Remember the Foreign leaders laughing at Trump? Yeah, guess Americans get the last laugh.

What "Americans" get the "last laugh"? The orange whore goes overseas and humiliates us Americans daily. Our reputations as Americans are being hammered by this slut.
It's the democrats that humiliates us. The clown show they are doing right now, because they lost the election.
Covering up the evidence is more proof of the scums guilt Hide documents hide those under subpoena refuse to make a case for his innocence Just like the boy who shouted WOLF This trump POS yells HOAX 1000 times
What precise evidence did Trump cover up? So now you are guilty until you prove your innocence? Got it, you have nothing. Trump gave you the transcripts of the conversation he had. Lol
KNOW itall What coverup ??? Are you kidding me?? WTF do you call holding back documents and forbidding important witnesses under subpoena from testifying ? An innocent man doesn't hide evidence
Yeah, the world is still laughing at the joke that is Trump.
So you didn't watch the video.
I ears are still ringing. Such a soothing voice she has. It doesn't change the fact that baby Trump got laughed at by world leaders and he ran crying back to the U.S. with their laughter ringing in his orange ears.
Ignores topical content from the video and substitutes juvenile antics for debate subjects.

Yup, leftist identified
Seawytch IS one of the dumber lefties that post on here. There's never a whole lot of intelligence in any of her responses.
I guess when one cannot refute what a poster has said, just attack the poster...........that'll work.....:71:
He got into office with foreign help and he's trying to do it again I'm not Catholic so I can use the word hate I hate the SOB in our WH
Yeah, the world is still laughing at the joke that is Trump.

Yeah as there economies tank. You a fucking retard like the rest of the Democrats. We have a booming economy. Must suck to be a Demtard. Losers.

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Is that why we have so many homeless, so many working two or more jobs to be able to even afford a roof over their heads?
What "Americans" get the "last laugh"? The orange whore goes overseas and humiliates us Americans daily. Our reputations as Americans are being hammered by this slut.
It's the democrats that humiliates us. The clown show they are doing right now, because they lost the election.
Covering up the evidence is more proof of the scums guilt Hide documents hide those under subpoena refuse to make a case for his innocence Just like the boy who shouted WOLF This trump POS yells HOAX 1000 times
What precise evidence did Trump cover up? So now you are guilty until you prove your innocence? Got it, you have nothing. Trump gave you the transcripts of the conversation he had. Lol
KNOW itall What coverup ??? Are you kidding me?? WTF do you call holding back documents and forbidding important witnesses under subpoena from testifying ? An innocent man doesn't hide evidence

It's sort of okay, because Trumpkins don't accept evidence.
So you didn't watch the video.
I ears are still ringing. Such a soothing voice she has. It doesn't change the fact that baby Trump got laughed at by world leaders and he ran crying back to the U.S. with their laughter ringing in his orange ears.
Ignores topical content from the video and substitutes juvenile antics for debate subjects.

Yup, leftist identified
Seawytch IS one of the dumber lefties that post on here. There's never a whole lot of intelligence in any of her responses.

Awww, poor snowflake. Did I insult your Lord and master, little cultist? Are you as thin skinned as he is? I'm not...

Your too stupid to know Democrats are the snowflakes we are the Deplorables. Get it straight or shut the fuck up.

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"Your too stupid"......:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:....these ironic posts just write themselves.....

Bam, who's laughing about what really matters now?

Your blob is a joke

Their president is a joke too Now 5million posts of the world laughing at him and those who voted for him

I bet your head LITERALLY EXPLODES when Trump wins reelection.

I will take that bet.

Conservatives use 'literal' figuratively.

It is a confusing word for those with low IQs
So you think their problems were brought on by laughing at Trump? Everybody has problems. Trump is still a laughing stock.

Moron is back. Go back in your basement sick boy. Canada, France and England even Germany. Who cares what they think They are nothing without us. Your just mad because President Trump is succeeding where Democrats can’t get it right. Losers. Especially your pathetic brainwashed sister boy ass.

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"Your just mad"'s getting even better....:abgg2q.jpg:
Yeah, the world is still laughing at the joke that is Trump.

Yeah as there economies tank. You a fucking retard like the rest of the Democrats. We have a booming economy. Must suck to be a Demtard. Losers.

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Is that why we have so many homeless, so many working two or more jobs to be able to even afford a roof over their heads?
No, that happens because people make bad choices in life. And some are just mentally or physically unable to function normally.

Ignores topical content from the video and substitutes juvenile antics for debate subjects.

Yup, leftist identified
Seawytch IS one of the dumber lefties that post on here. There's never a whole lot of intelligence in any of her responses.

Awww, poor snowflake. Did I insult your Lord and master, little cultist? Are you as thin skinned as he is? I'm not...

Your too stupid to know Democrats are the snowflakes we are the Deplorables. Get it straight or shut the fuck up.

