inscriptions on them, it paints a picture.
Combined with a previous report how military arms like rifles had Biblical inscriptions on them, it paints a picture.

Who gives a fuck? Ever seen the elephant there, Grand Inquisitor? I seriously doubt it. Military weapons have all kinds of shit carved on them, and they get passed down till they fall apart. Should we contact the Supreme Court do you think?
Throughout childhood and into my teen years, I was in church with the family. I attended bible school and had my confirmation. I served a career in the military. The entry oath had us swear to god. In recruit training (boot camp), we were required to attend non-denominational church services. It was mandatory. Once out of recruit training, we had our own choice as to whether we wanted to attend.
The bottom line is that through it all, I never once actually believed in any deity. I knew in my heart it was all BS.
What's that old saying? "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck."
Well, I was among them, nodding my head to their prattle, hanging with them and smiling like I was one of them, but never was one of them.
If by some stretch of the imagination, a war in the country broke out between the devoutly religious and atheists, I'd be right there against the religious.
The airman should have just said the lines to keep a career he liked, and know that he can really believe what he wants and not align with them should some hostility break out between those who believe and those that don't.

how is an individual to defend the Constitution when their Constitutional rights as a citizen are being violated - that one person is the patriot and those in the military are the deserters from the line of fire.

The US military has never been more anti - Christ then they are right now, Delta. It's coming straight from the top.
Church was pushed when I was in Basic too. Seems we had a choice: Either go to Church or stay and clean the Barracks!

Oh the Horror we endured every Sunday having to look at all those polite, smiling faces and staying cool in the Air Conditioned Church for a few hours!

I still can't get it out of my memory.
Like saying "so help me God" was going to make his dick fall off, right?

Sounds like someone leads a real vapid life to me. "Oh, I'm an atheist. I have to make a social statement. Yes, yes, that's what I'll do! I'll make a social statement and that'll give my otherwise meaningless existence 15 seconds of fame. ..and...and...that'll prove there is no God too!"
How odd that so called christians don't fact, they insist...that someone lie and swear to their god even tho they don't believe in said god. That's faith for you.
Like saying "so help me God" was going to make his dick fall off, right?

Sounds like someone leads a real vapid life to me. "Oh, I'm an atheist. I have to make a social statement. Yes, yes, that's what I'll do! I'll make a social statement and that'll give my otherwise meaningless existence 15 seconds of fame. ..and...and...that'll prove there is no God too!"
How odd that so called christians don't fact, they insist...that someone lie and swear to their god even tho they don't believe in said god. That's faith for you.

You'd be swearing an oath to God up one side of your ass and down the other if some Isil troop was standing next to you with a butcher knife in his hand.
Combined with a previous report how military arms like rifles had Biblical inscriptions on them, it paints a picture.

Who gives a fuck? Ever seen the elephant there, Grand Inquisitor? I seriously doubt it. Military weapons have all kinds of shit carved on them, and they get passed down till they fall apart. Should we contact the Supreme Court do you think?
Apparently not the so-called christians.
Combined with a previous report how military arms like rifles had Biblical inscriptions on them, it paints a picture.

Only in your own mind. But pray tell, what picture does it paint? Edvard Munch's 'The Scream'? You sound like one of those queers who've spent the last 20 years online spitting venom at the military. That's the picture you paint in my mind.
Like saying "so help me God" was going to make his dick fall off, right?

Sounds like someone leads a real vapid life to me. "Oh, I'm an atheist. I have to make a social statement. Yes, yes, that's what I'll do! I'll make a social statement and that'll give my otherwise meaningless existence 15 seconds of fame. ..and...and...that'll prove there is no God too!"
How odd that so called christians don't fact, they insist...that someone lie and swear to their god even tho they don't believe in said god. That's faith for you.

You'd be swearing an oath to God up one side of your ass and down the other if some Isil troop was standing next to you with a butcher knife in his hand.

Dog poop. The above is pure crapola.
Like saying "so help me God" was going to make his dick fall off, right?

Sounds like someone leads a real vapid life to me. "Oh, I'm an atheist. I have to make a social statement. Yes, yes, that's what I'll do! I'll make a social statement and that'll give my otherwise meaningless existence 15 seconds of fame. ..and...and...that'll prove there is no God too!"
How odd that so called christians don't fact, they insist...that someone lie and swear to their god even tho they don't believe in said god. That's faith for you.

You'd be swearing an oath to God up one side of your ass and down the other if some Isil troop was standing next to you with a butcher knife in his hand.

More christer fantasys

Military Association of Atheists Freethinkers Atheists in Foxholes in Cockpits and on Ships - Military Association of Atheists Freethinkers
Like saying "so help me God" was going to make his dick fall off, right?

