Remember when I said Iran would take out Mecca and make Jerusalem it's capital

Jerusalem is Israel capital

and it will be forever.
But what is Iran's goal?
Funny you have a pic of Xerxes there. I have a pic of Leonidas in rear window of my pickup
Xerxes was a Persian. The nutso parties involved in your OP are obsessed with nonsense that happened thousands of years ago. A pic of him is quite appropriate.
Jerusalem is Israel capital

and it will be forever.
But what is Iran's goal?

SUPREMACY IN THE UMMAH ,,, and a lot more.

you may have missed it. A few years ago, Achmadinejad addressed the UN
general assembly. He ANNOUNCED -------on a live TV broadcast-------

He might just as well said "IRAN UBER ALLES" --------I did see the broadcast ----and remembered that Bellevue hospital is kinda right near the UN building.
I fully expected a bunch of Bellevue orderlies armed with restraints and
a straitjacket ------to jump into the room and drag him off to a padded
room-------it did not happen and no one mentioned it since. Iran has been
preparing to invade Saudi arabia for the glory of the 12th IMAM------for
YEARS ------many years---I am not sure how many but ----probably at least
ten. They are OCCUPYING YEMEN ---taking over just to get access to its
ports and SAUDI ARABIA (look at a map) Yemen is Iran's Czechoslovakia
Religious nutjob leaders are the worst.

OK that being said....... ----rouse yourself-----World War III started----about five years ago. Our beloved colleague Vik-----insists that Israel did it. He has a
right to his opinion. --------
Jerusalem is Israel capital

and it will be forever.
But what is Iran's goal?
Funny you have a pic of Xerxes there. I have a pic of Leonidas in rear window of my pickup
Xerxes was a Persian. The nutso parties involved in your OP are obsessed with nonsense that happened thousands of years ago. A pic of him is quite appropriate.
Molon Labe

Jerusalem is Israel capital

and it will be forever.
But what is Iran's goal?

SUPREMACY IN THE UMMAH ,,, and a lot more.

you may have missed it. A few years ago, Achmadinejad addressed the UN
general assembly. He ANNOUNCED -------on a live TV broadcast-------

He might just as well said "IRAN UBER ALLES" --------I did see the broadcast ----and remembered that Bellevue hospital is kinda right near the UN building.
I fully expected a bunch of Bellevue orderlies armed with restraints and
a straitjacket ------to jump into the room and drag him off to a padded
room-------it did not happen and no one mentioned it since. Iran has been
preparing to invade Saudi arabia for the glory of the 12th IMAM------for
YEARS ------many years---I am not sure how many but ----probably at least
ten. They are OCCUPYING YEMEN ---taking over just to get access to its
ports and SAUDI ARABIA (look at a map) Yemen is Iran's Czechoslovakia
Religious nutjob leaders are the worst.

OK that being said....... ----rouse yourself-----World War III started----about five years ago. Our beloved colleague Vik-----insists that Israel did it. He has a
right to his opinion. --------
Israel is governed by 3,000 year old magical beliefs. If WW3 = the middle east imploding on itself because a bunch of nutso deists went apeshit all over themselves, so be it. Sometimes the best way to learn a lesson is the hard way. Hopefully humanity will learn it.

And the U.S. should stay the hell out of it.
Jerusalem is Israel capital

and it will be forever.
But what is Iran's goal?
Funny you have a pic of Xerxes there. I have a pic of Leonidas in rear window of my pickup
Xerxes was a Persian. The nutso parties involved in your OP are obsessed with nonsense that happened thousands of years ago. A pic of him is quite appropriate.
Molon Labe


SUPREMACY IN THE UMMAH ,,, and a lot more.

you may have missed it. A few years ago, Achmadinejad addressed the UN
general assembly. He ANNOUNCED -------on a live TV broadcast-------

He might just as well said "IRAN UBER ALLES" --------I did see the broadcast ----and remembered that Bellevue hospital is kinda right near the UN building.
I fully expected a bunch of Bellevue orderlies armed with restraints and
a straitjacket ------to jump into the room and drag him off to a padded
room-------it did not happen and no one mentioned it since. Iran has been
preparing to invade Saudi arabia for the glory of the 12th IMAM------for
YEARS ------many years---I am not sure how many but ----probably at least
ten. They are OCCUPYING YEMEN ---taking over just to get access to its
ports and SAUDI ARABIA (look at a map) Yemen is Iran's Czechoslovakia
Religious nutjob leaders are the worst.

OK that being said....... ----rouse yourself-----World War III started----about five years ago. Our beloved colleague Vik-----insists that Israel did it. He has a
right to his opinion. --------
Israel is governed by 3,000 year old magical beliefs. If WW3 = the middle east imploding on itself because a bunch of nutso deists went apeshit all over themselves, so be it. Sometimes the best way to learn a lesson is the hard way. Hopefully humanity will learn it.

