Remember when all those Republicans supported DACA? Is this why so many conservatives hate the Republican Party almost as much as they hate Dems?

The answer is simple dopes, start arresting the employers who hire these undocumented workers.

Why arrest the employers when they are following the law? If we were to do that we would have to shut california down and you would have no fruits or vegetables to eat, Marc.
Why arrest the employers when they are following the law? If we were to do that we would have to shut california down and you would have no fruits or vegetables to eat, Marc.
How are they following the law when they hire undocumented people?
How are they following the law when they hire undocumented people?
Democrats lay laws on the books that prevent employers from digging too deep. They won’t vote in favor of mandatory e-verify…Why do you think that might be?
DACA is a rational and sensible policy, not to mention a humanitarian one.

Considering that's not what it does you probably shouldn't refer to others as morons. I'm so incredibly surprised you're completely ignorant on the issue... really.....
Do you believe immigration should ALWAYS yield a positive gain for America and Americans or do you think our immigration policy should be tailored to benefit the immigrant without consideration for America and Americans?
DACA is bullshit, both legally and Constitutionally. Even Barry Soetoro acknowledged that before he did it. The President has no power to flout U.S. immigration law. Period. (Note to Biden).

Some Republicans were inclined to support it, hoping (in vain) that that would induce Democrats to support enforcing the actual fucking laws against the OTHER illegals - which are now approaching thirty million in number.

If DACA is such a fucking good idea, Why have the Democrat House, Senate, and President not made it into law?

Serious question.

You'd have to ask Trump's golf courses.
Trump employs more than 20,000 people…I’m certain he employs many whom present fraudulent documents to gain employment. Do you Democrats want to aggressively prosecute the foreign frauds?
When Trump was busting his ass to end DACA Fox poll after Fox poll was posted showing bipartisan support for the unconstitutional DACA bullshit.
Republicans can’t EVER stand firm in any fight with the Democrat Left….the nutless wonders always find a reason to cave and concede.
Geee, I wonder why the Left owns America.

"Republicans are forgetting the state of affairs in 2015, and that Republicans in 2015 were so sick of RINO's and the GOP not keeping its promises that they were going to not vote at all and let the party go rot in hell. Yes, I remember many people saying that. That was the mood after 8 years of not defunding Obamacare. But then came Trump!! Trump made the disillusioned vote just once more and we had an America First revolution. Trump KEPT his promises! He is the only man in the party who has earned our loyalty with DEEDS! A Curse on the asshole who wants to go against the only real un-bought man in the party. You just want to take us back to the bad old days of globalist Bush's and traitorous McCains . Trump saved the GOP and he deserves our loyalty.

DACA is a rational and sensible policy, not to mention a humanitarian one.
You missed on this one big-time….I know you don’t usually support unconstitutional action…Did your feelings just get all caught up?
Take the homes of the the landlords renting to illegals. That would solve illegal immigration overnight.

Yeah! Kick in the doors at night of those accused of harboring "those people." Perhaps those informed on by their neighbors to gain favor with the state. Tear up the floorboards and dig through the back yard to make sure they aren't hiding any of "them."

Hmmmm.....where have we heard that before?
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