Remember when i said liberals blame the item used to kill, not the person doing it?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Someone asked why the liberals never blame the person doing the killing because it goes against the victimhood mentality. When someone kills like the Broward County school shooter, who 39 times was reported for being a problem to the police, and the FBI failed to take action when they were notified about him as a future school shooter. The liberal blamed the gun not the lunatic liberal.

I told everyone that what ever the liberal HATE they blame that inanimate object, like a SUV.
Here is another example of the leftie loonies and their hatred of SUV's.

Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Notice how this family that was victim of the evil SUV, that was doing 90 mph by itself, didn't allow any of the family members to escape from its clutches? Why isn't it the fault of the person behind the wheel who was breaking the law?
No I don't remember "when you said that" but it woulda been pretty funny.

Almost as funny as your OP trying to blame a motor vehicle on your own inability to read.
We must immediately ban blonde lesbians who adopt a bunch of black children.

Do it for the children.
Someone asked why the liberals never blame the person doing the killing because it goes against the victimhood mentality. When someone kills like the Broward County school shooter, who 39 times was reported for being a problem to the police, and the FBI failed to take action when they were notified about him as a future school shooter. The liberal blamed the gun not the lunatic liberal.

I told everyone that what ever the liberal HATE they blame that inanimate object, like a SUV.
Here is another example of the leftie loonies and their hatred of SUV's.

Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Notice how this family that was victim of the evil SUV, that was doing 90 mph by itself, didn't allow any of the family members to escape from its clutches? Why isn't it the fault of the person behind the wheel who was breaking the law?

Dear andaronjim
But with abortion, the liberals blame the prolife right for waging a war against women. They don't blame the abortion, they blame men for criminalizing women; when men are equally responsible for the decisions to have sex, if not more responsible in the case of coercion and rape.

So it's really for political convenience, and which argument is going to work to defend their beliefs.

It if works to blame men, the rightwing, the NRA, whoever they can rally against "emotionally" that's what moves people to write letters to their reps, sign petitions and vote in elections.

It's not about writing good laws and investing in solutions proven to work. It's all about emotions that move public opinion and action to vote and donate money to parties that capitalize on this angle.
Someone asked why the liberals never blame the person doing the killing because it goes against the victimhood mentality. When someone kills like the Broward County school shooter, who 39 times was reported for being a problem to the police, and the FBI failed to take action when they were notified about him as a future school shooter. The liberal blamed the gun not the lunatic liberal.

I told everyone that what ever the liberal HATE they blame that inanimate object, like a SUV.
Here is another example of the leftie loonies and their hatred of SUV's.

Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Notice how this family that was victim of the evil SUV, that was doing 90 mph by itself, didn't allow any of the family members to escape from its clutches? Why isn't it the fault of the person behind the wheel who was breaking the law?

I (we) know the shooter is the responsible party and have never once even hinted that the rifle was the guilty party. Sane people don't anthropomorphize their weapons. The rifle was the tool that made it not just possible but easy for the shooter to kill many people in a short amount of time.

Next ridiculous conservative assertion?
wtf are you smokin'......?

What was responsible for the school shooting in Broward County?

Gun Culture. And the masculinity crisis that perpetuates it.

I mean --- check your own avatar. DUH :banghead:

Dear Pogo
There is nothing wrong with a 'gun culture' based on enforcing laws and defending security for everyone against criminal violations.
There is something wrong with glorifying guns to threaten force and violate laws, which is not what NRA or "gun nuts" stand for. Unless you are talking about criminals and terrorists.

It should be "terrorist culture" or "criminal culture" that people are against as the problem.

Otherwise that's like being opposed to "Christian culture" which doesn't distinguish whether you mean the Christian practice of healing people in mind body spirit and relations, which is good for society, or whether you mean religious cult abuse which is criminal.

Pogo would you agree that it isn't a problem but a solution
to support everyone in learning the Bill of Rights and importance of respect for due process, security and equal protections of all people?
Someone asked why the liberals never blame the person doing the killing because it goes against the victimhood mentality. When someone kills like the Broward County school shooter, who 39 times was reported for being a problem to the police, and the FBI failed to take action when they were notified about him as a future school shooter. The liberal blamed the gun not the lunatic liberal.

I told everyone that what ever the liberal HATE they blame that inanimate object, like a SUV.
Here is another example of the leftie loonies and their hatred of SUV's.

Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Notice how this family that was victim of the evil SUV, that was doing 90 mph by itself, didn't allow any of the family members to escape from its clutches? Why isn't it the fault of the person behind the wheel who was breaking the law?

I (we) know the shooter is the responsible party and have never once even hinted that the rifle was the guilty party. Sane people don't anthropomorphize their weapons. The rifle was the tool that made it not just possible but easy for the shooter to kill many people in a short amount of time.

Next ridiculous conservative assertion?

Okay Crepitus
What about the mental illness or criminal disorders
that allow dangerous people to kill, rob, rape and commit other crimes?

Do you see liberals going after effective diagnosis and cure
of mental illness and disorders causing crime?

With the same rigor and "marches" that target just the mass shootings, that get more media coverage, as an issue of banning guns used in those crimes?

Do you agree that the publicity factor is part of this choice of target?
Someone asked why the liberals never blame the person doing the killing because it goes against the victimhood mentality. When someone kills like the Broward County school shooter, who 39 times was reported for being a problem to the police, and the FBI failed to take action when they were notified about him as a future school shooter. The liberal blamed the gun not the lunatic liberal.

I told everyone that what ever the liberal HATE they blame that inanimate object, like a SUV.
Here is another example of the leftie loonies and their hatred of SUV's.

Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Notice how this family that was victim of the evil SUV, that was doing 90 mph by itself, didn't allow any of the family members to escape from its clutches? Why isn't it the fault of the person behind the wheel who was breaking the law?

I (we) know the shooter is the responsible party and have never once even hinted that the rifle was the guilty party. Sane people don't anthropomorphize their weapons. The rifle was the tool that made it not just possible but easy for the shooter to kill many people in a short amount of time.

Next ridiculous conservative assertion?

Okay Crepitus
What about the mental illness or criminal disorders
that allow dangerous people to kill, rob, rape and commit other crimes?

Do you see liberals going after effective diagnosis and cure
of mental illness and disorders causing crime?

With the same rigor and "marches" that target just the mass shootings, that get more media coverage, as an issue of banning guns used in those crimes?

Do you agree that the publicity factor is part of this choice of target?
Well that's pretty simple. Nobody chooses to have a mental disorder. They don't go down to the mental disorder shop and pick one up, no waiting period, just because they are pissed at their boss or depressed or whatever.

Also, the Obamacare that conservatives hate so much has some pretty significant gains for mental health treatment in it that you people are trying to make go away so don't bother trying to say you want to help mentally ill people, we already know you don't.
wtf are you smokin'......?

What was responsible for the school shooting in Broward County?

Gun Culture. And the masculinity crisis that perpetuates it.

I mean --- check your own avatar. DUH :banghead:

Dear Pogo
There is nothing wrong with a 'gun culture' based on enforcing laws and defending security for everyone against criminal violations.
There is something wrong with glorifying guns to threaten force and violate laws, which is not what NRA or "gun nuts" stand for. Unless you are talking about criminals and terrorists.

No, I was talking about "gun culture" --- which you just went on to describe: "glorifying guns" is exactly what that means. A fetish for implements of destruction.

Again --- check the avatar of the klown that posted this question for a perfect example of this very obsession.

It should be "terrorist culture" or "criminal culture" that people are against as the problem.

Nearly the same thing except that "terrorist" has political connotations. We are a culture that worships and glorifies death and destruction, whether it's "criminal" or not. And this is where I came in.

Otherwise that's like being opposed to "Christian culture" which doesn't distinguish whether you mean the Christian practice of healing people in mind body spirit and relations, which is good for society, or whether you mean religious cult abuse which is criminal.

"Guns" and "Christian" are not valid comparators. You can't blow 57 people away with a Christian and you can't explore deep spiritual questions with a firearm.

Pogo would you agree that it isn't a problem but a solution
to support everyone in learning the Bill of Rights and importance of respect for due process, security and equal protections of all people?

I don't think it's a 'solution', no, because it doesn't relate to the problem.

The problem is, again, a culture that worships death and destruction and brute force and blowing things up. That's why I included "masculinity crisis" in there. Call it 'testosterone poisoning' if you like. You wouldn't know about this but testosterone is volatile stuff. Not everybody can handle it.
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Someone asked why the liberals never blame the person doing the killing because it goes against the victimhood mentality. When someone kills like the Broward County school shooter, who 39 times was reported for being a problem to the police, and the FBI failed to take action when they were notified about him as a future school shooter. The liberal blamed the gun not the lunatic liberal.

