Remember, it was Bush and the GOP who tricked this country into invading Iraq. PERIOD!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Remember, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, Bush Sr. chased them back into Iraq. And rightfully so. We had treaties with Kuwait.

But he stopped at the border.

And you know, that being a former WWII officer and a hero, he didn't just walk away from Iraq. He left sanctions in place, a watchful military and satellites overhead to monitor Iraqi actions. PERIOD!

What the GOP did to the economy was bad enough, but the shambles they left the military and the Middle East were criminal. I have always felt Obama's big mistake was that he didn't bring Bush and Cheney and other members of that wicked cabal up on charges.

Obama was handed a wrecked economy and a Middle East debacle and from what I've seen, he actually did turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.

Instead of attacking Obama, certain members of the GOP should be happy he didn't bring them up on charges. Maybe if he had, they wouldn't be acting the fools they are today.
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And now, instead of coming up with ideas, besides the bad ideas they usually come up with, they want to blame Obama who hasn't been president in over a year.
These threads are hilarious. Russia is stepping up their defense for a tyrant who uses chemical weapons on his own civilians, and the left is freaking out. Meanwhile the genocidal psychopathic leftists here keep murdering babies through abortion.

Maybe Trump should order some missile strikes on the abortion clinics too while we're at it. It's not like we're going to run out of cruise missiles.
Remember, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, Bush Sr. chased them back into Iraq. And rightfully so. We had treaties with Kuwait.

But he stopped at the border.

And you know, that being a former WWII officer and a hero, he didn't just walk away from Iraq. He left sanctions in place, a watchful military and satellites overhead to monitor Iraqi actions. PERIOD!

What the GOP did to the economy was bad enough, but the shambles they left the military and the Middle East were criminal. I have always felt Obama's big mistake was that he didn't bring Bush and Cheney and other members of that wicked cabal up on charges.

Obama was handed a wrecked economy and a Middle East debacle and from what I've seen, he actually did turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.

Instead of attacking Obama, certain members of the GOP should be happy he didn't bring them up on charges. Maybe if he had, they wouldn't be acting the fools they are today.

If you don't know what the DEM alternative plan was --- I'll GLADLY educate you. It involved continuing the DAILY BOMBINGS and 200,000 deaths of Iraqi civilians dying from starvation, lack of med supplies and cratered infrastructure.. With a SEC STATE who CALLED all that carnage "acceptable collateral damage"...

Allies wanted to do the right thing and just WALK AWAY from the embargo. You assholes wanted to CONTINUE it.

Bless GW for doing SOMETHING. Even if it wasn't the RIGHT thing, it was better than us looking like Kim Jung Il...
Remember, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, Bush Sr. chased them back into Iraq. And rightfully so. We had treaties with Kuwait.

But he stopped at the border.

And you know, that being a former WWII officer and a hero, he didn't just walk away from Iraq. He left sanctions in place, a watchful military and satellites overhead to monitor Iraqi actions. PERIOD!

What the GOP did to the economy was bad enough, but the shambles they left the military and the Middle East were criminal. I have always felt Obama's big mistake was that he didn't bring Bush and Cheney and other members of that wicked cabal up on charges.

Obama was handed a wrecked economy and a Middle East debacle and from what I've seen, he actually did turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.

Instead of attacking Obama, certain members of the GOP should be happy he didn't bring them up on charges. Maybe if he had, they wouldn't be acting the fools they are today.

If you don't know what the DEM alternative plan was --- I'll GLADLY educate you. It involved continuing the DAILY BOMBINGS and 200,000 deaths of Iraqi civilians dying from starvation, lack of med supplies and cratered infrastructure.. With a SEC STATE who CALLED all that carnage "acceptable collateral damage"...

Allies wanted to do the right thing and just WALK AWAY from the embargo. You assholes wanted to CONTINUE it.

Bless GW for doing SOMETHING. Even if it wasn't the RIGHT thing, it was better than us looking like Kim Jung Il...
Yeah, that was Clinton. If not for Obama, he would be the "Dindunuffin" president.
Remember, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, Bush Sr. chased them back into Iraq. And rightfully so. We had treaties with Kuwait.

