Remember Rand Paul's question?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
The one that Chief Justice wouldn't read? Some background:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) lays out a theory involving collusions between "Obama partisans" on the National Security Council and the office of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA). Paul was interviewed by FOX News about Chief Justice John Roberts at the Senate impeachment trial refusing to read his question because it included the name of the alleged whistleblower.

SEN. RAND PAUL: My question did not identify anyone as a whistleblower or refer to anyone as a whistleblower. But my question did discuss two Obama partisans who worked in the National Security Council. One of them now works for Adam Schiff; and one of them is someone who is involved in the origins of the impeachment inquiry.

So these two people have been friends for a long time. There are stories and reports now that they, a few years ago, were overheard saying, you know what, we gotta to do everything we can to bring down the president, to take down the president.

And lo and behold, these two friends are still intimately involved. And the story even thickens from there. There are three people working for Adam Schiff's staff who used to work for national security staff. They know this third gentleman. They all know Vindman -- you know Vindman's been very prominent in the testimony, and Vindman's brother.

So we actually have six people who are Obama partisans who work for the National Security Council who all are transmitting stuff back and forth. And my question is, did they have discussions predating the official impeachment inquiry? Maybe predating even by a year or two.

We know that Adam Schiff was dishonest when he said there was no contact. It turns out they did have contact in the days and weeks leading up to the impeachment inquiry. But it may well be that they had contact even a year or two before, and I think people ought to be able to discuss that. So I was disappointed that that question was shut down.

Rand Paul: Did Schiff's Staff Have Contact With Whistleblower A Year Before Impeachment?

Gee, I wonder who leaked the information about Bolton's book? I think the Senate AND the DOJ should be looking into this, if they aren't already.
The one that Chief Justice wouldn't read? Some background:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) lays out a theory involving collusions between "Obama partisans" on the National Security Council and the office of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA). Paul was interviewed by FOX News about Chief Justice John Roberts at the Senate impeachment trial refusing to read his question because it included the name of the alleged whistleblower.

SEN. RAND PAUL: My question did not identify anyone as a whistleblower or refer to anyone as a whistleblower. But my question did discuss two Obama partisans who worked in the National Security Council. One of them now works for Adam Schiff; and one of them is someone who is involved in the origins of the impeachment inquiry.

So these two people have been friends for a long time. There are stories and reports now that they, a few years ago, were overheard saying, you know what, we gotta to do everything we can to bring down the president, to take down the president.

And lo and behold, these two friends are still intimately involved. And the story even thickens from there. There are three people working for Adam Schiff's staff who used to work for national security staff. They know this third gentleman. They all know Vindman -- you know Vindman's been very prominent in the testimony, and Vindman's brother.

So we actually have six people who are Obama partisans who work for the National Security Council who all are transmitting stuff back and forth. And my question is, did they have discussions predating the official impeachment inquiry? Maybe predating even by a year or two.

We know that Adam Schiff was dishonest when he said there was no contact. It turns out they did have contact in the days and weeks leading up to the impeachment inquiry. But it may well be that they had contact even a year or two before, and I think people ought to be able to discuss that. So I was disappointed that that question was shut down.

Rand Paul: Did Schiff's Staff Have Contact With Whistleblower A Year Before Impeachment?

Gee, I wonder who leaked the information about Bolton's book? I think the Senate AND the DOJ should be looking into this, if they aren't already.

Simon and Schuster have close ties to the New York Times.
Further information:

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff recruited two former National Security Council aides who worked alongside the CIA whistleblower at the NSC during the Obama and Trump administrations, the Washington Examiner has learned.

Abigail Grace, who worked at the NSC until 2018, was hired in February, while Sean Misko, an NSC aide until 2017, joined Schiff's committee staff in August, the same month the whistleblower submitted his complaint.

The whistleblower was an NSC official who worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and who has expertise in Ukraine, the Washington Examiner has reported.

