Remaining Trump supporters aren't doing themselves any favors!

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Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
This message coming from a Journalist in Alabama.

"A new Quinnipiac University poll this week put Donald Trump’s approval rating at 33 percent. Which seems high.

Honestly, how is it possible that 33 percent of Americans, or American voters, have watched the absolute clown show that has taken place the last six months and thought, “Yep, that’s how the presidency should work”? You know what, I don’t even care how it’s possible.

Remaining Trump supporters aren't doing themselves any favors - Alabama Political Reporter

Who would have ever thought that this would have come from a journalist in Alabama?


PLEASE just post a snip (small portion) of and article, and a link. You guys have been asked to do this many times. Locking thread. If you want to try again with a link and snip, please feel free.
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Polling was so darn accurate leading up to election day, we'd be fools to totally discount it now, amiright?
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That was a super long OP, I didn't read it all, and I doubt many will. Word,of advice- shorten the posts.

Here is what you're missing when you put so much significance on these polls. The polls had Trump losing the election; there is a faction of people who voted for the orange clown who would not tell others, even pollsters,that they voted for Trump. There are likely even more people less willing to tell people they approve of Trump now. In short, the polls are garbage.
This was one of the most biased polls I have ever seen. Look it up.
The polls had Clinton winning the vote by 3%. She won by 2%. But she did not win the electoral college, in spite of receiving nearly 3 million more votes than the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. And the present polls are showing a great deal of buyers remorse.

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Monday, August 7
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval CNN Approve 40, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +16
President Trump Job Approval IBD/TIPP Approve 32, Disapprove 59 Disapprove +27
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 38, Disapprove 57 Disapprove +19
President Trump Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 41, Disapprove 57 Disapprove +16
Thursday, August 3
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
Congressional Job Approval Quinnipiac Approve 10, Disapprove 84 Disapprove +74
Wednesday, August 2
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
Michigan Senate - Kid Rock vs. Stabenow Target Insyght Stabenow 50, Kid Rock 42 Stabenow +8
President Trump Job Approval Quinnipiac Approve 33, Disapprove 61 Disapprove +28
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 39, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +16
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 37, Disapprove 59 Disapprove +22

RealClearPolitics - 2017 Latest Polls
Let's just be thankful oreo did not post that video of homosexual Shep Smith's nonsensical rant.
A. We're more than 33%.

B. 95% of the clown show features liberal play and propaganda.

I stopped reading after the first few sentences. That's all I needed to see.
Let oreo vent his painful frustrations instead of simply applying massive doses of Preparation H and posting that video of homosexual Shep Smith.
Are all anti Trumpers OCD? Jesus Christ they do nothing but obsess about polls and Russia, polls and Russia. Get some meds or therapy. Or better yet get a life and quit reading the stupid polls! They are biased and they are wrong.
This message coming from a Journalist in Alabama.

"A new Quinnipiac University poll this week put Donald Trump’s approval rating at 33 percent. Which seems high.

Honestly, how is it possible that 33 percent of Americans, or American voters, have watched the absolute clown show that has taken place the last six months and thought, “Yep, that’s how the presidency should work”? You know what, I don’t even care how it’s possible.

But since a good chunk of those 33 percent apparently reside within the borders of Alabama, I think I should pass along some information. The rest of us think less of you.

Oh, I know that’s harsh, but I think it’s better that someone tell you straight out, so you can at least consider the truth. And make no mistake about it, it is the truth. I’ve had this conversation with numerous people – and people of all political persuasions. Not just liberals or Democrats, but with normally-conservative Republicans. Because this has nothing to do with conservative v. liberal, or Democrat v. Republican politics.

We all feel the same way. We think you diehard Trump supporters are easily fooled, probably racist (even if you’d spend an hour telling us about your best black friend) and you don’t grasp the complexities of real life problems like immigration, economics and terrorism.

Please, spare us the indignation over this. Because we know who you are. You are the people who vote down Legislation that would aid yourselves just to make sure that blacks and Mexicans don’t get it.