I told everyone that what ever the liberal HATE they blame that inanimate object, like a SUV.
Here is another example of the leftie loonies and their hatred of SUV's.

Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Notice how this family that was victim of the evil SUV, that was doing 90 mph by itself, didn't allow any of the family members to escape from its clutches? Why isn't it the fault of the person behind the wheel who was breaking the law?

I (we) know the shooter is the responsible party and have never once even hinted that the rifle was the guilty party. Sane people don't anthropomorphize their weapons. The rifle was the tool that made it not just possible but easy for the shooter to kill many people in a short amount of time.

Next ridiculous conservative assertion?

Yeah I don't know where they dig up this shit. I've never seen anybody blame objects for the actions of the people using them. Ever.
Someone asked why the liberals never blame the person doing the killing because it goes against the victimhood mentality. When someone kills like the Broward County school shooter, who 39 times was reported for being a problem to the police, and the FBI failed to take action when they were notified about him as a future school shooter. The liberal blamed the gun not the lunatic liberal.

I told everyone that what ever the liberal HATE they blame that inanimate object, like a SUV.
Here is another example of the leftie loonies and their hatred of SUV's.

Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Notice how this family that was victim of the evil SUV, that was doing 90 mph by itself, didn't allow any of the family members to escape from its clutches? Why isn't it the fault of the person behind the wheel who was breaking the law?

I (we) know the shooter is the responsible party and have never once even hinted that the rifle was the guilty party. Sane people don't anthropomorphize their weapons. The rifle was the tool that made it not just possible but easy for the shooter to kill many people in a short amount of time.

Next ridiculous conservative assertion?

Okay Crepitus
What about the mental illness or criminal disorders
that allow dangerous people to kill, rob, rape and commit other crimes?

Do you see liberals going after effective diagnosis and cure
of mental illness and disorders causing crime?

With the same rigor and "marches" that target just the mass shootings, that get more media coverage, as an issue of banning guns used in those crimes?

Do you agree that the publicity factor is part of this choice of target?
Well that's pretty simple. Nobody chooses to have a mental disorder. They don't go down to the mental disorder shop and pick one up, no waiting period, just because they are pissed at their boss or depressed or whatever.

Also, the Obamacare that conservatives hate so much has some pretty significant gains for mental health treatment in it that you people are trying to make go away so don't bother trying to say you want to help mentally ill people, we already know you don't.

Dear Crepitus I'm not talking about liberal approaches to mental health that rely on govt and medications for symptoms.

Are you aware that the spiritual healing taught, practiced and offered for FREE by Christian healing methods and ministries has been used to CURE the causes of illnesses from schizophrenia to cancer? A study done on Rheumatoid Arthritis was funded by Templeton Fdn to document that the methods used by Francis MacNutt's Christian Healing Ministry in FL was effective, and even led to complete cure in at least one of the patients in the study. Which is better than the secular medicine that relies on expensive medications which only placate symptoms but don't cure the cause of the disorder as spiritual healing seeks to do.

So as much as you want to credit Obama or liberals, this backlash against the Christian right has ended up CENSORING the very methods that can cure mental and physical illness for FREE, drastically cutting the costs of health care and saving more lives. Including lives saved from mentally ill people who could be diagnosed early, treated and cured BEFORE they go out and harm or kill.

That's the approach to mental illness I'm referring to. (Dr. Scott Peck wrote books including "Glimpses of the Devil" when he observed proof that these spiritual therapy methods worked to heal schizophrenic patients of demonic voices and obsessions so that their minds and will returned to normal by removing these influences by this spiritual process. David Berkowitz known as Son of Sam was healed of his demonic voices that drove him to torture and kill victims in serial crimes, and he also advocates for earlier diagnosis treatment and cure of criminally ill people in order to save lives.)

And sadly the same liberals who reject and censor this knowledge are the ones crying out when the mentally ill either abuse guns to kill and/or end up on death row.

When the cure is coming from the very camps they most oppose and silence politically and in the media!

How tragically ironic is that, Crepitus ?

Moreover, that Obama wants to work on criminal justice reform. Had he taken this approach, of reforming criminal justice by focusing on mental health through FREE methods of spiritual healing, then this would afford the solution to universal health care for all. He could solve that problem if he addresses this one first!
No, I [/was talking about "gun culture" --- which you just went on to describe: "glorifying guns" is exactly what that means. A fetish for implements of destruction.

