Woman uses her ASSAULT VEHICLE to kill 6 kids. Media buries story

cars ARE regulated:
registration required
written and driving test required
license required
license plates required
insurance required
seat belts required
airbags required
age required
safety inspections required
speed limits required
car VIN required--history reports easily obtained
car continuously redesigned to thwart carjackings/etc
many traffic laws
etc etc

cars are continuously redesigned for survival--guns to kill

Nice list....but it demonstrates the simple fact that you failed to comprehend the issue. For some reason I am not surprised.....

The point is that vehicles are allowed to be made and sold that are capable of speeds in excess of speed limits. They are, therefore, murder weapons waiting to be used. What we'd need is GPS controlled governors on all vehicles that can adjust the governor (gently, not by slamming on brakes) so NO vehicle exceed the speed limit posted on any street. And, immediately upon leaving a posted street, being restricted to speed not to exceed that of a slow-walking pedestrian.

Hey, just a little more control of your life....but you LIKE control or you couldn't be a Democrat!
cars are used in less than 1% of murders
guns are used in the majority/most of the murders
cars do not even MAKE the list
so the car analogy is totally stupid/ridiculous/nonsensical/etc
let me make it clear:
guns used in MOST of the murders--cars less than 1%

by the way--I'm not Democrat or Republican--but American
I'm not anti-gun...just pro--common sense/truth
Murder - number of victims by weapons used 2016 | Statistic


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cars ARE regulated:
registration required
written and driving test required
license required
license plates required
insurance required
seat belts required
airbags required
age required
safety inspections required
speed limits required
car VIN required--history reports easily obtained
car continuously redesigned to thwart carjackings/etc
many traffic laws
etc etc

cars are continuously redesigned for survival--guns to kill

Nice list....but it demonstrates the simple fact that you failed to comprehend the issue. For some reason I am not surprised.....

The point is that vehicles are allowed to be made and sold that are capable of speeds in excess of speed limits. They are, therefore, murder weapons waiting to be used. What we'd need is GPS controlled governors on all vehicles that can adjust the governor (gently, not by slamming on brakes) so NO vehicle exceed the speed limit posted on any street. And, immediately upon leaving a posted street, being restricted to speed not to exceed that of a slow-walking pedestrian.

Hey, just a little more control of your life....but you LIKE control or you couldn't be a Democrat!
''waiting to be used''--you just said it yourself!!!
just like everyone is waiting for jesus to come again [ never ]
...they are NOT used in many murders because they are NOT designed to murder--it is very hard to target your intentional victim
..most murders are not terror murders using vehicles

cars used in less than 1% of murders--guns used in most
..and you are wondering why people don't make a big deal of cars used in murders???!!!!!???!!!??
time for you to go back to 3rd grade math class
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cars ARE regulated:
registration required
written and driving test required
license required
license plates required
insurance required
seat belts required
airbags required
age required
safety inspections required
speed limits required
car VIN required--history reports easily obtained
car continuously redesigned to thwart carjackings/etc
many traffic laws
etc etc

cars are continuously redesigned for survival--guns to kill

Nice list....but it demonstrates the simple fact that you failed to comprehend the issue. For some reason I am not surprised.....

The point is that vehicles are allowed to be made and sold that are capable of speeds in excess of speed limits. They are, therefore, murder weapons waiting to be used. What we'd need is GPS controlled governors on all vehicles that can adjust the governor (gently, not by slamming on brakes) so NO vehicle exceed the speed limit posted on any street. And, immediately upon leaving a posted street, being restricted to speed not to exceed that of a slow-walking pedestrian.

Hey, just a little more control of your life....but you LIKE control or you couldn't be a Democrat!
cars are used in less than 1% of murders
guns are used in the majority/most of the murders
cars do not even MAKE the list
so the car analogy is totally stupid/ridiculous/nonsensical/etc
let me make it clear:
guns used in MOST of the murders--cars less than 1%

by the way--I'm not Democrat or Republican--but American
I'm not anti-gun...just pro--common sense/truth
Murder - number of victims by weapons used 2016 | Statistic

Most curious that you find a 1% murder rate acceptable...oh, wait, are you including infants murdered through abortion?
cars ARE regulated:
registration required
written and driving test required
license required
license plates required
insurance required
seat belts required
airbags required
age required
safety inspections required
speed limits required
car VIN required--history reports easily obtained
car continuously redesigned to thwart carjackings/etc
many traffic laws
etc etc

cars are continuously redesigned for survival--guns to kill

Nice list....but it demonstrates the simple fact that you failed to comprehend the issue. For some reason I am not surprised.....

The point is that vehicles are allowed to be made and sold that are capable of speeds in excess of speed limits. They are, therefore, murder weapons waiting to be used. What we'd need is GPS controlled governors on all vehicles that can adjust the governor (gently, not by slamming on brakes) so NO vehicle exceed the speed limit posted on any street. And, immediately upon leaving a posted street, being restricted to speed not to exceed that of a slow-walking pedestrian.

