Remember the 2017 riots in Minneapolis when a police officer shot and killed Justine Ruszczyk Damond ?

Do you notice how differently the Media covers interracial crime, and how differently the Public reacts to very similar stories?
The Public waited for the wheels of justice to act in the murder of Justine Damond by a Black Minneapolis Policeman.
There were no violent race riots.
There was no looting.
Other cities did not have race riots.
The big difference is that the Press never hyped it as a racial incident like they are with the George Floyd case.
The point is that the Press purposely cultivates hate and incites violence, there is a name for this, it's called Yellow Journalism.
Why do you think that the Press behaves this way?

Minnesota ex-officer gets 12-1/2 years in prison for Australian woman's shooting death
The Press is owned by the Democrats and Democrats desperately need to keep the flames of Racism burning. Without Race-based hatred and violence The Democrats lose their favorite tool for retaining power.
Yeah me neither.

gtpeoksw6tocemvhbi00 by Ex-Minneapolis officer who killed Justine Damond sentenced to 12.5 years

June 7, 2019, 9:07 AM PDT / Updated June 8, 2019, 10:42 AM PDT
By Phil Helsel and David K. Li
Mohamed Noor, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted in the fatal shooting of an Australian woman who called 911 for help, was sentenced Friday to 12 1/2 years in prison.
Noor, 33, fatally shot Justine Ruszczyk Damond, on July 15, 2017, after Noor and his partner responded to Damond’s call to report that she thought a woman was being sexually assaulted.

I remember the thread here. I remember Asslip's posts too. Very different. May she Rest in Peace
Yeah me neither.

gtpeoksw6tocemvhbi00 by Ex-Minneapolis officer who killed Justine Damond sentenced to 12.5 years

June 7, 2019, 9:07 AM PDT / Updated June 8, 2019, 10:42 AM PDT
By Phil Helsel and David K. Li
Mohamed Noor, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted in the fatal shooting of an Australian woman who called 911 for help, was sentenced Friday to 12 1/2 years in prison.
Noor, 33, fatally shot Justine Ruszczyk Damond, on July 15, 2017, after Noor and his partner responded to Damond’s call to report that she thought a woman was being sexually assaulted.

A few key differences:

1) Damond accidentally startled the police officers and one of them hastily shot her. Floyd was very slowly murdered over several minutes by FOUR police officers while he pleaded for his life and onlookers begged the officers to get off of him. The first incident was a complete accident. The second was far more deliberate and nefarious.

2) Was anybody defending the police officers in the Damond shooting? I didn't see any. Yet here we see plenty of people defending the police officers in the Floyd killing.

3) "Well if that person didn't want to die, then they shouldn't have..." Was this reasoning used to justify the Damond killing? Did anyone blame her for her own death? I didn't see it. Yet for some reason it is acceptable to use this reasoning for Floyd.

Do you get the difference now?
the difference is she was TOTALLY innocent--not a criminal do not understand--how come the blacks did not protest? she was KILLED by the police --SAME thing--only she was not do anything wrong, like Floyd was

Was anyone defending the police in her incident? No.
Are people defending the police in his incident? Yes.

You're welcome.
hahahahhahahahha----it's got nothing to do with that-----an innocent WHITE was shot by the cops and the blacks don't go apeshit!!!!
plain and simple--= they are major hypocrite idiots
total double standard
...they protest/etc BEFORE any investigation/etc
Yeah me neither.

gtpeoksw6tocemvhbi00 by Ex-Minneapolis officer who killed Justine Damond sentenced to 12.5 years

June 7, 2019, 9:07 AM PDT / Updated June 8, 2019, 10:42 AM PDT
By Phil Helsel and David K. Li
Mohamed Noor, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted in the fatal shooting of an Australian woman who called 911 for help, was sentenced Friday to 12 1/2 years in prison.
Noor, 33, fatally shot Justine Ruszczyk Damond, on July 15, 2017, after Noor and his partner responded to Damond’s call to report that she thought a woman was being sexually assaulted.

A few key differences:

1) Damond accidentally startled the police officers and one of them hastily shot her. Floyd was very slowly murdered over several minutes by FOUR police officers while he pleaded for his life and onlookers begged the officers to get off of him. The first incident was a complete accident. The second was far more deliberate and nefarious.

