Remember, it was Bush and the GOP who tricked this country into invading Iraq. PERIOD!

He created Isis.

More than likely, the previous 12 YEARS of devastating that country and KILLING a 1/4 Million Iraqis --- left a lot of grieving parents, children, siblings READY to fight for ARAB control of the MidEast..

That recruitment was made easy because of our sucky policy over 15 years. Not JUST what Bush did.
These threads are hilarious. Russia is stepping up their defense for a tyrant who uses chemical weapons on his own civilians, and the left is freaking out. Meanwhile the genocidal psychopathic leftists here keep murdering babies through abortion.

Maybe Trump should order some missile strikes on the abortion clinics too while we're at it. It's not like we're going to run out of cruise missiles.
Trump ran on patting that tyrant on the head and letting Russia and Iran decide what should happen in Syria. You voted for that.

Please keep believing that, would you? That's why you Democrats are destined to lose again in 2020.
So you’re just going to gloss over the years of conservatives praising Putin and demonizing the Syrian rebels? The years of defending Assad? :laugh:

Nobody I know is defending Assad.. We' ve TRIED to make democracy bloom and turn donkeys into Unicorns in about 4 or 5 Arab countries now by REMOVING or helping to remove dictators and thugs. How'd that work out? What's the fucking score on that?

They NEED shotgun waving deranged madmen to keep them from killing each other. We don't HAVE to like them. But we damn well need to stop JUDGING them and blowing up their countries just to make things worse.

Maybe we're just not trying hard enough. That seemed to work pretty well on the Kaiser, Hitler, and the Imperial Japanese.

What's changed since then?

Which Arab country attacked us? And why would the goal be to "make them surrender"? Not really a good argument. Especially in regards to Libya, Syria, Somalia and OTHER similar mistakes.
These threads are hilarious. Russia is stepping up their defense for a tyrant who uses chemical weapons on his own civilians, and the left is freaking out. Meanwhile the genocidal psychopathic leftists here keep murdering babies through abortion.

Maybe Trump should order some missile strikes on the abortion clinics too while we're at it. It's not like we're going to run out of cruise missiles.
Trump ran on patting that tyrant on the head and letting Russia and Iran decide what should happen in Syria. You voted for that.

Please keep believing that, would you? That's why you Democrats are destined to lose again in 2020.
So you’re just going to gloss over the years of conservatives praising Putin and demonizing the Syrian rebels? The years of defending Assad? :laugh:

Nobody I know is defending Assad.. We' ve TRIED to make democracy bloom and turn donkeys into Unicorns in about 4 or 5 Arab countries now by REMOVING or helping to remove dictators and thugs. How'd that work out? What's the fucking score on that?

They NEED shotgun waving deranged madmen to keep them from killing each other. We don't HAVE to like them. But we damn well need to stop JUDGING them and blowing up their countries just to make things worse.
Dude 6 years on the site and longer in real life I’ve been begging people to please stop thinking that somehow the U.S. needs to waste lives and money in the Middle East. I just can’t resist pointing out to a Trump sheep like the OP that they’re behaving like a retard.
These threads are hilarious. Russia is stepping up their defense for a tyrant who uses chemical weapons on his own civilians, and the left is freaking out. Meanwhile the genocidal psychopathic leftists here keep murdering babies through abortion.

Maybe Trump should order some missile strikes on the abortion clinics too while we're at it. It's not like we're going to run out of cruise missiles.
Trump ran on patting that tyrant on the head and letting Russia and Iran decide what should happen in Syria. You voted for that.

Please keep believing that, would you? That's why you Democrats are destined to lose again in 2020.
So you’re just going to gloss over the years of conservatives praising Putin and demonizing the Syrian rebels? The years of defending Assad? :laugh:

Nobody I know is defending Assad.. We' ve TRIED to make democracy bloom and turn donkeys into Unicorns in about 4 or 5 Arab countries now by REMOVING or helping to remove dictators and thugs. How'd that work out? What's the fucking score on that?

They NEED shotgun waving deranged madmen to keep them from killing each other. We don't HAVE to like them. But we damn well need to stop JUDGING them and blowing up their countries just to make things worse.
Dude 6 years on the site and longer in real life I’ve been begging people to please stop thinking that somehow the U.S. needs to waste lives and money in the Middle East. I just can’t resist pointing out to a Trump sheep like the OP that they’re behaving like a retard.