And the U.S. should stay the hell out of it.

the issue is not really Iran or Saudi arabia or Israel for the USA------it
is the AXIS alliance. China, Russia, Iran, Syria --------IMPERIALISM and TOTALITARIANISM ------you should read the Nazi propaganda of the late
1930s --------it will provide you with more "reasoning" power

SUPREMACY IN THE UMMAH ,,, and a lot more.

you may have missed it. A few years ago, Achmadinejad addressed the UN
general assembly. He ANNOUNCED -------on a live TV broadcast-------

He might just as well said "IRAN UBER ALLES" --------I did see the broadcast ----and remembered that Bellevue hospital is kinda right near the UN building.
I fully expected a bunch of Bellevue orderlies armed with restraints and
a straitjacket ------to jump into the room and drag him off to a padded
room-------it did not happen and no one mentioned it since. Iran has been
preparing to invade Saudi arabia for the glory of the 12th IMAM------for
YEARS ------many years---I am not sure how many but ----probably at least
ten. They are OCCUPYING YEMEN ---taking over just to get access to its
ports and SAUDI ARABIA (look at a map) Yemen is Iran's Czechoslovakia
Religious nutjob leaders are the worst.

OK that being said....... ----rouse yourself-----World War III started----about five years ago. Our beloved colleague Vik-----insists that Israel did it. He has a
right to his opinion. --------
Israel is governed by 3,000 year old magical beliefs. If WW3 = the middle east imploding on itself because a bunch of nutso deists went apeshit all over themselves, so be it. Sometimes the best way to learn a lesson is the hard way. Hopefully humanity will learn it.

And the U.S. should stay the hell out of it.

the issue is not really Iran or Saudi arabia or Israel for the USA------it
is the AXIS alliance. China, Russia, Iran, Syria --------IMPERIALISM and TOTALITARIANISM ------you should read the Nazi propaganda of the late
1930s --------it will provide you with more "reasoning" power
China is too smart to involve themselves in dumb religious nonsense. That's why they are dangerous and the other 3 are not. Leave the mideast disaster zone to Russia. The U.S. needs to continue moving it's focus to the far east.
SUPREMACY IN THE UMMAH ,,, and a lot more.

you may have missed it. A few years ago, Achmadinejad addressed the UN
general assembly. He ANNOUNCED -------on a live TV broadcast-------

He might just as well said "IRAN UBER ALLES" --------I did see the broadcast ----and remembered that Bellevue hospital is kinda right near the UN building.
I fully expected a bunch of Bellevue orderlies armed with restraints and
a straitjacket ------to jump into the room and drag him off to a padded
room-------it did not happen and no one mentioned it since. Iran has been
preparing to invade Saudi arabia for the glory of the 12th IMAM------for
YEARS ------many years---I am not sure how many but ----probably at least
ten. They are OCCUPYING YEMEN ---taking over just to get access to its
ports and SAUDI ARABIA (look at a map) Yemen is Iran's Czechoslovakia
Religious nutjob leaders are the worst.

OK that being said....... ----rouse yourself-----World War III started----about five years ago. Our beloved colleague Vik-----insists that Israel did it. He has a
right to his opinion. --------
Israel is governed by 3,000 year old magical beliefs. If WW3 = the middle east imploding on itself because a bunch of nutso deists went apeshit all over themselves, so be it. Sometimes the best way to learn a lesson is the hard way. Hopefully humanity will learn it.

And the U.S. should stay the hell out of it.

the issue is not really Iran or Saudi arabia or Israel for the USA------it
is the AXIS alliance. China, Russia, Iran, Syria --------IMPERIALISM and TOTALITARIANISM ------you should read the Nazi propaganda of the late
1930s --------it will provide you with more "reasoning" power
China is too smart to involve themselves in dumb religious nonsense. That's why they are dangerous and the other 3 are not. Leave the mideast disaster zone to Russia. The U.S. needs to continue moving it's focus to the far east.

you are a very confused person. All of the players have their own interests.
You issues with "religion" are meaningless. Communism and Nazism is
just a magical and fantastical a "cause" In fact----for the sake of completelness---it is logical to say the same for "democracy and capitalism"
Religious nutjob leaders are the worst.

OK that being said....... ----rouse yourself-----World War III started----about five years ago. Our beloved colleague Vik-----insists that Israel did it. He has a
right to his opinion. --------
Israel is governed by 3,000 year old magical beliefs. If WW3 = the middle east imploding on itself because a bunch of nutso deists went apeshit all over themselves, so be it. Sometimes the best way to learn a lesson is the hard way. Hopefully humanity will learn it.

And the U.S. should stay the hell out of it.

the issue is not really Iran or Saudi arabia or Israel for the USA------it
is the AXIS alliance. China, Russia, Iran, Syria --------IMPERIALISM and TOTALITARIANISM ------you should read the Nazi propaganda of the late
1930s --------it will provide you with more "reasoning" power
China is too smart to involve themselves in dumb religious nonsense. That's why they are dangerous and the other 3 are not. Leave the mideast disaster zone to Russia. The U.S. needs to continue moving it's focus to the far east.

you are a very confused person. All of the players have their own interests.
You issues with "religion" are meaningless. Communism and Nazism is
just a magical and fantastical a "cause" In fact----for the sake of completelness---it is logical to say the same for "democracy and capitalism"
Democracy and capitalism work. Theocracies and their wars don't and end in disaster for them and their enemies.