2) Was anybody defending the police officers in the Damond shooting? I didn't see any. Yet here we see plenty of people defending the police officers in the Floyd killing.

3) "Well if that person didn't want to die, then they shouldn't have..." Was this reasoning used to justify the Damond killing? Did anyone blame her for her own death? I didn't see it. Yet for some reason it is acceptable to use this reasoning for Floyd.

Do you get the difference now?
the difference is she was TOTALLY innocent--not a criminal do not understand--how come the blacks did not protest? she was KILLED by the police --SAME thing--only she was not do anything wrong, like Floyd was

Was anyone defending the police in her incident? No.
Are people defending the police in his incident? Yes.

You're welcome.
.....the logical, sane, normal people said wait for the facts/etc when the white was shot... fkn what if USMB member defend the cops!!!!!! the blacks go apeshit no matter what
Yeah me neither.

gtpeoksw6tocemvhbi00 by Ex-Minneapolis officer who killed Justine Damond sentenced to 12.5 years

June 7, 2019, 9:07 AM PDT / Updated June 8, 2019, 10:42 AM PDT
By Phil Helsel and David K. Li
Mohamed Noor, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted in the fatal shooting of an Australian woman who called 911 for help, was sentenced Friday to 12 1/2 years in prison.
Noor, 33, fatally shot Justine Ruszczyk Damond, on July 15, 2017, after Noor and his partner responded to Damond’s call to report that she thought a woman was being sexually assaulted.

A few key differences:

1) Damond accidentally startled the police officers and one of them hastily shot her. Floyd was very slowly murdered over several minutes by FOUR police officers while he pleaded for his life and onlookers begged the officers to get off of him. The first incident was a complete accident. The second was far more deliberate and nefarious.

2) Was anybody defending the police officers in the Damond shooting? I didn't see any. Yet here we see plenty of people defending the police officers in the Floyd killing.

3) "Well if that person didn't want to die, then they shouldn't have..." Was this reasoning used to justify the Damond killing? Did anyone blame her for her own death? I didn't see it. Yet for some reason it is acceptable to use this reasoning for Floyd.

Do you get the difference now?
the difference is she was TOTALLY innocent--not a criminal do not understand--how come the blacks did not protest? she was KILLED by the police --SAME thing--only she was not do anything wrong, like Floyd was

Was anyone defending the police in her incident? No.
Are people defending the police in his incident? Yes.

You're welcome.
.....the logical, sane, normal people said wait for the facts/etc when the white was shot... fkn what if USMB member defend the cops!!!!!! the blacks go apeshit no matter what

You're bringing race into this. "The blacks" have nothing to do with this incident. Nobody brought up "the whites" when Damond got killed. Nobody defended those cops either.

Thanks for proving my point.
Yeah me neither.

gtpeoksw6tocemvhbi00 by Ex-Minneapolis officer who killed Justine Damond sentenced to 12.5 years

June 7, 2019, 9:07 AM PDT / Updated June 8, 2019, 10:42 AM PDT
By Phil Helsel and David K. Li
Mohamed Noor, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted in the fatal shooting of an Australian woman who called 911 for help, was sentenced Friday to 12 1/2 years in prison.
Noor, 33, fatally shot Justine Ruszczyk Damond, on July 15, 2017, after Noor and his partner responded to Damond’s call to report that she thought a woman was being sexually assaulted.

Because we whites are cowardly idiots, we can not protect our rights and allow to punish and to muzzle us.
Yeah me neither.

gtpeoksw6tocemvhbi00 by Ex-Minneapolis officer who killed Justine Damond sentenced to 12.5 years

June 7, 2019, 9:07 AM PDT / Updated June 8, 2019, 10:42 AM PDT
By Phil Helsel and David K. Li
Mohamed Noor, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted in the fatal shooting of an Australian woman who called 911 for help, was sentenced Friday to 12 1/2 years in prison.
Noor, 33, fatally shot Justine Ruszczyk Damond, on July 15, 2017, after Noor and his partner responded to Damond’s call to report that she thought a woman was being sexually assaulted.