Wait !!! What was that? The OP Is a "Trump Sheep"??? DAMN.. I knew there was something fishy about Deany.. You in the right thread bro? :badgrin:
Authorization of WHO to use force?

Bush trumped up phony Intelligence
Bush sent his doctored Intelligence to Congress
Congress authorized Bush to invade if HE felt it necessary

Correct, a bipartisan Congress gave him the authorization.

Glad we cleared that up.
Trump ran on patting that tyrant on the head and letting Russia and Iran decide what should happen in Syria. You voted for that.

Please keep believing that, would you? That's why you Democrats are destined to lose again in 2020.
So you’re just going to gloss over the years of conservatives praising Putin and demonizing the Syrian rebels? The years of defending Assad? :laugh:

Nobody I know is defending Assad.. We' ve TRIED to make democracy bloom and turn donkeys into Unicorns in about 4 or 5 Arab countries now by REMOVING or helping to remove dictators and thugs. How'd that work out? What's the fucking score on that?

They NEED shotgun waving deranged madmen to keep them from killing each other. We don't HAVE to like them. But we damn well need to stop JUDGING them and blowing up their countries just to make things worse.

Maybe we're just not trying hard enough. That seemed to work pretty well on the Kaiser, Hitler, and the Imperial Japanese.

What's changed since then?

Which Arab country attacked us? And why would the goal be to "make them surrender"? Not really a good argument. Especially in regards to Libya, Syria, Somalia and OTHER similar mistakes.

Unlike a formal country like Germany or Japan, it was the perceived "Islamic State" who attacked us on September 11, 2001. We're not dealing with national entities any more, we're at war with an ideology, with a little old-school Soviet threat thrown in.

We either eradicate that ideology and those who support it, or we die. There is no coexistence
Remember, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, Bush Sr. chased them back into Iraq. And rightfully so. We had treaties with Kuwait.

But he stopped at the border.

And you know, that being a former WWII officer and a hero, he didn't just walk away from Iraq. He left sanctions in place, a watchful military and satellites overhead to monitor Iraqi actions. PERIOD!

What the GOP did to the economy was bad enough, but the shambles they left the military and the Middle East were criminal. I have always felt Obama's big mistake was that he didn't bring Bush and Cheney and other members of that wicked cabal up on charges.

Obama was handed a wrecked economy and a Middle East debacle and from what I've seen, he actually did turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.

Instead of attacking Obama, certain members of the GOP should be happy he didn't bring them up on charges. Maybe if he had, they wouldn't be acting the fools they are today.

Obama turned a sow's ear into a silk purse? Did you seriously make that observation? Barack Obama turned the Middle East into a complete shit storm with his incoherent foreign policy decisions. George W. Bush left him a relatively stable situation in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Libya and in Syria and one by one Barry FUBAR'D each of those nations beyond recognition! The massive refugee migration that's now causing problems in Europe was the result of Barack totally underestimating ISIS (Gee, don't look now but the "JV team" just took over much of the Middle East, Barry!) and pulling out all US combat troops from Iraq against the advice of his military advisors!

As for the economy? Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! He managed to spend a HUGE stimulus package so badly that they had to hide how few jobs they created behind a laughable created or saved! The major driver of the economy while Barry was President was the energy boom created by fracking...something that President Clueless was against!
Please keep believing that, would you? That's why you Democrats are destined to lose again in 2020.
So you’re just going to gloss over the years of conservatives praising Putin and demonizing the Syrian rebels? The years of defending Assad? :laugh:

Nobody I know is defending Assad.. We' ve TRIED to make democracy bloom and turn donkeys into Unicorns in about 4 or 5 Arab countries now by REMOVING or helping to remove dictators and thugs. How'd that work out? What's the fucking score on that?

They NEED shotgun waving deranged madmen to keep them from killing each other. We don't HAVE to like them. But we damn well need to stop JUDGING them and blowing up their countries just to make things worse.

Maybe we're just not trying hard enough. That seemed to work pretty well on the Kaiser, Hitler, and the Imperial Japanese.

What's changed since then?

Which Arab country attacked us? And why would the goal be to "make them surrender"? Not really a good argument. Especially in regards to Libya, Syria, Somalia and OTHER similar mistakes.