Sounds like someone leads a real vapid life to me. "Oh, I'm an atheist. I have to make a social statement. Yes, yes, that's what I'll do! I'll make a social statement and that'll give my otherwise meaningless existence 15 seconds of fame. ..and...and...that'll prove there is no God too!"
How odd that so called christians don't fact, they insist...that someone lie and swear to their god even tho they don't believe in said god. That's faith for you.

You'd be swearing an oath to God up one side of your ass and down the other if some Isil troop was standing next to you with a butcher knife in his hand.

More christer fantasys

Military Association of Atheists Freethinkers Atheists in Foxholes in Cockpits and on Ships - Military Association of Atheists Freethinkers

What does Christ have to do with atheism?
Yep, these Marines are being persecuted, tortured and treated mean.

I remember back in the late 60's and early 70's when i was in, there were main stream protestants , catholic and Jewish chaplains ( real benign horseshit) , then something happen in the 80's they let the fundamentalist chaplain's like like the Pentecostal cults into their ranks. That's when the proselytizing started heavily
Yep, these Marines are being persecuted, tortured and treated mean.

I remember back in the late 60's and early 70's when i was in, there were main stream protestants , catholic and Jewish chaplains ( real benign horseshit) , then something happen in the 80's they let the fundamentalist chaplain's like like the Pentecostal cults into their ranks. That's when the proselytizing started heavily

The American military chaplaincy at the start of the 21st century is undergoing profound change. In the early 1960’s, “Protestant-Catholic-Jew” accurately described both the Chaplain Corps and the personnel they served. Aside from a small presence of faith groups cryptically labeled, “Other,” mainline Protestant churches shared with Catholic and Jewish counterparts the primary presence and leadership of the Chaplain Corps in proportions roughly comparable to the faith preference of active duty members. Today all bets are off regarding the nature and future of the military chaplaincy. Cultural, legal and religious dynamics combine to scramble the status quo. Culturally, the role of the organized religion that sustained chaplaincy has slipped. Roughly one-third of those entering the military in 2006 list their religious preference as “None,” while many others list only a nominal preference. A consequence is that in a strict quota system, the “Church of No Preference” would be entitled to more chaplaincy slots than most other faith groups in America.

Legal issues assail the military chaplaincy. Some Protestant conservative and fundamentalist chaplains complain of religious prejudice against them in promotion and preferred assignment thanks to a ‘conspiracy’ of Catholics and mainline Protestants, and are suing the military, consuming enormous financial and professional resources. Some mainline Protestants and Jewish groups are protesting the ‘pernicious’ effects of conservative and fundamentalist chaplains who, with sympathetic lay military leadership, are creating a hostile climate for non-believers, defined as anyone who disagrees with them.

- See more at: The Military Chaplaincy of the 21st Century Cui Bono General Board of Higher Education and Ministry

If this stuff going one now was going on during nam' These bible thumper chaplains would have been fragged by the troops for causing hostile environment
Yep, these Marines are being persecuted, tortured and treated mean.

I remember back in the late 60's and early 70's when i was in, there were main stream protestants , catholic and Jewish chaplains ( real benign horseshit) , then something happen in the 80's they let the fundamentalist chaplain's like like the Pentecostal cults into their ranks. That's when the proselytizing started heavily

The American military chaplaincy at the start of the 21st century is undergoing profound change. In the early 1960’s, “Protestant-Catholic-Jew” accurately described both the Chaplain Corps and the personnel they served. Aside from a small presence of faith groups cryptically labeled, “Other,” mainline Protestant churches shared with Catholic and Jewish counterparts the primary presence and leadership of the Chaplain Corps in proportions roughly comparable to the faith preference of active duty members. Today all bets are off regarding the nature and future of the military chaplaincy. Cultural, legal and religious dynamics combine to scramble the status quo. Culturally, the role of the organized religion that sustained chaplaincy has slipped. Roughly one-third of those entering the military in 2006 list their religious preference as “None,” while many others list only a nominal preference. A consequence is that in a strict quota system, the “Church of No Preference” would be entitled to more chaplaincy slots than most other faith groups in America.

Legal issues assail the military chaplaincy. Some Protestant conservative and fundamentalist chaplains complain of religious prejudice against them in promotion and preferred assignment thanks to a ‘conspiracy’ of Catholics and mainline Protestants, and are suing the military, consuming enormous financial and professional resources. Some mainline Protestants and Jewish groups are protesting the ‘pernicious’ effects of conservative and fundamentalist chaplains who, with sympathetic lay military leadership, are creating a hostile climate for non-believers, defined as anyone who disagrees with them.

- See more at: The Military Chaplaincy of the 21st Century Cui Bono General Board of Higher Education and Ministry

If this stuff going one now was going on during nam' These bible thumper chaplains would have been fragged by the troops for causing hostile environment

U.S. Government Printing House, 1998, pp 1-2. In 2001, 35% of active duty military personnel listed their religious preference as “None” or “Other,” from any organized religious category. See Kent Annan, “For God and Country,” Inspire, Vol. 6, No. 3, Spring, 2002, p. 12. -

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