A few key differences:

1) Damond accidentally startled the police officers and one of them hastily shot her. Floyd was very slowly murdered over several minutes by FOUR police officers while he pleaded for his life and onlookers begged the officers to get off of him. The first incident was a complete accident. The second was far more deliberate and nefarious.

2) Was anybody defending the police officers in the Damond shooting? I didn't see any. Yet here we see plenty of people defending the police officers in the Floyd killing.

3) "Well if that person didn't want to die, then they shouldn't have..." Was this reasoning used to justify the Damond killing? Did anyone blame her for her own death? I didn't see it. Yet for some reason it is acceptable to use this reasoning for Floyd.

Do you get the difference now?
the difference is she was TOTALLY innocent--not a criminal do not understand--how come the blacks did not protest? she was KILLED by the police --SAME thing--only she was not do anything wrong, like Floyd was

Was anyone defending the police in her incident? No.
Are people defending the police in his incident? Yes.

You're welcome.
hahahahhahahahha----it's got nothing to do with that-----an innocent WHITE was shot by the cops and the blacks don't go apeshit!!!!
plain and simple--= they are major hypocrite idiots
total double standard
...they protest/etc BEFORE any investigation/etc

There was a consensus that the cops fucked up in Damond's case. Nobody was defending the cops in that situation. It was a unanimous fuck-up that's tragic, but not divisive.

This incident is divisive. You, for example, defend the cops and want to talk about "the blacks going apeshit". Hence the difference.

Thanks for proving my point again.
Did he kneel on her throat for nine minutes while she plead for air?

Nope, and there's no question that cop is going to have to pay for his brutality, but burning down the town is not the answer.
No, it isn’t

But frustration with the justice system leads to extreme behavior
hahhahah--a criminal commits a crime, resist arrest and blacks are frustrated when he dies------ = DUMBSHIT
..they protest/etc BEFORE there is an investigation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the Anthony Lamarthey said if they didn't get the verdict they WANTED, they would burn/etc!!! FK them JACKASSES
It appears he committed no crime and video while being arrested and on the ground shows he was not resisting

He let them handcuff him without resisting
..then why the knee on the head?
That is what everyone wants to know

Did he kneel on her throat for nine minutes while she plead for air?
no he shot her in her back
Like Walter Scott?
Who the fuck is Walter Scott?
Black guy that got shot in the back by a white cop.
But if he was a white guy shot in the back by a black cop he would be a guy shot while fleeing a cop. I get it.
Exactly. Thats because there is no constant pattern of Black cops shooting white guys just because they are white. Glad you get it.
If there was, how would you know? As it stands, more whites are shot by cops than blacks. You are an utter hypocrite.
If there was we would hear about it on the news.

There are more white criminals so that makes sense. One thing we do know is that the white cops arent shooting the white criminals because they are white. Hell the cave chimp that shot the Black people at church was taken to Burger King before he went to jail.
And the cops are shooting black criminals because they’re black? That’s the demagogue segregationist agenda.
Thats exactly what a lot of ex-cops have confessed to. Why do you ask?
Did he kneel on her throat for nine minutes while she plead for air?
no he shot her in her back
Like Walter Scott?
Who the fuck is Walter Scott?
Black guy that got shot in the back by a white cop.
But if he was a white guy shot in the back by a black cop he would be a guy shot while fleeing a cop. I get it.
Exactly. Thats because there is no constant pattern of Black cops shooting white guys just because they are white. Glad you get it.
If there was, how would you know? As it stands, more whites are shot by cops than blacks. You are an utter hypocrite.
If there was we would hear about it on the news.

There are more white criminals so that makes sense. One thing we do know is that the white cops arent shooting the white criminals because they are white. Hell the cave chimp that shot the Black people at church was taken to Burger King before he went to jail.
And the cops are shooting black criminals because they’re black? That’s the demagogue segregationist agenda.
Thats exactly what a lot of ex-cops have confessed to. Why do you ask?
“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
-Norm Stamper Ex Police Chief.
Did he kneel on her throat for nine minutes while she plead for air?
no he shot her in her back
Like Walter Scott?
Who the fuck is Walter Scott?
Black guy that got shot in the back by a white cop.
But if he was a white guy shot in the back by a black cop he would be a guy shot while fleeing a cop. I get it.
Exactly. Thats because there is no constant pattern of Black cops shooting white guys just because they are white. Glad you get it.
If there was, how would you know? As it stands, more whites are shot by cops than blacks. You are an utter hypocrite.
If there was we would hear about it on the news.