Again --- check the avatar of the klown that posted this question for a perfect example of this very obsession.

Dear Pogo then this is YOUR depiction of someone else's culture. This reminds me of people who "demonize" the LGBT culture as pushing immorality and even pedophilia, which isn't the intent of the LGBT movement either.

Do you agree it is wrong to discriminate and exclude the beliefs of people, just because the OPPOSITION paints it a different way?

RE: "Guns" and "Christian" are not valid comparators. You can't blow 57 people away with a Christian and you can't explore deep spiritual questions with a firearm.

Dear Pogo I am talking about Constitutional beliefs that include the right to bear arms, which you see as an obsessive gun culture in a negative light.

So yes Constitutional beliefs and Christian beliefs share a common factor in empowering people to embody the laws themselves to be self-governing.

Somehow you take this to mean oppression and abuse to kill people. But that's if people don't follow the laws and respect equal protection under laws as Constitutionalists and Christians teach.

Your fear of oppression by these "cultures" outshadows the real purpose behind the beliefs in laws for establishing civilized order by democratic principles of freedom.

It seems you see the "gun culture" as negatively as opponents see the LGBT culture. It should be pretty clear that neither side agrees with that negative depiction of them both sides argue is not fair or accurate.

Do you understand your own bias in this?
No, I [/was talking about "gun culture" --- which you just went on to describe: "glorifying guns" is exactly what that means. A fetish for implements of destruction.

Again --- check the avatar of the klown that posted this question for a perfect example of this very obsession.

Dear Pogo then this is YOUR depiction of someone else's culture. This reminds me of people who "demonize" the LGBT culture as pushing immorality and even pedophilia, which isn't the intent of the LGBT movement either.

Do you agree it is wrong to discriminate and exclude the beliefs of people, just because the OPPOSITION paints it a different way?

RE: "Guns" and "Christian" are not valid comparators. You can't blow 57 people away with a Christian and you can't explore deep spiritual questions with a firearm.

Dear Pogo I am talking about Constitutional beliefs that include the right to bear arms, which you see as an obsessive gun culture in a negative light.

So yes Constitutional beliefs and Christian beliefs share a common factor in empowering people to embody the laws themselves to be self-governing.

Somehow you take this to mean oppression and abuse to kill people. But that's if people don't follow the laws and respect equal protection under laws as Constitutionalists and Christians teach.

Your fear of oppression by these "cultures" outshadows the real purpose behind the beliefs in laws for establishing civilized order by democratic principles of freedom.

It seems you see the "gun culture" as negatively as opponents see the LGBT culture. It should be pretty clear that neither side agrees with that negative depiction of them both sides argue is not fair or accurate.

Do you understand your own bias in this?


I don't think you're reading my thoughts at all here. I posted nothing about "rights" or "Constitutional beliefs" nor did I post about "fearing" anything.

My point isn't even political at all. It's cultural. It's about social values. Nothing to do with "Constitutions" or anybody's "rights". At all. And certainly nothing to do with anything LGBT.
No, I was talking about "gun culture" --- which you just went on to describe: "glorifying guns" is exactly what that means. A fetish for implements of destruction.

Again --- check the avatar of the klown that posted this question for a perfect example of this very obsession.

An avatar of the sheriff from Blazing Saddles is glorifying guns? :71:
Someone asked why the liberals never blame the person doing the killing because it goes against the victimhood mentality. When someone kills like the Broward County school shooter, who 39 times was reported for being a problem to the police, and the FBI failed to take action when they were notified about him as a future school shooter. The liberal blamed the gun not the lunatic liberal.

I told everyone that what ever the liberal HATE they blame that inanimate object, like a SUV.
Here is another example of the leftie loonies and their hatred of SUV's.

Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Speedometer ‘pinned‘ at 90 mph as SUV carrying family plunged off a cliff, report says
Notice how this family that was victim of the evil SUV, that was doing 90 mph by itself, didn't allow any of the family members to escape from its clutches? Why isn't it the fault of the person behind the wheel who was breaking the law?

well you cant have a couple of lesbians killing off their adopted kids now can ya

goes against the narrative big time
No, I was talking about "gun culture" --- which you just went on to describe: "glorifying guns" is exactly what that means. A fetish for implements of destruction.

Again --- check the avatar of the klown that posted this question for a perfect example of this very obsession.

An avatar of the sheriff from Blazing Saddles is glorifying guns? :71:

I have no idea who that is. :dunno:

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