Remember when Biden swore he would not send tanks to the Ukraine cuz that would start WW3?

Not so sure about that. Looks like the Marines have landed. Most likely SEALS.

GEN. RYDER: Yeah. So as mentioned, we do have small teams that are comprised of embassy personnel that are conducting some inspections of security assistance delivery at a variety of locations. And again, this is part of a -- a broader effort of the U.S. government to track U.S.-provided capabilities and to prevent the illicit spread throughout Eastern Europe.
In terms of personnel that are conducting these inspections, my understanding is they would be well -- well far away from any type of frontline actions. We are relying on the Ukrainians to do that, we're relying on other partners to do that. So essentially, that would not be the case for -- for U.S. personnel.
So again, that is something that we'll continue to -- to ensure, you know, the safety and the welfare of our folks that are doing this, but the point being they're not going to be operating on the front lines.

Q: -- if I can just follow up on that, can you clarify are these -- are there U.S. troops, like U.S. Marines, security forces protecting the embassy personnel who is doing the inspections?

GEN. RYDER: We have U.S. Marines at the embassy doing normal U.S. Marine-type guard duties. But my understanding is that, to your point, these are not combat squads that are going out. These are personnel that are going out in areas where they're not going to be in harm's way to conduct these types of inspections.
everything's possible in GOP conspiracy world...
So this has been proven how?

I reckon those in the know simply turn a blind eye

Commercial traffic from Mexico didn't stop during covid whereas immigration did. Title 42 sent everyone back but the supply of illegal fentanyl continued to grow.
You missed this part of the quote:

The idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews — just understand, don’t kid yourself, no matter what y’all say, that’s called World War III,” Biden said on March 11, 2022"

Are you aware that Z is asking for F-16's now?
So those Howitzers we sent are strictly defensive weapons?

Didn't our boys get into dogfights with Soviet Mig's and shot down with Soviet SAMs in Vietnam?
Oh just so you know it takes seven men on average to sustain the four man crew of a Abrams.

Do the Ukes have the 341 extra folks to spare?
So those Howitzers we sent are strictly defensive weapons?

What are offensive military weapons?

Tanks, for example, are often described as offensive because of their mobility and armor protection. Deep-strike missiles or aircraft are often described as offensive by virtue of their range. In an earlier era, battleships and aircraft carriers were often seen as offensive for similar reasons. WAPO Apr 28, 2022

So Biden's quote:

The idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews — just understand, don’t kid yourself, no matter what y’all say, that’s called World War III,” Biden said on March 11, 2022"

He's already proven himself to be a liar.
He sent the HIMARS system, Paladin self propelled howitzer and now tanks.

F-16's are next.
Oh, very scary, limp wristed nazi lol. Putin the Nazi may decide to do the right thing finally, much more likely than nukes. Is he still the hero of the right wing? Poor America... By the way this invasion and screwing around with 15% of the world's oil and grain is what causes all the problems, not Biden for crying out loud. We have lower inflation and a better economy than anyone else, everyone has the same problem, so how can it be biden's fault, you morons? Oops brainwashed functional morons

What's your fucking problem? Did you wet yourself?

I wasn't blaming anyone for anything. I made a tongue-in-cheek post because everyone is in a panic over Biden's change in policy and you flip out. Take a fucking pill and buy a sense of humor.

Oh, and fuck off you shitstain.
What are offensive military weapons?

Tanks, for example, are often described as offensive because of their mobility and armor protection. Deep-strike missiles or aircraft are often described as offensive by virtue of their range. In an earlier era, battleships and aircraft carriers were often seen as offensive for similar reasons. WAPO Apr 28, 2022

So Biden's quote:

The idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews — just understand, don’t kid yourself, no matter what y’all say, that’s called World War III,” Biden said on March 11, 2022"

He's already proven himself to be a liar.
He sent the HIMARS system, Paladin self propelled howitzer and now tanks.

F-16's are next.

So your point stands if you cut the president off in mid sentence.
So your point stands if you cut the president off in mid sentence.
He said he wouldn't send those things in, now he's sending tanks which will require US help. He's lied to the American people, again.

He escalating into a NATO confrontation sooner or later.

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