Woman uses her ASSAULT VEHICLE to kill 6 kids. Media buries story

How horrifying for the passengers in the car....wow!
Are you all done now? are you done with crazy people being ignored and not getting treatment?
It's not guns and it's not cars and it's not swords and it's not bombs it's crazy people with nowhere to go for treatment...
We had better begin to scrutinize the mental health of people when granting them a gun permit or adoption rights...
This story has been in the media for days... Drudge, FOX, CNN, MSN, MSNBC... it's been on my local news, national news...

Another ShitsSpeedos fail...

OP whines "media buries story" and then proceeds to link a Fox News page "burying" it under "Hot Topics".

Everybody knows "hot topics" is a commercial medium's way to say "nothing to see here, move along".
Because things like guns and cars do not come to life until we humans enter the picture, the stricter control needs to be placed on people, not guns, not cars, or anything else.

God bless you always!!!

cars ARE regulated:
registration required
written and driving test required
license required
license plates required
insurance required
seat belts required
airbags required
age required
safety inspections required
speed limits required
car VIN required--history reports easily obtained
car continuously redesigned to thwart carjackings/etc
many traffic laws
etc etc
cars are continuously redesigned for survival--guns to kill
Practically none of that applies to cars on private property.
Because things like guns and cars do not come to life until we humans enter the picture, the stricter control needs to be placed on people, not guns, not cars, or anything else.

God bless you always!!!


Really. Cars should have no controls? No seat belts, roll bars, shatterproof glass, air bags, inspections, none of that?

Wouldn't that be an adventure.
This story has been in the media for days... Drudge, FOX, CNN, MSN, MSNBC... it's been on my local news, national news...

Another ShitsSpeedos fail...
as i have said before....speedos is one of the stupidest posters here.....and he is a pussy....
cars ARE regulated:
registration required
written and driving test required
license required
license plates required
insurance required
seat belts required
airbags required
age required
safety inspections required
speed limits required
car VIN required--history reports easily obtained
car continuously redesigned to thwart carjackings/etc
many traffic laws
etc etc
cars are continuously redesigned for survival--guns to kill

okay harmonica
So instead of banning cars or guns
what if owners were required to carry insurance?
What if the NRA sold insurance for its members
so gun owners were evaluated for risks and the costs reflected that.

If the money went into gun safety and defense training
to reduce danger and deaths from negligence or accidents,
could that be a solution to promote responsible gun
use for defense and law enforcement purposes?
cars are used in less than 1% of murders --so they are not the problem
guns are used in the majority of murders
why should we worry about cars for murdering?

And yet.....

Not a PEEP from the media on this REAL threat to children
<<<<< crickets >>>>>>
cars are so much safer than guns
cars do not kill at anywhere near the rate of guns
cars are used 24/7 everyday and every night--from 16 year olds and up
MILLIONS are using cars every SECOND of every day
please see my above post--cars ARE regulated a lot more than guns--even though guns kill at a higher rate

Dear harmonica
Isn't it more accurate and fair to compare
the use of guns for defense and deterring crime
to the abuse of guns for offense and committing crime.

From what I understand the ratio is greatly in favor of
lawful gun use, while the illegal use is a smaller percentage.

If you are going to take the abuses out of context with the rest,
that reminds me of people who cite the pedophile abuses
as a reason to oppose all homosexuality.

I don't think that's fair either, do you?

Why would it be fair to take the criminal abuses out of context
with the legal uses for proper defense against crime. And worse, to
punish the law abiding citizens in the majority, by depriving them of rights,
because of the wrongs committed by the minority. Isn't that punishing
the wrong people for the wrong reasons?
Because things like guns and cars do not come to life until we humans enter the picture, the stricter control needs to be placed on people, not guns, not cars, or anything else.

God bless you always!!!

Really. Cars should have no controls? No seat belts, roll bars, shatterproof glass, air bags, inspections, none of that?

Wouldn't that be an adventure.
That isn't the kind of control that I was meaning.

God bless you always!!!

cars are continuously redesigned for survival--guns to kill

Cars are redesigned continuously for survival??? HAHAHA. So why does the industry design cars that do TWICE the maximum legal speed.? And why do they put internet access in cars so the driver can look at porn while driving?

The industry wants car crashes. Car crashes mean car sales. THINK
cars are continuously redesigned for survival--guns to kill

Cars are redesigned continuously for survival??? HAHAHA. So why does the industry design cars that do TWICE the maximum legal speed.? And why do they put internet access in cars so the driver can look at porn while driving?

The industry wants car crashes. Car crashes mean car sales. THINK

Once AGAIN -- there is no universal "maximum legal speed". We have places with no speed limits.

And I believe they design cars to be capable of high speeds so that they can run efficiently at lower speeds. You may be able to drive at 100mph but it would be untoward stress on the vehicle to sustain it like that.
Doing 90 mph and went off a cliff. Why are vehicles that go this fast even legal when such speeds are ILLEGAL.??? And of course millions of cars will do 120+ and yet liberals are silent about the massive carnage assault vehicles cause. Assault rifles are a microscopic problem in comparison.

Death plunge vehicle's speedometer 'pinned' at 90 mph, authorities say

april 1 2018 The speedometer of a Washington state family’s SUV was “pinned” at 90 mph when the vehicle was found Monday afternoon, crushed along the rocks of a Northern California shoreline, court documents say.

Authorities included the information in an affidavit for a search warrant for the home of Jennifer and Sarah Hart, adoptive parents of six children -- all of whom are believed to have perished when the vehicle plunged off the Pacific Coast Highway, Fox 12 Oregon reported.

The two women and three of the children were found dead at the crash site Monday, but it was unclear how much time had elapsed between the accident and the discovery.

Three other children are missing and may have been carried out to sea, authorities have said.

Cars are DESIGNED to KILL "when operated properly"? Shit, I thought they were DESIGNED to get you from point A to point B 'alive'.

cars ARE regulated:
registration required
written and driving test required
license required
license plates required
insurance required
seat belts required
airbags required
age required
safety inspections required
speed limits required
car VIN required--history reports easily obtained
car continuously redesigned to thwart carjackings/etc
many traffic laws
etc etc
cars are continuously redesigned for survival--guns to kill


Cars have been demonstrated to be highly effective killing machines, so obviously they REQUIRE even MORE regulation.

Since when has it ever been necessary for a car to go over 20 mph?

Think of the lives that could be saved!

OMG where’s the march on Washington!
cars are used in less than 1% of murders --so they are not the problem
guns are used in the majority of murders
why should we worry about cars for murdering?

And yet.....

Not a PEEP from the media on this REAL threat to children
<<<<< crickets >>>>>>

Asshole Republicans will always use the tragic death of children to attack those they disagree with.
You can't prove that only democrats have abortions...

It can be proven that the number of Democrats/Liberals having abortions is exponentially greater than those had by conservatives.

Are you aware that 15% of all abortions are obtained by evangelical women. Conservatives only oppose abortion until their daughter or their mistress gets pregnant. They’re positively hypocritical about it.
You can't prove that only democrats have abortions...

It can be proven that the number of Democrats/Liberals having abortions is exponentially greater than those had by conservatives.

Are you aware that 15% of all abortions are obtained by evangelical women. Conservatives only oppose abortion until their daughter or their mistress gets pregnant. They’re positively hypocritical about it.
religious stats are kept indeed for demographics.
Media isn't blocking anything. I literally just read on huff post and BBC that the driving off of the cliff was intentional.

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