“Traditional societies like in the United Arab Emirates are much happier than far left societies that we see throughout much of the United States.”


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
With exception to perhaps the rural areas of the United States perhaps all of the big cities in America have turned toward far left extremism. ..Where we see the feminization of men where they perhaps want women to take on men’s roles. I just imagine what it’s like for a young child to have to grow up with a feminized man, a man who doesn’t even work a job father who doesn’t even work a job. And what a fact that plays on that child. People can say whatever they want but the statistics when they are shown of the far left extremist…. Should be a wake up call but it’s often not and that is why we have so many problems in America. Again say whatever you want whatever side of the debate you’re on the statistics will never support the far left extremism.

The point made on this fresh and fit podcast was whatever somebody might say about their political views the statistics show that there is so much more happiness in modern-day right wing societies compared to far left societies. We see much more happiness, and less depression in the cities like Dubai than for example compared to so much of America.

The hope is that these politicians in America and lawmakers finally learn something and stop destroying the fabric of our country that has kept us together up until it got “woke”. That they wake up and realize how bad our country has become how dangerous it is, how embarrassing it is with what’s going on in American culture the weakness of it all …the weakness of men the poor diets the obesity rates, the facade of far left liberalism.

The discussion starts at about the three minute mark and you only have to watch it for a few minutes to learn what’s going on …that’s all it takes just a few minutes of your time.

There are heightened security risks, effectively higher crime areas in much of the big cities in America which is why the wealthy elite politicians and wealthy celebrities all live in enclosed enclaves they live in security fortresses. They talk a big game about equality they don’t actually support it. Whereas in the United Arab Emirates the rich the elites live right in the open where there is effectively no crime nothing to worry about. You’ll see celebrities in the UAE and big time politicians they’re eating at regular restaurants with regular citizens like there’s nothing to it. You don’t see that in Los Angeles you don’t see that in New York City.

If you’re well dressed wearing a fancy watch you will more than likely be Robbed at some point if you think you could walk down the streets at night in New York City, or places even like London or Paris, France in the wide open by yourself you’re just asking to be robbed.

There are higher depression rates in the United States, extremely higher divorce rates, higher crime rates, all the hallmarks of a bad society a corrupt country compared to what we are seeing in the modern day UAE. The UAE a country where 80 or 90% of the country speaks speaks English, where there is incredible financial success where there are strong men and strong women. ..two genders …not 100.

We see plenty of people in The United States that care about our countries culture that care about our traditions that want to bring America back. Unfortunately they’re not the ones in power right now …so we can certainly pray for the American future and we will get it we will get it back.

There’s something going on in the UAE an advanced country that all around the world people should be studying.

Have a nice day Folks.
With exception to perhaps the rural areas of the United States perhaps all of the big cities in America have turned toward far left extremism. ..Where we see the feminization of men where they perhaps want women to take on men’s roles. I just imagine what it’s like for a young child to have to grow up with a feminized man, a man who doesn’t even work a job father who doesn’t even work a job. And what a fact that plays on that child. People can say whatever they want but the statistics when they are shown of the far left extremist…. Should be a wake up call but it’s often not and that is why we have so many problems in America. Again say whatever you want whatever side of the debate you’re on the statistics will never support the far left extremism.

The point made on this fresh and fit podcast was whatever somebody might say about their political views the statistics show that there is so much more happiness in modern-day right wing societies compared to far left societies. We see much more happiness, and less depression in the cities like Dubai than for example compared to so much of America.

The hope is that these politicians in America and lawmakers finally learn something and stop destroying the fabric of our country that has kept us together up until it got “woke”. That they wake up and realize how bad our country has become how dangerous it is, how embarrassing it is with what’s going on in American culture the weakness of it all …the weakness of men the poor diets the obesity rates, the facade of far left liberalism.

The discussion starts at about the three minute mark and you only have to watch it for a few minutes to learn what’s going on …that’s all it takes just a few minutes of your time.

There are heightened security risks, effectively higher crime areas in much of the big cities in America which is why the wealthy elite politicians and wealthy celebrities all live in enclosed enclaves they live in security fortresses. They talk a big game about equality they don’t actually support it. Whereas in the United Arab Emirates the rich the elites live right in the open where there is effectively no crime nothing to worry about. You’ll see celebrities in the UAE and big time politicians they’re eating at regular restaurants with regular citizens like there’s nothing to it. You don’t see that in Los Angeles you don’t see that in New York City.

If you’re well dressed wearing a fancy watch you will more than likely be Robbed at some point if you think you could walk down the streets at night in New York City, or places even like London or Paris, France in the wide open by yourself you’re just asking to be robbed.