You are the people who believe that terrorism might be solved by blocking people from countries that have never produced a terrorist who carried out an attack on this country.

You are the people who believed that Trump was going to build the biggest, most beautiful border wall ever and have Mexico pay for it. And even worse, you believed this idiotic fantasy would actually solve our immigration issues.

You are the people who believed a reality TV star when he said that he was going to solve healthcare and provide better coverage for everyone at lower prices, despite the fact he never even hinted at a plan for doing that. And you believed it because he said, “Trust me.” And because he was white and rich, and those guys never lie to you.

You are the people who continue to believe that there was no coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia, despite nearly every person associated with the campaign – including the ones named Trump – holding various and extensive meetings with Russian officials.

You are the people who somehow, even after six months of daily screw-ups, daily embarrassments, daily sellouts of you, daily leaks, daily firings, daily in-staff bickering and daily international snafus, have found a way to say that a president who hasn’t passed a single thing he said he would in his first six months is doing an approvable job.

And you’re embarrassing the hell out of the rest of us.

Your willingness to believe absurd things as long as they’re pitched from the right people and reinforce your political and social beliefs is, quite frankly, astounding.

But I understand how it happened. For nearly a decade now, most of you have lived inside this Obama hate-bubble, in which you were inundated daily with absurdly erroneous news stories about Obama, Nancy Pelosi, lib’ruhls and anyone positioned just left of the far-right line drawn for you.

Now, the flow of negative Obama news into the bubble has simply been replaced by positive Trump news. So, maybe, in this conservative bubble world, Trump has annihilated ISIS, fixed healthcare, won the drug war and is halfway finished with his big, beautiful wall. Maybe that explains the 33 percent.

But it’s time to grow up, kids. Enough is enough. It’s time to take a hard look around and come to grips with some truth.

First and foremost: Donald Trump is a raving lunatic who shouldn’t be allowed to visit the White House, much less run the country from it.

Evidence: the man screwed up a Boy Scout speech in every way you can possibly screw up a Boy Scout speech. And before his speech, no one knew it was even possible to screw up a Boy Scout speech.

And that is just one of a mountain of monumental mistakes, gaffes, alleged treasonous crimes and sellouts.

It’s time to end this. It’s time for you to take off the silly red hat and scrape the dumb “Trump” bumper sticker off your car. It’s not cool. It’s not funny. It’s not rebellious. And you’re treading dangerously close to the point where this phase of idiocy is what the rest of us will remember you for forever."
Remaining Trump supporters aren't doing themselves any favors - Alabama Political Reporter

Who would have ever thought that this would have come from a journalist in Alabama?


WOW...that's one hell of a desperate plea. Slip out of that straight jacket, seek professional help and a padded room fast.





Speaking of stupid people in large groups...

...Did anyone notice the Hillary supporters after the election results?...

But! But! the polls!



LMAO!!!! You have GOT to check out Josh Moon's FB page....what a liberal sack of shit that believes the federal "gubermint" should control the public schooling instead of states. Lots of good info into the way this Fabian socialist really thinks.

Seriously, I would BURY this sack of shit in a debate.........

Josh Moon
That was a super long OP, I didn't read it all, and I doubt many will. Word,of advice- shorten the posts.

Here is what you're missing when you put so much significance on these polls. The polls had Trump losing the election; there is a faction of people who voted for the orange clown who would not tell others, even pollsters,that they voted for Trump. There are likely even more people less willing to tell people they approve of Trump now. In short, the polls are garbage.
That's b/c he is violating the board posting rules. You aren't supposed to post whole articles and original content in their entirety. He's lucky someone doesn't report him. . . .

Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.
USMB Rules and Guidelines
I thought much the same as you do. My opinion of Trump is improving. He is smarter than I was willing to give him credit for. Republicans in Congress want him to submit detailed proposals for legislation they aren't willing to take the heat for. Trump is forcing them to do their jobs.
The investigations are an attack on the presidency. A suspicion in search of a crime is an abominable approach to law for anyone, for any president, it is almost treason.
This message coming from a Journalist in Alabama.