There are more white criminals so that makes sense. One thing we do know is that the white cops arent shooting the white criminals because they are white. Hell the cave chimp that shot the Black people at church was taken to Burger King before he went to jail.
And the cops are shooting black criminals because they’re black? That’s the demagogue segregationist agenda.
Thats exactly what a lot of ex-cops have confessed to. Why do you ask?
“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
-Norm Stamper Ex Police Chief.
Considering the disparity of violent crime committed by black males (result of fatherlessness) it would be prudent for anyone to feel apprehensive when in a vulnerable situation with black males around. That’s pragmatism. That’s survival, a human need and instinct.
The real dilemma is in changing the culture that results in black crime and social deviance.
Did he kneel on her throat for nine minutes while she plead for air?
no he shot her in her back
Like Walter Scott?
Who the fuck is Walter Scott?
Black guy that got shot in the back by a white cop.
But if he was a white guy shot in the back by a black cop he would be a guy shot while fleeing a cop. I get it.
Exactly. Thats because there is no constant pattern of Black cops shooting white guys just because they are white. Glad you get it.
If there was, how would you know? As it stands, more whites are shot by cops than blacks. You are an utter hypocrite.
If there was we would hear about it on the news.

There are more white criminals so that makes sense. One thing we do know is that the white cops arent shooting the white criminals because they are white. Hell the cave chimp that shot the Black people at church was taken to Burger King before he went to jail.
And the cops are shooting black criminals because they’re black? That’s the demagogue segregationist agenda.
Thats exactly what a lot of ex-cops have confessed to. Why do you ask?
“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
-Norm Stamper Ex Police Chief.
Considering the disparity of violent crime committed by black males (result of fatherlessness) it would be prudent for anyone to feel apprehensive when in a vulnerable situation with black males around. That’s pragmatism. That’s survival, a human need and instinct.
The real dilemma is in changing the culture that results in black crime and social deviance.
So you agree with Norm Stamper. Good for you.
Did he kneel on her throat for nine minutes while she plead for air?
no he shot her in her back
Like Walter Scott?
Who the fuck is Walter Scott?
Black guy that got shot in the back by a white cop.
But if he was a white guy shot in the back by a black cop he would be a guy shot while fleeing a cop. I get it.
Exactly. Thats because there is no constant pattern of Black cops shooting white guys just because they are white. Glad you get it.
If there was, how would you know? As it stands, more whites are shot by cops than blacks. You are an utter hypocrite.
If there was we would hear about it on the news.

There are more white criminals so that makes sense. One thing we do know is that the white cops arent shooting the white criminals because they are white. Hell the cave chimp that shot the Black people at church was taken to Burger King before he went to jail.
And the cops are shooting black criminals because they’re black? That’s the demagogue segregationist agenda.
Thats exactly what a lot of ex-cops have confessed to. Why do you ask?
“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
-Norm Stamper Ex Police Chief.
Considering the disparity of violent crime committed by black males (result of fatherlessness) it would be prudent for anyone to feel apprehensive when in a vulnerable situation with black males around. That’s pragmatism. That’s survival, a human need and instinct.
The real dilemma is in changing the culture that results in black crime and social deviance.
So you agree with Norm Stamper. Good for you.
In the sense of self-defense and survival, yes. So do you.
Did he kneel on her throat for nine minutes while she plead for air?
no he shot her in her back
Like Walter Scott?
Who the fuck is Walter Scott?
Black guy that got shot in the back by a white cop.
But if he was a white guy shot in the back by a black cop he would be a guy shot while fleeing a cop. I get it.
Exactly. Thats because there is no constant pattern of Black cops shooting white guys just because they are white. Glad you get it.
If there was, how would you know? As it stands, more whites are shot by cops than blacks. You are an utter hypocrite.
If there was we would hear about it on the news.

