Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

What is Pelosi supposed to testify to? She was not involved in managing the Capitol Police?
Why don’t Republicans call Mitch? He was just as much in charge?
Well, we'd see that if she were subject to testify wouldn't we?

Why did she set up a sham select committee?

What was her role?

What did she do with the information given her by the FBI of impending trouble before J6?
And a burning Federal Courthouse in Portland.
And a ransacked Mayor's apartment in Portland.
And a murdered Trump supporter in Portland.
And a burned down Police Station in Minneapolis.
And a murdered cop in St. Louis.
I could go on....
How about "stopping the constitutional peaceful transfer of presidential power, ransacking the nation's Capitol, overwhelming and beating the shit out of Capitol police, threatening the health of hundreds of people in the building, and making elected members of both parties hide for their lives, all based on a lie from a guy who claimed the fucking EMMYS were rigged against him"?

Oh, that's right. That's not on the list. Dang.
I guess I should be surprised that these people desperately try to equate January 6 with ANYTHING, but I know better.
How about "stopping the constitutional peaceful transfer of presidential power, ransacking the nation's Capitol, overwhelming and beating the shit out of Capitol police, threatening the health of hundreds of people in the building, and making elected members of both parties hide for their lives, all based on a lie from a guy who claimed the fucking EMMYS were rigged against him"?

Oh, that's right. That's not on the list. Dang.

The parts of your post that are actually true have seen people go to jail. None of them for "insurrection" mind you. But the Right immediately castigated the people who actually committed violence on January 6th.

Not only has the Left not denounced the multiple months of violence and terror exercised in the name of "social justice", but the media barely covered it at all - while January 6th has been on repeat endlessly.

To not understand this simple truth requires either stupidity or blind allegiance.

Or, most likely, a strong helping of both.
"House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving, who answered to Pelosi as one of three voting members of the Capitol Police Board, “succumbed to political pressures from the Office of Speaker Pelosi and House Democrat leadership.”

"Pelosi and her staff “coordinated closely” with Irving on security plans for the Joint Session of Congress on Jan. 6, but Republicans were deliberately left out of “important discussions related to security.”

And, in an apparent attempt to hide from Republicans the fact that they were being excluded from discussions, Irving asked a senior Democratic staffer to “act surprised” when he sent “key information about plans for the Joint Session on Jan. 6, 2021, to him and his Republican counterpart.”

"The report insinuates that the Speaker left the Capitol Police without backup on Jan. 6 because “widespread concern from Democratic leadership over ‘optics’ in the aftermath of the Summer 2020 ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests prevented early deployment of the National Guard.”

Their stated objective was to “Stop the Steal”

Specifically stop Congress from certifying the election
Objectives in order to be a reality have to have a chance to come to fruition and not be mere thought. You are Chief of the Thought and Intent Police. Real police deal with what Is and not some hoax what if.
How about "stopping the constitutional peaceful transfer of presidential power, ransacking the nation's Capitol, overwhelming and beating the shit out of Capitol police, threatening the health of hundreds of people in the building, and making elected members of both parties hide for their lives, all based on a lie from a guy who claimed the fucking EMMYS were rigged against him"?

Oh, that's right. That's not on the list. Dang.
No one stopped the transition of power on J6 Mac...In fact the certification was completed later that day...
Like I said, Who was the pentagon going to take orders from? A guy in a Viking hat?
Nowhere in the definition of insurrection does it mention the joint chiefs taking orders. You are spewing nonsense
They had the resourse of the RNC, the candidate and his supporters. I think he should have spent more on competent lawyers, but I don't think winning in the court was ever the plan.

Nazi Pelosi had the resources of the federal government, jackass. She also had the power to subpoena witnesses. Why do you prog turds imagine Trump is supposed to pay for everything?

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