Remember when Biden swore he would not send tanks to the Ukraine cuz that would start WW3?

In fairness, he wisely added the caveat "American pilots" and "American crew".

You send weapons and equipment to many countries, it doesn't mean U.S blood is at risk.
You give Trump too much credit. Vlad was waiting to see if Trump would disband NATO. That’s why Russia didn’t attack Ukraine while Trump was in office
That is absurd. Even if he wanted to, Trump has zero power to disband NATO.
I'd not worry about it too much, the Ukes don't have the logistical trail to support them in the field anyway.

They will either be inoperative due to being poorly of maintained (they use what is basically a jet engine) or taken out due to them being the "low-rent" models without the reactive armor.

That's not me talking, that's a Iraq War tanker (gunner) who told me today.

What are they going to send them a bunch of engine packs at near a half million a pop.....Honeywell will sure be happy.


BTW.....How many M88A2 Recovery vehicles are they planning to send? Gotta keep BAE happy I guess.


I foresee a lot of fat PACs in DC politician's future.
They will be destroyed from the air in less than a month.... Russia owns the airspace... then Biden to save face will send in American airpower and walla.... we have a third world war....

Soldiers from U.S. Army Europe and Africa Command's 7th Army Training Command will provide the combined arms and joint maneuver training, Ryder said. It's expected that training will happen at U.S. ranges in Germany and will begin in the January timeframe.

The Ukrainians will determine which service members from Ukraine's armed forces will participate in the training, Ryder said, but it's expected about 500 Ukrainians a month will participate.
ou missed this part of the quote:

The idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews — just understand, don’t kid yourself, no matter what y’all say, that’s called World War III,” Biden said on March 11, 2022"

You are ignoring the other half...with American pilots and American crews
How quickly the goldfish have forgotten the arms and aid we have provided to Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion.

It didn't start WWIII. It actually helped lead to the collapse of the USSR.
A few lines scribbled on a piece of paper are far more likely to be reminders of projects to be worked on. I don't look to leftwing TDS obsessed media for the accurate story on anything.

The one-page memo was delivered by courier to Christopher Miller's office two days later, on the afternoon of Nov. 11. The order arrived seemingly out of nowhere, and its instructions, signed by Trump, were stunning: All U.S. military forces were to be withdrawn from Somalia by Dec. 31, 2020. All U.S. forces were to be withdrawn from Afghanistan by Jan. 15, 2021.

But I imagine that even our top generals testifying under oath confirming the story would still be too leftwing and TDS for you.

"Based on my advice and the advice of the commanders, then Secretary of Defense, Esper, submitted a memorandum on nine November recommending to maintain US forces at a level between about 2500 and 4500 in Afghanistan until conditions were met for further reduction. Two days later on 11, November, 2020, I received an unclassified signed order directing the United States military to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan no later than 15, January, 2021.

Gen. Milley: (32:48)
'''' (The rest of the story. Trump did a classic flip-flop)

After further discussions regarding the risks associated with such a withdrawal, the order was rescinded. On 17 November we received a order, to reduce levels to 2,500 plus enabling forces no later than 15 January. "


Are you really this ignorant of history?
All I’m saying is US troops are on the ground in the war. I’m not saying that I’m against that, but even if they aren’t fighting troops, they’re risking their lives on the battlefield.
All I’m saying is US troops are on the ground in the war. I’m not saying that I’m against that, but even if they aren’t fighting troops, they’re risking their lives on the battlefield.
Nope. No American troops are in Ukraine.
AND NOT AMERICANS, brainwashed functional moron.
Not so sure about that. Looks like the Marines have landed. Most likely SEALS.

GEN. RYDER: Yeah. So as mentioned, we do have small teams that are comprised of embassy personnel that are conducting some inspections of security assistance delivery at a variety of locations. And again, this is part of a -- a broader effort of the U.S. government to track U.S.-provided capabilities and to prevent the illicit spread throughout Eastern Europe.
In terms of personnel that are conducting these inspections, my understanding is they would be well -- well far away from any type of frontline actions. We are relying on the Ukrainians to do that, we're relying on other partners to do that. So essentially, that would not be the case for -- for U.S. personnel.
So again, that is something that we'll continue to -- to ensure, you know, the safety and the welfare of our folks that are doing this, but the point being they're not going to be operating on the front lines.

Q: -- if I can just follow up on that, can you clarify are these -- are there U.S. troops, like U.S. Marines, security forces protecting the embassy personnel who is doing the inspections?

GEN. RYDER: We have U.S. Marines at the embassy doing normal U.S. Marine-type guard duties. But my understanding is that, to your point, these are not combat squads that are going out. These are personnel that are going out in areas where they're not going to be in harm's way to conduct these types of inspections.
I wonder how many Ukrainians die a day from the war.

In the US, about 200 people die a day from an unsecure border from drug overdoses and such.

But the US can't afford a border wall.

Too bad.
Most fentanyl is smuggled across the controlled border crossings in commercial vehicles.
Everyone relax... it'll probably be a year or more before the Abrams' he promised show up over there. His pledge of armor just gives cover to Germany...

Besides, the nukes will probably start flying before we ever deliver them...
Oh, very scary, limp wristed nazi lol. Putin the Nazi may decide to do the right thing finally, much more likely than nukes. Is he still the hero of the right wing? Poor America... By the way this invasion and screwing around with 15% of the world's oil and grain is what causes all the problems, not Biden for crying out loud. We have lower inflation and a better economy than anyone else, everyone has the same problem, so how can it be biden's fault, you morons? Oops brainwashed functional morons

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