But he stopped at the border.

And you know, that being a former WWII officer and a hero, he didn't just walk away from Iraq. He left sanctions in place, a watchful military and satellites overhead to monitor Iraqi actions. PERIOD!

What the GOP did to the economy was bad enough, but the shambles they left the military and the Middle East were criminal. I have always felt Obama's big mistake was that he didn't bring Bush and Cheney and other members of that wicked cabal up on charges.

Obama was handed a wrecked economy and a Middle East debacle and from what I've seen, he actually did turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.

Instead of attacking Obama, certain members of the GOP should be happy he didn't bring them up on charges. Maybe if he had, they wouldn't be acting the fools they are today.

If you don't know what the DEM alternative plan was --- I'll GLADLY educate you. It involved continuing the DAILY BOMBINGS and 200,000 deaths of Iraqi civilians dying from starvation, lack of med supplies and cratered infrastructure.. With a SEC STATE who CALLED all that carnage "acceptable collateral damage"...

Allies wanted to do the right thing and just WALK AWAY from the embargo. You assholes wanted to CONTINUE it.

Bless GW for doing SOMETHING. Even if it wasn't the RIGHT thing, it was better than us looking like Kim Jung Il...
Yeah, that was Clinton. If not for Obama, he would be the "Dindunuffin" president.

Clinton was the LAST of the Blue Dog Dems. All in all, they would WIN elections today if the Dem party hadn't hunted them to extinction and dogged them OUT of their party.

He didn't IGNORE the budget deficits and practice the partisan divisions of the Leftists that now control the party. But he SUCKED on self-control and foreign policy. Like EVERYONE of our presidents since Reagan.

Defense of Marriage Act? Border Issues? He was better than MOST Repubs are today..
All the special elections that Deany is bragging about winning recently were won with "Blue Dog Dems". Folks that are to the right of 1/3 of the Repubs in Congress.

OR --- they just TALK like they are. :banana:
These threads are hilarious. Russia is stepping up their defense for a tyrant who uses chemical weapons on his own civilians, and the left is freaking out. Meanwhile the genocidal psychopathic leftists here keep murdering babies through abortion.

Maybe Trump should order some missile strikes on the abortion clinics too while we're at it. It's not like we're going to run out of cruise missiles.
Trump ran on patting that tyrant on the head and letting Russia and Iran decide what should happen in Syria. You voted for that.
Remember, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, Bush Sr. chased them back into Iraq. And rightfully so. We had treaties with Kuwait.

But he stopped at the border.

And you know, that being a former WWII officer and a hero, he didn't just walk away from Iraq. He left sanctions in place, a watchful military and satellites overhead to monitor Iraqi actions. PERIOD!

What the GOP did to the economy was bad enough, but the shambles they left the military and the Middle East were criminal. I have always felt Obama's big mistake was that he didn't bring Bush and Cheney and other members of that wicked cabal up on charges.

Obama was handed a wrecked economy and a Middle East debacle and from what I've seen, he actually did turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.

Instead of attacking Obama, certain members of the GOP should be happy he didn't bring them up on charges. Maybe if he had, they wouldn't be acting the fools they are today.

If you don't know what the DEM alternative plan was --- I'll GLADLY educate you. It involved continuing the DAILY BOMBINGS and 200,000 deaths of Iraqi civilians dying from starvation, lack of med supplies and cratered infrastructure.. With a SEC STATE who CALLED all that carnage "acceptable collateral damage"...

Allies wanted to do the right thing and just WALK AWAY from the embargo. You assholes wanted to CONTINUE it.

