Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

Congress was meeting to exercise the peaceful and constitutional transfer of American presidential power in Portland and Seattle?


Seriously, how fucking deluded are you?
No, it was meeting to confirm a swindle.
Doesn't this qualify as an insurrection then?

Those flames were peaceful and someone else made them do it
Lib 101
Learn something from a real journalist. It is over a hour so it could take weeks for some here to watch.

Per definition there was absolutely an insurrection. You sides only excuse it to deny but but you’re not fooling anybody
Are you telling me that the Joint Chiefs of Staff were going to take orders from a guy in a Viking hat?
Who investigated what? Did they have 25 million to use for their investigation like the Dim kangaroo court did?
They had the resourse of the RNC, the candidate and his supporters. I think he should have spent more on competent lawyers, but I don't think winning in the court was ever the plan.
Funny how some on the right call out the Democrats for stealing an election when they can't see direct evidence committed by their own before for own eyes and ears. All they do is justify the insurgent behavior based on their information fed to them by the click-bait media.
The most purportedand ominous 'dangerous insurrectionists' that day are the ones we most see used by the left ominously marching down a hall. What the Jan 6 Committee didn't want anybody to see was this video of those same guys escorted by an obviously unafraid Capitol policeman into the congressional chamber:

Were these guys in the wrong? Yes. That is not a proper way to get a message across however noble the message.

Was this an intended insurrection dangerous to our 'democracy'? No way in hell.
Did amateur terrorists employed by the FBI place pipe bombs under benches? The FBI allegedly swept the area just before the V.P. was there and never saw the "bombs". Several agitators with "Trump" hats were photographed stirring up the crowd and identified but strangely enough they were never arrested. A Capital Cop who had a history of careless handling of a firearm was commended for shooting an unarmed woman who posed no threat. All the major media outlets claimed that a Capital Cop was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher but it was a lie. The Officer died of a stroke.
They sure as hell are implicated in causing the riot.

You're only saying that because Pelosi had the National Guard stand down after Trump ordered their presence.

As her own texts clearly show.

Don't trust your own eyes, ears, and brain as a citizen. Surrender them to the Corporate Leftist media.

Pppssshhh....stop following facts and turn CNN back on. Or thumb through the New York Times, then you can talk down to folks about how much smarter you are while regurgitating pseudo truths.

Welcome to progressivism.
How about we see Pelosi, and the Sergeants at arms testify?

What is Pelosi supposed to testify to? She was not involved in managing the Capitol Police?
Why don’t Republicans call Mitch? He was just as much in charge?

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