Remember When Hollywood Wanted To Do What Trump Tried To Do Using Alternate Electors? Why Was It Legal Then And Not Now?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
This is what the Georgia case is all about. Trump tried to do what Hollywood wanted to do to him when he was elected in 2016.

Clearly Biden isn't qualified to be president, but you won't hear a single Democrat point this out. They don't care if the country is being flushed down the drain as long as the Walking Dead President occupies the Oval Office. This is what brainwashing does to people. They cannot think rationally anymore.

Actually, they tried nothing of the sort. They didn't appoint a slate of alternate electors to replace the legitimate ones.

They appealed to the legitimate ones to not make the horrific mistake of putting Trump in the White House.
This is what the Georgia case is all about. Trump tried to do what Hollywood wanted to do to him when he was elected in 2016.

Clearly Biden isn't qualified to be president, but you won't hear a single Democrat point this out. They don't care if the country is being flushed down the drain as long as the Walking Dead President occupies the Oval Office. This is what brainwashing does to people. They cannot think rationally anymore.

Is there a single time that you idiots on the Right make any comparison that isn’t apples and oranges? Hollywood and some Democrats tried to get some of the actual electors to change their vote. As I recall none did.

Trump tried to get the actual electors replaced with his own people. Pressuring the Governors, Secretaries of State, and Legislatures. He caused forged documents to be created and given to his slate of fake electors.

Let’s be honest. For once the Republicans are lying their asses off when they say the Left is worse.
This is what the Georgia case is all about. Trump tried to do what Hollywood wanted to do to him when he was elected in 2016.

Clearly Biden isn't qualified to be president, but you won't hear a single Democrat point this out. They don't care if the country is being flushed down the drain as long as the Walking Dead President occupies the Oval Office. This is what brainwashing does to people. They cannot think rationally anymore.

Asking the designated electors to change their mind isn’t he same as asking state elections officials to “find votes” Shirley.
Actually, they tried nothing of the sort. They didn't appoint a slate of alternate electors to replace the legitimate ones.

They appealed to the legitimate ones to not make the horrific mistake of putting Trump in the White House.
No, that's not true.

You've been brainwashed too. Trump didn't try to appoint an alternate set of electors. If someone says something, it doesn't automatically mean they're guilty of that action. Trump knew he was robbed and he wanted to explore alternatives. Legal alternatives. The problem here seems to be that you Dems always assume the worst.

You cut Trump no slack while giving Biden more slack than is imaginable.

Like the time Biden said he had put together the most massive election-fraud organization in history. That is what one would call a confession.

Or the time he talked about bribing Ukrainian officials into dropping the corruption investigation into his son's company. Another confession.

Biden is on record admitting to two felonies, yet you cut him all the slack in the world. He's not serious you say. He actually did it, but it doesn't matter because you liked the result.

But of course if Trump talks about getting electors to vote for him, of course he committed a felony. The only way it could possibly be a felony is if he had succeeded, but even then it wouldn't be illegal. I would bet my paycheck that when Biden loses the election he tries doing it too.
Is there a single time that you idiots on the Right make any comparison that isn’t apples and oranges? Hollywood and some Democrats tried to get some of the actual electors to change their vote. As I recall none did.

Trump tried to get the actual electors replaced with his own people. Pressuring the Governors, Secretaries of State, and Legislatures. He caused forged documents to be created and given to his slate of fake electors.

Let’s be honest. For once the Republicans are lying their asses off when they say the Left is worse.
There's nothing that Democrats can be honest about.
This is what the Georgia case is all about. Trump tried to do what Hollywood wanted to do to him when he was elected in 2016.

Clearly Biden isn't qualified to be president, but you won't hear a single Democrat point this out. They don't care if the country is being flushed down the drain as long as the Walking Dead President occupies the Oval Office. This is what brainwashing does to people. They cannot think rationally anymore.

is this another case of accusing others of what theyre doing or did??
Asking the designated electors to change their mind isn’t he same as asking state elections officials to “find votes” Shirley.
cant find something that doesnt exist,,

he wanted them to go through rejected ballots and see if any could be confirmed and counted,,

FFS you or I can do that,,
No, that's not true.

Like the time Biden said he had put together the most massive election fraud organization in history. That is what one would call a confession.

I love you guys. In one thread Biden is the most bumbling idiot in history who can’t string a single sentence together. The next he is a mastermind who admits it through arrogance.
cant find something that doesnt exist,,

he wanted them to go through rejected ballots and see if any could be confirmed and counted,,

FFS you or I can do that,, dare anyone actually do an audit and find out if the count was valid. That must be illegal, since Biden won.
I love you guys. In one thread Biden is the most bumbling idiot in history who can’t string a single sentence together. The next he is a mastermind who admits it through arrogance.
You know how Dementia works.

Biden said that stuff years ago, and now he's standing in front of the press shitting his pants.
They did. Biden kicked your blob’s ass all over the map.

Other countries were monitoring our election and the FBI showed up grabbed their servers to hide what really happened.
Wasn’t that hard either.
when you have the FBI hiding damning evidence of you and the majority of the media actively campaigning for you and state legislators illegally changing the voting process in your favor a candidate doesnt have to work that hard,,

and lets not forget the shadow campaign working with election officials to hide the counting from the public and other measures

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