Bless GW for doing SOMETHING. Even if it wasn't the RIGHT thing, it was better than us looking like Kim Jung Il...
continuing the DAILY BOMBINGS and 200,000 deaths of Iraqi civilians dying from starvation, lack of med supplies and cratered infrastructure

Where do you get this stuff? You're brain must be really something special to come up with such nonsense.
Iraq violated the cease fire-- we had every right and duty to finish it--it's that simple
U.S. Cites 1991 U.N. Cease-Fire Resolution as the Legal Basis for Its Invasion
Long list of Saddam's violations
you don't let a country violate a cease fire/armistice/AGREEMENT --like hitler did
look what happened when no one did anything when hitler violated the armistice
also -just like hitler, Saddam gassed/murdered his own people

it wasn't an invasion you liar !!!!!!!!! ---but a continuation of PG1
learn some history before you post crap
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Remember, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, Bush Sr. chased them back into Iraq. And rightfully so. We had treaties with Kuwait.

But he stopped at the border.

And you know, that being a former WWII officer and a hero, he didn't just walk away from Iraq. He left sanctions in place, a watchful military and satellites overhead to monitor Iraqi actions. PERIOD!

What the GOP did to the economy was bad enough, but the shambles they left the military and the Middle East were criminal. I have always felt Obama's big mistake was that he didn't bring Bush and Cheney and other members of that wicked cabal up on charges.

Obama was handed a wrecked economy and a Middle East debacle and from what I've seen, he actually did turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.

Instead of attacking Obama, certain members of the GOP should be happy he didn't bring them up on charges. Maybe if he had, they wouldn't be acting the fools they are today.

If you don't know what the DEM alternative plan was --- I'll GLADLY educate you. It involved continuing the DAILY BOMBINGS and 200,000 deaths of Iraqi civilians dying from starvation, lack of med supplies and cratered infrastructure.. With a SEC STATE who CALLED all that carnage "acceptable collateral damage"...

Allies wanted to do the right thing and just WALK AWAY from the embargo. You assholes wanted to CONTINUE it.

Bless GW for doing SOMETHING. Even if it wasn't the RIGHT thing, it was better than us looking like Kim Jung Il...
continuing the DAILY BOMBINGS and 200,000 deaths of Iraqi civilians dying from starvation, lack of med supplies and cratered infrastructure

Where do you get this stuff? You're brain must be really something special to come up with such nonsense.

If you don't know this stuff, don't embarrass yourself.. Being ignorant isn't as bad as being a CONFIDENT idiot. You don't know that Human Rights orgs estimated the Iraqi CItizen death toll from starvation, lack of meds and destroying infrastructure to be anywhere between 200,000 and 400,000 over 12 years?

I Ain't helping you -- you're far beyond that. And a waste of time to discuss with..

From the far left Journal The Nation

A Hard Look at Iraq Sanctions

The humanitarian disaster resulting from sanctions against Iraq has been frequently cited as a factor that motivated the September 11 terrorist attacks. Osama bin Laden himself mentioned the Iraq sanctions in a recent tirade against the United States. Critics of US policy in Iraq claim that sanctions have killed more than a million people, many of them children. Saddam Hussein puts the death toll at one and a half million. The actual numbers are lower than that, although still horrifying.

The grim question of how many people have died in Iraq has sparked heated debate over the years. The controversy dates from 1995, when researchers with a Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) study in Iraq wrote to The Lancet, the journal of the British Medical Society, asserting that sanctions were responsible for the deaths of 567,000 Iraqi children. The New York Times picked up the story and declared "Iraq Sanctions Kill Children." CBS followed up with a segment on 60 Minutes that repeated the numbers and depicted sanctions as a murderous assault on children. This was the program in which UN ambassador (and later Secretary of State) Madeleine Albright, when asked about these numbers, coldly stated, "The price is worth it."

Ali, a researcher at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Shah, an analyst for the World Health Organization in Geneva, conducted a demographic survey for UNICEF in cooperation with the government of Iraq. In early 1999 their study surveyed 40,000 households in south-central Iraq and in the northern Kurdish zone. In south-central Iraq, child mortality rates rose from 56 per 1,000 births for the period 1984-89 to 131 per 1,000 for the period 1994-99. In the autonomous Kurdish region in the north, Ali and Shah found that child mortality rates actually fell during the same period, from 80 per 1,000 births to 72 per 1,000.

