Remember John Fetterman? What happened to that guy?

Stroke is a strange thing. We are not accepting from our government. It is what it is, and he and the people of that state have to determine if he is up to the job, and it also has to comply with legalities. I don't actually care one way or the other and the politics is not a consideration to me.
Oh, ofcourse not….Politics is of no concern to you, that’s why you’re participating in a political message board….lol
Oh, ofcourse not….Politics is of no concern to you, that’s why you’re participating in a political message board….lol
I was referring to specifically the politics involved in Fetterman, continuing or deciding to chuck it and take care of himself instead. It is not my state or vote.
Stroke is a strange thing. We are not accepting from our government. It is what it is, and he and the people of that state have to determine if he is up to the job, and it also has to comply with legalities. I don't actually care one way or the other and the politics is not a consideration to me.

It should be because this guy may be making the tie breaking vote on important issues of this country.
mudwhistle posting a tweet from piece of shit liar Juanita Broaddrick is hilarious. One liar promoting another liar - that's today's Republican Party.

And what's today's Democrat party? You have a NYC DA using a convicted liar as his star witness to try and oust Trump next presidential election. Ever hear of the adage about glass houses?
Funny and pathetic how wingnuts are all worried about when Fetterman returns to the Senate but haven't made a peep about when Mitch McConnell returns to the Senate after his fall, broken ribs and concussion.

What should we make out of it? You're comparing a man with mental instability to a man physical injuries? Pathetic.
Funny and pathetic how wingnuts are all worried about when Fetterman returns to the Senate but haven't made a peep about when Mitch McConnell returns to the Senate after his fall, broken ribs and concussion.
Many do not want Mitch back. He was quiet for two years and helped the Progs even. Disappointing. I like his low keyway, however he is RINO/NEO CON. And needs to go if possible.
He has to stay there long enough so as to avoid a special election to replace him....Though I can't remember the time frame, Shapiro can appoint his successor if he stays there long enough.
August 18th is my understanding.
He is appearently still having trouble with auditory process, but supposedly is OK with visual processing and understanding typed or written speech. Again, weird, but I am no doctor. I understand he is using a realtime speech to text processor to read what is being said around him or to him.

Relevant reading...

Not sure how the AI got elected to represent the interests of constituents, but the guy here who actually was elected to represent and speak for his consituents is only serving as a middle man and reading/repeating what the AI directs him to say. My guess is that this will not end well for freedom and actual representation in America.

Feetterman may well serve as the poster boy for selling the idea to the public and making it mainstream, though. Problem. Reaction, Solution...
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Fetterman thanks the Doctors for his complete recovery!

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