“Traditional societies like in the United Arab Emirates are much happier than far left societies that we see throughout much of the United States.”

you’re not making the right point. You’re talking about Afghanistan or Iran. There are so many women who are doctors and lawyers in the UAE and now even Saudi Arabia. Don’t fall for the racism man you’re better than that

Did I say anything about women or race?

Are you going to tell me you think the level of freedom is the same in the UAE as it is in the USA?
I have honestly never seen a liberal / leftist that truly was not mentally ill. I am not being funny,,,these people are victims of wealth. Easy living with no external pressures or threats and being surrounded by like minded drones with a Utopian brady bunch view of reality that does not resemble the harsh realities that most of the world has to deal with leaves them with an existential subconscious fear that drives them to identify with criminals, thugs and fascist ideologies in order to overcome this fear. Think of the person with a fear of heights being drawn to the edge of a cliff in order to conquer their fear. The absence of lifes challenges has prevented these people from growing up with most of them being 60 yr old adolescents that identify with youthful ignorance.
I have honestly never seen a liberal / leftist that truly was not mentally ill. I am not being funny,,,these people are victims of wealth. Easy living with no external pressures or threats and being surrounded by like minded drones with a Utopian brady bunch view of reality that does not resemble the harsh realities that most of the world has to deal with leaves them with an existential subconscious fear that drives them to identify with criminals, thugs and fascist ideologies in order to overcome this fear. Think of the person with a fear of heights being drawn to the edge of a cliff in order to conquer their fear. The absence of lifes challenges has prevented these people from growing up with most of them being 60 yr old adolescents that identify with youthful ignorance.
Because we know the right are models of sanity...

They are a modern, united (not diverse), ethnostate with 1 religion (mostly). All citizen married couples get a free house upon getting married, although there can be a shortage at times.

That's the key, not diverse.

When a society isn't diverse too much they are a more relaxed and comfortable society.

When everyone speaks the same language, has similar customs, looks similar, has at least comparable love and respect for their country, similar beliefs and so on then people aren't as on edge.

Familiarity breeds calm more. When everyone is familiar to you then you have a automatic understanding with them. When everyone speaks the same language there are no misunderstandings.

There is a reason why when you go out in nature different animals don't live together. They may exist the same areas but they don't nest together, zebras and gorrillas don't hang out.
With exception to perhaps the rural areas of the United States perhaps all of the big cities in America have turned toward far left extremism. ..Where we see the feminization of men where they perhaps want women to take on men’s roles. I just imagine what it’s like for a young child to have to grow up with a feminized man, a man who doesn’t even work a job father who doesn’t even work a job. And what a fact that plays on that child. People can say whatever they want but the statistics when they are shown of the far left extremist…. Should be a wake up call but it’s often not and that is why we have so many problems in America. Again say whatever you want whatever side of the debate you’re on the statistics will never support the far left extremism.

The point made on this fresh and fit podcast was whatever somebody might say about their political views the statistics show that there is so much more happiness in modern-day right wing societies compared to far left societies. We see much more happiness, and less depression in the cities like Dubai than for example compared to so much of America.

The hope is that these politicians in America and lawmakers finally learn something and stop destroying the fabric of our country that has kept us together up until it got “woke”. That they wake up and realize how bad our country has become how dangerous it is, how embarrassing it is with what’s going on in American culture the weakness of it all …the weakness of men the poor diets the obesity rates, the facade of far left liberalism.

The discussion starts at about the three minute mark and you only have to watch it for a few minutes to learn what’s going on …that’s all it takes just a few minutes of your time.

There are heightened security risks, effectively higher crime areas in much of the big cities in America which is why the wealthy elite politicians and wealthy celebrities all live in enclosed enclaves they live in security fortresses. They talk a big game about equality they don’t actually support it. Whereas in the United Arab Emirates the rich the elites live right in the open where there is effectively no crime nothing to worry about. You’ll see celebrities in the UAE and big time politicians they’re eating at regular restaurants with regular citizens like there’s nothing to it. You don’t see that in Los Angeles you don’t see that in New York City.

If you’re well dressed wearing a fancy watch you will more than likely be Robbed at some point if you think you could walk down the streets at night in New York City, or places even like London or Paris, France in the wide open by yourself you’re just asking to be robbed.