Garfield has recently recalculated his numbers, based on the additional findings of the Ali and Shah study, to arrive at an estimate of approximately 350,000 through 2000. Most of these deaths are associated with sanctions, according to Garfield, but some are also attributable to destruction caused by the Gulf War air campaign, which dropped 90,000 tons of bombs in forty-three days, a far more intensive attack than the current strikes against Afghanistan. The bombing devastated Iraq's civilian infrastructure, destroying eighteen of twenty electricity-generating plants and disabling vital water-pumping and sanitation systems. Untreated sewage flowed into rivers used for drinking water, resulting in a rapid spread of infectious disease. Comprehensive trade sanctions compounded the effects of the war, making it difficult to rebuild, and adding new horrors of hunger and malnutrition.

I don't know how any one would have the COURAGE to ADMIT they were unaware of this and still shoot their mouth off as much as you do Deanie. Keep it up..
From an article in the Guardian:
Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan

Ewen MacAskill and Julian Borger in Washington

Wed 15 Sep 2004 21.28 EDTFirst published on Wed 15 Sep 2004 21.28 EDT

The United Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan, declared explicitly for the first time last night that the US-led war on Iraq was illegal.
Mr Annan said that the invasion was not sanctioned by the UN security council or in accordance with the UN's founding charter. In an interview with the BBC World Service broadcast last night, he was asked outright if the war was illegal. He replied: "Yes, if you wish."

He then added unequivocally: "I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN charter. From our point of view and from the charter point of view it was illegal."

Mr Annan has until now kept a tactful silence and his intervention at this point undermines the argument pushed by Tony Blair that the war was legitimised by security council resolutions."
Remember, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, Bush Sr. chased them back into Iraq. And rightfully so. We had treaties with Kuwait.

But he stopped at the border.

And you know, that being a former WWII officer and a hero, he didn't just walk away from Iraq. He left sanctions in place, a watchful military and satellites overhead to monitor Iraqi actions. PERIOD!

What the GOP did to the economy was bad enough, but the shambles they left the military and the Middle East were criminal. I have always felt Obama's big mistake was that he didn't bring Bush and Cheney and other members of that wicked cabal up on charges.

Obama was handed a wrecked economy and a Middle East debacle and from what I've seen, he actually did turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.

Instead of attacking Obama, certain members of the GOP should be happy he didn't bring them up on charges. Maybe if he had, they wouldn't be acting the fools they are today.

If you don't know what the DEM alternative plan was --- I'll GLADLY educate you. It involved continuing the DAILY BOMBINGS and 200,000 deaths of Iraqi civilians dying from starvation, lack of med supplies and cratered infrastructure.. With a SEC STATE who CALLED all that carnage "acceptable collateral damage"...

Allies wanted to do the right thing and just WALK AWAY from the embargo. You assholes wanted to CONTINUE it.

Bless GW for doing SOMETHING. Even if it wasn't the RIGHT thing, it was better than us looking like Kim Jung Il...
Yeah, that was Clinton. If not for Obama, he would be the "Dindunuffin" president.

Clinton was the LAST of the Blue Dog Dems. All in all, they would WIN elections today if the Dem party hadn't hunted them to extinction and dogged them OUT of their party.

He didn't IGNORE the budget deficits and practice the partisan divisions of the Leftists that now control the party. But he SUCKED on self-control and foreign policy. Like EVERYONE of our presidents since Reagan.

Defense of Marriage Act? Border Issues? He was better than MOST Repubs are today..

Hell, Clinton even managed to get a serious assault weapons ban, unlike the ineffectual Democrats in office these days.
These threads are hilarious. Russia is stepping up their defense for a tyrant who uses chemical weapons on his own civilians, and the left is freaking out. Meanwhile the genocidal psychopathic leftists here keep murdering babies through abortion.

Maybe Trump should order some missile strikes on the abortion clinics too while we're at it. It's not like we're going to run out of cruise missiles.
Trump ran on patting that tyrant on the head and letting Russia and Iran decide what should happen in Syria. You voted for that.

Please keep believing that, would you? That's why you Democrats are destined to lose again in 2020.

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