There are higher depression rates in the United States, extremely higher divorce rates, higher crime rates, all the hallmarks of a bad society a corrupt country compared to what we are seeing in the modern day UAE. The UAE a country where 80 or 90% of the country speaks speaks English, where there is incredible financial success where there are strong men and strong women. ..two genders …not 100.

We see plenty of people in The United States that care about our countries culture that care about our traditions that want to bring America back. Unfortunately they’re not the ones in power right now …so we can certainly pray for the American future and we will get it we will get it back.

There’s something going on in the UAE an advanced country that all around the world people should be studying.

Have a nice day Folks.

Feel free to move there. Believe me...nobody would miss you. Not for a millisecond.
I like the US, I like it a lot. I have been to foreign nations and I still don't like them as much as I do the USA...I like the US so much I bought some of it.
They are a modern, united (not diverse), ethnostate with 1 religion (mostly). All citizen married couples get a free house upon getting married, although there can be a shortage at times.
Just as the podcast points out we see the far left celebs and politicians in America are “ champagne socialists” . Meaning that they fly private jets(so much for environmentalism 🤔) they don’t want to be on planes with lower classes …they don’t want their kids to go to school with children with darker skin. Steph curry The NBA superstar is a prime example he talks a big game about supporting BLM and supporting similar things yet he cries like a baby when a middle-class housing development is to be built not even that close to him ….he attempts to blocks it.

Look at how men are portrayed on American television and commercials…. they are portrayed as weak, bumbling idiots they don’t know what they’re doing. They show the ultra feminized woman to be somehow taking care of the household they even have movies and television shows were pregnant women are the head of the household. This makes no sense at all and it’s not based in reality.

And again whatever side of the debate you’re on the statistics don’t lie they show us there is so much more happiness in Dubai compared to the big cities in America where there is high depression, high suicide rates, higher crime rates dysfunction all over the place. No more nuclear family here in these places it’s a disaster.

We have work to do my friends

We look at the American past and we see honor and integrity we need to learn from that.
Just as the podcast points out we see the far left celebs and politicians in America are “ champagne socialists” . Meaning that they fly private jets(so much for environmentalism 🤔) they don’t want to be on planes with lower classes …they don’t want their kids to go to school with children with darker skin. Steph curry The NBA superstar is a prime example he talks a big game about supporting BLM and supporting similar things yet he cries like a baby when a middle-class housing development is to be built not even that close to him ….he attempts to blocks it.

Look at how men are portrayed on American television and commercials…. they are portrayed as weak, bumbling idiots they don’t know what they’re doing. They show the ultra feminized woman to be somehow taking care of the household they even have movies and television shows were pregnant women are the head of the household. This makes no sense at all and it’s not based in reality.

And again whatever side of the debate you’re on the statistics don’t lie they show us there is so much more happiness in Dubai compared to the big cities in America where there is high depression, high suicide rates, higher crime rates dysfunction all over the place. No more nuclear family here in these places it’s a disaster.

We have work to do my friends

We look at the American past and we see honor and integrity we need to learn from that.
Quit living your life staring at screens and things will immediately start to look different.
now who did they ask about being happy? men or women?
Women got to vote too

Then I suggest you move.
Libtards are getting nothing but hostility from me, till they stop trying to change my world.

Leave my world alone. It's not your playground. If you want to play, go find a sandbox.
Us liberals have always pointed out how much the American conservative has in common with the taliban.
It is somewhat refreshing to see a neanderthal on the right openly embracing the dark ages of an Islamic country though even though he doesn't have a faintest clue about what he is embracing much less the slightest grip on reality in general.
It is somewhat refreshing to see a neanderthal on the right openly embracing the dark ages of an Islamic country though even though he doesn't have a faintest clue about what he is embracing much less the slightest grip on reality in general.
What are you smoking?



Typical Villa for couples,
With exception to perhaps the rural areas of the United States perhaps all of the big cities in America have turned toward far left extremism. ..Where we see the feminization of men where they perhaps want women to take on men’s roles. I just imagine what it’s like for a young child to have to grow up with a feminized man, a man who doesn’t even work a job father who doesn’t even work a job. And what a fact that plays on that child. People can say whatever they want but the statistics when they are shown of the far left extremist…. Should be a wake up call but it’s often not and that is why we have so many problems in America. Again say whatever you want whatever side of the debate you’re on the statistics will never support the far left extremism.

The point made on this fresh and fit podcast was whatever somebody might say about their political views the statistics show that there is so much more happiness in modern-day right wing societies compared to far left societies. We see much more happiness, and less depression in the cities like Dubai than for example compared to so much of America.