A career CIA analyst with Ukraine expertise, the whistleblower aired his concerns about a phone conversation between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to a House Intelligence Committee aide on Schiff’s staff. He had previously informed the CIA’s legal counsel's office.

Schiff initially denied he knew anything about the complaint before it was filed, stating on Sep. 17: “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to."

But it later emerged that a member of his staff had spoken to the whistleblower before his complaint was submitted on Aug. 12. The Washington Post concluded that Schiff "clearly made a statement that was false."
Grace, 36, was hired to help Schiff’s committee investigate the Trump White House. That month, Trump accused Schiff of "stealing people who work at White House." Grace worked at the NSC from 2016 to 2018 in U.S.-China relations and then briefly at the Center for a New American Security think tank, which was founded by two former senior Obama administration officials.

A Schiff aide commented in February: "We have hired staff for a variety of positions, including the committee's oversight work and its investigation. Although none of our staff has come directly from the White House, we have hired people with prior experience on the National Security Council staff for oversight of the agencies, and will continue to do so at our discretion." Schiff himself said, "If the president is worried about our hiring any former administration people, maybe he should work on being a better employer."

Misko, 37, worked in the Obama administration as a member of the secretary of state’s policy planning staff under deputy chief of staff Jake Sullivan, who became Hillary Clinton's top foreign policy official during her 2016 presidential campaign. In 2015, Misko was the director for the Gulf states at the NSC, remaining there into the Trump administration’s first year.

A source familiar with Grace's work at the NSC told the Washington Examiner, “Abby Grace had access to executive privilege information, and she has a duty not to disclose that information. She is not authorized to reveal that information.”

The intelligence committee did not respond to a request for comment.

Adam Schiff has 2 aides who worked with whistleblower at White House

You have to wonder, how many of these people are still in a position to leak stuff that shouldn't be leaked, ethically if not legally. And it's really hard to believe that Schiff didn't know all this, his plausible deniability ain't that plausible IMHO. I think we're going to see leaks coming out all year long, and no doubt during Trump's 2nd term if he gets-re-elected.
The one that Chief Justice wouldn't read? Some background:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) lays out a theory involving collusions between "Obama partisans" on the National Security Council and the office of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA). Paul was interviewed by FOX News about Chief Justice John Roberts at the Senate impeachment trial refusing to read his question because it included the name of the alleged whistleblower.

SEN. RAND PAUL: My question did not identify anyone as a whistleblower or refer to anyone as a whistleblower. But my question did discuss two Obama partisans who worked in the National Security Council. One of them now works for Adam Schiff; and one of them is someone who is involved in the origins of the impeachment inquiry.

So these two people have been friends for a long time. There are stories and reports now that they, a few years ago, were overheard saying, you know what, we gotta to do everything we can to bring down the president, to take down the president.

And lo and behold, these two friends are still intimately involved. And the story even thickens from there. There are three people working for Adam Schiff's staff who used to work for national security staff. They know this third gentleman. They all know Vindman -- you know Vindman's been very prominent in the testimony, and Vindman's brother.

So we actually have six people who are Obama partisans who work for the National Security Council who all are transmitting stuff back and forth. And my question is, did they have discussions predating the official impeachment inquiry? Maybe predating even by a year or two.

We know that Adam Schiff was dishonest when he said there was no contact. It turns out they did have contact in the days and weeks leading up to the impeachment inquiry. But it may well be that they had contact even a year or two before, and I think people ought to be able to discuss that. So I was disappointed that that question was shut down.

Rand Paul: Did Schiff's Staff Have Contact With Whistleblower A Year Before Impeachment?

Gee, I wonder who leaked the information about Bolton's book? I think the Senate AND the DOJ should be looking into this, if they aren't already.

Yup. And notice how quiet Bolten is now? Wonder why he hasn't sat down and spilled it all to the media. Bolten was basically shut down because he has nothing to offer. Still, he should be called to testify infront of a committee.

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