There are higher depression rates in the United States, extremely higher divorce rates, higher crime rates, all the hallmarks of a bad society a corrupt country compared to what we are seeing in the modern day UAE. The UAE a country where 80 or 90% of the country speaks speaks English, where there is incredible financial success where there are strong men and strong women. ..two genders …not 100.

We see plenty of people in The United States that care about our countries culture that care about our traditions that want to bring America back. Unfortunately they’re not the ones in power right now …so we can certainly pray for the American future and we will get it we will get it back.

There’s something going on in the UAE an advanced country that all around the world people should be studying.

Have a nice day Folks.

Sharia now!

You’re just evading the question.

Where do people need permission to leave their neighborhood in America?

You said it, not me.
I have zero in common with the left, hence I have no interest in talking with the left.
I have zero in common with the left, hence I have no interest in talking with the left.
In other words, you admit there is nowhere in America where anyone needs “permission” to leave their neighborhood.

You can’t make such outrageous statements and then not back them up.
Sharia now!

No brother I am a Catholic. So “sharia law “ does not apply to me

Not here in America. And I don’t even think they have that in the UAE if they do it’s very very mixed form of that with regular Law.

I think the United States was a better country in the 1940s or 1950s even the 1990s. Look at how denigrated we are today, how we have the ultra feminization of men. Men Who are stay at home husbands or boyfriends it’s really not good for society. Look at the television and movies in America today how they are so unrealistic they have pregnant women as head of the household who are working who are out there doing all of these crazy things…. things that do not exist in real life.

American culture is at a low point today it wasn’t like this in the American past. I don’t remember if you’re on the left or on the right if you’re Republican or Democrat ….but maybe there’s a lot more we agree on than we disagree on.

Here are some real man to look up to for Americans for Arabs. They know what they’re talking about. We don’t see that as much as we used to in America today compared to the American past.

I am a Democrat but apparently I’m more conservative than some of the Republicans here. I keep on saying and I’ll say it again I greatly admire the American past the 1940s to 1950s the country was a better place in Those days

Israel has Jewish law so I don’t know what you think about that. in Israel a Jewish woman cannot legally marry a Christian man that’s a crime right there. But you know what in Damascus in Syria …a Christian man can marry a Muslim women.
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In other words, you admit there is nowhere in America where anyone needs “permission” to leave their neighborhood.

You can’t make such outrageous statements and then not back them up.
That is certainly not the case in the UAE not with the stats shown . Most of the work force of the UAE is made up of women.
No brother I am a Catholic. So “sharia law “ does not apply to me

Not here in America. And I don’t even think they have that in the UAE if they do it’s very very mixed form of that with regular Law.

I think the United States was a better country in the 1940s or 1950s even the 1990s. Look at how denigrated we are today, how we have the ultra feminization of men. Men Who are stay at home husbands or boyfriends it’s really not good for society. Look at the television and movies in America today how they are so unrealistic they have pregnant women as head of the household who are working who are out there doing all of these crazy things…. things that do not exist in real life.

American culture is at a low point today it wasn’t like this in the American past. I don’t remember if you’re on the left or on the right if you’re Republican or Democrat ….but maybe there’s a lot more we agree on than we disagree on.

Here are some real man to look up to for Americans for Arabs. They know what they’re talking about. We don’t see that as much as we used to in America today compared to the American past.

I am a Democrat but apparently I’m more conservative than some of the Republicans here. I keep on saying and I’ll say it again I greatly admire the American past the 1940s to 1950s the country was a better place in Those days

Israel has Jewish law so I don’t know what you think about that. in Israel a Jewish woman cannot legally marry a Christian man that’s a crime right there. But you know what in Damascus in Syria …a Christian man can marry a Muslim women.

In the 40s and 50s

The highest paid entertainer in the world was a flamboyant gay man.

Hollywood's favorite lead actor was gay.

The director of the FBI was a gender bending fruit.

That's right...
In other words, you admit there is nowhere in America where anyone needs “permission” to leave their neighborhood.

You can’t make such outrageous statements and then not back them up.
^^^ look the left lying again. I'm back to having no use for those lying filth.
In the 40s and 50s

The highest paid entertainer in the world was a flamboyant gay man.

Hollywood's favorite lead actor was gay.

The director of the FBI was a gender bending fruit.

That's right...
You sure know a lot about gay stuff fella.

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