There are more white criminals so that makes sense. One thing we do know is that the white cops arent shooting the white criminals because they are white. Hell the cave chimp that shot the Black people at church was taken to Burger King before he went to jail.
And the cops are shooting black criminals because they’re black? That’s the demagogue segregationist agenda.
Thats exactly what a lot of ex-cops have confessed to. Why do you ask?
“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
-Norm Stamper Ex Police Chief.
Considering the disparity of violent crime committed by black males (result of fatherlessness) it would be prudent for anyone to feel apprehensive when in a vulnerable situation with black males around. That’s pragmatism. That’s survival, a human need and instinct.
The real dilemma is in changing the culture that results in black crime and social deviance.
So you agree with Norm Stamper. Good for you.
In the sense of self-defense and survival, yes. So do you.
Nope. I'm not afraid of Black people or anyone else.
Somebody has to do it , since the cops are failing in their job to protect citizens and businesses
Absolutely. If the cops weren't so busy covering up for cops killing innocent people then they'd have time to protect innocent people.
This thread just proves the racism. Complaining that there are not protests against all murders by cop is a great idea. Complaining so much about the white woman murdered by a black cop while suggesting that the black man killed by a white cop deserved it proves racism. All murders by cop are bad.
Did he kneel on her throat for nine minutes while she plead for air?
no he shot her in her back
Like Walter Scott?
Who the fuck is Walter Scott?
Black guy that got shot in the back by a white cop.
But if he was a white guy shot in the back by a black cop he would be a guy shot while fleeing a cop. I get it.
Exactly. Thats because there is no constant pattern of Black cops shooting white guys just because they are white. Glad you get it.
If there was, how would you know? As it stands, more whites are shot by cops than blacks. You are an utter hypocrite.
If there was we would hear about it on the news.

There are more white criminals so that makes sense. One thing we do know is that the white cops arent shooting the white criminals because they are white. Hell the cave chimp that shot the Black people at church was taken to Burger King before he went to jail.
And the cops are shooting black criminals because they’re black? That’s the demagogue segregationist agenda.
Thats exactly what a lot of ex-cops have confessed to. Why do you ask?
“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
-Norm Stamper Ex Police Chief.
Considering the disparity of violent crime committed by black males (result of fatherlessness) it would be prudent for anyone to feel apprehensive when in a vulnerable situation with black males around. That’s pragmatism. That’s survival, a human need and instinct.
The real dilemma is in changing the culture that results in black crime and social deviance.
So you agree with Norm Stamper. Good for you.
In the sense of self-defense and survival, yes. So do you.
Nope. I'm not afraid of Black people or anyone else.
Then you’re a psychopath.
Did he kneel on her throat for nine minutes while she plead for air?
no he shot her in her back
Like Walter Scott?
Who the fuck is Walter Scott?
Black guy that got shot in the back by a white cop.
But if he was a white guy shot in the back by a black cop he would be a guy shot while fleeing a cop. I get it.
Exactly. Thats because there is no constant pattern of Black cops shooting white guys just because they are white. Glad you get it.
If there was, how would you know? As it stands, more whites are shot by cops than blacks. You are an utter hypocrite.
If there was we would hear about it on the news.

There are more white criminals so that makes sense. One thing we do know is that the white cops arent shooting the white criminals because they are white. Hell the cave chimp that shot the Black people at church was taken to Burger King before he went to jail.
And the cops are shooting black criminals because they’re black? That’s the demagogue segregationist agenda.
Thats exactly what a lot of ex-cops have confessed to. Why do you ask?
“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
-Norm Stamper Ex Police Chief.
Considering the disparity of violent crime committed by black males (result of fatherlessness) it would be prudent for anyone to feel apprehensive when in a vulnerable situation with black males around. That’s pragmatism. That’s survival, a human need and instinct.
The real dilemma is in changing the culture that results in black crime and social deviance.
So you agree with Norm Stamper. Good for you.
In the sense of self-defense and survival, yes. So do you.
Nope. I'm not afraid of Black people or anyone else.
Then you’re a psychopath.
Nope. I'm just not a pussy like you.
This thread just proves the racism. Complaining that there are not protests against all murders by cop is a great idea. Complaining so much about the white woman murdered by a black cop while suggesting that the black man killed by a white cop deserved it proves racism. All murders by cop are bad.

It is not a case of black vs white but that when blacks are killed, the offense gets overlooked and the offending cops walk.

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