Unlike a formal country like Germany or Japan, it was the perceived "Islamic State" who attacked us on September 11, 2001. We're not dealing with national entities any more, we're at war with an ideology, with a little old-school Soviet threat thrown in.

We either eradicate that ideology and those who support it, or we die. There is no coexistence

And every time we bomb and destroy a country in that region, we created a PERFECT HABITAT for breeding more ideaologues. How many times do we have to repeat the madness?

Saddam didn't have a Jihadist problem. Until we got involved. Same with not COOPERATING with Assad to rid his country of them. We're asking for miracles in the attitude/strategy we use to CONQUER the problem.
So you’re just going to gloss over the years of conservatives praising Putin and demonizing the Syrian rebels? The years of defending Assad? :laugh:

Nobody I know is defending Assad.. We' ve TRIED to make democracy bloom and turn donkeys into Unicorns in about 4 or 5 Arab countries now by REMOVING or helping to remove dictators and thugs. How'd that work out? What's the fucking score on that?

They NEED shotgun waving deranged madmen to keep them from killing each other. We don't HAVE to like them. But we damn well need to stop JUDGING them and blowing up their countries just to make things worse.

Maybe we're just not trying hard enough. That seemed to work pretty well on the Kaiser, Hitler, and the Imperial Japanese.

What's changed since then?

Which Arab country attacked us? And why would the goal be to "make them surrender"? Not really a good argument. Especially in regards to Libya, Syria, Somalia and OTHER similar mistakes.

Unlike a formal country like Germany or Japan, it was the perceived "Islamic State" who attacked us on September 11, 2001. We're not dealing with national entities any more, we're at war with an ideology, with a little old-school Soviet threat thrown in.

We either eradicate that ideology and those who support it, or we die. There is no coexistence

And every time we bomb and destroy a country in that region, we created a PERFECT HABITAT for breeding more ideaologues. How many times do we have to repeat the madness?

Saddam didn't have a Jihadist problem. Until we got involved. Same with not COOPERATING with Assad to rid his country of them. We're asking for miracles in the attitude/strategy we use to CONQUER the problem.

People don't radicalize themselves, no matter how much they hate America. Did we see secret underground movements of Nazis planning to strike us back after we won WW2?

There may have been a few, but their leaders were immediately dealt with, just as we need to deal with whatever radical types are spreading their toxic ideology.
Trump ran on patting that tyrant on the head and letting Russia and Iran decide what should happen in Syria. You voted for that.

Please keep believing that, would you? That's why you Democrats are destined to lose again in 2020.
So you’re just going to gloss over the years of conservatives praising Putin and demonizing the Syrian rebels? The years of defending Assad? :laugh:

Nobody I know is defending Assad.. We' ve TRIED to make democracy bloom and turn donkeys into Unicorns in about 4 or 5 Arab countries now by REMOVING or helping to remove dictators and thugs. How'd that work out? What's the fucking score on that?

They NEED shotgun waving deranged madmen to keep them from killing each other. We don't HAVE to like them. But we damn well need to stop JUDGING them and blowing up their countries just to make things worse.
Dude 6 years on the site and longer in real life I’ve been begging people to please stop thinking that somehow the U.S. needs to waste lives and money in the Middle East. I just can’t resist pointing out to a Trump sheep like the OP that they’re behaving like a retard.

Wait !!! What was that? The OP Is a "Trump Sheep"??? DAMN.. I knew there was something fishy about Deany.. You in the right thread bro? :badgrin:
Lol JGalt. So many threads, so little remembering who started what. My bad.
Nobody I know is defending Assad.. We' ve TRIED to make democracy bloom and turn donkeys into Unicorns in about 4 or 5 Arab countries now by REMOVING or helping to remove dictators and thugs. How'd that work out? What's the fucking score on that?

They NEED shotgun waving deranged madmen to keep them from killing each other. We don't HAVE to like them. But we damn well need to stop JUDGING them and blowing up their countries just to make things worse.

Maybe we're just not trying hard enough. That seemed to work pretty well on the Kaiser, Hitler, and the Imperial Japanese.

What's changed since then?

Which Arab country attacked us? And why would the goal be to "make them surrender"? Not really a good argument. Especially in regards to Libya, Syria, Somalia and OTHER similar mistakes.