When the religious nutjobs finish killing each other off, a capitalist democracy will be around to clean up the mess.
OK that being said....... ----rouse yourself-----World War III started----about five years ago. Our beloved colleague Vik-----insists that Israel did it. He has a
right to his opinion. --------
Israel is governed by 3,000 year old magical beliefs. If WW3 = the middle east imploding on itself because a bunch of nutso deists went apeshit all over themselves, so be it. Sometimes the best way to learn a lesson is the hard way. Hopefully humanity will learn it.

And the U.S. should stay the hell out of it.

the issue is not really Iran or Saudi arabia or Israel for the USA------it
is the AXIS alliance. China, Russia, Iran, Syria --------IMPERIALISM and TOTALITARIANISM ------you should read the Nazi propaganda of the late
1930s --------it will provide you with more "reasoning" power
China is too smart to involve themselves in dumb religious nonsense. That's why they are dangerous and the other 3 are not. Leave the mideast disaster zone to Russia. The U.S. needs to continue moving it's focus to the far east.

you are a very confused person. All of the players have their own interests.
You issues with "religion" are meaningless. Communism and Nazism is
just a magical and fantastical a "cause" In fact----for the sake of completelness---it is logical to say the same for "democracy and capitalism"
Democracy and capitalism work. Theocracies and their wars don't and end in disaster for them and their enemies.

When the religious nutjobs finish killing each other off, a capitalist democracy will be around to clean up the mess.

see? you are just as RABID a fan of capitalism and democracy as MAO was
a communist
Israel is governed by 3,000 year old magical beliefs. If WW3 = the middle east imploding on itself because a bunch of nutso deists went apeshit all over themselves, so be it. Sometimes the best way to learn a lesson is the hard way. Hopefully humanity will learn it.

And the U.S. should stay the hell out of it.

the issue is not really Iran or Saudi arabia or Israel for the USA------it
is the AXIS alliance. China, Russia, Iran, Syria --------IMPERIALISM and TOTALITARIANISM ------you should read the Nazi propaganda of the late
1930s --------it will provide you with more "reasoning" power
China is too smart to involve themselves in dumb religious nonsense. That's why they are dangerous and the other 3 are not. Leave the mideast disaster zone to Russia. The U.S. needs to continue moving it's focus to the far east.

you are a very confused person. All of the players have their own interests.
You issues with "religion" are meaningless. Communism and Nazism is
just a magical and fantastical a "cause" In fact----for the sake of completelness---it is logical to say the same for "democracy and capitalism"
Democracy and capitalism work. Theocracies and their wars don't and end in disaster for them and their enemies.

When the religious nutjobs finish killing each other off, a capitalist democracy will be around to clean up the mess.

see? you are just as RABID a fan of capitalism and democracy as MAO was
a communist
For communists, those crazy Chinese sure do love capitalism these days.

As for not being a Democracy... that will always hold them back. How do you switch 1 billion people over to a Democracy? It'll take 100 years. So the U.S. really doesn't have much to worry about from them for a while probably.
One major problem with all that is Iran has to get pass Turkey first, and even though is the major backer of Hezbollah and owns Hamas also they have to deal with ISIL and Turkey first and then Jordan and Saudi Arabia, so it might be a little time before they get their wish and by then Obama is gone and Iran ass will be back where it belong...

Also OPEC will crash the world oil market which will kill Iran economy along with Russia, and then the only player will be China in this game...
is the AXIS alliance. China, Russia, Iran, Syria --------IMPERIALISM and TOTALITARIANISM
Nah, it's the Saudi, Israel and US axis that is the problem in the ME.

oh ok------in wars there is always a PHASE of POLORIZATION----which is simple--
it simply means people CHOOSE sides------you are free to migrate to China
the issue is not really Iran or Saudi arabia or Israel for the USA------it
is the AXIS alliance. China, Russia, Iran, Syria --------IMPERIALISM and TOTALITARIANISM ------you should read the Nazi propaganda of the late
1930s --------it will provide you with more "reasoning" power
China is too smart to involve themselves in dumb religious nonsense. That's why they are dangerous and the other 3 are not. Leave the mideast disaster zone to Russia. The U.S. needs to continue moving it's focus to the far east.

you are a very confused person. All of the players have their own interests.
You issues with "religion" are meaningless. Communism and Nazism is
just a magical and fantastical a "cause" In fact----for the sake of completelness---it is logical to say the same for "democracy and capitalism"
Democracy and capitalism work. Theocracies and their wars don't and end in disaster for them and their enemies.

When the religious nutjobs finish killing each other off, a capitalist democracy will be around to clean up the mess.

see? you are just as RABID a fan of capitalism and democracy as MAO was
a communist
For communists, those crazy Chinese sure do love capitalism these days.

As for not being a Democracy... that will always hold them back. How do you switch 1 billion people over to a Democracy? It'll take 100 years. So the U.S. really doesn't have much to worry about from them for a while probably.

thanks for another useless and dim remark
Why should I move? I merely observe the trouble makers.

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