The hope is that these politicians in America and lawmakers finally learn something and stop destroying the fabric of our country that has kept us together up until it got “woke”. That they wake up and realize how bad our country has become how dangerous it is, how embarrassing it is with what’s going on in American culture the weakness of it all …the weakness of men the poor diets the obesity rates, the facade of far left liberalism.

The discussion starts at about the three minute mark and you only have to watch it for a few minutes to learn what’s going on …that’s all it takes just a few minutes of your time.

There are heightened security risks, effectively higher crime areas in much of the big cities in America which is why the wealthy elite politicians and wealthy celebrities all live in enclosed enclaves they live in security fortresses. They talk a big game about equality they don’t actually support it. Whereas in the United Arab Emirates the rich the elites live right in the open where there is effectively no crime nothing to worry about. You’ll see celebrities in the UAE and big time politicians they’re eating at regular restaurants with regular citizens like there’s nothing to it. You don’t see that in Los Angeles you don’t see that in New York City.

If you’re well dressed wearing a fancy watch you will more than likely be Robbed at some point if you think you could walk down the streets at night in New York City, or places even like London or Paris, France in the wide open by yourself you’re just asking to be robbed.

There are higher depression rates in the United States, extremely higher divorce rates, higher crime rates, all the hallmarks of a bad society a corrupt country compared to what we are seeing in the modern day UAE. The UAE a country where 80 or 90% of the country speaks speaks English, where there is incredible financial success where there are strong men and strong women. ..two genders …not 100.

We see plenty of people in The United States that care about our countries culture that care about our traditions that want to bring America back. Unfortunately they’re not the ones in power right now …so we can certainly pray for the American future and we will get it we will get it back.

There’s something going on in the UAE an advanced country that all around the world people should be studying.

Have a nice day Folks.

Then move there.
With exception to perhaps the rural areas of the United States perhaps all of the big cities in America have turned toward far left extremism. ..Where we see the feminization of men where they perhaps want women to take on men’s roles. I just imagine what it’s like for a young child to have to grow up with a feminized man, a man who doesn’t even work a job father who doesn’t even work a job. And what a fact that plays on that child. People can say whatever they want but the statistics when they are shown of the far left extremist…. Should be a wake up call but it’s often not and that is why we have so many problems in America. Again say whatever you want whatever side of the debate you’re on the statistics will never support the far left extremism.

The point made on this fresh and fit podcast was whatever somebody might say about their political views the statistics show that there is so much more happiness in modern-day right wing societies compared to far left societies. We see much more happiness, and less depression in the cities like Dubai than for example compared to so much of America.

The hope is that these politicians in America and lawmakers finally learn something and stop destroying the fabric of our country that has kept us together up until it got “woke”. That they wake up and realize how bad our country has become how dangerous it is, how embarrassing it is with what’s going on in American culture the weakness of it all …the weakness of men the poor diets the obesity rates, the facade of far left liberalism.

The discussion starts at about the three minute mark and you only have to watch it for a few minutes to learn what’s going on …that’s all it takes just a few minutes of your time.

There are heightened security risks, effectively higher crime areas in much of the big cities in America which is why the wealthy elite politicians and wealthy celebrities all live in enclosed enclaves they live in security fortresses. They talk a big game about equality they don’t actually support it. Whereas in the United Arab Emirates the rich the elites live right in the open where there is effectively no crime nothing to worry about. You’ll see celebrities in the UAE and big time politicians they’re eating at regular restaurants with regular citizens like there’s nothing to it. You don’t see that in Los Angeles you don’t see that in New York City.

If you’re well dressed wearing a fancy watch you will more than likely be Robbed at some point if you think you could walk down the streets at night in New York City, or places even like London or Paris, France in the wide open by yourself you’re just asking to be robbed.

There are higher depression rates in the United States, extremely higher divorce rates, higher crime rates, all the hallmarks of a bad society a corrupt country compared to what we are seeing in the modern day UAE. The UAE a country where 80 or 90% of the country speaks speaks English, where there is incredible financial success where there are strong men and strong women. ..two genders …not 100.

We see plenty of people in The United States that care about our countries culture that care about our traditions that want to bring America back. Unfortunately they’re not the ones in power right now …so we can certainly pray for the American future and we will get it we will get it back.

There’s something going on in the UAE an advanced country that all around the world people should be studying.

Have a nice day Folks.

Lack of freedom and rights does bring about a more orderly society.

For folks like you that is a worthy trade off, but not for those of us who actually appreciate freedom and liberty
Libtards are getting nothing but hostility from me, till they stop trying to change my world.

Leave my world alone. It's not your playground. If you want to play, go find a sandbox.

ohhhh....harsh words on the internet...what will the Libs do :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :itsok:

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