Unlike a formal country like Germany or Japan, it was the perceived "Islamic State" who attacked us on September 11, 2001. We're not dealing with national entities any more, we're at war with an ideology, with a little old-school Soviet threat thrown in.

We either eradicate that ideology and those who support it, or we die. There is no coexistence

And every time we bomb and destroy a country in that region, we created a PERFECT HABITAT for breeding more ideaologues. How many times do we have to repeat the madness?

Saddam didn't have a Jihadist problem. Until we got involved. Same with not COOPERATING with Assad to rid his country of them. We're asking for miracles in the attitude/strategy we use to CONQUER the problem.

People don't radicalize themselves, no matter how much they hate America. Did we see secret underground movements of Nazis planning to strike us back after we won WW2?

There may have been a few, but their leaders were immediately dealt with, just as we need to deal with whatever radical types are spreading their toxic ideology.
Who started the Nazi movement? Oops, people that radicalized themselves :rolleyes:
Maybe we're just not trying hard enough. That seemed to work pretty well on the Kaiser, Hitler, and the Imperial Japanese.

What's changed since then?

Which Arab country attacked us? And why would the goal be to "make them surrender"? Not really a good argument. Especially in regards to Libya, Syria, Somalia and OTHER similar mistakes.

Unlike a formal country like Germany or Japan, it was the perceived "Islamic State" who attacked us on September 11, 2001. We're not dealing with national entities any more, we're at war with an ideology, with a little old-school Soviet threat thrown in.

We either eradicate that ideology and those who support it, or we die. There is no coexistence

And every time we bomb and destroy a country in that region, we created a PERFECT HABITAT for breeding more ideaologues. How many times do we have to repeat the madness?

Saddam didn't have a Jihadist problem. Until we got involved. Same with not COOPERATING with Assad to rid his country of them. We're asking for miracles in the attitude/strategy we use to CONQUER the problem.

People don't radicalize themselves, no matter how much they hate America. Did we see secret underground movements of Nazis planning to strike us back after we won WW2?

There may have been a few, but their leaders were immediately dealt with, just as we need to deal with whatever radical types are spreading their toxic ideology.
Who started the Nazi movement? Oops, people that radicalized themselves :rolleyes:

No. Actually it was their "Imam" and spiritual leader, Adolf Hitler. Had he been snuffed from the start, it would have saved us alot of trouble.

Same thing with Karl Marx. That fucker should have been smothered with a pillow while he was a baby.
Which Arab country attacked us? And why would the goal be to "make them surrender"? Not really a good argument. Especially in regards to Libya, Syria, Somalia and OTHER similar mistakes.

Unlike a formal country like Germany or Japan, it was the perceived "Islamic State" who attacked us on September 11, 2001. We're not dealing with national entities any more, we're at war with an ideology, with a little old-school Soviet threat thrown in.

We either eradicate that ideology and those who support it, or we die. There is no coexistence

And every time we bomb and destroy a country in that region, we created a PERFECT HABITAT for breeding more ideaologues. How many times do we have to repeat the madness?

Saddam didn't have a Jihadist problem. Until we got involved. Same with not COOPERATING with Assad to rid his country of them. We're asking for miracles in the attitude/strategy we use to CONQUER the problem.

People don't radicalize themselves, no matter how much they hate America. Did we see secret underground movements of Nazis planning to strike us back after we won WW2?

There may have been a few, but their leaders were immediately dealt with, just as we need to deal with whatever radical types are spreading their toxic ideology.
Who started the Nazi movement? Oops, people that radicalized themselves :rolleyes:

No. Actually it was their "Imam" and spiritual leader, Adolf Hitler. Had he been snuffed from the start, it would have saved us alot of trouble.

Same thing with Karl Marx. That fucker should have been smothered with a pillow while he was a baby.
Oh many alt-rightists in Germany paved the way for Hitler. Read a book one day.
Unlike a formal country like Germany or Japan, it was the perceived "Islamic State" who attacked us on September 11, 2001. We're not dealing with national entities any more, we're at war with an ideology, with a little old-school Soviet threat thrown in.

We either eradicate that ideology and those who support it, or we die. There is no coexistence

And every time we bomb and destroy a country in that region, we created a PERFECT HABITAT for breeding more ideaologues. How many times do we have to repeat the madness?