Hey, just a little more control of your life....but you LIKE control or you couldn't be a Democrat!
cars are used in less than 1% of murders
guns are used in the majority/most of the murders
cars do not even MAKE the list
so the car analogy is totally stupid/ridiculous/nonsensical/etc
let me make it clear:
guns used in MOST of the murders--cars less than 1%

by the way--I'm not Democrat or Republican--but American
I'm not anti-gun...just pro--common sense/truth
Murder - number of victims by weapons used 2016 | Statistic

Most curious that you find a 1% murder rate acceptable...oh, wait, are you including infants murdered through abortion?
less than 1%
..so if you have a problem--murder--and want to limit that, you should concentrate on ''weapons'' [ ahahha ] used in less than 1% of murders??!!!!???

and you and the others do not or cannot understand my original post::
cars ARE regulated........there ARE steps being taken to keep car deaths down
...there are numerous anti-drunk driving programs/ads/laws/etc
..-texting while driving ads/etc
..use seat belt ads
...your post is crap in that you interpreted my post wrongly
cars ARE regulated:
registration required
written and driving test required
license required
license plates required
insurance required
seat belts required
airbags required
age required
safety inspections required
speed limits required
car VIN required--history reports easily obtained
car continuously redesigned to thwart carjackings/etc
many traffic laws
etc etc

cars are continuously redesigned for survival--guns to kill

Nice list....but it demonstrates the simple fact that you failed to comprehend the issue. For some reason I am not surprised.....

The point is that vehicles are allowed to be made and sold that are capable of speeds in excess of speed limits. They are, therefore, murder weapons waiting to be used. What we'd need is GPS controlled governors on all vehicles that can adjust the governor (gently, not by slamming on brakes) so NO vehicle exceed the speed limit posted on any street. And, immediately upon leaving a posted street, being restricted to speed not to exceed that of a slow-walking pedestrian.

Hey, just a little more control of your life....but you LIKE control or you couldn't be a Democrat!
cars are used in less than 1% of murders
guns are used in the majority/most of the murders
cars do not even MAKE the list
so the car analogy is totally stupid/ridiculous/nonsensical/etc
let me make it clear:
guns used in MOST of the murders--cars less than 1%

by the way--I'm not Democrat or Republican--but American
I'm not anti-gun...just pro--common sense/truth
Murder - number of victims by weapons used 2016 | Statistic

Most curious that you find a 1% murder rate acceptable...oh, wait, are you including infants murdered through abortion?
abortion is not murder.......so your post is stupid ..again--ridiculous to even compare that
most car deaths are accidents not murder
like someone falling off a building--accident--not murder
someone drowning --accident --not murder
It's been a week since the wreck was discovered, and it's still the top story on Google News today. Worst burying of a story I've ever seen.

If these 6 kids had been killed by a gun nut, the media coverage would be a THOUSAND times greater.
Or if they'd been killed by a hetero couple..

If they had been killed by a hetero couple- you mean like almost all such murder suicides?

Of course if they had been killed by a white hetero Christian couple- you and Shooter would never have started a thread about them.
Nice list....but it demonstrates the simple fact that you failed to comprehend the issue. For some reason I am not surprised.....

The point is that vehicles are allowed to be made and sold that are capable of speeds in excess of speed limits. They are, therefore, murder weapons waiting to be used.

Nnnnnnope. They are transportation instruments. That's what they're designed for. "Murder weapons" would be those instruments designed for murder. Like guns. Nice try but no exploding cigar.

Similarly one could use a baseball bat, a screwdriver, or the ultimate unfindable murder weapon, the sharp icicle, to commit murder. That doesn't mean baseball bats, screwdrivers or water are "murder weapons waiting to be used".

And AGAIN --- there are still places where there are no speed limits. Moreover speed isn't needed to effect the murder anyway. Nice try but not even a cigar lighter.

What we'd need is GPS controlled governors on all vehicles that can adjust the governor (gently, not by slamming on brakes) so NO vehicle exceeds the speed limit posted on any street.

Ah yes, life without the Fourth Amendment. Fascist fantasy.
cars ARE regulated:
registration required
written and driving test required
license required
license plates required
insurance required
seat belts required
airbags required
age required
safety inspections required
speed limits required
car VIN required--history reports easily obtained
car continuously redesigned to thwart carjackings/etc
many traffic laws
etc etc

cars are continuously redesigned for survival--guns to kill

Nice list....but it demonstrates the simple fact that you failed to comprehend the issue. For some reason I am not surprised.....

The point is that vehicles are allowed to be made and sold that are capable of speeds in excess of speed limits. They are, therefore, murder weapons waiting to be used. What we'd need is GPS controlled governors on all vehicles that can adjust the governor (gently, not by slamming on brakes) so NO vehicle exceed the speed limit posted on any street. And, immediately upon leaving a posted street, being restricted to speed not to exceed that of a slow-walking pedestrian.

Hey, just a little more control of your life....but you LIKE control or you couldn't be a Democrat!
cars are used in less than 1% of murders
guns are used in the majority/most of the murders
cars do not even MAKE the list
so the car analogy is totally stupid/ridiculous/nonsensical/etc
let me make it clear:
guns used in MOST of the murders--cars less than 1%

by the way--I'm not Democrat or Republican--but American
I'm not anti-gun...just pro--common sense/truth
Murder - number of victims by weapons used 2016 | Statistic

Most curious that you find a 1% murder rate acceptable...oh, wait, are you including infants murdered through abortion?

He didn't post that. You however are a lying dishonest hack.

He posted LESS THAN 1%. Without knowing the actual numbers I'll wager he could have said "less than 0.1%" or "less than 0.01%" --- and you would have pulled the same fake point out of your ass.
most car deaths are accidents not murder

Very very few car deaths are accidents you brainless moron. 99.9% are due to deliberate reckless driving and that means it's manslaughter and in some extreme cases, murder. THINK

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