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And some of you are pigs.

Rather be a pig then a lying scumbag.

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And...if you are both?
Preemptive cover for the bad punctuation?
Insult to try to cover the truth?
What truth do you imagine I'm trying to cover, my illiterate friend?
I guess you're good at punctuation, but suck at reading comprehension
Support? They haven't gone nearly far enough IMHO.
They've gone far enough, to give Trump the election in November. Thank you!
Not gonna happen, but I don't think we should have to wait that long either. tRump does more damage every single day he's allowed to squat in the Whitehouse.
All I can say is, get your pussy hat ready! Trump will be YOUR president for five more years.
That illegitimate liar has never been my president or yours.

He's a squatter, nothing more.

He also just flies around the country at our expense making speeches in which he openly declares his hatred for Americans who are not republicans, so he could never be the president of anyone else but republicans. Out of his own mouth.
Every president campaigns. Trump loves all Americans, even the uneducated, like yourself. I mean he didn't call almost half of Americans, a basket of deplorables. Every American is doing better under Trump if the want to. Why do you hate that?
What "Americans" get the "last laugh"? The orange whore goes overseas and humiliates us Americans daily. Our reputations as Americans are being hammered by this slut.
It's the democrats that humiliates us. The clown show they are doing right now, because they lost the election.
Covering up the evidence is more proof of the scums guilt Hide documents hide those under subpoena refuse to make a case for his innocence Just like the boy who shouted WOLF This trump POS yells HOAX 1000 times
What precise evidence did Trump cover up? So now you are guilty until you prove your innocence? Got it, you have nothing. Trump gave you the transcripts of the conversation he had. Lol
KNOW itall What coverup ??? Are you kidding me?? WTF do you call holding back documents and forbidding important witnesses under subpoena from testifying ? An innocent man doesn't hide evidence
What exactly is he with holding? What evidence do you have? Seems like this impeachment is over a phone call. Which Trump has given you the transcripts of the conversation. He has given you all the evidence.
What "Americans" get the "last laugh"? The orange whore goes overseas and humiliates us Americans daily. Our reputations as Americans are being hammered by this slut.
It's the democrats that humiliates us. The clown show they are doing right now, because they lost the election.
Covering up the evidence is more proof of the scums guilt Hide documents hide those under subpoena refuse to make a case for his innocence Just like the boy who shouted WOLF This trump POS yells HOAX 1000 times
What precise evidence did Trump cover up? So now you are guilty until you prove your innocence? Got it, you have nothing. Trump gave you the transcripts of the conversation he had. Lol
KNOW itall What coverup ??? Are you kidding me?? WTF do you call holding back documents and forbidding important witnesses under subpoena from testifying ? An innocent man doesn't hide evidence

It's sort of okay, because Trumpkins don't accept evidence.
Maybe you can answer since Edward can't. Preisely what evidence is Trump with holding?
Yeah, the world is still laughing at the joke that is Trump.

All the while.... Frances situation is unsustainable.... Canada lost 70K jobs in one month.

These people are laughing at Trump because they are quizlings.. they are nothing more than little school yard bullies consoling each other by laughing at someone else when they know nothing.
What "Americans" get the "last laugh"? The orange whore goes overseas and humiliates us Americans daily. Our reputations as Americans are being hammered by this slut.

Your an imbecile. A few people laughed. Who cares. Not one of those countries are important to us. What are you a pussy. They’re laughing at us. Let them, when they need our help the President can tell them to go fuck themselves. France, the biggest pussy’s in the world. Without us they would be speaking German. England has turned into a terrorist shit hole and the strict gun laws aren’t working to well are they. Canada another bunch of pussy’s. The only good thing that comes out of Canada are hockey players. They’re a sinking ship. Why don’t all you Demtards move to these countries. We will pay your airfare You don’t like America, get the fuck out.

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"Your an imbecile".....:clap: Keep up the good work there, trumpanzee.
What "Americans" get the "last laugh"? The orange whore goes overseas and humiliates us Americans daily. Our reputations as Americans are being hammered by this slut.

Your an imbecile. A few people laughed. Who cares. Not one of those countries are important to us. What are you a pussy. They’re laughing at us. Let them, when they need our help the President can tell them to go fuck themselves. France, the biggest pussy’s in the world. Without us they would be speaking German. England has turned into a terrorist shit hole and the strict gun laws aren’t working to well are they. Canada another bunch of pussy’s. The only good thing that comes out of Canada are hockey players. They’re a sinking ship. Why don’t all you Demtards move to these countries. We will pay your airfare You don’t like America, get the fuck out.

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Trudeau has every reason to laugh. I love the United States of America, the land of my birth. This is why I hate your orange whore's world effort to humiliate decent Americans and our values. Got back to Russia.
More Trudeau fun.

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