Saddam didn't have a Jihadist problem. Until we got involved. Same with not COOPERATING with Assad to rid his country of them. We're asking for miracles in the attitude/strategy we use to CONQUER the problem.

People don't radicalize themselves, no matter how much they hate America. Did we see secret underground movements of Nazis planning to strike us back after we won WW2?

There may have been a few, but their leaders were immediately dealt with, just as we need to deal with whatever radical types are spreading their toxic ideology.
Who started the Nazi movement? Oops, people that radicalized themselves :rolleyes:

No. Actually it was their "Imam" and spiritual leader, Adolf Hitler. Had he been snuffed from the start, it would have saved us alot of trouble.

Same thing with Karl Marx. That fucker should have been smothered with a pillow while he was a baby.
Oh many alt-rightists in Germany paved the way for Hitler. Read a book one day.

Dumbass. There was no "alt-right" in pre-war Germany. Quit chewing on the pages of those books you have.
Nobody I know is defending Assad.. We' ve TRIED to make democracy bloom and turn donkeys into Unicorns in about 4 or 5 Arab countries now by REMOVING or helping to remove dictators and thugs. How'd that work out? What's the fucking score on that?

They NEED shotgun waving deranged madmen to keep them from killing each other. We don't HAVE to like them. But we damn well need to stop JUDGING them and blowing up their countries just to make things worse.

Maybe we're just not trying hard enough. That seemed to work pretty well on the Kaiser, Hitler, and the Imperial Japanese.

What's changed since then?

Which Arab country attacked us? And why would the goal be to "make them surrender"? Not really a good argument. Especially in regards to Libya, Syria, Somalia and OTHER similar mistakes.

Unlike a formal country like Germany or Japan, it was the perceived "Islamic State" who attacked us on September 11, 2001. We're not dealing with national entities any more, we're at war with an ideology, with a little old-school Soviet threat thrown in.

We either eradicate that ideology and those who support it, or we die. There is no coexistence

And every time we bomb and destroy a country in that region, we created a PERFECT HABITAT for breeding more ideaologues. How many times do we have to repeat the madness?

Saddam didn't have a Jihadist problem. Until we got involved. Same with not COOPERATING with Assad to rid his country of them. We're asking for miracles in the attitude/strategy we use to CONQUER the problem.

People don't radicalize themselves, no matter how much they hate America. Did we see secret underground movements of Nazis planning to strike us back after we won WW2?

There may have been a few, but their leaders were immediately dealt with, just as we need to deal with whatever radical types are spreading their toxic ideology.

You know what? I think you know this. But the FOUNDER OF ISIS and his inner circle were radicalized when WE THREW them into Military Prison in IRAQ.. Ring any bells? WE -- "radicalized" them. You need a link?
Who could stop the U.S. from doing what it wants to do? Bush had the might (exactly as the 'founders' feared would happen with if a standing army were at the disposal of the central power), and he decided to use it. Legality was not his concern. The majority of Congress (in spite of being full of lawyers who knew better) assented, making them equally culpable (Hillary included).
How is it that so many countries have uninvited military presence and activity in Syria? What is there to keep them from doing the same in any other country they decide to dabble?
This is a very dangerous precedent, and it has happened largely due to the destabilization engendered by the illegal 2003 invasion. America bears the guilt for that.
Remember, it was Bush and the GOP who tricked this country into invading Iraq. PERIOD!

TRANSLATION: The entire UN was agreed as to the evidence and in on it, including Hillary and the Democrats and Dean is a lying POS as usual.
Actually it was the left wing media and democrats (and the CIA?) who tricked the public into believing that the Iraqi invasion was about WMD's. Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea on an illegal executive order. Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless country when he was caught with his pants down. President Bush carefully laid out the conditions before congress and gave Saddam about a year to comply with U.N. Sanctions. Every congressional member had access to the same intelligence and the CIA seemed to agree with former president Bill Clinton that Saddam was developing WMD's. Congress approved sending Troops to Iraq and then democrats (and their minions in the left wing media) undermined the mission when they thought they could gain some political momentum. It's a tragic example of what can happen when the media becomes a propaganda arm of the democrat party and the CIA becomes a willing agent of left wing political propaganda.
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