Remember How Trump Called President Obama Lazy?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Just look at his schedule...

Wednesday will mark the 4th workday in a row that Trump has 2 hours or less of presidential duties on his official schedule, and none open to his press pool. Here are his schedules for Fri, Mon, Tues & Wed

The good news is that, the more he spends lollygagging, moping and loafing around watching "FOX'n'Friends", the less time he has to do damage to the country.

Just look at his schedule...

Wednesday will mark the 4th workday in a row that Trump has 2 hours or less of presidential duties on his official schedule, and none open to his press pool. Here are his schedules for Fri, Mon, Tues & Wed

The good news is that, the more he spends lollygagging, moping and loafing around watching "FOX'n'Friends", the less time he has to do damage to the country.


yeah, but he was talking about the black guy when he spewed all that s**t
President has done more for this country in one year than Obama ever did in eight.
Hes done more to it. I remember when Obama used to blame Bush for everything bad going on. At about a year it got old. One major difference, Obama inhereted a fucked up country and, well Donald didnt. Just say what you think. Quacker is the greatest president we ever had. If you believe that, just have another Dorrito in front of the fake fireplace on fox and friends.

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And Obamaggot called Americans lazy repeatedly when he gave speeches in other countries. That traitor is the only president to badmouth his own country while giving speeches abroad. He wore his contempt and resentment of this country on his sleeve.
Just look at his schedule...

Wednesday will mark the 4th workday in a row that Trump has 2 hours or less of presidential duties on his official schedule, and none open to his press pool. Here are his schedules for Fri, Mon, Tues & Wed

The good news is that, the more he spends lollygagging, moping and loafing around watching "FOX'n'Friends", the less time he has to do damage to the country.


Yes thankfully he spends a lot of time watching Fake Fox News.

He cleared his schedule to congratulate the murdered Putin though didn't he.
President has done more for this country in one year than Obama ever did in eight.
How about this: President Obama saved our economy from the ravages of Dubya and the worst recession in history. President Obama rescued General Motors from the ravages of Dubya. He rescued the banks. He saved everyone's 401k (an American tax advantage for citizens, not Germans). And, get ready for this one that rankles you more than any other accomplishment President made, HE GOT BIN LADIN, which Dubya could not do. Also, he turned a strong, growing, vibrant economy over to the Great Groper. The Groper owes President Obama big time. Bigly!!!!!
remember how Obamass hates America/whites/police?
remember THAT?? do you???~!!!!!!
President has done more for this country in one year than Obama ever did in eight.
How about this: President Obama saved our economy from the ravages of Dubya and the worst recession in history. President Obama rescued General Motors from the ravages of Dubya. He rescued the banks. He saved everyone's 401k (an American tax advantage for citizens, not Germans). And, get ready for this one that rankles you more than any other accomplishment President made, HE GOT BIN LADIN, which Dubya could not do. Also, he turned a strong, growing, vibrant economy over to the Great Groper. The Groper owes President Obama big time. Bigly!!!!!
hahah he used mine and everyone's $$$$ to bail out the rich auto companies--that were giving unbelievable benefits to their workers--so the auto workers are getting unbelievable pay and benefits--then get saved by me and everyone else.....
Just look at his schedule...

Wednesday will mark the 4th workday in a row that Trump has 2 hours or less of presidential duties on his official schedule, and none open to his press pool. Here are his schedules for Fri, Mon, Tues & Wed

The good news is that, the more he spends lollygagging, moping and loafing around watching "FOX'n'Friends", the less time he has to do damage to the country.

That tells most of us just how ineffective Obama was -- unless his purpose was to bring America down to Turd World status.

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