"A new Quinnipiac University poll this week put Donald Trump’s approval rating at 33 percent. Which seems high.

Honestly, how is it possible that 33 percent of Americans, or American voters, have watched the absolute clown show that has taken place the last six months and thought, “Yep, that’s how the presidency should work”? You know what, I don’t even care how it’s possible.

But since a good chunk of those 33 percent apparently reside within the borders of Alabama, I think I should pass along some information. The rest of us think less of you.

Oh, I know that’s harsh, but I think it’s better that someone tell you straight out, so you can at least consider the truth. And make no mistake about it, it is the truth. I’ve had this conversation with numerous people – and people of all political persuasions. Not just liberals or Democrats, but with normally-conservative Republicans. Because this has nothing to do with conservative v. liberal, or Democrat v. Republican politics.

We all feel the same way. We think you diehard Trump supporters are easily fooled, probably racist (even if you’d spend an hour telling us about your best black friend) and you don’t grasp the complexities of real life problems like immigration, economics and terrorism.

Please, spare us the indignation over this. Because we know who you are. You are the people who vote down Legislation that would aid yourselves just to make sure that blacks and Mexicans don’t get it.

You are the people who believe that terrorism might be solved by blocking people from countries that have never produced a terrorist who carried out an attack on this country.

You are the people who believed that Trump was going to build the biggest, most beautiful border wall ever and have Mexico pay for it. And even worse, you believed this idiotic fantasy would actually solve our immigration issues.

You are the people who believed a reality TV star when he said that he was going to solve healthcare and provide better coverage for everyone at lower prices, despite the fact he never even hinted at a plan for doing that. And you believed it because he said, “Trust me.” And because he was white and rich, and those guys never lie to you.

You are the people who continue to believe that there was no coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia, despite nearly every person associated with the campaign – including the ones named Trump – holding various and extensive meetings with Russian officials.

You are the people who somehow, even after six months of daily screw-ups, daily embarrassments, daily sellouts of you, daily leaks, daily firings, daily in-staff bickering and daily international snafus, have found a way to say that a president who hasn’t passed a single thing he said he would in his first six months is doing an approvable job.

And you’re embarrassing the hell out of the rest of us.

Your willingness to believe absurd things as long as they’re pitched from the right people and reinforce your political and social beliefs is, quite frankly, astounding.

But I understand how it happened. For nearly a decade now, most of you have lived inside this Obama hate-bubble, in which you were inundated daily with absurdly erroneous news stories about Obama, Nancy Pelosi, lib’ruhls and anyone positioned just left of the far-right line drawn for you.

Now, the flow of negative Obama news into the bubble has simply been replaced by positive Trump news. So, maybe, in this conservative bubble world, Trump has annihilated ISIS, fixed healthcare, won the drug war and is halfway finished with his big, beautiful wall. Maybe that explains the 33 percent.

But it’s time to grow up, kids. Enough is enough. It’s time to take a hard look around and come to grips with some truth.

First and foremost: Donald Trump is a raving lunatic who shouldn’t be allowed to visit the White House, much less run the country from it.

Evidence: the man screwed up a Boy Scout speech in every way you can possibly screw up a Boy Scout speech. And before his speech, no one knew it was even possible to screw up a Boy Scout speech.

And that is just one of a mountain of monumental mistakes, gaffes, alleged treasonous crimes and sellouts.

It’s time to end this. It’s time for you to take off the silly red hat and scrape the dumb “Trump” bumper sticker off your car. It’s not cool. It’s not funny. It’s not rebellious. And you’re treading dangerously close to the point where this phase of idiocy is what the rest of us will remember you for forever."
Remaining Trump supporters aren't doing themselves any favors - Alabama Political Reporter

Who would have ever thought that this would have come from a journalist in Alabama?

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