Religious right calls Chief Justice Roberts’ adoption of 2 kids “second best”

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Anti-gay group: Chief Justice Roberts' decision to adopt "second-best"

“You’re looking at what is the best course societywide to get you the optimal result in the widest variety of cases. That often is not open to people in individual cases. Certainly adoption in families headed, like Chief Roberts’ family is, by a heterosexual couple, is by far the second-best option,” said John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage. Eastman also teaches law at Chapman University law school in Orange, Calif. [emphasis added]
yeah I bet:doubt:

That's the best you can do?

I have to agree that there really isn't much to be said about that degree of hypocrisy. They hate gays, hate women, and they're against children getting homes.

Your kind of people.
yeah I bet:doubt:

That's the best you can do?

I have to agree that there really isn't much to be said about that degree of hypocrisy. They hate gays, hate women, and they're against children getting homes.

Your kind of people.

Considering all three are completely untrue, I can't say i agree.

Ideally the best home for children would be their biological parents. That doesn't mean adoption is bad. Quite the opposite. We are blessed that there are those who are willing to adopt and provide an ideal family situation when the biological parents are, for whatever reason, unable to do so.

Kudos to Chief Justice Roberts for being willing to adopt. Now, if he can only get important court decisions correct, he would be a very good guy.
yeah I bet:doubt:

Ludite's problem appears to be that he thinks the right are like the left - group think. Therefore, if a group is 'anti-gay', they must be 'religious right'. They may well be unemployed democrats for all he knows.... but he doesn't give a shit. It's all about point scoring. He'll use any minority for political point scoring. Amoral little critter.
Didn't get a strong enough dose of trolling yet today, Dudley?

So you believe that children being adopted is trolling as long as they're not aborted or have gay parents.

Got it.

Im not a big fan of using children for political points.

I am pretty sure he just thinks your trolling. And im pretty sure you are here.
yeah I bet:doubt:

Ludite's problem appears to be that he thinks the right are like the left - group think. Therefore, if a group is 'anti-gay', they must be 'religious right'. They may well be unemployed democrats for all he knows.... but he doesn't give a shit. It's all about point scoring. He'll use any minority for political point scoring. Amoral little critter.

yep, you should see the other thread he just started just so he could call all right wingers ignorant
he's become nothing but a nasty troll
Didn't get a strong enough dose of trolling yet today, Dudley?

So you believe that children being adopted is trolling as long as they're not aborted or have gay parents.

Got it.

Im not a big fan of using children for political points.

I am pretty sure he just thinks your trolling. And im pretty sure you are here.

yeah well luddy has no problems with that as do most progressives..they use them as HUMAN SHEILDS for their sick and twisted agenda, like their push to step on Second Amendment rights
I am outraged.

What kind of adoption agency would let a filthy god damned scum like Roberts adopt American children? Did the Russians turn him down?
poor luddy like Lakhota has nothing more in their lives than to seethe with outrage day in and day out over every little petty thing..

hell they were even upset over someone shooting wild hogs that are overpopulating and destroying a lot of peoples property and livelihood

such sad people
Rather than face up to what your heroes are doing to children, you stuff your heads deeper in the dirt.

So far, only Avatar has had the courage to address the real issue - homeless children.

Looks like the other rw's are holding tight to their hypocrisy - don't abort but starvation and homelessness is just fine.

Rather than face up to what your heroes are doing to children, you stuff your heads deeper in the dirt.

So far, only Avatar has had the courage to address the real issue - homeless children.

Looks like the other rw's are holding tight to their hypocrisy - don't abort but starvation and homelessness is just fine.


THE REAL issue is you posted some crap from a website nobodies ever heard of so who even KNOWS IF IT'S TRUE

you are the scum for post it
The entirety of the religious right turns out to be a small group composed of individuals no one ever heard of.

Liberals lie. Whatever a liberal says has to be verified. Nine times out of ten. Actually ninety nine times out of a hundred it will not be true.
Rather than face up to what your heroes are doing to children, you stuff your heads deeper in the dirt.

So far, only Avatar has had the courage to address the real issue - homeless children.

Looks like the other rw's are holding tight to their hypocrisy - don't abort but starvation and homelessness is just fine.


While a appreciate the fact that you complimented, how on earth would you know who any of our heroes are?

Nobody that I've seen even knows who this person is. Suddenly he's a right wing hero? Why? Because you say so? Is he even right wing? Why? Because he opposed gay marriage? There are people on the left who oppose it too.

Why not post the quote in context? You have one line with could be considered by some to be an ambiguous statement. Why not post more? Did you eve bother to look at the statement in context? Or did you just see the article and post it believing what it said without looking into it?

You seem to think you are morally right here. But you wont do any due dilligence to try to support yourself.

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